CSI NY The Forgotten Child


Hit and Run
Seems to me that CBS treats CSI New York like the forgotten child. The show seems to be doing well in it's own right, without much support. Season 3 ratings are up. Does anyone have a theory as to why CBS seems to have left CSI New York to their own devices?
In my opinion, New York suffers from 'second spin-off syndrome.' Not only is it the third CSI show, but it's also on the air while the two other, older shows are still running. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine faced this problem while running alongside The Next Generation and then Voyager, and Law & Order: Criminal Intent seems to be facing the same problem with the original L&O and SVU, both of which I believe garner higher ratings.

Interestingly, NY seems to be catching up to Miami this season--I've noticed it's very close behind Miami in the ratings, and even surpassed it one week. NY has also made the top 10 almost every week.

The show is doing very well, even without major promotion! Though I notice here in LA, there are billboards for all three CSI shows around. Maybe that's true elsewhere.
Just a while ago when Gary was on Letterman, 1st of November-- I believe. He mentioned that the show was the 6th that week and I think they're doing pretty well..

But I think that LV has been around the longest, so naturally over the years, they've accumulated the most viewers. That's just my thoughts though.
Well NY has already gotten cable syndication of a sorts as they show it on Spike TV on Sundays at 11pm EST. At least they do here in TPA. I think that speaks well for it. People love it so much they want to watch it more than once a week. hehe
I can't comment on how NY is doing in the states but I can say that I don't think it's doing so well in England. Yeah OK it gets high ratings but compared to the other two it's the underdog. A lot of people I know like LV but don't like NY or Miami
P.S. At first glance I thought the title of this post read: CSI NY The Forgotten Love Child. LoL :lol:
I've always thought that NY was considered the proverbial "red headed stepchild" by CBS. While the Vegas CSI got a full minute promo all week long for the Roger Daltry episode, CSI NY usually got a brief 15 seconds or so (from what I saw), certainly not showing enough to get casual viewers interested in watching.

I know that CBS is concerned over the ratings war between CSI/Gray's, but c'mon, don't promote CSI at the expense of CSI NY! It has been in the Top 11 every single week this season, and that's nothing to sneeze at. I really would like to see a bit more fair-minded and equal promotion.
I'm shocked Miami does as well as it does. I don't know how many people I have heard say they don't like David Caruso. He's too much of a drama queen for me, but I like Emily Proctor on there.

I've tried watching LV and that has been OK, but a couple of the characters I don't really care for. I overheard people at school and they were really pissed about Sarah and Grissom hooking up, so that might have hurt CSI a little bit, no matter how much they downplay it.

I started watching NY for Gary and then once I realized who Eddie was (Miracle is one of my favorite movies), I really good hooked.

I do agree with the red-headed stepchild comment. I'm amazed at how well NY does with such little support compared to the other programs (or the little support that I see).
Well, not that it matters to CBS, but last week New York beat out Miami by two, possibly three spots in the ratings for viewers in Canada. I believe it was 4th or 5th.
I do think its' what's been said, that some have gotten tired of the shows by the second spinoff. Plus yes it's also a younger show.

LOL I'd have to go defend GSR if I heard that but that's a whole other story...
MacsGirlMel said:
I do think its' what's been said, that some have gotten tired of the shows by the second spinoff. Plus yes it's also a younger show.

LOL I'd have to go defend GSR if I heard that but that's a whole other story...

Sadly the third spinoff killed off Star Trek (though technically it would be the fourth since all four shows: TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT are spinoffs of the original). So I'm glad to see the producers not trying for another show. Eventually every show needs to take a break for a number of years (i.e. Star Trek, Doctor Who, BSG) so that the fans can remember why they watched the show in the first place and then clamor for a revival. Believe me, I can see a revival of CSI somewhere in the future.
Well, 90% of the TV shows that I like (and liked in the past) were "red-headed stepchilds" so I'm quite used to not seeing them promoted and such. At least CSI:NY has DVDs, and the actors are interviewed every once in a while. :)

I have to say here in Italy all the CSI shows are big hits so NY gets enough consideration. At leat it did last year, we're still waiting for S2 so I shouldn't complain too much. ;)
They're really not doing that badly this year. In fact, another board I go to posted a top 20 shows of the season so far list and I was surprised at it:

2 GREY'S ANATOMY-THU 9PM ABC Thu 9:00 PM 21,976,000
3 CSI CBS Thu 9:00 PM 21,703,000
4 DANCING WITH THE STARS ABC Tue 8:00 PM 19,976,000
5 DANCING W/STARS RESULTS ABC Wed 8:00 PM 18,102,000
7 CSI: MIAMI CBS Mon 10:00 PM 17,766,000
8 LOST ABC Wed 9:00 PM 17,563,000
9 CSI: NY CBS Wed 10:00 PM 16,903,000
10 CRIMINAL MINDS CBS Wed 9:00 PM 16,792,000
11 HOUSE FOX Tue 8:00 PM 15,984,000
12 SURVIVOR: COOK ISLANDS CBS Thu 8:00 PM 15,648,000
13 TWO AND A HALF MEN CBS Mon 9:00 PM 15,442,000
14 DEAL OR NO DEAL-MON NBC Mon 8:00 PM 15,373,000
15 EXTREME MAKEOVER:HOME ED. ABC Sun 8:00 PM 15,159,000
16 WITHOUT A TRACE CBS Sun VAR 15,093,000
17 NCIS CBS Tue 8:00 PM 14,970,000
18 COLD CASE CBS Sun VAR 14,725,000
19 HEROES NBC Mon 9:00 PM 14,413,000
20 60 MINUTES CBS Sun VAR 14,366,000

They beat out Survivor, Cold Case, Without a Trace and even their lead in show, Criminal Minds. I'd say that's not too shabby.
Thanks for posting the numbers, that's great news for CSI NY! Actually, I like to see both spinoffs doing well, and as I mentioned in my above post, neither of them get as much advertising attention from CBS as the Vegas one does, so considering that, they're doing very, very well. Folks are making a point of seeking them out, even if they're not being promoted as heavily as the "mother ship" is.
church2001 said:
Sadly the third spinoff killed off Star Trek (though technically it would be the fourth since all four shows: TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT are spinoffs of the original). So I'm glad to see the producers not trying for another show. Eventually every show needs to take a break for a number of years (i.e. Star Trek, Doctor Who, BSG) so that the fans can remember why they watched the show in the first place and then clamor for a revival. Believe me, I can see a revival of CSI somewhere in the future.

Voyager (the third Trek spin-off) was when things started to go downhill, but DS9 (the second spin-off) was the best of the whole lot IMO, so I have high hopes for NY. The DS9 writers had a little more leeway primarily because they weren't as scrutinized as the other shows--they were able to take more risks with their storytelling. I'm hoping the same will hold true for NY now that their numbers are good (though Trek was in syndication, so that does make a difference).