CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - Back in the Big Apple

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Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Thanks. I never remember episode titles. :lol: Well, every once in a while I do, but usually not. :lol:
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Fay, Stella will try to keep him out of the loop at 5.11 :(

i HATE HATE HATE HATE Julia's character will become Mac's new love interest :(:mad::brickwall::mad::brickwall:

Now i only hope she will be just this three episodes and nothing further


Debbie :angryrazz::angryrazz::angryrazz::angryrazz::angryrazz::angryrazz::angryrazz:
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

sorry, forgot about that little adam scene, yum, but too short, oh well, so Julia is coming in to replace gerrard right he was the deputy inspector before, idk, Stella keeping him out of the loop may mean stella and julia get to bump heads in ways mac and sinclaire do, that could be fun, idk, but yea, maybe mac and her getting all buddy buddy is what saves adam for good, or at least the next 4.5 years =)
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I wish they'd just go with Mac and Stella already myself.
I wish that too :D It is just lame to bring some new woman (I would have wanted to say b****, but maybe i try to control myself :lol: ) to the show just to have Mac some love :wtf:

And I don't get that why Stella tries to keep Mac out of the loop in the threat thingy.. Are the writers purposely trying to make some distance between her and Mac, I thought they were *are good friends and now it seems that they never talk to each other?
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Hush--> thanks for the promo :D Ummm wet Mac :D.... Happy Birthday Debbie!!!!! :D

And I don't get that why Stella tries to keep Mac out of the loop in the threat thingy.. Are the writers purposely trying to make some distance between her and Mac, I thought they were *are good friends and now it seems that they never talk to each other?
Inside the Smacked Family Thread we thought before 5.06, Stella would want to keep him out of the loop because the argument they had on Adam's job. But they made amends and they were friends again at the end of the episode.
Considering newest spoilers, I believe Stella will keep him out of the loop because he will persue this new lady:scream:

Every time he is in a relationship with another woman Stella gets into trouble. The same happened when he started his affair with Peyton (officially i mean), Stella cut herself but she didn't tell him at first:scream::scream::scream:

Debbie :scream:

ps: Andu, you are officially invited to the Smacked Family Thread :thumbsup:
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Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Ghawazee, omg there's a Smacked thread?! I'll definitely be there (32 pages in the newest one ! :D it's gonna take some time to read all the posts ^^ ) :)

Whooa, that promo looks interesting. Wish it was next week already!
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Jeez, you'd think they could at least come up with a new name for Mac's new love interest. Gillian Whitford pretty soon after Jillian Gates?:rolleyes: EDIT - ooops, it was Jordan Gates, wasn't it? *smacks head* But she was originally 'Jillian', that's why I got confused. TPTB seem to have...issues with 'J' names. Jessica/Jennifer Angell, Jillian/Jordan Gates. :lol:
And why, if TPTB insist on giving the characters love interests, why can't they be people outside the lab and the whole law enforcement world? Why is it on this show that all the 'couples' are either working together in the same lab (Danny/Lindsay, Flack/Angell, Adam/Kendall) or work together or have met through work (Mac/Peyton, Mac/Jillian Gates, Mac/Quinn) Even 'hinted at' attraction like with Stella and the fireman and Stella and Frankie (he did some sculpting work for a case, didn't he? Made up a face from a half finished model in that ep where the blind girl was killed) and even Stella and Adam Baldwin's character from Hostage.
Now, I admit I am a Mac/Jane and Mac/Stella shipper, and both of those are in-lab relationships. But it would be nice if they could show the characters get involved with someone who has nothing to do with the law enforcement world or CSI lab every once in a while, someone different. There are attractive single people outside of work. Yes, office relationships happen, but so do relationships with people outside of it.
I'm not saying that I dislike the in-office relationships on the show - I said what ships I like, and I do like the Flack/Angell bond and flirting and I enjoyed Mac/Peyton too. I just think that they should get the characters involved with people who they don't work with at all every once in a while.

