CSI: New York--'Snow Day'

I enjoyed your review, Top. (Did I agree with every single line? Nope, but that's just inherrent with reviews, since they're subjective by nature, right? Wink Wink Nudge Nudge.)

I LOVED the Adam angle of the story, the absolute fear, the way he huddled in that truck, that little boyness. It made me think back to his comment about his dad being a bully - that came from AJ's performace. Also, LOVED that Hill can play a badass with a bonesaw. Wow. He is a beautiful man.

I'll weigh in on the Flack stuff. I think Lindsay did jerk Danny around the season, I believe Flack knows about it and has some opinions. As for the scene between them outside the hostage area, I didn't take it as him being angry with her (not looking her way). I took it as, here is a man in charge of a hostage situation (or at least deeply involved) and focused on his task. His first priority and focus was handling a tense work situation involving the safety of his coworkers and close friend, not comforting Lindsay, whether he likes her or not. *shrugs* As for helping Danny, she was already guiding him out when Flack approached and called for EMS. She didn't "swoop in" and take the situation from Flack, she was already handling it. I personally did not notice tension on either side there. Just mutual concern. (and the fact that Eddie has a great butt, but I'm shallow)

Finally, my view on Lindsay's apology, and forgive me for inserting a personal story. When my late father had a serious medical emergency, I was not at home. I was supposed to have been, but had to work late. When I saw my mom at the hospital, I was in tears, devastated, and all I could think to say was, "I'm sorry. I should have been there." I was heartbroken and scared, and it seems to me, and others I've spoken to, that guilt often goes hand-in-hand with grief or anguish. Moving on.

Overall, it was incredible. Great stuff, from the big - Adam/Danny hostage, DL (for me) - to the little: Sid in the cute hat, Hawkes rising from the gurney. Loved!
(and the fact that Eddie has a great butt, but I'm shallow)
Dude! I was re-watching the episode for the first time, and I swear my eyes just went straight to his ass in that scene. Forget whatever was happening, none of that mattered. I was just going 'damn, let me send flowers to the person who set up this shot.' :lol:
A gas leak causes the lab to be evacuated, saving Mac from having to give Peyton an answer when she suggests they take a vacation to London together.

*Suggests*?? Excuse me, she wasn't *suggesting* anything. She was cajoling, wheedling and down right nauseating in her attempt to guilt Mac into going to London. Also, who did she bribe to get a look into his personnel jacket for time off and vacation accrued stats? I realize it was to impart the info to the audience but it came off stalker-ish. How could this scene been rearranged to be believable? Easily. Mac's at his desk staring at the ticket and thinking about the conversation he'd just had with Peyton (off screen). Stella walks in, sees the ticket and asks, "Finally taking vacation?" He kind of chuckles. "Peyton asked me to go to England with her." "Good for you, about time you used some of the what? 6-7 weeks you've accrued." "Well, you have nearly 5." "Yes, but I spend mine shopping. You spent 5 days sitting at home reading." He looks at the ticket again. "I'll think about it."...and then lead into noticing the smell outside.

Peyton did *not* need to be there so much for this ep. I personally don't care for overt romance in these shows because frankly, rarely do the writers get it right. Plus, by leaving the romance out...all ships can be happy and see what they want to see. No harm, no foul.

As is, the ending is a neat little wrap up--Mac hesitated earlier about taking time off to join Peyton in London, but after stopping a drug heist, he's clearly reconsidered. Claire Forlani brings such warmth to the character of Peyton who, with her upper class British accent and striking beauty could have easily been an aloof character, that it's impossible not to be happy for her when Mac comes out of the building, embraces her and tells her he'll go to London. It's a happy ending, but a hard earned one.

