Lab Technician
Originally Posted by *lisasimpson*:
and presumably without the whole stella's only meant to be 34 thing too! - i'm a 33 year old (well, almost) and i'd be a bit worried if anyone saw me as a mrs robinson already:guffaw:
LOL, that too :guffaw: Only why is Stella supposed to be 34 again? I thought Danny was in his 30s, and while Stella really looks great, there's no way she looks as though she could be the same age as Danny.
yeah, there's definitely a different working dynamic there. it's true though, there doesn't seem to be the same kind of restriction in NY - maybe they wanted to leave it open for soapiness! Today 12:18 AM
Maybe they wanted to leave it open for married coworkers to leave their babies all over the lab?
Originally Posted by Top41:
I don't want to see Flack turn to Mac either. Stella would be fine--those two really have a great rapport. I would have liked to see Flack be able to lean on Danny a bit, but with Danny being the one injured in the shootout, I suspect Flack will treat Danny like he always has--as something of a delicate flower. :lol: Yesterday 09:36 PM
Aw! Seeing Flack go all protective on Danny with suspects would officially make Season 6 the greatest one yet :lol:. Though I would absolutely love to see Flack get support from Danny, too - I mean, especially if it turns out that Flack isn't as strong as he used to be emotionally.
Going back to the Mac-->Flack support system, it's really not something I want to see again (it's always Mac giving support to Flack; with the IAB thing in Rush to Judgment, with Officer Moran in Season 1 and Truby in Season 3, geez, give someone else a chance). But I can't help but feel the writers might view Mac supporting Flack this time as the perfect opportunity to slip in another Mac/Claire reference...
"Mac" and I are shooting a great stunt tonight. Saving someone out of a moving elevator.
about 5 hours ago from TwitterBerry's Hill
Nice! So, I guess they're filming 6.02?