CSI:New York - Who's Your OTP??

Heh, looking back at my earlier posts, some things change but others stay the same. :p Danny/Flack is still my OTP, but at the moment I really just ship them and Adam/Hawkes. I tend to get more ideas for the latter than for the former, but my love for D/F runs deep. :lol:
For het, it's got to be Flack/Stella for me.
For slash, well while I like Danny/Flack, my OTP would definitely be Mac/Flack.
I guess my OTP for NY would be Danny and Lindsay. But I don't really ship them as much as I used to anymore though, for some reason.

A slightly odd ship that I've really started to like recently is Hawkes/Stella. I really don't know where it came from, but I think they would make a nice couple.
OTP: Mac and Stella. I am a new CSI:NY fan and I've been watching season one and these two completely blew me away with their chemistry. Even before watching the season from the two or three episodes I had watched I started to like the two of them together but after seeing the whole season I am completely sure.

I liked Aiden and Flack also. Too bad she's gone.
My OTP is Danny/Flack. I'm actually not that much of a shipper generally, I don't think I've actively shipped anyone else from any show! And I'd never even heard of shipping before I joined Talk CSI... But with Danny/Flack it's so easy to see the chemistry and to read the gorgeous subtext whenever they are on screen together. :D

Although I don't ship anyone else, I quite liked Mac and Peyton together, and I really dislike how that ended (it was very poor IMO). I don't ship Adam/Hawkes, but Fay writes good fiction for them. They totally work as a couple. :lol:
I dont really have an OTP for NY but I can see why people ship Danny/Flack. Lately I have enjoyed reading some fan fic of them.
Must admit I love Mac/Stella season one just sold them as perfect for each other. But I must admit I do have a LARGE addiction for Mac/Flack...Charge of This Post started my additcion and Season three with all the tension and angst between them just got me hooked. So if Stella cant have Mac I want him to end up with Don... :D :D
Elsie said:
My OTP is Danny/Flack. I'm actually not that much of a shipper generally, I don't think I've actively shipped anyone else from any show! And I'd never even heard of shipping before I joined Talk CSI... But with Danny/Flack it's so easy to see the chemistry and to read the gorgeous subtext whenever they are on screen together. :D

Agreed, completely. I don't really ship, but after years of lusting after Danny and staring at him longingly, not to mention supporting him every time Danny needs it, Flack should really get to have his Danny. :devil:

Although I don't ship anyone else, I quite liked Mac and Peyton together, and I really dislike how that ended (it was very poor IMO). I don't ship Adam/Hawkes, but Fay writes good fiction for them. They totally work as a couple. :lol:

Ditto. :cool:
I just started watching CSI NY last year, but the main ship that comes to mind is
Mac/Stella. They have great chemistry and can read each other. They have lots of screen time and the looks they give each other... *melt melt melt*


Stella and Flack are really growing on me. I see them together and I think WOW, they would be an amazing couple :D
Well im really a new CSI:NY follower but two names have popped up in my head that I'd like to find out more about

Danny and Flack....
candygirl1uk said:
Well im really a new CSI:NY follower but two names have popped up in my head that I'd like to find out more about

Danny and Flack....

I think you'd like them. :D I have to say, I certainly never intended to ship them. But then I caught Flack staring again...and again...and again...and then there was a scene in a diner that convinced me that wow, Flack's in love! As for Danny, well, people usually don't storm out on someone who's "just a friend." ;) :devil:
Going to bump this up. The poll is closed but people can still comment. My only NY pairing would be Danny/Flack.
Mac/Stella is my OPT
after that there is nothing for a while and then come those that I don't mind which are: