CSI: New York - Season 5 in the UK

Just finished watching this episode and wow, I thought after all the programs and films that have covered the second world war, I couldn't possibly cry at a mention in a crime show. I felt rather reassured that Mac's eyes were red at moments in the episode, made me not mind so much that mine were watering too. Those interviews really got to me, and the bit near the end where mac was yelling at him to just admit it already, I swear it took a lot of concious thought not to do the same thing and I'm not one who makes the habit of communicating with inadimate objects.

That moment with the flashback of the family has entered into one of the most heart breaking things I have seen on television, and I think they treated the whole thing very sensitively. I'm not sure its a episode I could bear to watch again, but it was very well done. And aside from the big theme, I loved the family fix from that scene with Danny and Hawkes at the beginning.
omg that was SO good. i watched it twice and i cried twice - clearly i'm rubbish. i thought the subject matter was handled really well, both from the neonazi angle and from the holocaust angle. i loved that it gave so much time to mac doing his mac thing, and i also thought it was nice to see him struggling with the enormity of the subject.

i liked when mac was interviewing first elgers and then braun/klein - i always like angry mac anyway and so those interviews worked really well for me. i liked when he told elgers that back in the day he just would've shot him :)

flack's line when mac found the gold teeth was just great - it was really simple but so effective.

i got a bit weirded out when mac was talking to the guy who had the survivor testimonies. as i've said before one of my best friends works for the holocaust memorial trust here in london and for a long time after she got that job she was all over the country (and europe) taking down and videoing the testimonies of holocaust survivors (and from other genocides, rwanda etc). i used to get texts from her saying "in *city*, talking to 2 survivors, it's really hard going but worthwhile" - or similar, and that scene was just like when me and her sometimes sit and talk about it. i actually texted her saying "oh! you're on csi! or someone's stolen your job."

the bit when mac was watching the video about his dad was just ........ it was brilliant but so moving to watch. and the bit where he returned the brooch - it was so nicely done.

the only thing i did get a teensy bit concerned by was how much they laboured the points of what actually happened during the holocaust. i realise that not everyone watching is an expert and therefore they have to explain things to an extent but i think that subject matter in particular is fairly well understood by most people and i felt the time spent explaining could've been better used in fleshing out the story. but then that's a gripe i have with csi generally - even by now in s5 they explain every single tiny detail about evidence and really, by now, we all know how they get prints and so on!
^It was amazing, wasn't it? I loved the focus on Mac, how he struggled with the subject and was really hit hard by the testimonies. The scene where he finds out about his father rescuing that man was amazing, there was so much emotion in Mac's eyes. I loved the final scene too when he returned the brooch to the Schnitzler lady, I love that he really went above and beyond the call of duty to return that brooch to her - he didn't have to do that, and he could have just mailed it to her, but he traveled to meet her personally. It was really sweet when she kissed him on the head and then when they held Yahrzeit together and he lit a candle for his father. He looked cute in a yarmulkw (sp?) too.

Although in many ways this was a 'Mac' ep, I felt that Danny, Hawkes, and Adam and Flack really got a chance to do some emotional scenes too. The whole story about Hawkes's uncle and Hawkes's reaction to the racism of Elgers was great emotional stuff and very in character. Interesting bit about his uncle being in Memphis the day Dr. King was killed. Danny's reaction to Elgers's racism was emotional and bang on too. Yes, he probably shouldn't have banged his head on the floor, but I really can't blame him, Elgers is scum. Loved Mac's utter disdain for Elgers and how he said back in the day he'd have shot his racist ass, and when he called Elgers a 'cracker'.

Mac's interrogation with Klein/Braun was great too, loved how Mac got angrier and angrier. Elgers was bad enough, but Braun was a whole new level of scum. I think Mac's much more intense reaction to Braun was very understandable and well played. Elgers may be Nazi scum, but at least he didn't hide or lie about what he was. I felt so sorry for Braun's son David.

Loved Flack's reaction to the teeth - and hoe Eddie Cahill managed to convey disgust and horror with just one line. Loved that he told Elgers he 'didn't speak ignorant'.

Adam got some great scenes in this ep, loved his fist bump with Mac and also his reaction to the murdered guy's 'Nazi closet'.

Stella wasn't in it very much, but I know she has a big storyline coming up later in the series, and it was nice to have a 'guys' episode.

This is my favourite ep of the season. As a MacWhore I just adored it, but I think it was a great episode for Danny, Hawkes and Flack too, it had some great Adam scenes which is always a plus. I too thought the subject of the Holocaust was very nicely and respectfully and maturely handled. Nice coincidence that it happened to air here on D-Day.
It was very emotional, I had tears in my eyes several times.

Just finished watching this episode and wow, I thought after all the programs and films that have covered the second world war, I couldn't possibly cry at a mention in a crime show. I felt rather reassured that Mac's eyes were red at moments in the episode, made me not mind so much that mine were watering too. Those interviews really got to me, and the bit near the end where mac was yelling at him to just admit it already, I swear it took a lot of concious thought not to do the same thing and I'm not one who makes the habit of communicating with inadimate objects.

