CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Head of the Graveyard Shift
The First Story..CSI:NY Losing Faith On Love

The Second Story..CSI:NY..The Younger Generation

Welcome to CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Continues. I hope you will enjoy Series three as we see the Taylor's/Delko's/Messer's/Flack's continue their up's and downs through life.

In this Series as it continues we will be dealing with Maddy and the loss of her husband. Along with the remaining story line of Anya/MJ's trials through their healing. As these two story lines finish up we will jump ahead again. But that's later....for now please continue to enjoy the third Installment.

To all my devoted readers Thanks for everything we've been through in Series 1&2. You're FB is always appreciated and loved.

Change to Fic

I'm changing the ages of Leanne and MJ. Due to e-mailing/PM'ing with other readers on FF and here who have never read this fic. We feel that it would be better for all the readers to put them closer in age.

So Leanne is now 25years.

MJ is now 17.

Now Recap on the kids/grandchildren

Mac/Stella have four children alive.

Now the grandchildren are as follows.

Michael/Anya: MJ is 17, Caroline is 14 from Michaels previous marriage, mother deceased. Tyler is 6 he had with Anya his second wife.

Mackenzie/Eric: Shannon , Sara, Sharon are 15 from Mack's first marraige, husband deceased. Serina, Selina, Sasha are 6, Eric Jr 7mths. she had with Eric her second husband.

Madison/Mathew: Grayson 14, Gregory 3, their father deceased

Now onto Danny..

From his first marraige with Lindsay they had..Danny Jr, Dominique, James, Jack. From his second marraige to Natalia they have...Lindsay is 15, and a new one on the way.

Now...Danny's boys have children

Danny Jr has two girls Karen is 15, Daina is 12

Dominique has one child..Thomas is 11

James has three...Peter is 16, Lily is 14, and Jillian is 10

Jack has one...Paulina is 8

Now onto Don/Jenn... they have an adopted daughter named Marie and Marie has two children...Jenson is 12 and Jake is 10

Then Sheldon/Jimeka they have two boys...Jordan 15, and Jerome is 14.

Hope this helps prepare you for christmas
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Sitting at the table in the Mall MJ finally released Leanne's hand.

"Are you doing okay MJ?"

"I think so Leanne. It just feels strange being back here. I can still see myself standing over there. That's where it happened right by the Pizza,Pizza."

Leanne could see MJ's eyes become misty. God how she wanted to hold him. Just let him know that she was right there with him. God how did this happen so fast. How could her feelings for MJ have changed that quickly with a simple touch, a simple glare.

"Leanne....are you sure you're okay? You look so deep in thought."

"I'm fine MJ. What would you like to eat?"

"Just a burger and fry. I'll come with you."

"No...you stay here. I'll be right back."

Leanne was testing MJ. She wanted to see how deep his fear of the Mall was still embedded in him. Walking up to the counter it couldn't have been more then five seconds when she felt MJ behind her.

"I'm sorry Leanne...I just couldn't...." He whispered across her ear.

"It's okay MJ. No worries. We'll work on that later."

MJ watched as Leanne's shook carrying the tray.

"Why don't you let me carry that."

Passing the tray to MJ one of his friends snuck up behind him and poked his back. Dropping the tray he screamed. Screamed as everyone stared and wondered what was going on.

"MJ....MJ it's okay. Focus MJ. Look at me. It's okay...I'm right here."

Pulling MJ into her chest, she rocked him. Looking up at his friend she said...

"What the hell is the matter with you? What did you think you were doing?"

"I'm sorry. I"m one of MJ's friends. I didn't know he was still freaked about that Mall thingy."

"Mall thingy?? It was a stabbing. A stabbing that should never had happened. Just get the hell out of here. As for the rest of you. Have some God damn respect and quit staring."

As Leanne pulled MJ up in her arms, she walked him back to the car. Leaning him against it she could feel him shivering.

"I'm sorry MJ. I"m sorry I brought you here. I guess it's to soon. Please calm down MJ. It's not good to be this upset."

Gripping his chin within her hand she stared into his tear filled eyes that matched hers.

