Dane Cook - One truly funny dude.

:lol:I was dying during his SNL monologue.

"You're walking down the street, and you see a small boy enjoying an ice cream cone *he pretends to eat ice cream*, just run up, and SMASH IT IN HIS FACE! Then yell "Remember me forever!" and run away."

:lol: :lol: :lol:OMG.

But my favorite one is:
"Say you lost half your face in a tragic windmill accident...you're in the hospital with a bandage on one side of your face, and the minute they see you they say: "It's not so bad! You still have THIS half of your face!""

:lol: :lol:I was rolling.
I watched him on comedy central doing his stand up show. And his bit about the "finger" and his brother being the "burger king" just about made me pee my pants! A true master of comedy!
:lol:I am really suprised he isn't more popular. My friend had no idea who he was, and I showed her the SNL I taped where he was hosting and she is now totally in love with him. :lol:

I am still laughing at the Evil Toy bit...

a e i O!!! u!
Did any of you guys see him doing a small act at the MTV Video Music Awards in Las Vegas? Oh man, he was hilarious.

"Did you know when you give birth to a new born baby, you can put a microchip in them, and if they disappear, you can google search them. Google search James. JAMES WHERE'S JAMES!"

And then he goes on about how he would put a detonator beside the microchip. Man, so funny :lol:

So how'd you guys find out about Dane Cook? For me, my friend showed me the UnKool Aid video and the Guy At The Office video. SO funny. Thing is I had saw him on the VMA's but i didn't know who he was.

Oh man, and I just remembered his Optimus prime thing. Where he'd name his kids after transformers. I was laughing so hard. And then he'd name his other kid "Upfftt" :lol:
I first discovered him on SNL when he was hosting live a few months ago and I just about died... :lol: then I went to his website and listend to some stuff, and listened to a few friend's CDs. Thats how I discovered him.
i bought the Retaliation CD/DVD, and i'm so laughing-all-over-the-place. i can't stand it he's so freakin funny!

unfortunatly, i have to watch the superbowl with my family, which he is not in :(
I saw him on SNL with the whole sweater bit. Omg I die laughing every time I see that. And I saw him on...Conan...no...Jay Leno...I dunno it was one of those shows and he was talking about how he sticks up to fingers for the middle finger. And I just thought he was hilarious!
Have any of you seen his act at the Insomniac Tour? Oh my God, I was on the ground laughing it was so good. The ending just completely finished me off.

Also, the part about having parties? Classic.

"Whenever you have a party, something always breaks that's not easy to fix. They come out they're like "hey, dude your refrigerator door came off. We were all riding it and it snapped.""

Oh yeah! I did see that. You mean his, well, "coming of age" story? :lol:

I think it's funnier to listen than watch him. I don't know why.
Yes! That was so good.

"So why don't you come along with me?"

Man, I love Dane Cook.

I would have to disagree with you though. I'd rather watch him on TV than listen to his CDs. He has so much energy on-stage sometimes his actions make his jokes that much funnier.
See, I discovered him through my headphones and CDs so maybe that's why.

I watch him on TV and I don't know, like it better when I just sit there and listen.

But yes, he does have a lot of energy. :lol:
Oh really? Yeah, I'm the complete opposite.

My friends went to his website one day while I was at one of their houses, and when I said I hadn't heard of him, they showed me his cartoon clips. They were funny, but when I finally saw him on TV I laughed so much more.

Dane has tons of energy; it's what makes him who he is. He'll never be afraid to jump around the stage/take off his shirt etc.

Like in his "You always know when someone's going to fight" bit. That's one of my favourites.

Do you own both of his CDs?
Oh, God. I love Dane Cook so much. I have a crush on him, definitely.

I loved his skit on 'the finger'. I grin just thinking about it. "Suck my back!" XD