CSI NY The Forgotten Child

For some reason, CSI M seems to be the favoured one here in Ireland, or at least with the Irish broadcaster. They finished broadcasting the most recent season 05/06, during the summer.
But they're only about 6 or 7 eps into S 6 of CSI LV, and about the same way through S2 of NY. And they broadcast it on Tues & wed nights, which means that we get maybe 2 eps a month because the rest of the month they show soccer matches. It's crazy. And of course the dvd's for those seasons are already out, so that's going to affect ratings, and chances are, RTE will think "oh, low ratings, better not bother with the next season", grrrr
Thanks for all your responses. I have been sending CBS a thank you card for NY each week to remind them that they should do the same for the cast. Beyond the fans - how must the cast/crew feel about this treatment and yet they seem to continue to give their all. We as fans, still get the show. Writing accolades to the cast - does not get CBS's ear., so each week I send a card with a brief note about the episode to the CBS NY Radford Studio. Maybe eventually I'll hear from them. But if not, at least I feel like I am doing my part to support my favorite show.
ceindreach said:
And of course the dvd's for those seasons are already out, so that's going to affect ratings, and chances are, RTE will think "oh, low ratings, better not bother with the next season", grrrr
i agree completely. All I have to say though is at least here in Ireland NY gets equal airtime/ commercial time with Miami and I swear to god i will strangle RTE if season 3 isnt show directly after they finish airing season 2! :mad:
I'm not so sure about england though maybe someone can fill me in because I have Sky and i NEVER see csi:NY on any of the channels! Living do back to back LV and M but I honestly have never seen as much as an Ad for NY!
I actually get really worked up about it because before I stumbled across NY (and stumbled is the apt word here) LV was my fave and someone asked earlier why does it matter if its not advertised-I can be a witness that it does! I am totally NY converted, I watch LV and M too but can you imagine the huge support NY would get if broadcastors actually put a little bit of effort into promoting it!!?
...ok rant time over! :eek: :lol:
CSI:NY isn't the only show to suffer from this syndrome. "NCIS" -- which is almost always a top twenty show, quite frequently a top ten show and occasionally even the number one show -- gets very little promotion from CBS.
I don't know why some shows generate more "buzz" than others do.
pixies said:
I'm not so sure about england though maybe someone can fill me in because I have Sky and i NEVER see csi:NY on any of the channels! Living do back to back LV and M but I honestly have never seen as much as an Ad for NY!

CSI:NY is not Sky property in the UK, that's why it's not promoted atall. It is shown on Five and on Five US here, as well as on Living TV...
To be personally honest, ever since I started watching CSI: NY, I have been hooked. I try to tune in every week, last night was a good episode. I personally am going to write a letter to CBS about the Carmine emmy thing. I may get opinions from other forum members about how my letter is going and where it needs to go. I would like to have more than one signature before I send it out. That way, we can all be heard on the whole thing. Personally the show should be getting an emmy too. Just an opinion from the ranter here.
Fan123 said:
Beyond the fans - how must the cast/crew feel about this treatment and yet they seem to continue to give their all.
It is impressive that they give 110% each week, when they may not always feel appreciated by CBS. It takes a lot of heart to work like you're #1 when consistently treated like #3.

Writing accolades to the cast - does not get CBS's ear., so each week I send a card with a brief note about the episode to the CBS NY Radford Studio. Maybe eventually I'll hear from them. But if not, at least I feel like I am doing my part to support my favorite show.
That's a good point. The things we do to show support for our favorite actors don't reach CBS, with the exception of the Emmy project. Props for your dedication in writing to CBS every week, Fan123.
Islandgirl said:
CSI:NY isn't the only show to suffer from this syndrome. "NCIS" -- which is almost always a top twenty show, quite frequently a top ten show and occasionally even the number one show -- gets very little promotion from CBS.
I don't know why some shows generate more "buzz" than others do.

Sometimes I wonder if the network "expects" the show to do well based on name recognition alone. You know, the viewers know CSI; therefore, they'll know CSI:NY. Maybe they figure since NCIS was a spinoff of JAG and is in advanced seasons, viewers know about it. How many people remember JAG at this stage, except for the syndication on USA cable network? Yes, it has its core fans, but it's no longer a mainstream favorite.

That's a dangerous assumption. What happens if core viewership slips, and there are no additional viewers to pick up the slack? We all know of great shows that have been cancelled due to no or low ratings. :(
^ There's no danger of CSI:NY being canceled. They're having their best season yet. Consistently within the top 10. And last night CSI:NY faced it's first real ratings battle of the season, facing off against the return of Lost. CSI:NY won in total viewers. It wasn't a total butt kicking and Lost won the key 18-49 demographic, but none the less, CSI:NY not only held it's own against a real ratings threat, but came out on top.
^ Thanks, I knew the show was up against Lost last night and was wondering about the ratings. :)
Fan123 said:
Thanks for all your responses. I have been sending CBS a thank you card for NY each week to remind them that they should do the same for the cast. Beyond the fans - how must the cast/crew feel about this treatment and yet they seem to continue to give their all.
Good point. It's lovely to hear from outsiders that you're doing a great job and it is appreciated, but in my experience it's much rarer to actually hear it from the people you are working FOR. And that is really disheartening, whether you're an actor in a hit tv series, or a worker at the local supermarket. Knowing you're a valued member of the organisation you work for, and that you job actually means something to TPTB is something we all need. It must be incredibly frustrating for the cast and crew of CSI NY. It is to me and I'm only a viewer.

We as fans, still get the show. Writing accolades to the cast - does not get CBS's ear., so each week I send a card with a brief note about the episode to the CBS NY Radford Studio. Maybe eventually I'll hear from them. But if not, at least I feel like I am doing my part to support my favorite show.
Wow you really are committed to the cause! Go you! :lol:

Prettyeyes said:
Sometimes I wonder if the network "expects" the show to do well based on name recognition alone. You know, the viewers know CSI; therefore, they'll know CSI:NY.
That's possible. Sometimes I get very cynical and think that it's purely about them trying to milk as much money out of the CSI cash-cow as possible.
MrsGiovinazzo said
^ There's no danger of CSI:NY being canceled. They're having their best season yet.
Phew! thanks for soothing my moment of blind panic there MrsG! :lol: