Danny/Carmine #10 - Tongue!Porn - It's a Carmine Thing!

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I love coming here and seeing all the yummy pics. They somehow make a long day a little brighter. :D The top one of his feet cracks me up. Why are his pants rolled up? If the stylist brought over a pair that was too long, why didn't they just use Carmine's own jeans for the shoot? His feet do appear to be reasonably well maintained though. That's always a good thing. Nasty feet gross me out.
They might be rolled up for style although I have no idea why. He's a born New Yorker and the whole pantleg role-up is generally a southern thing...at least I thought so; maybe not...
afrikana said:
^lol, springmoon, did you ever doubt the dedication of a danny fan??! his 2nd toe is longer! hahah :lol:

Can you imagine? Me, of all people, doubting the dedication of a Carmine fan. Heck, I've been trying for months to find out his home address to go stalk him in person. :eek:
chaostheory08 said:
I was watching "Blink" a while ago and in the garbage barge scene, was he wearing a muscle shirt or a plain white tee with the sleeves tucked up?


You call it:


One arm looks like it's a t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the other it looks like a muscle shirt. But I believe it's a t-shirt. :(
I don't mind his hair in that pic. His hair color is better though in season 2.

If it does, I'm sure no one could say no to that. :D
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