CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers--Get 'Em In A New York Minute

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The episode sounds like a lot of fun, but yeah, I'm hoping Danny won't be perfectly fine either. Maybe the other characters could be cracking jokes about the strangeness of the cases but Danny doesn't even smile or acts distant and withdrawn.
I agree that it would seem very strange to have a distraught Danny in 411 and again in 413 with no reference in between. At the same time it wouldn't necessarily surprise me if that is the way it goes. :rolleyes: However, Mac and Danny are working on the same case in 'Happily Never After' so maybe Mac is keeping Danny close by so he can keep an eye on him?
Another possibility is that in 412 Danny is trying to put up a good front and appear as "normal" as possible. I mean, so far this season, some here have noticed Danny being a bit "off" as far as appearing tired, being dismissive of Lindsay, etc; but, no one else on the team has acknowledged it. They all act as if he's the same old Danny even though SD happened. Sometimes the people closest to you can't see what's really going on.

What would be really cool is if Danny does something in 412 that earns him praise from Mac and maybe others on the team a la stopping the subway car. It doesn't have to be that dramatic, but it would illustrate another time he was a hero/good at his job/whatever; but in his mind he wouldn't be any of those things because he couldn't save Ruben who was an innocent child.

I know I'm giving TPTB way too much credit for thinking things could turn out like this, but it's the holiday season and I'm in the mood for wishing.

Yes, I know that Adam has been acting the same too; but I'm just chalking him up to the absent continuity fairy. I'm not confident TPTB will follow through with Danny, so I assume they're gonna skip Adam completely.
^Edit: Does the promo look good? :D I won't see it for a few hours...

PerfectAnomaly said:
Another possibility is that in 412 Danny is trying to put up a good front and appear as "normal" as possible. I mean, so far this season, some here have noticed Danny being a bit "off" as far as appearing tired, being dismissive of Lindsay, etc; but, no one else on the team has acknowledged it. They all act as if he's the same old Danny even though SD happened. Sometimes the people closest to you can't see what's really going on.

Good point. It could be that they don't notice, or don't know what to say. Lindsay is pretty self-involved, so I wouldn't expect her to say anything. Mac has been dealing with his own drama. As for Flack--well, he's going to be the one who worries about Danny in 413, so my guess is that he's been keeping a pretty good eye on his friend and is concerned. ;)

Yes, I know that Adam has been acting the same too; but I'm just chalking him up to the absent continuity fairy. I'm not confident TPTB will follow through with Danny, so I assume they're gonna skip Adam completely.

I think with regards to Adam--he doesn't seem to internalize things the way Danny does. He talked about his father treating him badly openly to the team, and he was able to redeem himself in "Snow Day" (even though he didn't have anything to feel bad for--he had no choice but to turn over those codes). However, my guess is that TPTB didn't want to have an angst fest and felt they could only focus on one character's issues, so they went with Danny because, well, he's the drama queen of the show.
The promo shows Flack yelling at Stella and Lindsay to get out of the warehouse or wherever they are and as they're running, EXPLOSION!

Then it shows Danny being dragged away from Ruben's body by Hawkes in autopsy. Lindsay coming into what I think was autopsy maybe at some later point - not sure - and Danny walking out on her. Then they show Danny facing Ruben's mother and she's crying and says something like, "Tell me he's OK." And Danny's got his "ugly cry" going and says something like, "I'm sorry. I can't."

I forget what the voice overs say. Also, I may have not gotten it all totally right since I was getting all excited like a squeeing fangirl. But what I've got is close. :p
Wow, poor Danny! That sounds so good! And he's going to walk out on Lindsay in autopsy? Sounds like the trouble between them is going to start in 411.
OMIGOD. *hyperventilates* I am so looking forward to the Danny angst. :D

Flack + explosion = me very happy *squee*. :D However, I'm not holding out hope for any continuity regarding COtP.

Is it on the CBS Innertube or anywhere on the internet yet? *antsy*
Poor Flack. Buildings just tend to blow up around him. :lol:
Ruben is a ten year old boy (I believe he's 10) in Danny's apartment building. Danny is apparently a bit of a role model for him, and he takes Ruben to get his bike blessed in the morning, and on the way back they pass by a place getting robbed--and Danny sends Ruben home not knowing that he'd been shot. So when he sees Ruben in the morgue... :(

I'm definitely looking forward to next week. Knowing Carmine, it's going to be awesome. :)
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