CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - Back in the Big Apple

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Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

After that he calls her and say such a wonderful things like "Miss you, more than I can say" and say sorry! Who could resist? I absolutely not.

If he called and said "Hello" I'd have my pants off before he knew it!
Come on!
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Excuse me while I vomit. Again.

Seriously. After season 4, I thought we were seeing an end to this soap opera that has been Danny and Lindsay. Having her be pregnant with his child and them probably getting married (because, as Top said, it's CBS, it will happen), it's just a ploy to create more of the drama that a select few want to see.

And this is not to diss them in any way, shape, or form. I'm just saying that I, for one, am sick of it.

Lindsay, to me, is starting to look like a more annoying Peyton- someone brought in just as a love interest for another character. Let's think here, what development has she had completely independent of Danny? You could say the thing when she was younger, but he showed up at the trial, so that doesn't really work.

I don't know.

It just seems rather cheap, to me, and a waste of not one, but two characters. Lindsay could've had some interesting development alone, as could Danny, and I feel that now, they'll never get the chance because of the baby and the probable wedding.

I bet Danny's bed does have a coin slot. Don't know what he does with the money, but there's gotta be one. He's like the villiage bicycle... :lol:
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

A little blurb from TV Guide:

"The rumor is that Jacqueline Pinol won't be returning to CSI: NY after all. Is this true? — K.C.
Not true. She's returning and at what could be an... awkward time. Did you hear that Lindsay is pregnant by Danny? That's what Ausiello is reporting. Carmine Giovinazzo was none the wiser when I Q&A'd him a few weeks back."
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I've been a fan of Lindsay since she arrived but after reading about how they intend to deal with the pregnancy, I have to say I am no longer a fan.

I'm sorry but she is pathetic. I always saw her as a strong woman but after seeing how she dealt with this Danny fiasco, she's not. She broke it off with him because his head wasn't in the relationship. Good for her. Then she goes running back to his bed the second he calls her...really? That's pathetic.

I don't care if she is in love with him or not, the important point is that he isn't in love with her. When they were on the phone, Danny said every sweet thing in the book that WASN'T "I love you"...that's a sign. Instead of recognising that, Lindsay ignores it or hears what she wants to hear and rushes over to have sex with him. What a strong woman. As soon as the chance for wang presents itself, principles are thrown out the window. Awesome.

So many viewers wanted Danny to "win" Lindsay back...and yet now that she's knocked up, it's okay that she came running the second he looked in her direction. God, could it sound any more highschool? The cool, popular guy that all the girls want winks at the shy wallflower and she comes running, willing to do whatever it takes to stay with him. Do your homework for you? Sure. Drive you and your friends everywhere? Sure. Give you my virginity in the backseat of a Chevy? Sure.

Of course being in love makes you do crazy things but it doesn't exempt you from being called out on the crazy. Going back to a guy who treated you like crap and sleeping with him right away isn't a good thing. If your friend was in this exact same situation and wanted to get back with the guy, would you tell her to go for it? Would you tell her to run right over to his apartment the first time he had talked to her in weeks and sleep with him? Probably not. You'd probably tell her to DTMFA and stick with it.

As annoyed as I am with this whole storyline and what it did to a character I enjoyed, there is one aspect I'm wondering about. Danny has always been presented as Lindsay's doormat. Even if you disagree with that statement, it's obvious that the control in their relationship has always been in Lindsay's hands. After hearing that Lindsay did return to the apartment, it appears that Danny now has the upper hand in the relationship. I wonder if season five will show Lindsay being Danny's doormat now...
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

^^ Good point. I think that may be the one time he's been in control since the situation began...

What does DTMFA mean, though?

I think, though, Danny will still be her doormat. Especially since she's pregnant. He's gonna bend over backwards even more to appease her and make sure she's healthy.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Before I talk about the awesomeness that is Leroy Jethro Gibbs, I just have to mention this little nugget from the mouth of Pam Veasey(and yes, it was her mouth, I swear):

If they do, it'll probably consist of a quick trip to City Hall. "We wouldn't do it big," Veasey says. "You have to think of Danny. He's a little unconventional. We want to do things that are unexpected but that really tell you a lot about his character."