The ending was another section where I felt there was too much concentration on wrapping it up quickly. After the hug with Stella, that was *not* a Mac I could recognize from the previous episodes. It can be explained off that he has experienced 'growth' with Peyton and is now exiting his shell...but that entire bit with her felt wrong and and his 'London' reply flippant. The Mac Taylor evidenced in previous episodes would have at least inquired into the well-being of his other two team members at the other location since he knew what was going down over there. The Mac Taylor we knew who protected his lab like a papa bear would *not* simply walk away from the devastation for others to clean up/deal with.

I think the director was in a hurry to get them 'off into the sunset' and gave away too many frames of film to focus on the reunion with Peyton. That's the danger here...it took the focus from the Team and put it on the romance. The Team makes the show...not any of the romances that are creeping up. If they'd spent a few more seconds with the team, then, I feel the balance would have been so off-kilter.

I was discussing this with a friend yesterday. Why was the romance between Stella and Frankie not so volatile as those between Danny/Lindsay or Mac/Peyton? What we decided is because Stella's romance was *primarily* offscreen. Yes, we saw Frankie at key moments...especially leading up to 'All Access' but he wasn't led out for viewing at every turn like Peyton has been lately. That original four episodes she was to be initially worked out fine and even the small reoccurring moments at crime scenes or in the morgue read well. But this recent rash of 'in our face' for portions of the episodes is getting old. They state that they've had a good response to the romance between she and Mac. I'd sure like to see where they get their stats on that because the majority of adults I've discussed this with just wish she'd disappear back into the morgue where she belongs.

Just my 3 cents on Sunday morning :)

Have a good day one and all!

^My thoughts on the final scene, and Peyton's involvement are that it had more to do with establishing Mac as the Hero than anything else. The archetype of the larger-than-life Hero (or even the regular guy hero) is that not only does he save the day, but he gets the girl, or has a girl waiting in the wings for him. The first scene established that Mac was overly dedicated to his work, and yet had a beautiful woman begging him to take some time off to be with her.

The final scene shows character growth for Mac--he realizes he needs a vacation--and also provides the requisite happy ending--Peyton rushes into Mac's arms when he's looking all studly and heroic. In that sense, Peyton is more of a device to make Mac look the part of the hero (in addition to the fighting and the water dripping off him and the black t-shirt). I think she did more in the episode than that, but that's the purpose of those scenes.

She also serves to set him apart from the other male characters. Sadly, there's no woman waiting for Hawkes when he gets outside. Flack--who having been at no less than three crime scenes that day--runs the risk of looking more heroic than Mac, but he's left alone, too; the person Flack rescued (Danny) is taken off by another character. Like Mac, Danny also has a woman waiting for him, but Danny is more a victim than a hero in this episode, and the fact that he's wearing white in contrast to Mac's black, further plays this up (as well as the fact that two people, Lindsay and Flack, rush to his rescue).

OK, I got a little lit nerdy there, but I figured that might at least explain Peyton's purpose in those scenes. She was supposed to come off as a bit pushy and earnest in contrast to Mac's reluctance (and then to hightlight his change in attitude at the end). It no doubt endeared her to some of the audience, and did the opposite for others.

Bones said:
This Danny/Lindsay is the worst thing that ever happened to CSI. Can't they see that these two don't match? And though I prefer friendship over these hideous office romances, I could see Danny with Aiden, or Stella, or even Flack (Yay!!!).
No, no, it's so... I'm too upset to discribe it. It's against all laws of God and man.
And yeah, I watch re-runs, and by one look at Danny, you can tell which season is they're airing. Lindsay there, spirit gone.

Lindsay is definitely an unfortunate addition to the show, and sadly, she really has been instrumental in stripping away a lot of what made Danny an interesting character. It doesn't help that she's not much of a character herself to begin with. I hope now that they're together on the show, the focus will shift away from about "will Danny and Lindsay get together?" back to Danny's character getting his own development, independent of Lindsay.

audrina said:
I enjoyed your review, Top. (Did I agree with every single line? Nope, but that's just inherrent with reviews, since they're subjective by nature, right? Wink Wink Nudge Nudge.)

