CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers--Get 'Em In A New York Minute

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Ok, random question: LateToTheGame brought up the Second Life thing in the thread about the writers' strike. So I wonder if they'll have to scrap plans to do that episode, or if maybe they'd already anticipated the strike and wrote accordingly. The reason I suggest that is that episode 13 has a judge getting killed, right? I haven't read the spoilers, but a judge would fit in with the type of victims the assassin was after in "Down the Rabbit Hole"--could that be the continuation? If so, they could be planning to air that one during Feb sweeps, right before the Grammys, when they said they would continue the SL thing...

They'll be airing 8, 9 and 10 during sweeps this month (according to the schedules we've seen so far). They'll probably air repeats all through December (I'm sure most shows will, to save their new episodes). Then they could air 11 and 12 during January and 13 would be at the start of February, right around Grammy time.

Does someone who read those spoilers have anything to support that? Or can you tell me if it's definitely wrong? *is very curious now* :)
yep it is exactly that so far as being confirmed by tv guide and many other sources many people have said they will continue as planned for sweeps month because this may be the only sweeps month they have, we may not have february or may sweeps.well they are all airing this month and no shows have changed their schedules.
Fay, I can tell you that unless TPTB significantly change episode 413 (which I guess would be difficult without the writers) that scenario is very unlikely. ;)

I did wonder myself as to whether or not they already had some of the Second Life continution episode written, but it doesn't appear to be a possibility in any of the episode spoilers we've seen. I guess it may have been planned for either episode 415 or 416.

A little off topic, but I for one am disappointed at the prospect of 414 being essentially the final episode of the season (if that's how it works), it's hard to tell from the spoilers but I see it as a case driven episode that will be disappointing and could leave some storylines (specifically Danny's issues) without a satisfactory conclusion. :(
Damn, and I was feeling so confident. :p Oh well, I guess we'll see how things turn out.

I'm with you on 4.14 possibly being the last episode--ending it with some sort of character-story cliffhanger would be more interesting if things might not pick back up until September. It definitely seems to be more of a filler type of episode. Then again, they could air things out of order, technically, and use "Playing with Matches" before "Family Ties"--maybe they wanted to get the character-driven story in the can before they tried to do any more episodes just-in-case...

We'll see, I suppose...
If the strike continues indefinitely, it sounds like the Second Life continuition would be delayed and possibly scrapped. Certainly the Grammy crossover Zuiker was planning won't come to pass, unless the strike ends really, really soon. I suspect eps 411-414, which would have aired in Dec/Jan will be held until Feb. sweeps so that the nets won't be stuck with reruns, meaning the ep that was most likely going to be the Second Life continuation--probably 415 or 416--won't be written on time/airing on schedule. That's too bad.
Hmmm. Well, I wasn't that interested in the Second Life story so I'm not too disappointed - I just hate loose ends. (Suddenly, the name "Louie" popped into my mind - how strange).
meaning the ep that was most likely going to be the Second Life continuation--probably 415 or 416--won't be written on time/airing on schedule. That's too bad.
Well, definitely that's a bad new. I was hoping to see Second Life continuation in the following months but, if the information about the new consequences of the writters's strike comes to be true, there is no way the episode is going to be done in time... it's so frustrating!



"I'm glad you stayed"
I guess that the Second Life continuation could realistically happen whenever they want to do the storyline, although it won't have the same impact, so whilst it won't happen when it was originally timetabled it could still happen some time next season. Personally, I wasn't thrilled with it, or interested enough in the hitwoman Venus character to be that excited about it anyway. And it doesn't appear to have been a huge ratings success, and although I've not seen any reports on it, I doubt it has made that big an impact on Second Life either, so I don't think the people at CSI: NY should be too concerned. ;)

Oh well, I think that if the spoilers are anything like true for the episodes we do have left for this season then we are still in for quite a few treats over the next few months. Mac's 333 conclusion and hopefully a couple of powerful and emotional Danny episodes, so it could be worse. And it will be disappointing if the Danny storyline isn't satisfactorily concluded, as I fear that it would be lost by the time the new season may start, but they certainly seem like worthwhile episodes to look forward to in the mean time. :)
^ Well perhaps they can change the order of airing for eps 4x13 and 4x14. At least then the emotional Danny ep, including the (final?) the scene where he sends Lindsay away, could function as some sort of cliff hanger. Imo ep 4x13 has more potential of being a (possible) early season ending than 4x14 has.

And the conlusion of that story and the Second Life one can always be used in the next season...I'm sure that despite the fact that they're not writing things down anymore, the writers still have the stories in their heads.
I'm lost here , this is probably a very silly question, but since I haven't been following this thread for long, isnt' there 24 episodes in a season? So why is everyone talking about ep 14 as the end of the season? Or is just the last episode to have been written before that strike?
dutch_treat said:
^ Well perhaps they can change the order of airing for eps 4x13 and 4x14. At least then the emotional Danny ep, including the (final?) the scene where he sends Lindsay away, could function as some sort of cliff hanger. Imo ep 4x13 has more potential of being a (possible) early season ending than 4x14 has.

Indeed, I think Fay suggested this as well. I'm really hoping they do switch the order. Not least because, as you just pointed out the position of the Danny/Lindsay conflict in the episode, according to the spoilers it is right near the end of the episode. In my mind (until I just looked at them again) Danny and Lindsay had either resolved their conflict in 413 or it would be off screen, or not mentioned at all in 414. As it definitely isn't in 413 (unless they rewrote it before the strike, or cut it completely from the episode) I can't think of anything more annoying than it not being mentioned and 414 just happening with everything appearing as normal. Of course, the thought of 414 being the final episode of the season is making me like it even less as it seems just too dull for that function, but there weren't really that many spoilers for it. So I hope there is either some really interesting character stuff that we haven't seen in the spoilers, or that they switch the episode order around. Because you're right, episode 413 certainly appears to be a much better choice of finale, at least it does if those are the only options... :)

eta: thegluups, 414 was the last script completed before the strike. So if the strike doesn't get resolved soon then I believe that most shows will potentially have a reduced season. CSI: NY is actually luckier than many I guess, as it seems to have an episode or two more than some other shows. ;)
Personally, the idea of having the season cut short with the absolutely burning question of whether Danny and Lindsay will kiss and make up after he *gasp!* wants a little bit of time to himself isn't quite making me shiver with anticipation.

A cliffhanger about Danny's mental state, sure. A cliffhanger about whether he'd possibly leave the crime lab, sure. Basically any cliffhanger that makes Danny's issues about Danny would be fine with me.

But we'll have to wait and see. I'd rather see them chop the scene out altogether than have that be the Big Question for the extended hiatus, should the strike continue for that long.
Faylinn said:
A cliffhanger about Danny's mental state, sure. A cliffhanger about whether he'd possibly leave the crime lab, sure. Basically any cliffhanger that makes Danny's issues about Danny would be fine with me.

That would be the only thing that'd save me from a mental breakdown if these 14 episodes are really what's left of a whole season... ;)
Faylinn said:
Personally, the idea of having the season cut short with the absolutely burning question of whether Danny and Lindsay will kiss and make up after he *gasp!* wants a little bit of time to himself isn't quite making me shiver with anticipation.

A cliffhanger about Danny's mental state, sure. A cliffhanger about whether he'd possibly leave the crime lab, sure. Basically any cliffhanger that makes Danny's issues about Danny would be fine with me.

Amen, sister!
^^ Sure, sure and sure.
If the season has to been cut by the episode 14, let's just make it a memorable episode!! You know, just the kind of episode that after seeing it, we all rush to the thread to discuss every second of the show. :D



"I'm glad you stayed"
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