"MJ...I"m sorry."

God this day had turned into a mess. Getting into the car she drove him home.

"Hey...you guys are back early. MJ...what's the matter hon?"

"We had an incident at the Mall. Things were going great. Then one of MJ's friends sneaked up on him and scared him. I'm really sorry Stella I honest thought he was ready."

"Aww..don't blame yourself Leanne. Why don't you stay for supper. It's been kind of lonely here. Mac, Maddy and my grandbabies don't arrive till tomorrow."

"Sure...I'd like that Stella. It's kind of hard being on my own again."


Caroline had watched the first two tapes. God how pretty her mom was. She had beautiful long blonde hair that flowed below her waist. Big bright blue eyes, and a warm wide smile that spoke of precious love.

"Hey sweetie...may I watch your video's with you?"

"Sure mom. Come on in."

Sitting on her bed with Caroline she watched as Michael and Selina painted the Nursery for Caroline's arrival.

"She's very beautiful isn't she sweetie? She looks alot like you. She has the prettiest blue eyes. Though I think MJ got lucky with those."

"That's what my dad said too. It hard to look at them without melting daddy says."

"So is meeting your mom everything you expected?"

"It is mom. I'm finding out so much about the love her daddy shared. Like did you know my mom was afraid of bees. I watched an earlier video and there was a bee chasing her, so daddy ran behind her swatting at it. Poor mom fell on bum, and dad swatted her by accident."

Anya laughed with Caroline. She could finally see some happiness returning to her daughters life.

"Well...I'm going to leave you to your video's. I brought up that picture of your dad, MJ, and mom. Would you like to keep it by your bedside?"

"Really??? Oh yes please. Thank you so much mom."

"You're welcome sweetheart. I'll call you when supper is ready."


"Yeah love?"

"How's daddy doing now? He's not crying anymore is he?"

"Just a little sweetie. Don't worry. He'll be fine."

Walking back downstairs Anya knew it was time to help Michael heal for a change. Instead of him helping her.
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Post #997
It's the Taylor eyes that will get you all the girls."
*Faints* I could picture Leanne and MJ's condition now. Their "first date" in the mall! That's really wonderful. *Sobs* Caroline is blaming herself for her mother's death. It's not her fault it happen though. Would it hurt her more to let her watch the videos? Or was it the best for her to watch and leave a piece of memories of her mom inside her mind? One thing I'm for sure, her mom, Selina will always be in her heart. She'll heard her wherever she go.

Post #3
Aw, at least he tried. That's a good thing. He's getting better and better in appearance outside. MJ sure had lots of day dreams about Leanne later.. :adore: They've been lovely together. Leanne is in loveeee.. Glad that Caroline is more happier already. And I'm proud of Anya for being so thoughtful and I can see that she's happy for them. This is going to help her PTSD to recover soon. Hmm.. Anya helping Michael to get through this, I wonder how.. :adore: ;)
I didn't even realize my last post on the other thread was the 1000 th post. :lol:

Anyway, this was a great chapter. Loved the talk between Anya and Caroline. MJ's friend wasn't very bright. You don't sneak up and poke someone when they're carrying something. :lol: But, I loved how Leanne protected him.
Please notice age changes in first post, thanks

When the flight had taken off Mac helped his youngest grandson out of his belt.

"Would you like to sit with papa?"

Sticking his thumb back in his mouth, he cautiously moved towards his papa finally climbing into his lap. Leaning back against him, Gregory fell into sleep.

"How you feeling Maddy?"

"I don't know dad. I want to go make sure Mathew is secure in the Cargo space."

"Trust me Maddybee. He's very secure. I watched them board him."


"Yes Grayson?"

"Tell me more about MJ's accident?"

"Well...he was at the Mall with his girlfriend Lindsay and their cousins when a gang of young boys pushed Lindsay. MJ tried to protect her, during the struggle one of the boys stabbed him with a knife. It was Critical for a while before he woke, he suffered a stroke leaving his left side paralyzed."

"But he's okay now right?"

"Mhmm...he's healing wonderfully. Though I'm not sure about relationship wise. For nana mentioned MJ had broken up with Lindsay."

"Is she pretty papa?"

"You never mind Grayson. You don't date your cousins ex's, understood?"

"But....what if MJ says I can?"

Mac laughed. He could tell the fun times in the Taylor house were about to change. For their way of doing things was different from Maddy's.

"What's so funny papa?"

"Well son...I can see the the future right now."

Grayson gave his papa the HUH!! look.

"Is that a good thing papa?"

"Oh....believe me son. It's better then good. Ahh...and only 22 more days till Christmas." *Sigh*

Back at the Delko's they finally had the whole house fully trimmed. Heading to the kitchen they forgot all about Eric Jr. As he crawled his way towards the tree and pulled on the garland.


Running back in they seen the tree knocked over and the dogs chasing the plastic bulbs across the floor while Eric Jr clapped his hands at the funny dogs.

"Good job sport....come here."

Picking his son up in his arms he giggled.

"I don't see anything funny young man. Look at the mess you made."

"Aww...come on dad. Now we have no tree. Thanks alot li'l Eric."

While the girls cleaned up the mess. Eric took Eric Jr upstairs for his nap.

At the Taylor's Leanne was helping Stella with dinner.

"Why don't you go check on MJ. I can do the rest Leanne."

"I'm fine Stella. I don't mind helping."

Stella noticed that Leanne had been quiet since their return from the Mall.

"Leanne is something bothering you honey?"

Honey...it had been a long time since she had heard any pet name. God she missed her parents. They had both died of strokes. Which is what made Leanne become a Therapist. So she could help others.

"Ummm..hmm..I think I will go check on MJ."

Walking into the den she found MJ reading.

"Hey MJ...what are you reading?"

"Romeo and Juliet. I have to get caught up on school work."

"Oh...Romeo and Juliet is a beautiful story. It's even more beautiful seen live."

"Really?? You seen it live?"

"I did. The actors were great. The story was hopelessly romantic. I cried like a baby at the end."

MJ tried not to laugh. But Leanne was in her own little world.

"Oh Romeo...Oh Romeo...Where for art thou Romeo?" She sighed.

With her eyes closed and her hand above her head MJ leaned in and caressed her cheek.

"You're so beautiful Leanne."

Opening her eyes she seen that intense stare again.

"Dinner you guys, let's go."

Heading to the table MJ followed behind watching Leanne.


"Sorry Leanne." He smiled.
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:lol: at Grayson asking if Lindsay's pretty and wanting to know if he can date her if it's okay with MJ. :lol: at MJ watching Leanne.
After dinner Leanne and MJ headed back into the den.

"So before I leave. Would you like help with your homework?"

"Do you have to go Leanne?"

Leanne could feel the pull of MJ drawing her in. God how badly she wanted him to hold her, how badly she wanted to feel his caress again. But again, she was twenty-five and he was only seventeen.

"MJ...when are you going to talk to Anya?"

"I don't know. I honestly don't. How am I supposed to forgive her?"

"One step at a time MJ. Listen to what she has to say. Let her explain to you what she's feeling. No one is saying you have to go home. All we want you to do is talk to her. Try and mend the hurt. Even a little."

"I'll see Leanne. No promises though. Now.. do you have to leave?"

"Umm..hmm..I think it's best MJ. I have to be up early."

"I know what you're thinking Leanne. You're thinking I'm to young for you. Is that it Leanne? It is isn't it. I'm eighteen in four days. Don't think you are going to be able to keep running from me. I will catch you Leanne."

Leanne wasn't sure what to say. God the intensity in the room was so thick. Turning to look out the patio window she felt the soft brush of MJ's hand caress her arm. Closing her eyes she allowed his touch to take her.

How could she keep fighting what had always been there? Leaning into her closer he whispered....

"Let me touch you Leanne...let me kiss you."

She couldn't think. The only thing that was embedded in her thoughts was MJ. So powerful, so handsom, so caring and seductive with his voice. So lost as she felt his caress deepen as he wrapped his fingers in her hair and brushed it away from her neck.

"Soooo beautiful Leanne...." he breathed.

Leaning in, as her head fell back against his shoulder.. he softly, sensually kissed her neck. God it was so damn sensual that she had to squeeze their fingers together to stop herself from moaning.

"MMMJ....please....we need to stop..."

"I can feel you shiver in my arms Leanne. Just like Juliet did in Romeo's. Be my Juliet Leanne. Let me kiss you one time. If you still want me to stop I will. I'm not asking to love you yet. All I'm asking for is a kiss."

MJ knew he had her where he wanted her. He could feel her body quiver against his. He had waited so long just for this moment. Just for this one sweet kiss that would either make them or break them as a couple.

Turning in his arms she realized she could no longer fight it. Leaning in they....

Over at the Delko's it was quiet. The older kids had gone out. The younger ones were in bed. It had been a lifetime since Eric and Mackenzie had time to themselves.

"Mac....where are you sweetheart?"

"Downstairs finishing the laundry."

Walking down the stairs he found her leaning over the washer. Sneaking up he slid his hands up her waist.

"Behave yourself Lt.Delko. Our girls will be home in half and hour."

"Half an hour is alot of time babe. Why don't you let me help you get to the rinse cycle."

Kissing her neck with little kisses she couldn't focus.

"Eriiiiiiic...stop. You're such a devil."

"Mooooooom....daaaaaaaaaad....we're home."

"Saved by the girls." Laughed Mac.

"For now babe. But once those girls are in bed. It's me, you, and the rinse cycle."

Slapping her butt he ran upstairs to attack his girls.
:lol: at MJ trying to seduce Leanne. She was like putty in his hands. hehe.

:lol: at Eric. He's adorable trying to get some romance time with Mack before the kids get home. "Saved by the girls" haha!

Loved the chapter. :)
Post #7
Eh? I just noticed that. Thanks! If not I would still have my head in the sand. Anyway, everything is appreciated! It's great to know that their age difference is not that far. MJ is a big guy already! I'm sure the interesting part is coming. *Starts to read* Lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. I have not even start yet..Accidentally scrolled down to the next post And I.. saw one word that made me barely able to breathe. *Taking a deep breathe* Aw.. Without knowing, Gregory is not shy anymore and has already like his papa. I'm sure he would be very happy when he reached Miami, as they have a wonderful family who provides warmth, comfort, happiness, safety and joy to everyone.

I jumped.. I thought something might happen to Eric Jr. Relieved to read that he's okay and in a great condition. I cracked up. Little Eric has been a little bit naughty. Thanks, Linda. I love it when Linda write some of the characters family background inside. It's really sad to know that Leanne is lack of her parents love. I can see that the Taylors and Delkos have already accepted her as their family *Soon-to-be MJ's wife*. *Day dreams* Romeo and Juliet! A wonderful and beautiful romantic love story, it was very sad and inexplicable. Memories came flooding back to me.. :adore: Aw.. That was lovely.. MJ's intense stare has got Leanne's heart beating very fast.

Post #10
Don't think you are going to be able to keep running from me. I will catch you Leanne."
Ohhhh.. He's sooo sweet. I could feel tons of butterfly in my stomach.. *Blush*. I've reached there! *Faints* Leanne has already deep in love with MJ.. Lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. *Sobs* I'm halfway up the tree. Leaning in they... What? :scream::scream::scream: Will it be continued? :adore: Will someone interupt them? Will it break them? I have tons of questions in my head. Wonder what the future would hold for them..
"Saved by the girls."
Poor Eric.. But he'll get it back when the girls went to bed. Rinse cycle? It's lovely. I'm glad that no matter how busy and tired they are, they always have time for each other and their family. This shows how much they care and how important the family are to them, top priority in their life. It's really a great thing. :thumbsup: Love this..!
Turning in his arms she realized she could no longer fight it. Leaning in they felt the room become warm, and as their lips touched neither one of them could find words to describe it.

Softly as their tongues slid across each other, her hands wrapped around his neck as his slipped to her waist. Watching from the door Stella had a lone teardrop in her eye. God she missed Mac. His whispers of love, the way his warm hands danced across her skin.

Sensually breaking apart they drowned in each others eyes.... bringing up his hand MJ caressed the tear from her cheek.

"Was it that bad Leanne?"

"No....she said in whispered breath...it was beautiful."

"Plese tell me this means we will build a bridge together. One that is strong... that can never be torn apart."

Jesus Leanne could barely breathe. Where did MJ get all his romantic words from.

"MJ.....you're so poetic.."

"You can thank my papa for that later."

Placing his hand to the back of her neck, he pulled her in and softly kissed her again.

Leaving the kids to their kiss she walked upstairs to get ready for bed.

Miami Airport

"Here we are guys, we're home."

"It's so hot here papa. How do you stay cool?"

"Air conditioning Grayson. Then as the months and years progress you get use to the heat."

"Excuse me Mr.Taylor. Where would you like the body sent?"

"You can send it too BERNARDO GARCIA FUNERAL HOMES. 4100 Nw 7th St."

"Of course sir. Maam...I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thank you"...she quivered out.

"Come on Maddybee. It's okay you'll have mom in a few minutes. Just hold on...okay?"

When they pulled into the house Mac carried Gregory upstairs to the spare room.

"Dad...I'm really tired. Don't wake mom. We'll talk in the morning. I think we all need sleep."

"Sure love."

Once Mac had them all settled he walked back downstairs and found MJ and Leanne wrapped in each others arms.

"Ehemmm...hey kids.."

"Whoa..papa you're home. Where's Maddy and the boys?"

"They're sleeping. They were tired. So...how you doing Leanne?" He smiled wickedly.

"There's that Taylor smirk...you boys sure know how to make a woman swoon. I think I'll take my leave now." She laughed.

"Leanne...I'll see you tomorrow?"

"You will MJ. Night Mac."

"Night Leanne."

Looking at his grandson he waited for an explanation.

"Well son..."

"It's nothing papa. We just shared a kiss. I'm tired. Welcome home and night."

"MJ we are going to talk about this new love interest of yours."

"Of course we are. Tomorrow."

Running upstairs Mac rubbed his hads together. For he knew his prediction with those kids was right on. Entering his room he heard his wife dreaming. Dropping his clothes he climbed in beside her, sensually pulled her towards him, whispering....

"Steeeeella......I'm home. I missed you so much.."

"Mmm.....if this is a dream, I never want to wake."

"It's no dream love. We are home. Maddy and the kids are sleeping. Right now the only thing I want to talk about is your sighs, purrs and pants as I love you endlessly through the rest of the night."

Turning in her husbands arms, they passionately kissed as he slid her gown from her warm heated body. So out of control now as they allowed their love to carry them both back to what they had missed...each other.
Lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... *Speechless* That was wonderful! Although it's only a kiss that MJ wanted, it means alot to both of them. Their Officially First Kiss! I still remember their first kiss where MJ turns his head and made Leanne kissed him on the lips. And she thought, "the Taylors had strong lips". That was lovely! A moment which will always be meaningful and unforgettable to the both of them. They made lots of wonderful memories together since the first day they met, the day MJ saw a beautiful therapist that came and help him go through all the stages of his difficulties. It's really amazing! :thumbsup:
Finally... They are home! I missed Mac being home with them. The Family Guy is home, the moments they had together, the jokes they shared together. :adore: Looking forward to their tomorrow as they are going to talk about Maddy's problem and MJ's new love interest. :adore: I hope that Maddy will share all her problems with the family. She needs to heal. Taylors and Delkos will eventually made her spill it out. Also, I wonder what Mackenzie and Michael's reaction will be when they saw their sister. It's been a long time since they were together, reminding each other of their childhood times, cheering her up.
Lin...daaaaaaaaaaa... I just stabilized.. *Breathless* Looks like I'm the one who is going to be dreaming tonight. :lol: Can't stop myself from thinking already. Mac and Stellaaaaaaa.. *Faints*
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