This was in response to whether or not Danny would get hitched, by the by. So, what does this tell us about Danny? Hmm. That he's lazy, selfish, short-sighted, always looking for the easy way out, and irresponsible?* Wow, I know those traits are on my laundry list of what I hope for in a spouse.

Bravo, Lindsay. Great catch there. Methinks you should've kept yon sushi bar closed, or at least been more selective in whom you served. At least Flack would've offered the big wedding if that was what you wanted.

On the other hand, I am eternally grateful that she's devouring Danny and not Flack. Flack is the heart of the show. Danny, bless him, is the hysterical PMS.

*Of course, if a shotgun wedding at City Hall is a mutual decision, then these accusations are no longer valid, but since Veasey says it tells us about Danny's character, I can only assume it's what Danny wants and not a mutual decision.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

i think Lindsay will just tell Danny that she is pregnant and the baby is his. i dont think she expects them to get married. well lets just say i dont think Danny is the type of guy who.
i agree with "La Guera" i think Danny wants a reletionship that he has an easy way out
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I'm sorry but she is pathetic. I always saw her as a strong woman but after seeing how she dealt with this Danny fiasco, she's not. She broke it off with him because his head wasn't in the relationship. Good for her. Then she goes running back to his bed the second he calls her...really? That's pathetic.

I think for me the biggest problems are that a) we still don't know if Lindsay knows about Danny sleeping with Rikki (I would presume not, since it's never come up) and b) if Danny and Lindsay were actually in a committed relationship. If the answer to a) is she doesn't, then I don't think it was pathetic of her to go back to Danny--I think she was kind of a bitch for chewing him out for not turning to her when he was grieving. She overreacted if she doesn't know about Rikki, and underreacted if she does. If she knows about Rikki and that phone call got her to come back, then, yeah, bad move, Lindsay.

As for b), the answer to that makes more of a difference for Danny. If he cheated on her, that does make him kind of a louse.

Regardless of how it works out for the characters, as an audience, we really should know the answers to a) and b). The latter we should have known long ago. I realize the ambiguity allowed TPTB to play around with the characters a bit, but realistically, to be invested in the story, we need to know the basics.

I don't care if she is in love with him or not, the important point is that he isn't in love with her. When they were on the phone, Danny said every sweet thing in the book that WASN'T "I love you"...that's a sign. Instead of recognising that, Lindsay ignores it or hears what she wants to hear and rushes over to have sex with him. What a strong woman. As soon as the chance for wang presents itself, principles are thrown out the window. Awesome.

I think it's obvious that Danny is not in love with Lindsay, or at least wasn't at that point in 419. He had an opportunity to say it and didn't. So what I suspect is that the baby will get him to that point--or at least be enough for him to think he'd better get there. Danny really does let circumstance determine a lot of his life--he's very passive in a lot of ways. I suspect the fact that he didn't say "I love you" back to her in 419 will either be smoothed over or dealt with after the revelation of the pregnancy.

Personally, I find it hard to get worked up one way or another over this storyline. I don't think it's where the characters were going organically. It's being dictated entirely by the fact that Anna is pregnant. It will obviously affect the show in a major way, so hopefully the writers will put serious thought into developing it...much more than just saying, "Look! We left the ending of 419 open-ended! So...uh, yeah, Lindsay went over and banged Danny and boom! got pregnant." I hope they can do a better job than that with the actual story.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Don't worry, I do understand what you're saying. ;) I agree that there seems to be kind of an overkill with DL-information and we don't seem to get any stuff about the others. But as you can see those DL-spoilers are VERY much discussed, which is clearly wanted by the makers of CSINY, that people talk about the show.
By who? By the same Teenagers who threatened Ausiello? That's the kind of audience producers want???? If i discuss this pairing it's because i was forced by the circumstances, because it does affect my ship as i said before.
Besides if you ask me, i'd say it's silly. Goodbye to the idea of independence for a character like Lindsay. It's obvious she can't live beyond Danny's pants. At the end i have to believe what a lot of fans said about her along all these years...
She is not mature at this point. She proved it!

