CSI:NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - This City Never Sleeps

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While it's been done before, it is something that has personal meaning to Julia Ormond - she founded the Alliance to Stop Slavery and End Trafficking (ASSET) - and it's one of her episodes.:)

Maybe I'm just grumpy this afternoon, but I don't really give a damn that it's personal to Julia Ormond. I might, if she were sticking around for more than three episodes, but since she likely isn't, this just reeks of celebrity proselytizing and yet another blatant attempt at relevance by the creatively bankrupt writing staff. As Top pointed out, both of the other CSIs have explored this topic, and done it better than NY will, IMHO.

That said, I hope the episode is a good one.
A member of the Smacked Family found in Facebook the "Mac and Ella" profile

we found it creepy if it was really made by a fan But it could be interesting too because it could be done by CSI NY production

I do like that storyline (despite of i didnt found another word to describe Ella than psycho)

Also Julia Ormond's storyline is realistic as Surreal said. Actually a theatre play was perfomed not so long ago in U.N building regarding this case. It's not something that happens in Africa. It's something that happens everywhere.

Hopefully it will be treat with respect for so many women who were/are affected by this issue

Debbs :)

Thanks Fruitbar by the new promo :)

This is a generic promo posted originally inside the Smacked Thread by Vaveama

It's beautiful

While it's been done before, it is something that has personal meaning to Julia Ormond - she founded the Alliance to Stop Slavery and End Trafficking (ASSET) - and it's one of her episodes.:)

Maybe I'm just grumpy this afternoon, but I don't really give a damn that it's personal to Julia Ormond. I might, if she were sticking around for more than three episodes, but since she likely isn't, this just reeks of celebrity proselytizing and yet another blatant attempt at relevance by the creatively bankrupt writing staff. As Top pointed out, both of the other CSIs have explored this topic, and done it better than NY will, IMHO.

That said, I hope the episode is a good one.
To be honest, every storyline on these shows has been done a thousand times. It all comes down to how well it's done, and how it's interpreted for the specific show/characters/etc. Miami and Vegas may have done human trafficking, but I don't think that should prevent NY from doing a similar storyline - just as NY doing an episode about [insert subject here] shouldn't mean that the other shows can't try their hand at the same topic.

It should be done well, regardless of who's doing it (be it a CSI show or one of the gazillion other crime dramas on TV right now), but I think that's what it comes down to: how the show tells the story. :)

And at least they're doing it to accommodate Julia Ormond instead of, say, Diddy (CSI: Miami, I'm looking at you). :p
While it's been done before, it is something that has personal meaning to Julia Ormond - she founded the Alliance to Stop Slavery and End Trafficking (ASSET) - and it's one of her episodes.:)

Maybe I'm just grumpy this afternoon, but I don't really give a damn that it's personal to Julia Ormond. I might, if she were sticking around for more than three episodes, but since she likely isn't, this just reeks of celebrity proselytizing and yet another blatant attempt at relevance by the creatively bankrupt writing staff. As Top pointed out, both of the other CSIs have explored this topic, and done it better than NY will, IMHO.

That said, I hope the episode is a good one.
To be honest, every storyline on these shows has been done a thousand times. It all comes down to how well it's done, and how it's interpreted for the specific show/characters/etc. Miami and Vegas may have done human trafficking, but I don't think that should prevent NY from doing a similar storyline - just as NY doing an episode about [insert subject here] shouldn't mean that the other shows can't try their hand at the same topic.

Yeah, I know. It just always goes the same with these human trafficking stories--the girls end up being portrayed as two-dimensional victims that have to be rescued by big strong men like Horatio and Mac. I'll admit, human trafficking isn't my area of expertise and maybe Ormond's knowledge will inform the episode, but part of the reason I don't like the human trafficking episodes is that they're so cookie cutter. The bad guys are cardboard baddies and the girls are helpless victims. I'm not saying that's not the way it is--of course the men doing this are horrendous and the women are in terrible situations--but the CSI shows haven't explored the issue in any depth. Even the original, which is usually really good at adding depth and nuance to stories, didn't do the human trafficking story with any complexity. So that's where my reservations are coming from.

And this is totally random and on another topic, but I wonder if the DL "valentine" could be that we'll find out the sex of the baby??
Yeah, every show does human trafficking - I've seen it on L&O, it was also on Without A Trace. There are so many crime shows and only so many really good crimes for them to investigate. But, maybe they'll put a good spin on it.
I don't really have too much of a problem with them doing human trafficking, even though its been done before. Like people have said, its HOW you do it that makes the episode, not necessarily how unique the storyline is.

What bugs me though is that CSI:NY has to resort to it. I don't exactly know where the main places are for it to occur, but that fact that it can be in CSI, Miami, and New York makes it kind of generic, and in a city like New York, you would think they could come up with more unique storylines...

