CSI:NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - This City Never Sleeps

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It's almost an offense. I have wait FIVE years until i get some Smacked and suddenly when i thought the nightmare was over and they were going to start thinking on Smacked, they just create another ship to keep the same future as DL. I can imagine next year Angell will run off some clinic and Don will find out he is going to be a Daddy:rolleyes:

And Smacked????? it's clear they don't care about us:wtf: Only Melina let us know in the last CSI Magazine she knew many people want Stella and Mac together. It's dissapointing

funny comment on Angell and Flack haha. at this rate i would not doubt it if that were to happen. as much as i love D/L they do grate me sometimes and i do feel TPTB took things a little too fast with them. but hey this is TV, TV is not normal.

i would like to see some Smacked action. with the way the other ships are going i would say that Smacked should be taken slowly if anything comes out of that. right now Mac and Stella seem like too good of friends and coworkers to hook up. maybe TPTB can keep like Booth and Brennan from "Bones" i honestly like that better than all the hooking up.

i was looking forward to seeing more of Flack's sister and now we have to wait until season 6?! is anyone going to remember that story besides us on this board?

Reed i can live without. i like Kyle Gallner but i hate the character, he started off good but then got too much.
I was expecting Sam too as much as i did with Reed. I liked both of them because they tell me about Mac and Don's feelings outside the lab (I hope at some point to have Stella meeting her family someday)

Perhaps now DL "tie the knot" producers and writers need another "Young couple" storyline

But that's unfair to us, Smacked fans. We can't wait forever. Besides their relationship was settled from the beginning as "the best friends and more" .Nobody in the world could make more than Stella did for him and "the Family feeling" Mac did for her.
I understand they can't hook up this season (not with DL show) but at least something ((5.06 was a good start with that beautiful dinner date. Something they used to have in S1 and S2)

Also i think because of DL moments, F/A weren't in a rush to get together. I mean they could have showed all the flufflyness next season and to settle the basis on Smacked.

At this point i have too much on romances..but the only romance i want i don't have it
Gezzz Thanks God Huddy exists

On the other hand i can't complain as Stella fan. She is getting great scenes with everyone wthis season. This is not Stella's season. However it's so sweet her interaction with everybody in the lab. Great emotional and tender and sweet scenes (Adam and Don were my fav). Also the season finale is long deserved. Melina never had a finale on her own

So i have contradictory feelings about this season

Debbie ;)
I was expecting Sam too as much as i did with Reed. I liked both of them because they tell me about Mac and Don's feelings outside the lab (I hope at some point to have Stella meeting her family someday)

I would love for Stella to meet her family. That would be absolutely amazing. I did like Reed because he showed a different side of Mac and through him, we could learn more about Claire (I really want to know more about Mac's first wife). I didn't like Sam's character but I like how we learn more about Flack because of her.

This season has been okay. I have to say I miss the closeness between Mac and Stella. Every other season, even when he was dating Peyton, they were extremely close. Then this season, it disappears. I have no clue as to why either.

About D/L...well, I do like them together BUT the constant focus on them does get annoying. That's the only problem I have as a SMACked fan. If it happens, I'm worried that the writers will turn it into something like D/L. Mac and Stella deserve better than that!

So that's my opinions on this season so far. I'm still mad we have to wait TWO weeks for a new episode.


P.S. I lovethe avvie Debbie :)
Ghawazee posted part of the press release, but I don't think we've seen the whole thing for 5.15 yet, so here it is courtesy of the Futon Critic:


Craig T. Nelson ("Coach") Guest Stars As Robert Dunbrook Julia Ormond ("The Curious Case of Benjamin Button") Guest Stars As Deputy Inspector Gillian Whitford

"The Party's Over" - When the Mayor's dead body falls from the ceiling, along with hundreds of balloons, at a charity fundraiser, Stella and her date find themselves in the middle of the crime scene and Mac goes head to head with Robert Dunbrook (Nelson), on CSI: NY Wednesday, Feb. 18 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Det. Mac Taylor: Gary Sinise
Det. Stella Bonasera: Melina Kanakaredes
Danny Messer: Carmine Giovinazzo
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes: Hill Harper
Det. Don Flack: Eddie Cahill
Lindsay Monroe: Anna Belknap
Adam Ross: AJ Buckley
Dr. Sid Hammerback: Robert Joy

Robert Dunbrook: Craig T. Nelson
Deputy Inspector Gillian Whitford: Julia Ormond
Brendon Walsh: Ethan Erickson
Jake Kaplan: Skyler Gisondo
Dep. Mayor Kaplan: David Chisum
Neal Weston: Maury Sterling
Det. Stan Miller: Donnie Jeffcoat
Officer Marks: Jack McGee
Defense Attorney: Craig Woolson
Reporter #1: Ramona Dubarry
Reporter #2: Marta McGonagle
Uni: Rudy Dobrev
Bodega Owner: Al Vincente
Thug: Jace James

Written by: Barbie Kligman
Directed by: Oz Scott

RATING: To Be Announced
Stella at a party with her date when someone dies - I'm having Frankie flashbacks. :lol: But it does seem that 'Mr. Muscley Fireman' :p will be her date if the guest cast list is anything to go by (since Ethan is listed first right under Craig T Nelson and Julia Ormond, which implies that he'll be there at the beginning of the episode).

This'll be Julia's third and, as far as we know right now, final episode. And it's the introduction of Craig T Nelson's 'nemesis' character. We'll see how that plays out.
^Yeah, the Stella and her date bit sounds like "Stuck on You."

I think the reason Flack and Angell are heating up is that Danny and Lindsay were originally supposed to be the "hot young couple." Well, it's obvious by now there's no heat there--I get that some find them cute and sweet, but no matter how you look at it, they're not hot--and now with the baby, there's definitely no heat. So Flack and Angell are being played up to bring in the sex appeal.

