CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - Back in the Big Apple

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Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Interesting. It's pretty obvious it's all revisionist planning due to Anna's pregnancy. The answer about how often Rikki would come back shows that this plan had nothing to do with what the writers wanted and everything to do with the fact that Anna got pregnant. From a simplicity standpoint, it makes sense for them to go full steam ahead with the DL relationship.

From Ausiello:

Question: Thank you for the news about Danny and Lindsay having a baby on CSI: NY! How will all this impact Rikki's (Jacqueline Pinol) return? -- Lisa
Ausiello: Per executive producer Pam Veasey, "It will impact how frequently we will see her. We're constantly talking about when the right moment is for her to come back and be happy for [Danny]. Yes, we're planning on her returning, but I would say the change is that it wouldn't be as often. I think at this point the audience is interested in the [Danny-Lindsay] relationship. We did the bumps already, so let's see what this new [baby] bump means for Danny."

A lot of that honestly has to do with the hoopla over at TV Guide and other gossip sites IMO. For better or worse, Danny and Lindsay do get talked about a lot.

Question: Are Danny and Lindsay going to make it official now that a baby is on the way? -- Nicole
Ausiello: If they do, it'll probably consist of a quick trip to City Hall. "We wouldn't do it big," Veasey says. "You have to think of Danny. He's a little unconventional. We want to do things that are unexpected but that really tell you a lot about his character."

It's CBS--they're probably going to get married. :lol:

Question: When exactly did Danny and Lindsay make their baby on CSI: NY? Looking at the timeline, I'm having trouble pinpointing the moment of conception. -- Tracy
Ausiello: It happened shortly after Lindsay hung up on Danny in this scene from last May. "That's the night they conceived this child," Veasey confirms. "We believe she turned around and went back. [When we shot the scene] we had no idea Anna was pregnant, but we did leave ourselves options to take this relationship in a lot of different places."

And the only reason it was taken to this place is because Anna is pregnant--which doesn't mean it was the best choice for the show or the characters. Nevertheless, it's full steam ahead it seems.

It looks like Lindsay is one of the most pathetic women on the planet. She states she has to get over Danny and that ever getting involved with him and the second he calls and bows down to her wishes she runs over and sleeps with him and ends up pregnant. Wow. What a strong female character. :rolleyes:

She's never been a strong female character, though. To be fair, Danny wasn't strong either--she treats him badly and he comes back with his tail between his legs.

It is amusing that Lindsay turned up probably minutes after Rikki left. I wonder if Danny's bed has a slot for quarters. :lol:

You think the audience is interested in DL? Yeah, if you only want to cater to a select group of your audience. Way to let other portions of the fandom know they don't matter. And if they get hitched it will say volumes about Danny's character. It will say you've given up on it and prefer destroying what used to be one of the best written characters and best actors on network TV to accomodate one of the worst characters and actresses on network TV. :rolleyes:

The getting hitched thing does reek of bowing to convention. I don't think it destroys him to be yoked with her, but it definitely limits his storylines being independent from her.

If they're only bringing Rikki back to give her blessing to DL and their "love child" they shouldn't bother. Rikki and Jacqueline Pinol are above being used in such an utterly ridiculous way. I hope Jacqueline tells them to get bent now.

I doubt Jacqueline would turn down work, but it is a shame that her storyline is being adversely affected by this.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

What I think will probably happen is that they'll have the baby but not be together...until eventually down the road something happens to rekindle the romance and then they get back together and live happily ever after.

This would be so Miranda and Steve (SatC)

I'm trying to stay positive but somehow I feel like I'm gonna need a bigger boat for this episode
I could try to find other Jaws references, but right now I'm too disappointed that a promising new season turns into a SSF (Soapy Shark Fest)

But I admire all those who keep the faith in good storylines and...what was that phrase...plot-driven procedural drama
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Wow. Talk about a shark jumping moment, IMO.

That's just wrong on so many levels, Especially with what Lindsay said to Mac about it being stupid to get involved with a co-worker, her monologue of Doom, etc.

I mean, with everything Lindsay had said, it realy does make her seem pathetic. Also, it's not realistic, especially because Danny and Lindsay didn't really interact at the end of season 4.

Then to have Rikki come back just as validation for DL, please hold on while I vomit.

