CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Start Spreading the News!

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"Adam" and "Hawkes" head to set to shoot a BIG scene today!!!!

about 10 hours ago from TwitPic

awesome pic! AJ's eyes are amazing. so hypnotizing. :eek: lol.

i saw the press release and i was so bored that i typed out the lat/long on google earth. that lat/long is actually central park, or at least very close to it. probably something significant happened there during the ep.
That pic has Fay written all over it! :D Too cute!!!! I wonder what this big scene is???

On the topic of Flack, I don't see him breaking over this either. That's just not Flack. Danny breaks, but Flack is made of stronger stuff. I can see a (somewhat) dark path for him because what happened was a terrible loss for him, but at his core he's a together guy. It will be interesting to see how he spins out of control (if that's what they're going for) for a while.
dat pic makes me go Awwwwwwwww every time I see it :D, thanks Perlnoir for reposting here. Made me smile all over again. Impossible not to really :lol:

i saw the press release and i was so bored that i typed out the lat/long on google earth. that lat/long is actually central park, or at least very close to it. probably something significant happened there during the ep.
ya made me curious, so I took a sec on my break to do the same. Looks to literally be a meteorlogical tower location (KNYC); mebbe it's also a kind of general navigational waypoint for NYC & Central Park etc. Who knows. Also not far too from the Park precinct from what came up.​
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^ This is 6.06 the ep we find out about his money woes? Or are there other Hawkes stories to look forward to I somehow missed out on spoilers for?

ETA. Well.

What a thread killing post this was. :shifty::p Natural talent.

How about. Has anybody else seen this reputed CTV promo?
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Very Beautifull

So I guess Flack not wearing a suit is the international symbol for "All is not well in the world of Flack." :lol: :rolleyes: He's all unshaven and wrinkley and stuff. A good look for Eddie, but I hope they don't keep Flack that way for too long.
The top button on his shirt's also undone... Mmm... While I hate to see a man hurt, damn, is he sexy. :D

And how blue are AJ's eyes in that picture! Holy goodness...

Thanks for posting those wonderful pictures. :D
Very Beautifull

So I guess Flack not wearing a suit is the international symbol for "All is not well in the world of Flack." :lol: :rolleyes: He's all unshaven and wrinkley and stuff. A good look for Eddie, but I hope they don't keep Flack that way for too long.

oooh lovely photo - i'll go over to belga now :) i guess that look does suggest that all's not well in flackland, but he looks nice! i like a bit of scruffy myself so it's all good. it's odd that i like mac and flack so much anyway, they are the smartest dressed people in csi, i normally go for indie kid scruffy rebel types, not smartly dressed authority figures. something is wrong with me...:guffaw::guffaw:
Omg, that one is even better than the other one I saw! :eek:

Am I a horrible person for being excited for the actual episodes where they pan in character's faces? :lol:

Because that is a very good look for Eddie- er, I mean Flack. ;) And no, your not wrong Lisa, because scruffiness makes the man! Especially with Flack, who is always so clean shaven, I loved it in the past when he had just a hint of five o' clock shadow, now the darker shadow is even more sexy. :drool:
These pics are great at least we've got that to make us wait :( I wonder why we can find sneakpeeks CSI and CSI Miami a lot of promo but New York nothing I'm dying to see the CTV promo I suppose they know we all are :scream::scream: and:drool::drool: one more week
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