CSI: NY Picture Thread #4: Ready for Your Close Up?

Thanks for the pics Fruitbat !!! :)

Wow, I've already have forgotten Marty Pino, I think I have to refresh my memory. He was a lab rat, right? Nice to see Sid out of the morgue.

He wasn't a lab rat he was an M.E. for a couple of eps. After Hawkes and Evan Zao and just before Sid I think.:) Wasnt really a fan to be honest. But he was okay. I think thats why Sids there cause he knows him, I am assuming that anyway.
Found some Spoiler Pics for 05x17: Green Piece. I don't think they've been posted yet.

All clickable thumbnails. :)
Poor Adam. :/

I can't wait for this episode,seems like we'll see a lot of development.

Thanks a lot _Hush_
^You're welcome ;)

I wonder why Adam's wearing like a knee pad in the first picture? Looks like he's been skating or something? :confused:
HUSH, I believe I read somewhere that Adam was playing street hockey at the time of the incident. Otherwise, someone forgot to edit out all of safety gear AJ was wearing to protect himself in that scene! But I really do think it's the street hockey!

BTW, thanks for the pics!!!!

*Hugs Adam*
I bet he was playing something cause he has on knee and elbow pads, and any safety gear AJ would wear would be under his clothes on over them, so I bet he was playing street hockey or something that require him to wear protective gear