CSI NY The Forgotten Child

Great thread topic, Fan123. I've long wondered exactly the same thing myself. I even mentioned in an email to Carmine once that I hate to see the way NY is treated like the bastard child of the franchise.

I hate to see Las Vegas get the majority of the TV promotion time, the board games, etc. And I especially hate to see CBS ignore NY completely at Emmy campaign time, despite stellar cast performances. ... Stay tuned for my next Carmine project, which will address that issue.

I suspect the reason for the disparate treatment has already been stated by Top and others. NY is the second spin-off. I imagine that CBS strokes their orginal stars and tells them they'll always be #1 with CBS. When they launched Miami, they probably reassured William Petersen that he was the fairest of them all and Las Vegas would remain their top priority, despite the spin-off. Ditto Petersen and add David Caruso to the mix when NY was launched. I would imagine it's some sort of corporate decision to prioritize their asset allocation based on seniority within the franchise. That policy would be supported by the ratings as well.

However, CBS needs to recognize the achievements of the shows individually. Not view them as a collective unit, with NY perpetually in third place. It's a 10 top rated show with outstanding writers and cast and has seen growth this season not found in either Las Vegas or Miami. I would love to see CBS recognize that and support their shows based on merit and potential for growth.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
I would love to see CBS recognize that and support their shows based on merit and potential for growth.
Well said! After all it's just business. And going with that comparison; the management board of a company with several branches knows that it's wise to invest more money in the branch that it likely to make a lot of profit than in the branches that are already doing well.

Spend some extra money on commercials, merchandise, etc. and make it equally as strong as your other branches.
^ Exactly! NY truly doesn't have to live in the shadow of its predecessors. It's come such a long way in terms of ratings and growth. It feels to me as if CBS limits its success, almost not wanting it to surpass another show within the franchise.

Whoever failed to take the opportunity last season to promote Carmine's performance in "Run Silent, Run Deep" for Emmy consideration should be shot. If anyone from Las Vegas delivered such a performance, CBS would have pulled out all the stops to support that nomination. Not only did they not even submit that episode, but as a reader of the trades, I can tell you that not a single dollar was spent on CSI:NY or any of its actors during the last campaign. :(
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Whoever failed to take the opportunity last season to promote Carmine's performance in "Run Silent, Run Deep" for Emmy consideration should be shot. If anyone from Las Vegas delivered such a performance, CBS would have pulled out all the stops to support that nomination. Not only did they not even submit that episode, but as a reader of the trades, I can tell you that not a single dollar was spent on CSI:NY or any of its actors during the last campaign. :(

And that's a damn shame. No further comments needed. :(
Seriously?!! I just assumed that TPTB submitted that episode at Emmy time. It has all the earmarks of the perfect episode for Emmy consideration: tightly written script, riveting storyline, some good twists, and magnificent performances by all involved, particularly Carmine and Gary. Holy Crap, they really missed the boat, by not pushing that one. As Orison said above, that's a damn shame.

Re: allocating dollars for the 3 shows, I would think that it would be prudent to start supporting the show(s) amongst the franchise that will have legs, i.e. the spinoffs. They're newer, and presumably will be around longer than the Vegas one, since that one, being in its 7th season, might very well be seeing it's last episode within the next year or two. I really can't fathom their strategy on this subject, it seems rather backasswards, to me. Why wouldn't they want to properly invest in the two shows that have something to offer farther into the future years?
MBGrissom said:
Seriously?!! I just assumed that TPTB submitted that episode at Emmy time.
They submitted "All Access" (cheers for domestic abuse :confused:) and "Bad Beat." However, they did absolutely, literally zero to promote either submission.