I hope Sam and Reed do come back in season six, but that quote shows they're definitely not planning to bring them back in season five. And I remember during seasons three and four, we heard that Louie might come back at some point...and well.... ;) And then of course Rikki was all set to come back and then that didn't happen. So until they're in a guest cast listing or in spoilers, I'm not holding my breath.
I would love for Stella to meet her family. That would be absolutely amazing. I did like Reed because he showed a different side of Mac and through him, we could learn more about Claire (I really want to know more about Mac's first wife). I didn't like Sam's character but I like how we learn more about Flack because of her.

i want so hard to know more about Claire (even in flashbacks) I wonder what could happen if they found DNA (well that could happened) or even if Claire goes back alive after so many years... I'm not saying she could have amnesia but probably Mac thought was there but what if she left the office before or if she never went into it

Also it was implying Mac loved her a lot. But how she would feel about not having her husband enough? We don't know Claire's POV so we don't know if she was happy.
Besides it would be interesting because Mac is Catholic and Catholics cannot be divorced. How would he feel now he considerer himself a free man?

I want to know Stella's family as well but i can wait a little longer. Liv's family (from Law&Order SVU) was known after 8 years so ;) (And i love Liv as much as i love Cuddy and my beloved Stella):thumbsup: I would like a very well treated episode for Melina. She can make you feel whatever she wants:thumbsup:

This season has been okay. I have to say I miss the closeness between Mac and Stella. Every other season, even when he was dating Peyton, they were extremely close. Then this season, it disappears. I have no clue as to why either.

Probably i wouldn't complain so hard about other things if i had the closeness between them as we had in S1,S2,S3 and S4. They seem to go ON-OFF. I don't know why (I don't know if there is a reason or they just forgot how to write their relationship)

-->Craig T. Nelson--before the good guy from Poltergeist and suddenly the Nemesis. Cool. That's promising :D but i don't understand exactly how his character is going to be? A billonaire? a Journalist, thirsty of reveange???? I'm lost! :D (Thanks Fay for posting the press release)

I think the reason Flack and Angell are heating up is that Danny and Lindsay were originally supposed to be the "hot young couple." Well, it's obvious by now there's no heat there--I get that some find them cute and sweet, but no matter how you look at it, they're not hot--and now with the baby, there's definitely no heat. So Flack and Angell are being played up to bring in the sex appeal.

Top--> you have said it all:lol::lol::lol: Even Antarctica seemsto be Caribbean compared to that duo (I refuse to call them couple):lol:
I hope they don't do a "she's alive' storyline, I just don't think it would be right. I've seen other people say it on here too.
what if some Claire's sister or mother blamed Mac for not being there for her and they revelead him some Claire's secret conversations, thoughts and feelings????

Long time ago i said i would prefer the DNA thing. I repeat it now. But i want Claire somehow. I don't care if it is in flashbacks ;)
I don't know - if Mac & Stella paired up I'd feel like Hawkes got left out and he'd be stuck with Adam & Sid. I personally am fine with Mac & Stella just being good friends, TBH.
I don't know - if Mac & Stella paired up I'd feel like Hawkes got left out and he'd be stuck with Adam & Sid.
I vote for Adam. :p

UM YUM!!!! Sid can join in you know the house of trinogomy....that or direct!:drool:

as for smacked, i don't see it happening, i know at times i'm like awe that was sweet, but i feel if they put those two characters together it wouldn't be until the very end. Its like a rule: save the kiss for the end of the movie...don't pair up the main characters till the end of the series, that kinda thing.

and i will keep saying it i love the little moments, d/l anyway, too much focus ruins the stories, glimpses lots of glimpses to a variety of characters and matchups...more danny/adam please...can hawkes get sneaky with mac...more creepy places for sid...oh can we get like a flash back into a creepy place then zoom in to present on flacks disgusted face(i know flack is never in the morgue, but his faces!):guffaw:
New spoilers - 5.20 "Prey"

I'll be back with more info.


5.20 "Prey":

A man is found with a gunshot wound to the chest. He was a voice coach who worked for the theater where the body is found - the theater director says that he also used the rehearsal space for private lessons.

They find a fist print in the wall of the vocal studio, and the victim has a spoke card (like you'd put on a bicycle wheel) in his pocket with a phone number on the back.

The case seems to involve stalking.

Angell is there - she has some scenes with Stella (related to this case)​
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New spoilers - 5.20 "Prey"

I'll be back with more info.

5.20 "Prey":

A man is found with a gunshot wound to the chest. He was a voice coach who worked for the theater where the body is found - the theater director says that he also used the rehearsal space for private lessons.

They find a fist print in the wall of the vocal studio, and the victim has a spoke card (like you'd put on a bicycle wheel) in his pocket with a phone number on the back.

The case seems to involve stalking.

Angell is there - she has some scenes with Stella (related to this case)​

Well, at least Angell is with Stella being an actual detective and not barricaded in the precinct bathroom with Flack, demanding to know if she left her diaphragm at his place last night.
^Yeah, I didn't think they'd end up having Angell just be Flack's love interest. Glad to see I was right about that one.

This one sounds okay...not a lot to judge from. Anything interesting happening with any of the characters?
i think it would be really awesome if they really beefed up the stalking story, almost like one of those creepy stories where its like your talking to the tv, theres gotta be someone behind that door, don't go in there type things.

i think i' starved for a show or an episode that keeps me on my seat the entire episode...like snow day..i watched it alone in the dark in a new house in an iffy campus town...it was amazing how intense the ep felt...i want that again.....mortal peril, it doesn't even have to be the main characters just a good extra, okay a really good extra.
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