CSI Pyramid

Is this CSI: LV or all the CSIs? It looks like a great game but I don't watch LV so I don't know if I could play or not. Thanks!
Thanks...I'll watch a few rounds though. It seems like a lot of fun, but I want to be absolutely sure how to play and all. :D
No one seems to be going, so here's an (hopefully) easy one. I don't watch Miami or New York, so unfortunately it's just going to be Las Vegas:

And Then There Were None, Grissom Vs the Volcano, Inside the Box
Guys, let's make sure we mix things up so that this game still fits in this forum--if it's only going to be for Vegas, then it belongs in the Vegas forum. If you want it to stay here, you need to come up with other ideas. If you don't watch the other shows, come up with something about forensics/technology/etc that relates to all three shows. :)
You can have it. Basically it's times when they touch - hug in ItB, hand holding in And Then There Were None and His body pressed against hers in Grissom Vs the Volcano