But hey, we'll see how it plays out. I'm definately interested to see if they do it well or not.
yea i don't mind the sex traffic thing, i actually haven't seen the other two csi's eps on it, so its all new to me, but i do agree the story lines are getting generic. The next hiatus it think i needs to be a goal of the writers to take a pen and note book, and go sit outside in new york at night and just brainstorm....and i mean like sit in a dark alley in a bad neighborhood. =] no i'm not evil, i just want something grimy, dirty, and makes me think. oh yea and GORE!!! like honest to god you one more drop of blood and it couldn't be shown on tv gore. make gary sinese gag (he said he gags sometimes right??) make it almost too much for even sid to handle!!!! muah ha ha...i'm a fluffy person honest =/ GORE!!!!
Kristine did a new interview with Eddie - good stuff! :D

Of particular interest to the spoiler thread:

Cahill: ...I had this experience with a guest star the other day, this kid who was playing a Nazi-kind of character. This kid was so poised, he was fucking scary in so many ways, that suddenly I find myself five seasons into this show going, "What the hell do I do here? I can't just dance around this guy. I can't flack him until the scene's over, it's just not going to work with him!" And it was really kind of fascinating...
Ooh, sounds interesting! I have no idea what episode that's referring to, but I'm excited to see the scene.

CSI Files: We've heard that Flack is going to be speaking Gaelic in an upcoming episode!

Cahill: Yeah, I speak Irish!

CSI Files:
Do you really speak Irish?

No, I don't speak Irish. I've been around people who actually speak Irish, but it's not a language I speak.

CSI Files:
Is that going to be a big challenge for you?

We just shot it. We had guys on set who knew the pronunciations. There's no phonetic reference for that language at all, so it would have been an immense challenge were it not to have help. But I'm nervous about it! After a couple of takes, I looked at the writer and said, "Does that even sound like a language?" But it was fun. It is an odd skill, shared by Flack and .05% of the world's population!

CSI Files:
So Flack has hidden talents!

I like that. I do think there's something kind of eccentric about Flack that I really appreciate.
So we're definitely getting the part where he speaks Irish - I wasn't sure if that was something they might edit out along the way. :D

There's a lot of other good stuff in the interview, but those are the two that I thought were particularly relevant as "spoilers". :)
That's a good interview with Eddie, it's great to see his take on where the character is etc. I'm a little disappointed it doesn't look like Samantha will be back this season though, unless of course it's in the final episodes and Eddie doesn't know about it yet.

Anyway, there are new promotional pictures up on Spoiler TV for the next few episodes. There's a funny one of Flack standing with Stella where he looks like he's wringing his hands in pain/distress or something, it just struck me as somewhat amusing. There are also pictures of 'the wedding' for those who want to :drool: or :rolleyes: over them. :)
I chose to go with the :rolleyes: option. :p

I love the Adam promos, though - especially the one for "Green Piece". *smish* Speaking of which, here's the press release - I don't think we've seen it yet.


"Green Piece" - A lethal pipe-bomb blows a Manhattan townhouse and valuable evidence to pieces, forcing the CSIs to get creative in reconstructing the damaged clues that ultimately lead to the bomber, on CSI: NY Wednesday, March 11 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Det. Mac Taylor............................. Gary Sinise
Det. Stella Bonasera......... Melina Kanakaredes
Danny Messer................... Carmine Giovinazzo
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes....................... Hill Harper
Det. Don Flack............................. Eddie Cahill
Lindsay Monroe......................... Anna Belknap
Adam Ross.................................... AJ Buckley
Dr. Sid Hammerback...................... Robert Joy

Player #1........................................ Grant Alan
Felix Redman................................ Robert Gant
EMS Officer............................ Asia Demarcos
Allsion Redman............................. Sarah Butler
Michael Elgers........................... Matt McTighe
Teddy Mayheim/Theodore Wicks........................... John Sloan
Clerk....................................... Dinora Walcott
FBI Agent Richardson............ Mark Englehardt

Written by: Zachary Reiter
Directed by: Jeffrey Hunt
Source: CBS
Have I mentioned that I love Bobby Gant? :D :D :D :D :D I'm so excited I could pee.

ETA: The name 'Sarah Butler' looked familiar, so I IMDb'ed her - if it's the same girl that appeared in the Miami episode "Bombshell", I have to chuckle since that episode was about a bomb too. And it had Chad Allen in it. Whom I also love. If she appears on CSI, maybe Wilson Cruz will show up on there and I can call her my good luck charm. :p
When I saw that picture of Flack's hands I just had to do it too - the Green Piece promos are small though - I'd like bigger ones.
I chose to go with the :rolleyes: option. :p

Really? I'd like to say I'm surprised but it would be a lie! :D

ETA: The name 'Sarah Butler' looked familiar, so I IMDb'ed her - if it's the same girl that appeared in the Miami episode "Bombshell", I have to chuckle since that episode was about a bomb too. And it had Chad Allen in it. Whom I also love. If she appears on CSI, maybe Wilson Cruz will show up on there and I can call her my good luck charm. :p

When I saw the name 'Sarah Butler' I thought it was the victim from Stealing Home, until I realised the name in the credits was the actor rather than the character :rolleyes:.
Those wedding pics are just way too funny to take them serious:lol:
Other then that,the very fact that they actually have pics of that scene makes me more convinced that something is going downhill afterwards.
It`s just a matter of time.
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