Exactly! Therein lies the horror I think he might be feeling, and that's something I'm kind of hoping to see this season. (Pleasepleaseplease! *crosses fingers*) Because he probably was capable of killing the guy all along, but I don't think he knew that. I honestly believe that Flack was so sure he could always do the right thing no matter what the situation (because usually he does). I think it might unnerve him to face that he can't, and that he's not the straightforward moral guy when it comes down to something like this.... Things used to be pretty black and white for Flack, but he's crossed the line into this weird grey area now; I agree he probably wouldn't feel guilty over killing the guy, but I do think even he knows that he's done the wrong thing, no matter how justified he might've felt it was. I definitely agree he'll be questioning who he is
Top41 said:Agreed--a line has been crossed and I think Flack won't just be able to step back and forget it. And what happens next time? What happens when he's face to face with the guy who shot Danny? Will Flack want to kill him, too? Or if some suspect threatens Danny? Does he tell the guy to back off... or does he slam his head into a table?
^ About Flack and all, that's why I said somewhere in this thread that he's got this duality in him after (presumably) killing Angell's murderer and that it will most likely work his conscience or he'll have an introspection. There's this thin line he liked to think he would never cross (he's so stoic, professional, protect&serve, etc.) but did and he never saw it coming. And since it was done out of revenge, like some people he locked up, what does it says about good ol' Flack?! He is -that- different than the people he arrest anymore? See the kind of questions he could ask himself?! Will he think twice before shooting a criminal now? Some cops have this kind of "trauma" after being through similar situations.
i totally agree with all those flack comments - it'll be interesting to see if/how they take it forward, i'd love to see him dealing with the dilemmas of it so i really hope it's not gone to the black hole...
episode 2 just sounds like the normal "mac show" everyone wants to hurt him and he kicks ass it does my head in i know he's the main cast but bloody hell how many people can that guy piss off in one season????
haha, looks like he can add you to the list