There are some examples - Danny and 'Cindy' from Stuck on You, and Mac and Rose from the diner in the s1 finale. All the other relationships seem to be connected back to the lab and/or their work somehow - I'm guessing Stella knows the fireman from FDNY/NYPD get togethers- baseball games and such, unless they met when her place burned down.
Oh - and Danny and Rikki. See, I loved them. Their relationship had nothing to do with the lab - they were just neighbours and friends. I know they slept together after Rikki became connected to the lab via a case, but what matters is she is from outside the law enforcement/CSI world. D/R felt natural and genuine to me, showing, IMO, that CSIs can get involved with people entirely outside their work-zone, and it can work for the show just as well as an office relationship. Oh, and there was Flack and Devon. But it seems that the characters' relationships with people outside of work are very short-lived compared to their in-office ones - Mac and Rose vs Mac and Peyton. I know people do have short relationships, one night stands or just go on one date etc but it seems like TPTB give office relationships more validity than they do ones with the characters and people outside the lab. Danny and Rikki are an exception, but even that seems to be being connected to D/L, which is a shame. Why can't a character have a long-term relationship with someone and it be nothing to do with the lab except maybe they mention going on a date or something like that?

There were spoilers about Hawkes and an ex-girlfriend, and about Lindsay and some guy (don't know what's going to happen with that considering the baby storyline and the way TPTB seem to want to take D/L), so there is hope.
Again, I don't hate the offfice relationships on the show, I do like some of them, I just wish they'd show some out-of-office ones every once in a while..

And much as I want to see Mac take off his clothes, I wish they'd give the love interests a rest. I'd rather see his relationship with Stella develop and deepen (and though I'm Smacked, I don't want them hot n heavy just yet, more friendship would be okay with me for now) or see more of his non-romantic relationships - with Reed, Flack etc. I like those male friendship/bonding moments. Similarly, I'd rather see more of Danny and Flack's friendship (they have really great scenes) rather than Danny/Lindsay, and ditto for Lindsay - more friendship moments, she seems to have nice non-romantic, friendship/mentor-based relationships going with both Mac and Stella, and I find her more likeable around them than in D/L scenes. And I prefer the friendly-flirty thing Flack and Angell have going to full on romantic engagement between them. I'd also like to learn more about Mac and Claire's marriage rather than see him get involved again with a new lady. Or have more Flack/Sam stuff rather than have Flack and Angell in bed together (though, you know, a Shirtless Flack wouldn't be a bad thing:devil:). I sort of miss the days when Danny would flirt with a girl on the subway, or dodge calls from his girlfriend, or Mac would mention going to the roller derby on a date, or meet with a nice lady from his favourite diner, or Flack would make cracks about all the women he's dated.

And like I said, I do love the friendships on the show, particularly Flack/Danny, Danny/Adam, Mac/Adam, Stella/Lindsay, Mac/Stella (though I'd like to see that eventually turn into something more), Mac/Sid, Mac/Adam etc. I like how these friendships can be shown in scenes which fit in with and don't overshadow the crime stories or character stories going on in the show - like the Flack/Danny scenes in Personal Foul and Comes Around, the Stella/Lindsay scenes in Silent Night, Mac/Flack in The Thing About Heroes, Danny and Adam talking about....wasn't there an ep when they were talking about bowling?

Okay, I'll shut up and go away now. I'm interested to see how the Mac/Gillian thing turns out, it might be like Mac/Jillian from s4 and be less than TPTB lead us to think. I just hope that TPTB shows other, platonic relationships this season too. Platonic relationships can be just as big a part of a character's development as a romantic relationship can, Mac and Stella and Danny and Flack being shining examples.

Yeah, ok, I really will stop ranting now.
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Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

K I haven't seen any posts on this so I thought I'd share

"The Triangle" - The CSIs are forced to investigate two crimes at once when a mysterious energy field near The Empire State Building appears to be the cause of both a billionaire's disappearance and his limo driver's death. Dec 10
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

A mysterious energy field? If Adam doesn't geek out, I'll be very disappointed. :p

By the way, the SecretU confession website from 5.07 seems to be back in 5.11 "Berried Alive", although I'm not sure what the connection is. I just noticed that the actress that played the daughter from "Dead Inside" is listed for the episode, and I saw at least one mention of it in the spoilers for 5.11.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

hmm thought I posted this here but I guess not. I'm curious as to why, when there are cases like the one with the bones in the car, they never have a forensic anthropologist working with them. (I thought they should have with Aiden's body too since it was so damaged). CSI did it with that Terri woman, I think NY could do it too.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I think Stella is going to keep the GREEK Guy from Mac because she knows he will go after him like the last time he got into trouble. She may try to deal with it on her own, like she does and Danny will telll Mac what is going on.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I think Stella is going to keep the GREEK Guy from Mac because she knows he will go after him like the last time he got into trouble. She may try to deal with it on her own, like she does and Danny will telll Mac what is going on.

Considering Danny was the one who asked Stella, "Do you want to break some rules?" I can't see him going to Mac, but instead helping her keep it from Mac.
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