CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers--Get 'Em In A New York Minute

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Since there is only one eppy left, i have broken my no spoilers rule...

This eppy looks great! can't wait...

I thought i read someone mention something about Sid this eppy? Or is my memory completely wrong...which is entirely possible.
Here's a random question. I see there's a character named John Szabo on tonight's ep. Wasn't that the last name of the character who shot himself at the beginning of Run Silent, Run Deep? There isn't going to be any Tanglewood stuff in this ep, is there?
Grr, must vent.

So my local CBS station decides that it would be a good idea to preempt the NY episode with a basketball game and play NY in the middle of the night--when I probably can't watch it. I also can't tape it since the cable guy unhooked things when he came over and my dad didn't hook it back up (and he's out of town and didn't really know how to hook it all up in the first place--it was a lot of lucky guesses), so our VCR is outta commission.

I'll watch it, eventually, but I'm a bit miffed in the meantime. It's the last new episode and I can't chat about it while actually WATCHING it.

No Adam? What made them think that not having him in the last two episodes of a potentially-shortened season was a good idea? :rolleyes: If Kendall is going to be there, it should be along with Adam, not instead of him. I know his contract didn't guarantee him being in every episode, but throw the man (and the fans) a frickin' bone here...*sigh* I'm not going to bitch, Adam fangirl though I may be, but I think it was a stupid move.
My routine is shot!
I need spoilers! I'm addicted. Now I log onto Talk and there is no new news :( It makes me sad!
Come on writers! The strike is done, GIVE ME SOME SPOILERS!!!
Hehe, hopefully we'll get some spoilers within the next month or so--if they're planning to air episodes in April, they'd probably need to film them in March (right?), so maybe we won't have to wait too very long. :)
Usually the main lines are written before the season start, just to know the main arcs and the potential plot lines. As they know what's going on, they just have to write the context and the secundary interaction, that's why they can write new episodes on time.
1CSIMfan said:
Maybe they have some partially written scripts that won't take long to complete. *is hopeful*

Yeah, that would be nice. I was also thinking that maybe they had partially written the conclusion to the Second Life episode, which was originally planned for February 6th, so I think it might be one of the first new episodes, if that makes sense. :)

That said, I've read a couple of news reports today about the CSI: NY writers all saying the same thing:

From Mercury News

"Their first day back, the crew at CBS's "CSI: NY" faced a scramble to pound out two scripts from scratch in two weeks, about half the usual time, so new episodes could premiere in early April.

In the writers' conference room, executive producer Pam Veasey tossed out the story premise for one episode: "There's a fire, and it's clearly arson."

Under such a tight deadline, the writing crew had little time to adjust to work life again after so much time off.

"It was like we were all sent to a really weird summer camp for three months, but now we're able to come home," said "CSI: NY" writer Samantha Humphrey.

Added colleague Peter Lenkov: "We want to deliver something good to thank the audience for sticking with us."

I'm not sure, but that suggests to me that they might not have much planned right now and are literally writing from scratch. Oh, and Mr Lenkov, we'd be very happy if you delivered something good too. :lol: :D
We all know Lenkov likes to objectify Carmine as much as we like seeing him objectified, so here's hoping we get that shirtless scene Dove promised. ;)

I'm sure they've all been thinking about ideas while they were on strike (you can't just turn off your brain, after all), but the problem is that now they've got to pick and choose which ideas to use, flesh out said ideas and actually write the episodes. :p

There are already spoilers out for Criminal Minds, so it's possible that we'll see NY spoilers sooner than we think.
Well, Mr. Lenkov should be aware of what we like by now so I'm sure he'll do his best to please us... ;)
Getting out new episodes by April sounds good. I just hope this great rush to 'pound out' scripts one by the week doesn't affect the quality of the writing. :p After 4x14, they're gonna need something damn good to revitalize the faith of the audience again.
I'm not really sure where to put this, so I picked here.

This is from an article on CSI: NY being back to work after the strike:

Writers for CSI: NY were back in their CBS conference room in Studio City, tossing around ideas for two episodes they need to write from scratch in the next two weeks, about half the time they normally would need.

Here's a link to the entire article and video of PV and AZ talking about being back to work.

CSI: NY Back in Business
Cool that NY is getting a lot of attention in the press for the return to work! :D
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