CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

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Thanks for the info vegaslights. :D

Why does that just solidify my feeling of doom that Rikki is just a plot device to cause teh drahmaz so we can all have teh twu wuv proofs?

Yep, Danny and Lindsay are together by the looks of this episode, and they are watching sports. Having looked through the spoilers, it kind of makes me think of the more 'fun' Lindsay persona that we saw in season 2, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I really hope that TPTB leave the Rikki storyline on a good note though, if you know what I mean, I just really don't want it as a cheesy plot device so we can see D/L's 'perfect heart'. :rolleyes:

Like the idea of Reed back he brings out a different side to Mac.

Yeah, it's great to see Reed back again. Also, 'Personal Foul' sees Jordan Gates, Mac's lady friend from 415, back again. ;)

hmm the serial killer story line sounds good!!

As vegaslights has mentioned, it's a running storyline that is mentioned in a couple of the earlier episodes. The team are looking for a suspected serial killer. The spoilers suggest that the storyline is likely to be featured in episode 420 as well.
I do like the idea of reed being back in the frame....but my heart (certainly not a perfect one) sank at the Danny/Lindsay angle.....In my mind the words horse, dead, flogging all appear when I think of those two.....sigh:(
Wow, that sounds like an amazing episode...the serial killer story throughout several eps sounds interesting, Reed will be back and we get some promising D/L moments. And although I'm thrilled that they apparently are together in 4x19, I do agree with Elsie about ending the Rikki storyline decent...

And sorry, being from Europe, what sport is played in the Hudson Arena?
Oh that sounds promising. :rolleyes: [/sarcasm]

Why does that just solidify my feeling of doom that Rikki is just a plot device to cause teh drahmaz so we can all have teh twu wuv proofs?
I can barely contain my excitement. :rolleyes:

Bit soon after the Second Life serial killer to be introducing another serial killer, if you ask me, but there you go.
hmm the serial killer story line sounds good!!

Yay stella and mac are working another case together i always like those episodes
A serial killer case is always promising!!!!!!!!!! And I DO need desesperately more of Mac and Stella working together despite of new Peyton 2.0:brickwall::brickwall:

Debbie (SMACked addict;)
Anyone else think it's funny that Danny goes to games with his girlfriend and pours his heart and soul out to his best friend? Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? That just cracks me up. :lol:

We don't really know what Rikki's purpose is in 416. She could just be around for closure for the Ruben storyline and it's Lindsay that Danny actually turns to in an intimate way. Or the writers could be slowly laying down the groundwork to break Danny and Lindsay up in a big way, meaning that Rikki could come back later. Who knows? It could be that Lindsay actually steps up to the plate and is finally able to put herself aside for once and actually be there for Danny. Or it could be that monologue is more "Me, Me, Me!" stuff. I'll be interested to see how it all plays out.

I'm really glad to hear Reed is going to be back. And I'm curious about this serial killer storyline. I wonder if one of the CSIs will end up in danger in the ep where he's finally caught.
I'm really glad to hear Reed is going to be back. And I'm curious about this serial killer storyline. I wonder if one of the CSIs will end up in danger in the ep where he's finally caught.

Well, the CSI: NY finales are always big so I wouldn't put it past them. It would be interesting to see Flack become endangered/have a storyline with the serial killer. Even Hawkes.

I'm really looking forward to the two Reed episodes we have so far. I really like how well written his character is and his interactions with Mac. Not to mention his chemistry with Gary Sinise is really good so it makes for good entertainment!
Anyone else think it's funny that Danny goes to games with his girlfriend and pours his heart and soul out to his best friend? Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? That just cracks me up. :lol:

Oh totally! That's just so warped. :lol: I mean I love that it's Flack Danny turns to in his moment of need but isn't the girlfriend supposed to be the confidant? This just goes to show that there isn't really an emotional connection between Danny and Lindsay and the PTB are still shoving it down our throats. On the other hand, I think TPTB have realized that Anna can't just do emotional scenes, she ain't good enough to tackle such meaty scenes. :lol:
We don't really know what Rikki's purpose is in 416.
The thing is--from Carmine's interview, it sounds like they might be trying to imply something, even if they don't go there. From my reading of his comments regarding 4.16 with Rikki, it sounds like at the end of the episode we (and possibly Carmine at the time) don't know just what the deal really is with Rikki and might assume it's something more than it ends up being when the later episodes air.

Which is cheap, but there you go. The writers aren't above cheap tricks.

(I could be wrong, of course--Carmine is a bit confusing, and I think he himself was confused, which makes it worse. :lol:)
(I could be wrong, of course--Carmine is a bit confusing, and I think he himself was confused, which makes it worse. :lol:)

Must be tricky for an actor if you don't know how your character's going to develop, don't you think? How can you have the right motivation and understanding of your actions if you have no idea what the hell's going on??
Yeah, no kidding--but I assume it's not usually so rushed. Hopefully the episodes won't seem thrown together or anything.
I'm really glad to hear Reed is going to be back. And I'm curious about this serial killer storyline. I wonder if one of the CSIs will end up in danger in the ep where he's finally caught.

Thats what i was thinking could it be the lead up to the season finale, usually if its a big one we start gettin hints.

I'm really intrieged to where these next few episodes will go cos they've provoked a mixed reaction and they always have a tendency to say one thing and do another.

I hope they havent been rused because of the end of the strike need to get episodes out, lets skip a few bits but they havent seemed it so far.
I am so glad the Reed is back and the storylines are looking really interesting!

While reading the last few posts...maybe Reed could be the one in danger (again) rather than one of the CSIs :p

Thanks for the spoilers ;)
Wow, a serial killer storyline sounds really interesting. I think it would be great if either Flack or Hawkes ended up being in danger with this serial killer. It would be especially great if it was Flack, as he's the only one who hasn't had criminals/psychos come after him - Mac had Drew, Stella had Frankie and Drew, Danny had Sonny Sassone and the Tanglewood Boys, Hawkes had Shane Casey (Danny sort of had Shane Casey too). Lindsay hasn't had anyone come after her yet, but she did have the Big Secret/Massacre storyline in s3. So I think it's Flack's turn to be in danger. Eddie would knock a storyline like that out of the park!

So, both Reed and Jordan will be in an ep, that should make for some great Mac scenes. His chemistry with Reed is wonderful.

As for the D/L scene, I don't know. I'm not a D/L shipper, but I do prefer Lindsay when she's doing the light/fun stuff, so I wouldn't mind seeing that. I do think like a lot of people here that it's funny that Danny confides in Flack and goes to games and does 'sports talk' with Lindsay.:lol:
We don't really know what Rikki's purpose is in 416.
The thing is--from Carmine's interview, it sounds like they might be trying to imply something, even if they don't go there. From my reading of his comments regarding 4.16 with Rikki, it sounds like at the end of the episode we (and possibly Carmine at the time) don't know just what the deal really is with Rikki and might assume it's something more than it ends up being when the later episodes air.

Which is cheap, but there you go. The writers aren't above cheap tricks.

(I could be wrong, of course--Carmine is a bit confusing, and I think he himself was confused, which makes it worse. :lol:)

:lol: Good point. When I talked to him, they were just finishing up 415/416. He hadn't even read 417 yet, so maybe what happens with Rikki in 416 leaves things open-ended.
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