CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!!

Re: CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!! **May Contain Spoilers**

I love the pics! The car scene looks cute. Can't wait to see it.

Oh, good, I thought I was crazy! I thought there were three more episodes, but everyone was saying there were only two more. :lol: I feel better now.
Re: CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!! **May Contain Spoilers**

That second pic in the bar - killed me. *am dead* Having the gang all together is always awesome.

I wonder where in the episode the bar photo was taken from. It seems like an episode-ending kind of scene, but they look so happy considering Aidan dies - especially Danny and Flack. Or does she really die...? :confused:
Re: CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!! **May Contain Spoilers**

Anyone noticed how only Danny and Flack are drinking from the bottles? :)
Re: CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!! **May Contain Spoilers**

Oh! Yeah, they drinking from the bottle :lol: If that's the last scene of the season, it's awesome! :D
Re: CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!! **May Contain Spoilers**

Lizzy_Sander said:
Oh! Yeah, they drinking from the bottle :lol: If that's the last scene of the season, it's awesome! :D

I doubt it. As 'Heroes' is the second to the last episode of the season and those photos are from 'Heros.'
Re: CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!! **May Contain Spoilers**

Hormiga said:
Do you have a pic of Danny and Flack together?
I looked back on the thread but I didn't find any,maybe I've to check the first thread.

It's the one of the whole team. They are both the only one drinking from bottles--too cute! :D
Re: CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!! **May Contain Spoilers**

Top41 said:
Hormiga said:
Do you have a pic of Danny and Flack together?
I looked back on the thread but I didn't find any,maybe I've to check the first thread.

It's the one of the whole team. They are both the only one drinking from bottles--too cute! :D

I think they might've meant just a picture of Danny & Flack, in general. I could be wrong though :)
Re: CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!! **May Contain Spoilers**

^Oh yeah, those are great pics. :D
Re: CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!! **May Contain Spoilers**

They are great pics.

Because yeah, even in character and out of character, those two are just so slashy in love.
Re: CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!! **May Contain Spoilers**

It is kinda funny how cute Danny and Flack are together, and how equally cute Carmine and Eddie are together. ;) :devil:

I can't remember if I've said this before, but I love the promo pics! I really appreciate you guys posting them, abc and BlueGirl. It's so much fun to see stuff from the eps before they air.
Re: CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!! **May Contain Spoilers**

I can see that scene in the bar happening....

When my Dad died we had a whole group of his friends over to
my house after the funeral. We told stories and laughed and celebrated the good times, there was plenty of time later for tears
Re: CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!! **May Contain Spoilers**

I had a great Sudafed-induced brainstorm very early this morning about that picture. Why I was thinking about that at 1:30 this morning, I don't know. Anyway, what if they were finally able to get this Pratt dude and they're celebrating that? Aiden would have been so happy, so they're out celebrating her and the capture. Just a thought.
Re: CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!! **May Contain Spoilers**

Some might be re-posts, but it's better to post something twice than not posting them at all. ;) Enjoy!

"Cool Hunter"