:lol: Funny how that works! :lol: And thanks. :)

I LOVED the Adam angle of the story, the absolute fear, the way he huddled in that truck, that little boyness. It made me think back to his comment about his dad being a bully - that came from AJ's performace. Also, LOVED that Hill can play a badass with a bonesaw. Wow. He is a beautiful man.

Both were great. I love how scared Adam obviously was, and yet how he really did manage to rise to the occasion. From his reach towards Danny when the hostage-takers dumped Danny in the truck to going to get the solution to running in front of the disguised cops in the end, Adam was downright brave.

And Hawkes the badass? More, please! :D

I'll weigh in on the Flack stuff. I think Lindsay did jerk Danny around the season, I believe Flack knows about it and has some opinions.

I think it's natural that he does. Friends tend to be protective of each other--I've certainly been in that situation before, and I think it would be natural that Flack, knowing how emotional Danny is in general, would be worried that Lindsay would hurt him, especially after what she put Danny through in the beginning of the season.

As for the scene between them outside the hostage area, I didn't take it as him being angry with her (not looking her way). I took it as, here is a man in charge of a hostage situation (or at least deeply involved) and focused on his task. His first priority and focus was handling a tense work situation involving the safety of his coworkers and close friend, not comforting Lindsay, whether he likes her or not. *shrugs*

Definitely, and I do think that was part of it. But I also think he would have connected more with Mac or Stella had either one been there. Or Hawkes, who he confided in earlier in the episode. He might have consulted one of them, but he seemed to be dismissing her, or at least putting her to the side.

As for helping Danny, she was already guiding him out when Flack approached and called for EMS. She didn't "swoop in" and take the situation from Flack, she was already handling it.

Flack was actually ahead of her in the warehouse, and he ran in ahead after Adam said the hostage takers were in the truck, but somehow Lindsay beat him to Danny. It was at the very least bad blocking, because it looked like Flack should have made it to Danny first. That's what I meant about swooping in.

I personally did not notice tension on either side there. Just mutual concern. (and the fact that Eddie has a great butt, but I'm shallow)

:lol: Nothing wrong about being shallow. Eddie is a fine looking man. :D As for the scene, I thought Lindsay's abrupt "I'll take him" and the look of surprise on Flack's face indicated tension. At the very least, it certainly came off as her dismissing Flack, and it seemed like he took it that way.

Finally, my view on Lindsay's apology, and forgive me for inserting a personal story. When my late father had a serious medical emergency, I was not at home. I was supposed to have been, but had to work late. When I saw my mom at the hospital, I was in tears, devastated, and all I could think to say was, "I'm sorry. I should have been there." I was heartbroken and scared, and it seems to me, and others I've spoken to, that guilt often goes hand-in-hand with grief or anguish. Moving on.

Fair enough, and I don't think it's possible to know how you're going to react until you're in this situation. Part of the problem was Anna's delivery. She didn't sound particularly grief-stricken or very concerned. As someone noted elsewhere, she even smiled during the scene. That's much of my problem with her as an actress--she takes viewers out of the moment because she doesn't have the gravity to get across serious emotion. She did fine in the pool scene, but didn't convince with the rest of it. So it's possible my reaction of distaste to what Lindsay was saying to Danny was as much a result of Anna's poor delivery as it was to what Lindsay was saying. I do still think she should have made some mention of getting him immediate help--it at least might have made Flack feel more at ease.

Overall, it was incredible. Great stuff, from the big - Adam/Danny hostage, DL (for me) - to the little: Sid in the cute hat, Hawkes rising from the gurney. Loved!

It really was a fantastic finale! :D
Hello, I'll try to be intelligible with my poor english:

I've read your review during all this season, and I wanted to wait the finale to post a comment.

I'd want to talk about your opinion/phobia abiut Lindsay/AB, or the DL storyline in general...
It's very simple, Lindsay is not your heroine, I respect it, but a good review is objective, a good review is not biased, a good review doesn't DISTORT. I guess you'd prefer seeing Danny with Angle, Stella, Sid, Flack... or a pet!!!
But I respect your opinion. I am not a DL shipper, but this sistematic and biased criticism with Lindsay/AB is simply too much, and, YOU WRITE very well, but we need much more, and it's a shame that the hours you spend in this work are copmpletly wasted with really poor arguments. I'm simply being honest: you've never treated Lindsay like other characters (maybe like a frustration of seeing Danny with a girl you can't stand? so you prefer seeing him with a rat... and of course distorting things), and all she does is bad, negative and horrible. Taking Danny out of the truck??? Why not? you like it or not, DL are so in love, and if she's her girlfriend... I think she's allowed to take him and help him In wich moment did we see Flack anoied with her??? Danny anoided wioth her for changing shifts??? It was HIS idea? The way he looked behind hin in the end of the scene means that hess upset with her for that?? My interpetation is that I realised all that the gangters could have done to her during all those hours)...
It's just an example. In that show I've got my own favorites, but I'm objective with all. And If some day I decide to do a serious review, I surely try not to make the same mistake you do week after week: ok I don't like this one, but I'll try to describe THINGS LIKE THEY HAPPENED.
All my post is because I take your review as a serious one... I'll surely read it during season 4, hoping to find some kind of change (I know, I can dream, but I believe that every one can progress and lear with his own errors)
I hope you admit mi critic (done with all my respects),and all fans of CSI:NY will enjoy next season ^^ ¡¡Hasta pronto!!

Just weighting in on the Anna/Lindsay-debatt.

Like the finale of the original CSI, I think a lot of the reactions were based on which ship you belong to. Us GSR-fans loved the episode (except the ending, but we had it coming from spoilers... :() while Grillows, Snickers and other ships seemed to hate it, claiming the failure of the finale on GSR.

To me, it seems kind of like the same regarding the Lindsay/Danny or Flack/Danny. But then again, I live in freakin' Sweden and we are at Love Run Cold. :lol:

Ok, AB/LM. While Anna might need some acting lessons at the time, she is NOT as bad as David Caruso, IMO. It litterary pains me to watch him. But I still do. Why? Because he is bad to the point of being pathetic. When I come home after a terrible day in theatre class, I watfch CSI:Miami and instantly feels better. because, he is just plain bad. badbadbad...No offence, I love Caruso. He is just a terrible actor. Or it could be that his character's storyline sucks.

Anna...Well, what more is there to say about her? She might not be Jodie Foster or Julia Roberts, but she is ok. But I agree, she is not a good actress at the times.

Her acting feels forced. like there is no power or meaning behind these lines. And that's a shame, because some of them are pretty good, but she just isn't the person to deliver them. And sometimes her acting is just plain lame. Actually, coming to think of it, her acting is lame most of the time.

I still like Lindsay and Anna. I do not entirely blame everything of Anna, but on TPTB as well. They have not been clear with the Lindsay storyline and it feels like they are still working on it. Unfinished, y'know?

Anna might have fitted as another character, because she is still good. But unfortantely she do not fit as the character of Lindsay monroe. sadly.

But there are time I can feel like she IS contributing with something to the show. Can't exactely pinpoint it. But imagine a show WITHOUT her? No, sorry, I can't. I strongly believe that all CSI shows should have two females.

Also, coming to think of it...Anna Belknap owns Emily Procter big time! :D Calleigh must be the lamest excuse of a charcter I've ever seen.
csnnyfan said:
Hello, I'll try to be intelligible with my poor english:

I've read your review during all this season, and I wanted to wait the finale to post a comment.

I'd want to talk about your opinion/phobia abiut Lindsay/AB, or the DL storyline in general...
It's very simple, Lindsay is not your heroine, I respect it, but a good review is objective, a good review is not biased, a good review doesn't DISTORT. I guess you'd prefer seeing Danny with Angle, Stella, Sid, Flack... or a pet!!!
But I respect your opinion. I am not a DL shipper, but this sistematic and biased criticism with Lindsay/AB is simply too much, and, YOU WRITE very well, but we need much more, and it's a shame that the hours you spend in this work are copmpletly wasted with really poor arguments.

