CSI Pyramid

You mentioned Greg twice . . .

I'll say they were all injured in the line of duty, except Stella wasn't really in the line of duty so I'll just say they were all seriously injured at one point on the show
Yeah, I mentioned Greg twice for a reason.
Injured is okay, I was going for being in the hospital (and Greg was there twice ;))

Your turn
How did Wolf land in the hospital (I don't watch Miami that often)

This one is a little more tricky

Catherine, Delko, Nick
Hmmm... we've seen their family members on the show?

Ryan was in the hospital because he got shot in the eye with a nail gun. Ouch.
That might be true but that isn't what I'm thinking off. Good guess though.

And damn, sucks to be Wolf, getting shot in the eye.
hard to give a clue without giving it away . . .

They've all been somewhere were you can't breath (hope that helps)
Okay... They've all done something underwater?

Catherine rescued Lindsay
Eric does underwater recovery
Nick went through the water to get Cassie in Gum Drops.
All have been hospitalized due to recent events (Greg in Fannysmackin', Stella with the AIDs exposure and Erik with being shot)