CSI:NY season 2 comes to the Philippines

^ Yeah, my sister did a double-take on that scene.

And Flack... hee. What more can be said about this man? :D

I love the last scene when we see Mac. He was so laid back, and he really looked like he was in his element while he played bass. Hoo-rah!
Love the episode. Kinda funny how last week we see Danny in another place (train) and then Mac and Lindsay all dressed up, and this week we see Stella all dressed up and Danny, Lindsay and Mac in another place (club). Very nice to see them having social lives :D

The plot about the posters were quite similar to CSI:Vegas's episode last week, so that was a bit weird. But I liked the scenes where Mac, and then later Danny laughed. Flack is awesome with his lines. This man never disappoint me!
^Now that you mention it, yeah, it kinda had a familiar feel to it. But LV was a bit darker.

Going off tangent a bit to make mention of that LV episode. When they mentioned Dollar's rival was from New York (and he's from LV), it made me smirk a little. Symbolic, perhaps? ;) They could have chosen a different state, after all, to depict the East Coast-West Coast rivalry.

Flack is awesome with his lines. This man never disappoint me!
When has he ever? :D Well, overlooking his choice of ties, that is... :p
My brother almost rolled on the floor when Mac 'laughed' at Danny's joke. Lol... and then Danny has a similar laugh a bit later on in the episode. Hahahahah! Everybody 'cept Sheldon laughed on "Stuck on You".

Flack quoting Carlos was soooooooo good! Stella's reaction was priceless. She's been the receiving end of comments like that; first, 'necking' from Sid -- now something from Donnie. His tie is better last night than with the one before lol. He has a thing for violet ei :)

So disappointed that Danny didn't hold the guitars like he'll play it. Once again, the writers gave away a subtle information about his past. More and more I'm thinking that CSI:NY is life imitating art. And is it just me or does Mac and Lindsey HAVE chemistry? Because the D/L scene didn't work that well for me. He's giving her sticky glances (Filipino: malagkit na tingin) and awkward silence....

This is Mac's episode. My mom flipped when she saw Gary playing the bass. Which reminds me of a Lt.Dan Band clip I saw off YouTube -- his band playing "Teenage Wasteland" -- that was before he became Mac Taylor. Oh how ironic. :)

And what can I say about Stella's neckline? Low. Period.
Lindsay was really cute with the bow! But I found somethings about the bow scene a little bit... I dunno, not... logical. I mean, when Mac asked Lindsay to fire an arrow, she said she has never fired one before. But the way she was holding the bow, drawing it and anchoring it; it looks as if she's done it before. Plus, she wasn't wearing an arm guard; all first-time archers need to wear an arm guard or risk getting bruises on their arms.

:lol: What can I say? I'm an archer myself.
I liked Stuck on You. I'd probably give it a 4 out of 5. Mac/Gary on the bass was :devil: Oooh, those hands. You can play me anytime, honey :D :devil: The scene where Flack and stela were going through Carlo's little black book brought such a big grin on my face :D Oooh, what was that quote that Flack said? Something about being with both crazy and beautiful woman? And the look on Stella's face! :lol:

Right, on to the bad. No secret here how I feel about Lindsay but last night! Again, the writers are shoving Danny/Lindsay down our throat. Except now, they are using a pitchfork! And now what? We're supposed to believe that Lindsay knows Mac better than Danny? Not only that, she's practically gloating this fact to Danny. In her defense, Lindsay and Mac really do seem to have something good going on. Maybe TPTB should just stick Lindsay with Mac and make her leave Danny alone. It's not working and it's bordering on painful.
I happen to like the last scene, esp with the way Danny was looking at her. The way Lindsay smiled at him totally gives away the fact that she likes him. Plus, like I said, I love Lindsay's archery scene.

Mac's really good with the bass guitar, no? I loved the look on Danny's face when he realised that Mac was there.
Okay, the archery seen was good. Lindsay, when paired with Mac, is actually palatable. It's just that when she's with Danny, I just don't feel the connection. Not like when Danny was with Aiden. Maybe, I'm biased but I'm sorry to say, Lindsay just doesn't grow me like Hawkes does, or Stella, or even Hammerback! I get it that she's the new kid from the South but she's no southern belle, not like Calleigh from CSI Miami.
Okay, I've got my vibes that there's something bet. Mac and Lindsay. Dunno. Maybe she's just kissing ass, maybe she's not. Ya know? Tired of the "new girl" status. But, it's not bad. Mac... and Lindsay (talk about cradle robbing).

And I think this is the ep they featured IN STEREO by Fort Minor. I wouldn't know since I haven't watched it yet.
*putting on anti-riot gear*

Well, the archery scene didn't do it for me. Maybe cause I've been spoiled with that scene, how I have this perverse nature of not liking what the general public does. But to me, it felt like she was trying to please daddy or something. But it was nice to see a genuine reaction from her. That emotion actually jumped across the screen, in my wretched humble opinion. Maybe Gary talks to Anna before a scene, how they would play it out, something like that. Much, much love to that man. :D

Those D/L scene when Lindsay was pointing out to Danny that he doesn't know Mac that well? Although I would admit that some people are more insightful than others, but, the way Lindsay's character has been played out throughout the series thus far, everything seems kind of contrived. I feel like I'm seeing a Mary Sue right out of a fanfic or something.

*sigh* Done ranting. Hold off the rotten produce! I've got something more to say!

And Stella's blouse? I really didn't see it cause I was too distracted by the Flackmeister. :D Will have to watch it again for 'research purposes'. :p

Okay. Fire when ready! *winces*
*watching Rashomama*

tiqlado, what research do you need? Maybe I can help you with that Flackerism of yours.

They should quit it with the 'new girl' card. She's not the new girl anymore. For all we know, she's in there for a year or so already. CSI shows are not linear in time line. I remember in CSI:LV that Brass shot and killed an officer, then a few episodes later (the camera following them) the reporter said, "shot that officer a year ago".

Lindsey needs to grow as a character.
^ Nah, just kidding about the 'research bit'. :lol: More like research on how the characters interact for prospective fanfics. But any help on Flackerism is always welcome! :D

I never realized that NY wouldn't follow a linear timeline. They might or might be. But yes, you raised a good point about Lindsay (which is likely discussed in another thread). Maybe they're following that linear timeline you're talking about? Or maybe we still see her as the new girl because she acts or is treated as one?
tiqlado said:
Those D/L scene when Lindsay was pointing out to Danny that he doesn't know Mac that well? Although I would admit that some people are more insightful than others, but, the way Lindsay's character has been played out throughout the series thus far, everything seems kind of contrived. I feel like I'm seeing a Mary Sue right out of a fanfic or something.

That's how I feel. It's like, Lindsay found out about Mac playing in the club not because she wants to get to know her boss and share that info with a fellow worker, but to get back at Danny for what he said earlier. Like, showing off how she knows more about Mac even though she's new and stuff.

But yeah, I don't really care about her. I focus on the better parts, like Flack and Stella. Now that's something I call chemistry, even if not in the romantic way :)
hat's how I feel. It's like, Lindsay found out about Mac playing in the club not because she wants to get to know her boss and share that info with a fellow worker, but to get back at Danny for what he said earlier. Like, showing off how she knows more about Mac even though she's new and stuff.

I get the same vibe. It might not have supposed to come off that way, because the delivery lacked conviction. It came off sounding like she is still trying to get accepted in the group or something.

I'll watch it again, if not for her sake, then that Flack-Stella scene! :devil: