Elsie said:
And in this review, ALL facts are interpreted badly
The facts are there in the synopsis. You don't have to read the analysis if you don't want to...

If I were to have written a review of this episode, apart from it not being anywhere near as useful or well written as
Top's, I would have interpreted the scenes and actions in a very similar way. To be completely objective in a review would surely require a reviewer who has never seen the show before and trust me, you won't find that anywhere, especially on a CSI fan forum! Nor would anyone really want to as I'm sure it would be a dull and uninformative read. I'd much rather read something written by someone who clearly loves the show and has something interesting and insightful to add.
Nobody HAS to like Lindsay, but the point is that we don't have to DISTORT what happen in an epi to argue why a character/actor is bad
Lindsay - you either love her or hate her. I'm indifferent to her, mainly because she serves such little purpose in my opinion. I find her easy to just ignore, and would admit to literally not giving her a second thought throughout all of the episodes she was missing from this season. Distorting what happened in an episode wouldn't be beneficial to anyone, so one can assume that it is simply an opinion and not fact, I don't remember reading anywhere that an analysis should be considered fact. In this episode Lindsay's purpose was simply as a plot device, it's difficult to interpret it in any other way. She had little screentime, and little dialogue, so if I were to review her performance in this episode, well, she did was was required and nothing more.
you like it or not, DL are so in love, and if she's her girlfriend... I think she's allowed to take him and help him
I'm not getting at you
csnnyfan, but it's a usual pro/anti DL point.
Distortion of a fact. Sex does not = love, nor does one date or waking up in someones apartment make you his girlfriend. These aren't facts from the show, merely an individual interpretation of events.
This episode contained so much more than D/L. It's strange how most discussions seems to end up back at them. There were great performances all round, and thrilling action throughout. What about Hawkes, out of his comfort zone and performing admirably? Or Adam, in the field and potentially scarred for life? Or Mac, who should finally be held accountable for something, like causing the death of two people by rigging a ridiculous bomb in a government building? There are many other things to discuss, so how about it?