Yeah, it does make me wonder if Danny's bed has a slot for quarters or a dollar bill changer on it.

And yes, I'd be unhappy if it were Rikki who came back pregnant.

I think Danny will make a good father and all that, but I'm just not at all happy about the way they're handling it. At all.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Yeah, it does make me wonder if Danny's bed has a slot for quarters or a dollar bill changer on it.
Is that why Adam's pockets were jangling? *gasp!* :p

I kid, I kid. ;)
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Concerning, the CSI NY season 5, I am super to dislike it::(:(:(


Why?Why blamed, they at front, Why My Don, By fall back on last?this 'jump the queue'!!!I not know this mean what?OK,I curse, thus design its all man , I curse them damn.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

this 'jump the queue'!!!I not know this mean what?
Are you asking what 'jump the shark' means? If so, I'll just link to the Wikipedia page for the phrase since I can't think of the right way to phrase it. :p
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Ah, spoilers. How I love thee. :lol: Thanks for the Ausiello info, PA. :)

Hmm, I'm still happy to see Rikki come back. I'm sure it will be interesting. Of course she'll be happy for Danny, but sad as she will be reminded that she lost a child. It could be quite an intense situation, and Jacqueline Pinol is great, so she and Carmine will no doubt deliver a quite emotional scene. :( (At least, I'm hoping it will go something like that).

As for the night of conception. That sucks, and I'm not sure that we really needed to know exactly when they got pregnant, or maybe it's just that I'm not that bothered. :lol: Meh, whatever. It's wrong, but still amusing.

Ah, a D/L marriage. I would expect nothing less. :lol: I suppose Danny is unconventional, yet entirely conventional after all.

Oh, and does the timeline mean that we won't get a birthing scene in the finale? Colour me disappointed. :lol: (Although Veritas followed right on from Hostage, so who knows?)
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I wonder if Danny is still taking the vacation time he asked Mac for. He asks in 5:06 fpr leave the following month. I guess that means it was for around 5:10 or 5:11. At the time, I wondered if it was being linked into the anniversary of Ruben's death, but that would be supposing tptb match the show's timeline. I guess that would be a good time to bring Rikki back, perhaps have them seeing each other at the cemetary.

I'm really hoping things aren't going to be too easy for D/L now, I don't want a wedding anytime soon. As much as I like them together I don't want it to be at any cost, particularly not the cost of credibility, but I fear it could happen.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

these spoilers are driving me crazy! lol. i don't even know what to think of it anymore.

with danny and lindsay doing the you know on personal foul? that's kinda weird. i mean they "missed each other" and stuff. and rikki told him on that episode that she was moving, so does this mean danny celebrated her departure by going to lindsay and having this baby?

the storyline, not my cup of tea. but the wedding itself. well that's interesting. very cute to see the cast members gather around them and stuff. haha.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I don't think this thing, that after the monologue Lindsay went back to Danny and have sex with him, would be so inexplicable.
Lindsay loves Danny, and after Ruben's death he pushed her away, L got that he doesn't want to be with her, and let him go.
Then she made that mistake, and when talked to Mac it mostly could be seen, that she hurt, because she loves him. And she said that it was a mistake to begin a relationship with a co-worker because she tried to handle it and to get over that she loves somebody who doesn't love her. In these situation it's good to say to yourself that it was a mistake, cause in that way it's easier to get over IMO.
After that he calls her and say such a wonderful things like "Miss you, more than I can say" and say sorry! Who could resist? I absolutely not.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Wow. Talk about a shark jumping moment, IMO.

That's just wrong on so many levels, Especially with what Lindsay said to Mac about it being stupid to get involved with a co-worker, her monologue of Doom, etc.

I mean, with everything Lindsay had said, it realy does make her seem pathetic. Also, it's not realistic, especially because Danny and Lindsay didn't really interact at the end of season 4.

Then to have Rikki come back just as validation for DL, please hold on while I vomit.

Yeah, it does make me wonder if Danny's bed has a slot for quarters or a dollar bill changer on it.

And yes, I'd be unhappy if it were Rikki who came back pregnant.

I think Danny will make a good father and all that, but I'm just not at all happy about the way they're handling it. At all.

I know alot of you think she is pathetic. But unless you have expierenced what they both were going through you have no idea.

