CSI:NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - This City Never Sleeps

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For Ep 5x18... There is no mention of Lindsay but the spoilers just show the parts people are auditioning for. That just means that she is not in those scene's or acts. If you read them there is no metion of Adam or Sid so she might be in the episode or the writers have a good reason for Lindsay not being there.

I would like to know when she is planing on leaving for maternity leave?
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^^ Not seeing a character like Lindsay or Adam isn't always an indicator that they won't be in the episode, but since we know Anna is getting close to her due date, it seems relevant to mention it since it might mean she's on maternity leave. Still, it's not a definite sign that she won't be there. I guess we'll see. :)

vegaslights said:

That be a lot of typing you got going on there, Fay. :p
Actually, since I keep track of the spoilers in one place for my own personal use, it was just a lot of copy-pasting. :p

Ghawazee said:

Does it mean Marty Pino is related to the flash drive case??:confused:
I didn't see anything to indicate that. It's possible, but probably not.
i read that article from tv guide from the first week in december and from what i gathered Anna had her first baby in january, and this next one it has been mentioned as a january/february baby, so i would assume she would be missing roughly the same episodes as she did back then, give or take a few.

in season 3 she left after episode 14, and came back for episode 18, i would think it would be around the same, she'd miss what 3 episodes, in the teens be back a little before the finale, which the article says Melina might be writing...hmmm. =)
thank you for the spoilers Faylinn! and also for the promo, Ghawazee!

i am so excited for the new episode! the promo just made me waaaay more excited!! i've been waiting for that promo since last year. :lol: that was angell getting slammed in the subway right? probably she and flack are chasing some suspect and they get to chase him till the subway or something.

just a few more days people! hang on! :lol:
Just a reminder to everyone. Please do not name spoiler sources if they're not major magazines (TV Guide, Entertainment Weekly, etc.) or well-known web columns like Ask Ausiello or Kristin at E! Online. Keep in mind that naming sources aside from these makes it likely that those sources will dry up. Thanks. :)
i don't know if this is even a spoiler as it already aired, but Gary Sinise was on the Bonnie Hunt show today. It didn't really have anything to do with csi:ny, more on his award from Pres. Bush, but it did show one little blip of tonights episode.

Mac is yelling at hawkes because Hawkes had been taken off the case and yet still felt the need to have adam run a compromised DNA sample, and Stella is standing in the background. (with any hope waiting for a chance to step in)

After the clip Gary goes, i'm really hostile there aren't i. And she gave him sliders!!!!!!! It was cute. =)
i don't know if this is even a spoiler as it already aired, but Gary Sinise was on the Bonnie Hunt show today. It didn't really have anything to do with csi:ny, more on his award from Pres. Bush, but it did show one little blip of tonights episode.

Mac is yelling at hawkes because Hawkes had been taken off the case and yet still felt the need to have adam run a compromised DNA sample, and Stella is standing in the background. (with any hope waiting for a chance to step in)

After the clip Gary goes, i'm really hostile there aren't i. And she gave him sliders!!!!!!! It was cute. =)

So I guess that means we probably won't see Mac telling Hawkes that he's more worried about how he is than what he did wrong. ;) :rolleyes:
It's not 'special treatment' if Lindsay isn't the only one that receives it. Duh. ;)
eh, Lindsay's "special treatment" (waves flacks bunny ears headband **quotes**random umm...yea) was just a passing moment a snippet, a millisecond,

Hawkes gets real screen time with Mac, a big scene about emotions, at least thats what i'm picking up from spoilers. Not this elementary school teacher stuff Lindsay got. Ahhhh it looks like a good episode.

Count down: 4 hours and 41 minutes people.. =)
^ gotcha.

Though I'm not a huge fan of Hawkes... I am looking forward to this episode. I just find his character very drawl. Nothing exciting about him.

Maybe he'll prove to be something interesting tonight.
It's not 'special treatment' if Lindsay isn't the only one that receives it. Duh. ;)

What chu talkin' bout, Willis?
:p I was just joking about the fact that the other characters have gotten reamed out by Mac for various and sundry offenses, but Lindsay is the only one that gets the 'I care more about you than the lab' addition afterwards.

Count down: 4 hours and 41 minutes people.. =)
I swear, if my local network pushes Criminal Minds and CSI:NY to the middle of the night in favor of a basketball game or something, I'm going to be so mad. They did it once before, and I think another city not-too-far from here is pushing them back. *glares at the TV* They'd better not...

I'm looking forward to this one since Hawkes rarely gets anything to do, and Hill rarely gets anything worth being in an episode for. I'm not surprised that he gets a verbal smackdown from Mac (is that how he shows his love? :rolleyes:) - it wouldn't be a character-centric episode without someone breaking the rules, I guess. However, I'm definitely looking forward to their supposed heart-to-heart scene (whatever it may end up being). :)
It's not 'special treatment' if Lindsay isn't the only one that receives it. Duh. ;)

What chu talkin' bout, Willis?
:p I was just joking about the fact that the other characters have gotten reamed out by Mac for various and sundry offenses, but Lindsay is the only one that gets the 'I care more about you than the lab' addition afterwards.

It's clearly because she's sensitive. :lol:
I can see Lindsay being a crier "I'm sorry! I didn't know! Blame Danny he's a boy!!!:(" kinda thing.

She could do the Shriek eyes (the cat) and get away with anything. haha
I am seriously excited for this episode and the Hawkes scene. 2 hours before I can see it. I love the advantages of time shifting :luvlove: I love Sheldon and Mac and Stella so I'm probably gonna fall on the ground during this scene. I'm also waiting for the scene at the end with Sid, Mac and Stella in the subway. Mac and Stella's heads make a heart :)
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