Well,, I'm hoping no one is kidnapped, regular or recurring

. But. One does wonder what device they'll set up to be the cliff hanger, especially if Furlong himself does not wind up actually making an appearance prior to the finale.
I guess in the mean time the whole badge issue will somehow either be dragged out a little more, or now finally brought to light, and the hunt/investigation into the matter will continue as an intermittant background story strung along to build the up to the denouement.
My initial response was that Danny could somehow be specifically targeted, first and foremost, because Casey is (apparently) the one who lifted his belongings from the locker, whereas no one else has been "stalked" or hunted or the like. Not yet anyways. That and a big deal has been made about all of it, and his not telling anyone. What Casey could use the badge for, who knows. (Or why he pawned the dog tags either).
Second is the fact that Danny played a substantial part in talking Casey in the last time.
All that said, Casey could target anyone on the team he felt like, seeing as he was always a bit cat and mouse, revelling in being able to manipulate and play people and the system, and going to rather elaborate lengths in his machinations. He also went after all those involved in that trial before, and not just Hawkes alone.
The whole matter may not wind up being as specific to Danny as one might be led to believe. Sure, yeah, I'm curious. But wary. It will be interesting to see how they string this along.
My dread, of course, was that if all it does centre more around Danny, that that will inevitably involve DL and DLL, being a newly married guy (even if he's sarcastically only entertained and happy looking at Lingerie Football stars after less than a year of being That Guy

). (Or so. Whatever timeline the show currently functions on :lol

. Using DL/L would be an easy way to augment the Drama quotient, and I certainly wouldn't put that past the show.
I'd equally hate to have Sam come back, not for Flack family interaction and follow up, but just to be kidnapped. :shifty:

I'm wary because the Shane Casey episodes were done so well the last time, that I'd hate to see that somehow mis-used just to ramp things up for the end this season - I just want any return to match the same standard, I guess.
I hope they manage another solid finale, more in the vein of what they achieved in Pay Up and Snow Day. It all has huge potential, I readily admit, but it still does somehow feel as though that in doing this, it will need to be especially innovative, deciding to retread and cache in a bit on their achievement last time with Casey, instead of writing up something altogether new. I'm guess I'm just not willing to let myself get too keen in my expectations :lol:. I'd rather be pleasantly surprised. Hoping for the best, we'll see.