Danny and Lindsay--Was it a mistake?

Was the marriage of Danny and Lindsay a mistake?

  • Yes, I'm very disappointed with it

    Votes: 28 39.4%
  • No, I think it was the right choice for the characters

    Votes: 31 43.7%
  • I'm indifferent

    Votes: 12 16.9%

  • Total voters


Premium Member
It's been a year since the two characters were married, so now seems as good time as any to revisit the decision... do you think it was a good one? Has it been beneficial to the characters and the show, or has it limited them and their storylines?
i went for indifferent. i quite liked them together when lindsay first started, they had a good little banter going, then they went from colleagues to pregnant with nothing in between which kind of bothered me, there was no ostensible sign that they were going to end up together until it happened, which isn't really a good thing.

i think the marriage has been problematic - firstly there's this need to constantly remind everyone about it, which is *really* irritating, but i think also it's diluted both their characters. danny was a great strong character before, and in s2, so was lindsay, but now they're kind of like one combined character and they've both lost their best bits, which is a bit of a shame really.

having said all that i'm not really bothered either way, i mean, i think it's been a bit crap but it doesn't put me right off or anything, i'm not worried about it enough to care!
I went for it was a mistake. The only thing this whole relationship and marriage has accomplished is to distroy the character of Danny Messer. Lindsay still is nothing as a character and now everything about Danny has to be tied to her and Lucy. The best thing they could do for the show and Danny is to break them up.
Seconding that, but for Lindsay and Danny both. I know I might get flack for this, but I think it was a mistake. And I was a little more okay with it at the beginning of the season when I figured they might be hitting splitsville sometime in the middle of S6, but AFAIK there’s no real trouble that they’re showcasing. And I might still have been semi-okay with no split if they didn’t Remind Us Of It In Every Single Ep Just In Case We Don’t Get It That They’re Married Yet.

Okay, yes, I know a huge problem with the way DL was handled is that they hardly interacted and there wasn’t much mentioned on where they stood, until the Baby storyline hit. Fine; but I liked it that way. So, so, so much better. DL was never what I was interested in when it came to either Lindsay or Danny’s characters, so I couldn’t care less (well, okay, until it stopped making any kind of sense around “The Box”). There were entire episodes, entire half of seasons when they barely crossed paths. And Lindsay (and Danny) are much more interesting on their own, had a lot of potential, and I feel like a lot of that has been lost this year.

In all fairness, I know for a fact that it’s possible to have two main cast characters in a relationship without losing the individuality of said characters (Friends, as a non-drama example, NCIS for a same-genre one). But to be honest, S6 hasn’t exactly convinced me that TPTB are able to manage that, so I think it would be best if DL broke up.
I guess I might be the only one on this board, but to me it was no mistake. I think it depends on how the writers handle them. Only because they're married doesn't mean that they can't show them interact with other people. I think they need to find a balance, although I also don't think we saw them together in every scene they were in. They still worked with the others as well. That they share storylines though in my eyes doesn't have to do with the fact they are married; I guess it would be the same if they were just together. I'm also glad that they didn't do it like the usual couples so far; married, fights, almost divorce, back together and all that crap. So yeah, I'm happy with the way they did it. I just think the writers have to make sure they let them interact with each other but also with all the other characters. But no, I won't bring the two case episodes up again, or should I? ;) That way they could work with others and be affected by cases/interact with other team members/whatever without the other one being involved. Who am I kidding though? I also love it when they share scenes, no matter if it's a quick (and so far all their moments in season 6 have been quick and only a matter of seconds if I remember right) romantic moment or if they're simply working as a team like in the car episode or in 6x17 (which reminded me of season 2 a bit).
No Brinchen you are not the only one :) I'm not a super DL fan but I don't think the wedding ruined Danny's character. It's only the lack of imagination for him from the writter who ruined Danny. Their interaction is not that much "only two married people working together, some smiles some kidding" and about Lucy only once during the whole season.
I would like to see writter find some goods stories for both of them and not only Danny is a stupid guy and Lindsay a poor little girl. So please writter scratch your head and find something :p:p
I would like to see writter find some goods stories for both of them and not only Danny is a stupid guy and Lindsay a poor little girl. So please writter scratch your head and find something :p:p

:lol: That's awesome! But I agree. I know I sound like a broken record, but I'd find it awesome to see things like in season 2. First of all the two case episodes where they could work together but could also be teamed up with other characters. But also there were 'character heavy cases' (I don't know how else to call that). Like Stealing Home for me was a character heavy episode for Lindsay as it was kinda related to her and gave us a chance to see more of her character and learn more about her. Season 1, 2 and 3 were good with those episodes and I think it'd be good to have that again. I think they can still do a lot with Danny and Lindsay, as individuals and as a married couple. They just have to find the right ideas.
I don't think it was a mistake, I haven't watched much of season 6 but from what I have seen of it and what I saw before, I like them as a couple. I love Lindsay's character, I think she's a strong, independent women who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, she easily became one of the gang when she joined the team. Danny I think is still a strong character and his relationship with Lindsay and now with Lucy has only given him a new facet to his character, a new part of him to explore.
I like Danny and Lindsay married. BUT...I think that the writers attempts to incorporate that into the show have been clumsy and awkward. I also think that they gave them too much, too many different events in too short a period of time. I think they have overdone things. Having them get back together, get pregnant, get married, get shot, and now get stalked by you know who in a season and a half has, IMO, stretched the limits of believability.
I'm gonna have to go with indifferent on this one.
There are always 2 sides to it:
Yes it has give them storylines in regards to the marriage and lucy and others, but it has cut the characters off from separate development. It really depends on what kind of storylines you like to see. But everything they do will always be tied to each other.
And as to why they were married? It was handled badly and rushed. A baby doesn't always mean you have to be married. It's a crime show, not an after school special.
I'm entirely indifferent to it. I don't think it's been beneficial to the show, nor detrimental. Meh. :p
I'm more on the indifferent side. Although I wasn't a fan of them getting married. I felt that Lindsay was basically forced into it.
I don't think it was a mistake at all. Alright, I really miss how it used to be. I liked D/L better when there was banter and stuff. It was more interesting to watch that. But I like them as a married couple as well. I just wish there could be more character development. There are so many things you can do with this couple. The wheelchair story was way too short. So I want to see other stories instead.

But I don't think it was a mistake. I am just unhappy with the way TPTB have chosen, and dealt with D/L storylines (and the lack of it).
I'm very indifferent, most likely because I don't care. I have nothing against this ship, but I'm not a shipper. Since I started watching CSI NY [two months ago :p] they've always been together and I felt that they were a bit of a ... stereotypical couple? But what do I know, I'm 14, and having been in only one relationship. Still in that relationship. :lol:

I think it would have been nicer, though, if the fact that they were married was not pointed out all the time. The rings are enough of reminders. :rolleyes:
I voted YES

It was a complete and sickly mistake. Danny lose his individuaty, Lindsay never got any and I can't care less about those two except when, because of their DA** story, any other story can't be developed:angryrazz:

They never had any chemistry and better i don't start!:brickwall:

Lousiest couple ever!:wtf:
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