CSI: NY Picture Thread #4: Ready for Your Close Up?

That man is so damn distracting with his hotness. Flack too. Thankees for the pics, Fruitbat. My fave is the one with Mac and Don, love the lil American flag on the train - they are 2 hot American men.:drool:

Yip thats my fav as well I would love to get my hands on a hi res version of that pic...:drool::drool:
Thanks for the pictures - I notice that the ones for "Prey" make sure to show the latest inclusion of stunt casting. And it looks like Stella is teaching a class, which should be cool. :)

Mac looks like a superhero in that one for some reason - I think it's the eyebrows. :p

And of course, Sheldon is a sexy beast, and Adam is cute just sitting there. ;)
Thanks for the promo pics :D

My favourite is the one with Stella, Mac and Danny. Stella standing with her leg on the briefcase looking at Mac, Mac at Danny and Danny.. well.. he stares into the void.
Thanks Fruitbat for the lovely pics, :) all wonderful. Top41, thank you for bringing attention the ring on Danny I too missed that. I am afraid that I too was distracted by the boys, especially Mac, I do have a soft spot for him. Thank you once again.
Thanks Fruitbat for the lovely pics, :) all wonderful. Top41, thank you for bringing attention the ring on Danny I too missed that. I am afraid that I too was distracted by the boys, especially Mac, I do have a soft spot for him. Thank you once again.

I know exactly what you mean, he can distract me any time..:devil: And If I cant have Mac I will take Don :) Or Adam :)
Mac looks like a superhero in that one for some reason - I think it's the eyebrows. :p

And of course, Sheldon is a sexy beast, and Adam is cute just sitting there. ;)

Now I'm picturing Mac in a skin tight suit a la Batman and Nite Owl II. Of course if he wanted to go down the Dr Manhatten route, I'd be cool with that ;)

Damn me and my superhero fixation.
Of course if he wanted to go down the Dr Manhatten route, I'd be cool with that ;)
I just saw "Watchmen" the other day, so now I have disturbing mental images. Thanks. :p
Now I'm picturing Mac in a skin tight suit a la Batman and Nite Owl II. Of course if he wanted to go down the Dr Manhatten route, I'd be cool with that ;)

Damn me and my superhero fixation.

Leave Nite Owl II, he didn't do anything wrong, and I'm not that sure about the Manhattan route, although it would be appropriate since they only do Manhattan cases. But keep the underwear. Now, is there any brave soul that can make a bluish version of Mac? Gosh..that'll be funny:guffaw: