Dane Cook - One truly funny dude.

one of my favorite Dane Cook skits is the Car Alarm! it so funny, now whenever i hear a car alarm go off i think of Dane cook. other ones i like are called the Nothing Fight and Why Women Win Fights. hilarious!
i LOVE dane cook!! he is freakin hilarious. my favorite is the car wreck bit and burger king.

"mmm extra pickles and ummm sweet and sour sauce...extra pickly pickles" i just about die every time.

i used to listen to him while i was at work with my friends and we'd start laughing so hard we couldn't even work and everyone would be looking at us like we were idiots. i don't care, he's funny no matter how many times i listen to him.
I can't stand Dane Cook as a comedian. He's an entertainer, in my opinion, but that's about it. He delivers the jokes he tells well.

He's a joke thief, though, and that's what I really can't stand about him. You want an awesome comedian? Look up Mitch Hedberg. He's a genius.
Dane Cook is great. one of the things i like about him is some of the things he jokes about you can relate to. like the "Catholic Church", whenever i'm in church i can't keep a straight face! :lol: "your move, holyman...choose wisely" hilarious!! :lol: it was really hard to keep from laughing when we'd have mass at school. :D