CSI Doll-->
As others have already said above, the writers have rushed their relationship with the pregnancy and marriage. I would love them to go back to basics and interact the way they use to and show the couple we used to like. Have fun with the characters.
I wouldn't have problems with their crap if AT LEAST writers payed attention to my ship. Unfortunately it never happens
Just when you think something good is gonna start with Mac and Stella, they go backwards. And when you ask why, articles suddenly appear "This is not a soap opera. We can't put them together. We already have DL (crap) there":angryrazz: Oh yeah, because DL is not a soap opera already
This the part I have a problem with: I've seen too many people talk about chemistry between any same two characters in very different ways, to think there's a majority perception of anything about it. That's the whole point about it being subjective; ie, I've seen loads of people who think the chemistry between D/L is there, loads more who think the chemistry was there but hasn't been since S4/S5, tons who think the chemistry only came after S4/S5, loads who think the chemistry was never there to begin with -- and I've seen a similar phenomenon for Mac/Stella, Eric/Calleigh, pretty much any major ship I've ever come across on the internet.
*Débora waves to
Maya *
I should have added not only a major perception from fans but it also a general perception of chemistry working on screen.
I mean, do you remember "Speed"??? Beyond any critic, there was a major perception Sandra and Keanu had chemistry in there. Of course, maybe there were people who didn't think like that. however there was a MAJOR perception they worked nice together and producers kept that in mind so they gave them a chance to be together again in The Lake House.
(And if you ask me, they dido look wonderful there too).The same happened with Leo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet, no matter if critics liked or not their perfomances.
But when Sandra filmed "Speed 2" she didn't have the same "chemistry" or better said, the same "dynamic" if you want to use another term, with the actor who portrayed her fiancé (beyond the fact i think that sequel was horrendous:lol
So, yeah, there is a subjective part of all this but there is also a real thing that is reflected on screen
so what do i expect as a viewer?
*Individual episode for Lindsay, not including Danny
AT ALL:wtf:
*Individual stories for Danny not including Lindsay
AT ALL (he has payed the conquences enough during several years:vulcan
*I suppose she is more than the "bright girl" of the lab. Make her human, with HUMAN FAILURES. So far Mac has had the soft spot on her:scream: Stella always has been the only one who treated her in the right way:wtf:
*Probably i have been the only one who enojyed Lindsay as a witness. Without being so personal, there is a material to work in there
*Please not more of DL Horror Show. I can't have my ship then why is so necessary to rescue this pair over and over again
Why is so necessary to show they are a Happy Family?:wtf:
Lisa-->Hey you!
same goes for DL - i actually thought there was some chemistry between them when lindsay first started, in season 2 she and danny had quite the little flirty rapport going, but for some reason it got lost, perhaps because they rushed the whole marriage/babies thing, i don't know, but it's gone away, imho. but that's not to say other people can't see something.
There is a constant reference in many posts above saying the marriage and the pregnancy were rushed. Personally i think whatever they had (if they ever had any :angel: ), dissapeared long before S5 when they finally got married. So for me the marriage was a consequence, not the trigger