Love is a strange thing. The heart wants want the heart wants. You can tell yourself not to love someone; but your brain and heart are two very different things. Since we didn't see Lindsay go to Danny maybe he came to her instead.

Believe me I do not agree with Danny's sleeping with Rikki but it happened. Whether Lindsay knows about it or not. I think she has an inkling. I know what the Lindsay character is going through. I myself fell in love (with a PA State Trooper no less) it was a LOVE like no other; I found out he was cheating on me. I called him to see if he was coming to my house for Easter Dinner with my family and they were in bed together. We broke up. I found out I was pregnant told him (he wanted nothing to do with her). Still doesn't. He married the girl he cheated on me with after he got her pregnant too (his 2 daughters are only 3 months apart). He see's the other but not my daughter (but I know now he did us a HUGE favor. My husband adopted her and she loves him very, very much!)

I was devastated for 2 years. TWO LONG YEARS. See I have my own soap opera!!!

Anyway my point is I loved him sooooooo much I thought that maybe he might want to come back. At that time I probably would have let him. HAVING A BROKEN HEART IS THE WORST EXPIERENCE. I must say I don't know if I would wish it on my own worst enemy. It's a horrible feeling.

So if Lindsay loves him as much as I believe she does; even though she tried to close her heart off to him. She can't. SHE LOVES HIM with her whole heart and soul and she can't let go. Even though she was trying to.

Give Danny and Lindsay a chance. True love is hard to find and somewhere down the line one will hurt the other but they have to move on and see what life has to offer.
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Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Argh we didn't have enough and Ausiello answered THREE questions on the nonsense DL?

It's the silliest idea on Earth and i feel worse than yesterday. Instead of talking about Sam, Adam's crisis, Donnie's conflicting feelings towards his sister and Stella being beaten in the following episode we have to talk about THIS????????

What's next? A *lovely* childbirth scene asked by DL fans??????? If i wanted to watch Days of our lives...but the point is i didn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What else DL fans are going to receive????

I feel sick at this point my former fav show turned into a bad soap opera regarding a cop with an easy zipper in his trousers and a very INMATURE woman who says: "I don't love him" and the next minute is opening..... (I better shut my mouth. I don't want to be so graphic!)

Great, a promising S5 turned into the "Soap of the Year". gezzzz when i think my grandma listened soap operas on the radio decades ago (In Latin America we created the genre)

The worst one: to read DL fans so please today. And asking for more, no doubt. Maybe a "Raising our kid" scene? "Daddy changes diapers" scenes" It's too much for my stomach.

And let me tell you months ago i said i would have enjoyed to watch Danny playing Daddy with Ruben BEFORE he was murdered. This is the total truth. Now i feel sorry for myself.
My fav characters are going to dissapear if this nonsense continues because "It's necessary to talk about the *lovely* baby grrrrrr

Hello! as i said before i hope some good stuff for Stella and mac TOGETHER this season. But that's an illusion. Something Pam Veasey and CO are not willing to please

Am i mad? Ha! You are underestimate my mood today!

Debb :(
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Don't be so quick judging this season. We've only seen one episode for now. (with NO DL, by the way...)
Who says there won't be great story lines concerning Stella and Mac or the others?? Because I'm sure there will be, there always are.
Just because Lindsay is pregnant doesn't mean she and Danny will get more screen time.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

The point is Corazon (nice nickname btw :) ) i don't expect anything for them since we have enough melodramma is our hands to be full for the next 6 years

I feel clearly upset because it DOES affect my ship. They will never add any Smacked scene at this point because they have already chosen the sopa opera they want

Could anyone understand my feelings????

Debb :(
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Don't worry, I do understand what you're saying. ;) I agree that there seems to be kind of an overkill with DL-information and we don't seem to get any stuff about the others. But as you can see those DL-spoilers are VERY much discussed, which is clearly wanted by the makers of CSINY, that people talk about the show.

About the melodrama that's supposed to be coming our way: I don't want that either. We had enough of that already.
I think it will just be one of those personal story lines that are handled in the background. It won't be all about them.

We will just have to wait and see. And in my opinion there is place for two couples on CSINY because as I said before those relationships are just an addition to the crime.

(btw thanks for the name-compliment. ;) )
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