Re: allocating dollars for the 3 shows, I would think that it would be prudent to start supporting the show(s) amongst the franchise that will have legs, i.e. the spinoffs. They're newer, and presumably will be around longer than the Vegas one, since that one, being in its 7th season, might very well be seeing it's last episode within the next year or two. I really can't fathom their strategy on this subject, it seems rather backasswards, to me. Why wouldn't they want to properly invest in the two shows that have something to offer farther into the future years?
I wholeheartedly agree. William Petersen makes no bones about the fact that he wants out. Why not allocate the resources to the shows whose actors are still grateful to be there and devote their energies to their performances, instead of talks of what they'd rather be doing? Once Petersen leaves Las Vegas, it's done. It'd be wise to help the spin-offs step out of Las Vegas' shadow now.
Given the lack of advertising in the past by TPTB, thank goodness for things like Hill Harper's book success & signing tours, Gary's USO tours with his band, Carmine being named as one of the Sexiest Men by both TV Guide and People; you can't buy that kind of publicity, and it makes people more aware of the actors individually, and hopefully by association, more aware of the CSI NY show. And the upcoming TV Guide cover/article will certainly help generate some interest. I don't know if cover/article ideas are initiated by TV Guide or by individual show runners who lobby for them for their own shows, but however it works, it's about darn time we see something for NY. I know that particular issue will be a "keeper", for me. :D
Great topic! Poor CSI:NY, yes, I've noticed, they always have to share their spots with "Criminal Minds", and they only start showing commercials on Mondays (I see them when I watch Miami). Why not promote NY during LV, they show promos for Miami then. Oh, the show definitely needs more merchandise, just look at all us fans here on TalkCSI, there definitely are takers. ;)
ON my local station we get very little promotion of CSI NY, I see ads for Criminal Minds so often its really annoying, and they don't "share" with CSI NY. It seems every commercial break they're promoting it. I do like Criminal MInds so its nothing against that show.

I also find it strange that I see ads for CSI and CSI MIami, but very few for CSI NY.

I've noticed...bad CBS, bad! Makes two of my shows that get that treatment. Though I think CBS is better than Fox. Fox never promotes Bones much at all. At least CBS does some ads.
The fact that it's a top 10-11 show isn't the point, IMO (although you made a good point, and I'm very happy it's doing so well). It's the fact that CBS is blatantly hyping one of their shows over another, and that stinks. I still see a full minute or more for all of the Vegas shows, no matter where or when the commercial airs. And only a brief 15-second quickie for CSI NY, until about an hour or two before the episode actually airs, then they pull out the stops and actually show the entire promo. Why not give all three series equal air time? :mad:
Well stated, MBGrissom. The fact that NY is a Top 10 rated show is precisely why it should be promoted more. If ratings were an excuse for lack of promotion in any sort of "Look at how great it's doing on it's own, so why spend the money?" sense, then arguably Las Vegas shouldn't receive any promo time at all. But the fact is, that mentality is illogical. A top show requires more than just brilliant writing, a stellar cast and top-notch production. It requires marketing and first-rate promotion as well. The later being something NY does not receive very much of. Props to all involved with NY for making it the success that it is without the assistance of CBS, but thumbs down to CBS for missing the boat on some great promotional opportunities.
The show made the top 10 in Australia just a week ago too. I think it was the week RSRD aired. It did only scrape in at no. 10, while CSI was 5 I think, but Miami didn't even make the list.

And here in Australia we have the same treatment by the channel that airs the CSI franchise (don't get me started on a rant about that station). CSI NY is treated like an inbred cousin, many times removed.

Ratings season finished last week. They are airing the season closer for Miami this week. LV is finished I think. However, in the tv guide, the last episode we saw of NY was shown as the 'final' episode of the season ... Stella's rape. We still have three episodes to go ... the season is NOT finished.

Now I don't know whether they'll show those missing 3 eps next year some time, or whether they'll just be obliterated down here. They obviously think the Australian public is too stupid to know there are some more episodes in Season 2. :mad: :mad:

And as for promotion, we only ever see next episode promos for Miami and LV, hardly ever NY. :rolleyes: