CSI: NY icon competition-Ch.#18-Black, White & Color- Now Up

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Re: CSI: NY Icon Challenge #15 Voting

Ok I would love to join this one.....but have no idea where to find caps to fit this theme......I may be sitting this one out.
Re: CSI: NY Icon Challenge #15 Voting

I am going to have to agree with Kat I am clueless about it maybe if you (roos) or anyone could provide some caps.
Re: CSI: NY Icon Challenge #15 Voting

I like this theme, but I'm new to NY and am having trouble finding caps that fit :(
Re: CSI: NY Icon Challenge #15 Voting

Okay, here are some general hints to eppies... I am unfortunately don't have the time for posting caps.

You could take:

2x07 - CSI NY/MIA crossover - party from highschool kids ends with violent shooting, CSIs then on scene, watching the died down party

2x13 - opening sequence shows Mac and Linds in evening dressing for opera/mayors ball

4x03 - Flack and Stella undercover in really pretty clothes on a casino kinda party

04x08 - opening sequence has a martini party at the Time Square, girl dies, CSIs are coming to scene (after opening credits). As well in this eppy... Stella having drinks with her stalker Drew - not really PARTY though but nice caps.

Caps for those eppies can be found here (from S3 on) and here.

Hope that helps a bit. :)
Re: CSI: NY Icon Challenge #15 Voting

Thanks for that :D I can definiftly use some of those caps for my icons :)
Re: CSI: NY Icon Challenge #15 Voting

I'm sorry for my late reaction. Thank you, BonaTaylor for the help.

I'll have to extend the deadline, as there aren't enough entries in. You have until next MONDAY, 6PM GMT+1 to send your icons in.
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