I always find it very interesting when people come in to weigh in on my criticisms of Anna/Lindsay that most of the arguments are, "You bash her! You're so unfair! You don't like her!" Very few counter with things of value about the character, and that, to me, is very telling. I maintain she's added nothing to the show. Most of the lightness she was supposed to bring in was long in her season-and-a-half long angst-a-thon over her dark secret, which was quickly wrapped up and dropped so she could hit the sack--or rather, the pool table--with Danny. Most of the positive comments that have to do with Lindsay being involved with Danny, which illustrates how her character really is nothing more than a proxy for the many, many fangirls who would like to get into Danny pants.

I don't begrudge anyone who wants to like her for those reasons, but it would be nice to be honest about it.

I'm simply being honest: you've never treated Lindsay like other characters (maybe like a frustration of seeing Danny with a girl you can't stand? so you prefer seeing him with a rat... and of course distorting things), and all she does is bad, negative and horrible.

Honestly, aside from how the storyline has lessened Danny's character, the romance isn't really irksome anymore. I'd actually rather have them together than doing the 'will they or won't they' thing ad nauseum. As for "treating her like the other character" if you've mean I've criticized her while I've praised them, well, that's because I feel she detracts from the show. When I do feel like she's done a good job, you'll see that I've praised her too ("Cool Hunter" and RSRD come to mind off hand).

Taking Danny out of the truck??? Why not? you like it or not, DL are so in love, and if she's her girlfriend... I think she's allowed to take him and help him In wich moment did we see Flack anoied with her??? Danny anoided wioth her for changing shifts??? It was HIS idea? The way he looked behind hin in the end of the scene means that hess upset with her for that?? My interpetation is that I realised all that the gangters could have done to her during all those hours)...

To each their own interpreting that scene. I don't fault her for running over to him in the truck, or even wanting to be the one to take him. But dragging a man who can barely walk off rather than running to get him help and coming back with the EMS team (like Flack was preparing to do), shrugging off his best friend and going on about her own feelings didn't shine a positive light on the character. She's self-involved--there's ample evidence in the show to support that (leaving crime scenes because of her issues, making Danny do the unpleasant task in Oedipus Hex, whining about Mac not letting her near a crime scene in Manhattan Manhunt, etc.).

It's just an example. In that show I've got my own favorites, but I'm objective with all. And If some day I decide to do a serious review, I surely try not to make the same mistake you do week after week: ok I don't like this one, but I'll try to describe THINGS LIKE THEY HAPPENED.

That's what the synopsis is for. The analysis is for me to give my take on what happened--you are free to stop reading at the synopsis if you don't want to hear what I have to say.

All my post is because I take your review as a serious one... I'll surely read it during season 4, hoping to find some kind of change (I know, I can dream, but I believe that every one can progress and lear with his own errors)
I hope you admit mi critic (done with all my respects),and all fans of CSI:NY will enjoy next season ^^ ¡¡Hasta pronto!!

I'm always interested in people's opinions, whether I agree or not. :)

ElinWaffle said:
Just weighting in on the Anna/Lindsay-debatt.

Like the finale of the original CSI, I think a lot of the reactions were based on which ship you belong to. Us GSR-fans loved the episode (except the ending, but we had it coming from spoilers... :() while Grillows, Snickers and other ships seemed to hate it, claiming the failure of the finale on GSR.

To me, it seems kind of like the same regarding the Lindsay/Danny or Flack/Danny. But then again, I live in freakin' Sweden and we are at Love Run Cold. :lol:

For me, Danny and Lindsay consumating their relationship was the least offensive part of their storyline. I don't like them together, I don't think they have a lot of chemistry in general, but I will say they were fine in those brief scenes. My main objection to Danny and Lindsay being together is that it's a device used to validate a useless character (Lindsay) and has taken away much from the show's deepest character (Danny).

Ok, AB/LM. While Anna might need some acting lessons at the time, she is NOT as bad as David Caruso, IMO. It litterary pains me to watch him. But I still do. Why? Because he is bad to the point of being pathetic. When I come home after a terrible day in theatre class, I watfch CSI:Miami and instantly feels better. because, he is just plain bad. badbadbad...No offence, I love Caruso. He is just a terrible actor. Or it could be that his character's storyline sucks.

Caruso is pretty one note, that I'll grant you. He wasn't always, but the longer Miami has run on, the more flat Caruso has become, because basically all there is to Horatio is the "larger than life hero" thing. The character has sadly become a shell of his former self, something I have mentioned in reviews ("Kill Switch" and "Born to Kill" most recently).

Anna...Well, what more is there to say about her? She might not be Jodie Foster or Julia Roberts, but she is ok. But I agree, she is not a good actress at the times.

"Okay" would be generous. She lacks any sort range. As I've said before, she's fine with the light stuff. She's fine when Lindsay is lusting after or enjoying Danny. But she can't handle drama, and that's hard in a show that is, well, a dramatic one.

Her acting feels forced. like there is no power or meaning behind these lines. And that's a shame, because some of them are pretty good, but she just isn't the person to deliver them. And sometimes her acting is just plain lame. Actually, coming to think of it, her acting is lame most of the time.

And that's kind of my point. ;) I think another actress could have done wonders with the role, even if it is unevenly written at times. Amy Acker from Angel would have blown Anna out of the water as a country girl with both sass and a dark secret, and I think any of the actresses on the other CSI shows or other crime dramas, like Criminal Minds, are superior to her.

I still like Lindsay and Anna.

And I wouldn't begrudge you or anyone else that. The character and actress grate on my nerves, but I understand she has some fans out there.

I do not entirely blame everything of Anna, but on TPTB as well. They have not been clear with the Lindsay storyline and it feels like they are still working on it. Unfinished, y'know?

At the point you're at in the season, they are. I think the problem is cyclical--the writing for Lindsay hasn't been great, and then Anna's acting isn't great, so the writing for her storyline feels half-assed (maybe because it is) and then in turn so is Anna's acting. The writers and Anna share the blame fairly equally.

Anna might have fitted as another character, because she is still good. But unfortantely she do not fit as the character of Lindsay monroe. sadly.

I think she'd do fine in a comedy.

But there are time I can feel like she IS contributing with something to the show. Can't exactely pinpoint it. But imagine a show WITHOUT her? No, sorry, I can't. I strongly believe that all CSI shows should have two females.

I do, too, but I think they should two strong, wortwhile female characters. There's no point in having her there just to be a number. ;)

Also, coming to think of it...Anna Belknap owns Emily Procter big time! :D Calleigh must be the lamest excuse of a charcter I've ever seen.

I'll have to respectfully disagree there. Emily Procter is a hell of an actress, and while she's not always given a lot to work with as Calleigh, she shines whether she's processing evidence or dressing down another character. I think a character like Calleigh was what the writers had in mind when creating Lindsay and casting Anna; sadly, they fell short on all counts.
To each their own interpreting that scene. I don't fault her for running over to him in the truck, or even wanting to be the one to take him. But dragging a man who can barely walk off rather than running to get him help and coming back with the EMS team (like Flack was preparing to do), shrugging off his best friend and going on about her own feelings didn't shine a positive light on the character.

Danny didn't want to go to the EMT anyway, so either she took him or he was going back to work.

I always find it very interesting when people come in to weigh in on my criticisms of Anna/Lindsay that most of the arguments are, "You bash her! You're so unfair! You don't like her!" Very few counter with things of value about the character, and that, to me, is very telling. I maintain she's added nothing to the show. Most of the lightness she was supposed to bring in was long in her season-and-a-half long angst-a-thon over her dark secret, which was quickly wrapped up and dropped so she could hit the sack--or rather, the pool table--with Danny. Most of the positive comments that have to do with Lindsay being involved with Danny, which illustrates how her character really is nothing more than a proxy for the many, many fangirls who would like to get into Danny pants.

I don't begrudge anyone who wants to like her for those reasons, but it would be nice to be honest about it.

I don't like Lindsay just because she wanted to be with Danny. My reason for watching CSI: Ny was Anna Belknap. When she first came on the show, I never thought her and Danny would be together anyway.

I didn't see season 1 Danny, so maybe that makes me biased, but I think his character is still very interesting.

All of you review the same, so it is not just you, Top41. Whenever it comes to the episodes, Lindsay is always the worst character to you guys. I think you give Peyton to much credit because if it had been Lindsay that ran to Danny (like Danny did in NWILL when you complained) you guys would have had a huge problem with it.

I think Anna is a good actress. I think this season didn't do her well, but I think it had a lot to do with her pregnancy. Once she came back from Montana, I though she got back to being the old Lindsay.

That is just my opinion. I though it was a great episode and although I do ship Danny/Lindsay, I think now that they are together they should start focusing on other things.

I just don't like Lindsay. Period. End of story.

I don't understand why people have to question it every time someone says that they don't like her. There is nothing that tells me that I have to like every character on the show, or every decision that the writers make. The writing and acting haven't meshed, I don't think the character comes across well, and I'm not going to sit here and make excuses for everything. Anna may have been pregnant, but a smaller amount of screentime shouldn't have had any effect on her acting ability.

Far be it for me to generalize, considering how many people come in here and generalize about people who don't like Lindsay, but it seems as though a lot of the people who like Lindsay take it very personally when another fan dislikes a fictional character on a television show.
I don't take it personally because you can like who you want, and I wouldn't care. Just don' tell me why I like her. I didn't question anything that anybody said, all I did was give my reason for liking her, because you all tried to do it for me.

I never said it affected her acting ability, I think she is a good actress. I don't like the way they played out her story line, but that is not her fault that is the writers fault.

Personally, I think everything would be fine if they had not had the Love Run Cold scene between her and Danny.

Just don' tell me why I like her.
And don't generalize about people who don't like her.

From everything I've seen, the reviews give Lindsay credit when Kristine feels that credit is due--and she also gives criticism when she feels that other characters deserve it. If Lindsay gets more criticism than praise, and other characters get more praise than criticism, that doesn't mean that the reviewer is just out to get Lindsay--it just means that she sees more to criticize with Lindsay than with the others.
No she wouldn't. Peyton was horrible in the finale and she did not criticize her like she would have done Lindsay if she had been in the same situation.

I just did what you guys do. You consider everyone who likes Lindsay one person, so I did the same to you.
I'm not sure whether you're the pot or the kettle here. Doing the very thing that you claim other people are doing, even as you tell them not to do it, doesn't help your argument. At all. I really have no idea what you're trying to accomplish, either. The reviewer doesn't like Lindsay, and she has given countless, well-thought-out reasons for not liking her--is she supposed to suddenly love Lindsay just because someone else likes her? That logic doesn't make a whole lot of sense, I'm afraid. By that reasoning, since the reviewer doesn't like Lindsay, you shouldn't either. And I have yet to see her suggest such a thing.
It all comes down to opinion and perception. Both of which are personal. I personally like Peyton and as a result, I see her actions and reactions differently than you do. I'm ok with Lindsay, but I don't like her nearly as much as I like other characters. So, gee, I see her actions and reactions differently than you do. I was highly annoyed with the dislike of Peyton that reared it's ugly head after the finale. But you know, in the long run, it doesn't matter. If I like Peyton (alot!!!) then the only person that is really important to, is me. Ok, that was very poorly worded - my jr high grammar teacher would send me to the steps. :lol: