CSI Season 6 on DVD

i agree.... i've only missed two epi's this season, so i'll just rent them from blockbuster so i can watch them.. i mean, what's the point of watching them if you already know whats going to happen.... :p :p :lol: :lol:
What's the point in buying or renting them if they will be rerun for the next 50 years or so, like Gilligan and Star Trek?
GregIsHott said:
i agree.... i've only missed two epi's this season, so i'll just rent them from blockbuster so i can watch them.. i mean, what's the point of watching them if you already know whats going to happen.... :p :p :lol: :lol:

:lol: So many reasons... :p At least for me, I love watching all the funny moments over and over again until theyre not funny anymore. And I love watching Greg and Snickers scenes over and over :D
Due to health issues, I only caught the first eppie from this season and the finale, but if its coming out in SEPT. then I'm definitely going to buy it.
I'm buying it...I can obsess over Nick *drools* again and again and again! :D
Coooool. Thanks for the info :cool:

I'm soooo gonna buy it :p

abc said:
Dynamo1 said:
What's the point in buying or renting them if they will be rerun for the next 50 years or so, like Gilligan and Star Trek?

Bonus features. And amazing quality. :p
I second that. And I hope there will be bloopers -this time :rolleyes:
I'm sooo gonna buy it because A. I love CSI. B. I own all five seasons on DVD so I need the sixth. (lol) and C. I need to watch Way to Go over and over and over.

GSR baby
It's not fair! i'm in da uk. it won't come out here 4 ages. season 5's not even out yet, comes out at the end of june. already reserved in over the net. lol. cnt wait for season 6.