CSI: NY Picture Thread #4: Ready for Your Close Up?

for this caps NattyBatty55
Thank you for the fab screen caps! I live for these things. I have a serious Flack addiction which has to be feed!:drool:

BTW, did I miss the zip file for the epi with the silicone dolls? I've been looking back through the thread and didn't spot it.

Thanks so much for taking the time to make all of these!

Oooh, yes. Lovely pictures, thanks, noealonso! :D I do love me some casual Flack (who doesn't?), but he does also look good in the promo pictures for 5.10. :) And, although it's not really a surprise, I am still surprised that there isn't any promo shots of Lindsay for 5.09.
Great pics! :D And yeah, no Lindsay in "The Box" promos...further proof of who the focus of this whole storyline is on. ;)

5x09 The box


Flack sure does love it when Danny bends over! :devil: The grins on both of their faces are priceless. :devil:
mmmmm :drool: me likie a lotie!!! :drool: :drool: :drool: me want more! sounding like a cavewoman now lol..now if only I could find my club...so I can hit a certain someone upside his pretty head and take him back to my cave :devil:

Man I love when Flack is actually casual!!! I wish we saw more jeans on that man...:drool:
:scream: I am on overdrive! OH MY GOOOODDD!!! :drool:

Those are just hot hot HOT! pictures! We should really need to have Casual Flack in considerable doses. The ladies love it! Well, I know I do!

And man, the way he fills out his jeans! :eek::adore: Oh, I want just want to ...:angel:

Top41 said:
Flack sure does love it when Danny bends over! The grins on both of their faces are priceless.
:guffaw: Oh dear. Bring on the shippers!

Edit: Is it just me or his shirt looked like the one he wore in Personal Foul? It's just a different color. Still looks good though but I wonder why they won't dress him in a...different style since they had done that kind of shirt before?
Great pics,I love it how they have decided to dress Flack down aswell,now and again:lol:
It`s like,okay we have dressed down Danny,who can we dressed down now,hmmm,oh let`s take Flack:p