CSI NY The Forgotten Child

Awesomeness, I'm so glad CSI:NY was able to stand up to Lost. All in all I get the feeling that CBS isn't promoting any of the CSI shows as much as they used to and especially not NY. That's a shame because I'm in that coveted 18-49 demographic and nearly everyone I know is swayed into watching the "it" shows like Grey's, Lost, Heroes etc. simply because they get so much press. Seriously, there's an article about those shows in every magazine and paper EVERY week. I'm not lying when I say that off of this board there is not one person I can talk to about any of the CSI's. A good article here and there could do a lot for all the CSI's and I think NY is a particularly good show for that demographic. Plus, I could get more pictures that way!! :D
^^ It gets zero promotion in Australia too, despite that it does pull good ratings. I'm surprised at the number of people who actually do watch it when it comes up in conversation, given it's abysmal treatment by the network that airs it.

Ratings period has just started up again here, finally. All the big shows are back. Lost, Heroes, Grey's Anatomy etc. No sign of when any of the CSI's are returning. No advertising. The other networks are plugging their shows hard. I think this particular network is trying to rest it's laurels on the ratings and not bother to promote. Which could be a bad mistake.

We've still got the last 3 episodes of season 2 to come before we even start season 3. :rolleyes: They couldn't even be bothered finishing the season off properly ... that's how much they respect the show and their viewers.

The show DOES do well in Australia, better than CSI Miami in fact and I can't see it being dropped any time soon. But it doesn't take a genius to understand that you need to take care of and nuture along the very thing that is propping you up (and in Channel Nine's case that is the CSI franchise).
^^ Me too. I lost interesting pretty quickly in Lost.

Addendum to my post ^^ and a case in point about how CSI NY is treated in Oz.

Apparently CSI NY is starting up again on Channel 9 tomorrow night, Monday, at 9.30. And I wouldn't have known this, except the cricket was on the tv this afternoon and one of the ANNOUNCERS on the cricket, told us that all CSIs were coming back and CSI NY starts Monday night.

I kid you not. That is the total advertising they have done for CSI NY returning to our screens. Getting a sports announcer to talk about in in the middle of a cricket match. :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:
^^lol! ok crankyjules im allowing austrailia to take the biscuit on dismal CSI NY promo!! :lol: thats just ridiculous!
Well we started getting ads on Monday LOL! At least they were the first *I've* seen.

But. They said "brand new season of CSI NY" and the promo was ALL about Danny/Lindsay and Mac/Peyton and nothing about crime

I was livid because it LOOKED as if they were conveniently forgetting about the rest of Season 2. But no, they were only passing off the rest of Season 2 as the beginning of Season 3 because last night's episode ended up being Stealing Home. They actually DID use the words 'season premier'.

Here's something giving me hope though - it's on a Monday night. And there has still been no return of the other two CSI's.

And at the end they did a BIG beat up for next week (Heroes).
^I was actually wondering about that--what is the promotion for CSI: NY like in other countries? How does it compared to the promotion for CSI and Miami? I know both CSI and Miami get more promo airtime over here, and of course, there are many, many more products from CSI and Miami than there are for NY. Is that true outside the U.S. as well?
The promo for CSI NY here in Holland is bad and I haven't ever seen any promo. I have seen them for CSI LV and CSI Miami, but never for CSI NY.

I have seen a promo for all the forensic show but only about 5 seconds of CSI NY in it, but thats it and I wouldn't call it promo neither.

We also get around 12am what's on the channel the next evening and they do mention CSI NY, but only for 3 a 5 seconds too.

I think CSI NY deserves the same promo tho. :(
Sadly, I have to admit NY is the red-headed stepchild over here too. It gets a lot less promotion than the other two CSIs.

Miami's the one who gets all the credit, when it's on there's a promo like every other commercial. NY? I spotted the first promo on Sunday, and the show's been airing for a month! Granted, I don't watch a lot of TV but I was able to see the difference nonetheless.
So it's a world-wide phenomenon. :rolleyes: What I don't get is the NY rates better than Miami here and still the strange treatment.

This year has me befuddled as to what they are doing. It returned on a Monday night. None of the franchise have ever been on a Monday night. 9.30 timeslot - still not the BEST but reasonable.

CSI (LV) returned on the Tuesday night (without much fanfare either, actually) but no return of Miami yet.

Last year they stuffed around with the time slots like nobody's business. Moving it from Wednesday to Tuesday to Sunday. Most of the time, it was preceded by CSI. Now it's on it's own on a Monday night. I'm cautiously taking this as a positive step :lol: Maybe our letters (the aussie's on the list) had some effect after all (even though there's only a few of us LOL)!!

Sorry for the rambling. After effects of pain killers.
crankyjules said:
So it's a world-wide phenomenon. :rolleyes:

Yes, it is. :rolleyes:

The only good thing about the CSI franchise here in Italy is that they choose a day for each show and usually keep it over the years. NY is on Thursdays, Vegas on Fridays and Miami on Sundays. Still, Miami gets all all the credit and it annoys me to no end because I hate that show! ;)
I know what you mean, I got so frustrated with Miami I dont watch it anymore but it seems to be the one that gets all the hype. I still watch Vegas but NY is by far my favorite.

In the UK they tend to keep the first run eps on certain nights Vegas is Tuesday, NY is Saturday. Miami re-runs after Vegas but once Vegas finishes Miami's new eps air on Tuesday with NY re-runs after it with Vegas re-runs on Saturday, they have followed that pattern the last two seasons. It seems to work and gives everyone a chance to see all the shows by rotating the reruns between weekends and mid week.

But somehow the other two shows get more publicity for the new eps and all the mags seem to have Horatio on the front cover. It drives me nutts.
May I suggest that right now The Forgotton Child is not the series, but at this point in time, Det Danny Messer?

TPTB have obviously forgotten any character development that has been built up over the years. Danny has got lost along the way to demographically-driven drivel. Someone had best put out an APB because TPTB forgot to bring the real Danny, the passionate, loyal, childlike, funny, volatile man along.
Excellent point. Danny has become the forgotten character of the show. Forgotten is the dynamic relationship between him and Mac; forgotten is the condition of his beaten and possibly dead brother Louie; forgotten are the peeks at his friendship with Flack; forgotten is everything that made the character unique, compelling, dynamic and utterly unforgetable.