So if Lindsay loves him as much as I believe she does; even though she tried to close her heart off to him. She can't. SHE LOVES HIM with her whole heart and soul and she can't let go. Even though she was trying to.

Give Danny and Lindsay a chance. True love is hard to find and somewhere down the line one will hurt the other but they have to move on and see what life has to offer.

if you were talking about two teenagers i would understand. But you are talking about two irresponsable adults who jeopardized not only their health with unprotective sex but our mental sanity with so much nonsense.

Besides when a relationship is a matter of just ONE individual? I think it needs two members to make things work.Sorry but i never felt Danny was sooooooo in love with Lindsay.

I want to make clear i would have had the same problem with Rikki. A relationship must be developed before you can say so sure "Their luvvvvvvvvvvvvv"

And Lindsay and Danny's relationship NEVER started in first place. Or having sex counts now as a "developed relationship"

Rant over. I have a headathe after this nonsense

Debb :(
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

i think the show needs some good drama as sometimes like in s1 the episodes were jusst boring case open funny comments case closed csi vegas can pull it of they good at that kind of thing but ny needs somethin other than a case like dl drama instead of a case all the time
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I liked the 'flirty friendship' between Danny and Lindsay in season 2...hated how they handled Anna's pregnancy in season 3 (both storyline and what they did to Danny)...had hopes that TPTB could manage to buck the trend and manage to handle a relationship in a procedural in a non cliched manner (whatever that relationship may or may not have been) in season 4...

I'd rather TPTB had left DL as 'bantering' colleagues than do what they did (or didn't) last season.

So now we have a DL baby and 'it' apparently happened the night of Personal Foul, which is interesting because that was the night of Mac demanding that every man and his dog went back to the lab and worked until they found the cabbie killer. The scene after was the lame attempt to make us believe that Lindsay might get in a cab *yawn* so assuming that both Danny and Lindsay aren't going to keep Mac waiting while they make babies where exactly did this conception take place?

Locker room? Storage closet?

Still, who knows; they might manage to use the storyline effectively...:guffaw:
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

"Look! We left the ending of 419 open-ended! So...uh, yeah, Lindsay went over and banged Danny and boom! got pregnant." I hope they can do a better job than that with the actual story.

:lol: As i read that i couldn't help but laugh its such technical terms there... proves how bad my day was and how hair dye fumes make you delerius.

Its sad that its been dictated by her pregnancy but its something they can't blame her for not saying they have but there is really no other way to really play it out that i can see.

The dat eof conception please she could have easily left it to our imaginations as to when it was would have been so much easier because now it looks liek she gave in so much more easier.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I am a DLer so I don't mind the whole preggo thing. BUT I dont like that they are making it a flashback to 419. Not very thought up, they could have shown them on a date or something in the new season so they dont make Lindsay look like a fool.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I am a DLer so I don't mind the whole preggo thing. BUT I dont like that they are making it a flashback to 419. Not very thought up, they could have shown them on a date or something in the new season so they dont make Lindsay look like a fool.

I'm actually wondering if they care what she looks like at all. I know a lot of people don't believe she'll get any development away from Danny after this, but in reality they have a perfect opportunity to do just that. I also like D/L so I like the idea of them together, but I'd like to see Lindsay being developed away from him as well, there's a good opportunity in that Danny will no longer be the most important person in her life, I hope they explore that. I'm concerned by PV's comments where she related everything back to Danny. Don't get me wrong I can't wait to see how he handles this but really they need to focus some of their attention on Lindsay and how she's dealing with it. I just hope they do.
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