That moment with the flashback of the family has entered into one of the most heart breaking things I have seen on television, and I think they treated the whole thing very sensitively. I'm not sure its a episode I could bear to watch again, but it was very well done. And aside from the big theme, I loved the family fix from that scene with Danny and Hawkes at the beginning.

Hi i have just finished watching it , and i have to agree with you , i was nearly in tears ,when they show the flashback of the family it was heartbreaking, in my opinion it was one of the best episodes of season 5 so far .
I truly believed that I had been transported back to Season 1 and I was delighted. This season for me has not given me many memorable episodes, "Enough, Rush to Judgement, Green Piece, Point of no return" being a few that I can recall at this moment but nothing will remain more vividly than this one.

Of course, Mac was typically Mac and quite right, distain, anger, indignation, all parts of Mac's character that Gary plays so well. It was great to see some of his history and the ending when he returned the brooch was wonderful. A very personal moment for Mac and quite necessary for the story, very well done.

For me the star this week was Sheldon, since his move from the M.E's office, apart from a few episodes, his character and acting skills have been seriously underused but not in this one. Sheldon was truly remakable and he acted totally mature and with a great deal of integrity. That could not be said of Danny. Yes he may be a married man now with a baby on the way but he sure doesn't seem to have matured or learnt anything in the last 5 years, the same old Danny, immature, hot headed and totally incapable of knowing when to "reign it in". Last nights Danny is the same as the one we first saw in Season 1 and that worries me. I agree that Elgers is scum but Sheldon summed it up by saying that he gave Elgers what he wanted. I am not sure where Danny is heading. These are my honest opinions, some may not agree with me.:)

Great to see Adam and I really enjoy his moments with Mac, Flack was pure Flack, snarky! Wonderful!

Great acting by all the cast, and the actors, very memorable episode with some seriously chilling moments. I won't forget this one in a hurry.
Mac's interrogation with Klein/Braun was great too, loved how Mac got angrier and angrier. Elgers was bad enough, but Braun was a whole new level of scum. I think Mac's much more intense reaction to Braun was very understandable and well played. Elgers may be Nazi scum, but at least he didn't hide or lie about what he was. I felt so sorry for Braun's son David.

yeah that was definitely what came across - elgers may be scum but at least he's open about it, what braun did was far worse. i felt really sorry for david too - what a horrible thing to find out.

Loved Flack's reaction to the teeth - and hoe Eddie Cahill managed to convey disgust and horror with just one line. Loved that he told Elgers he 'didn't speak ignorant'.

Adam got some great scenes in this ep, loved his fist bump with Mac and also his reaction to the murdered guy's 'Nazi closet'.

i thought it was a great ep for adam too - i thought his reactions were perfect, the way he reacted in that cupboard was spot on, like he was utterly shocked but managed to still do the job - surely the essential quality of a csi! i liked his interaction with mac too :)

i totally agree about hawkes - even though he was only in it at the start, what he had to say was so important. i agree that danny losing it was irresponsible but i dunno, i think if that were me i would've too - hawkes is his friend as well as his colleague and although hawkes was right that you shouldn't react to the pushing of buttons, it's not easy to do that.
I agree with what has been said about this episode. It was different to the epis we have had lately, and in a good way.
I always get emotional when I see anything about the Holocaust, so yeah, I had a little cry at this. I thought on an emotional level it was well done. The video testimony of the cousin (although I dont get how she knew excatley what had happened to her cousin, because all the family in the truck were killed, and she wasnt there to see it. But minor gripe aside...) was all very sad, and making it more personal to Mac was a good idea. It was good to see another side to Mac, and Gary Sinise always make these things totally believable.
My Mum and I were watching together, and we thought for a while that the son, David had done it. We were both glad that he hadn't, he seemed a really nice guy, and we didn't want anything else bad to happen to him!
I love history, so most things with a story from the past are interesting to me. And this is one particular moment in time that definately has to be remembered.
This episode was so very amusing and cute, I think my favourite part was Lindsay rambling :lol: think she had great lines this episode to finally let a little of that elusive Lindsay personality shine through, I hope they keep it up. And Danny's nerves and him rambling about the posibility of twins :guffaw:.

One thing I do love about new york compared to the other series is the family aspect to it. I thought it was cute how everyone came to check up on Danny or Linds, although Mac didn't quite make it until later because of the case. And Mac being the godfather after we've seen him come to accept the possibility he might not have children and how he wished he had done so with his wife when he'd had the chance. The 'can I spoil her?' line was so cute, and I think a great indicator of what the baby's life is going to be like, espicially with the way Mac and Stella were gushing over her.

I hope we get to see Don and Adam interact with the baby, I can imagine Hawkes being quite confident given his background as a doctor so I'm not as fussed about him, I think I just want to see some 'oookkk, what do I do now?' baby moments.

On the other side of things I did notice the parrells of both the adults in the case being so concerned about their daughters. It was a little sad to remember that that sixteen year old girl had once been like the Messer baby, then after sixteen years of heartache and raising her she dies because she went to pick up some grocies for her mother. Then the successful doctor representing what she could have become had she lived long enough to achieve something. It really reminded me of how vulnerable life is and the crulety of having it taken away, no matter the reason.
i really liked the parallels too - it was one lost daughter, one 'saved' (for want of a better word) daughter, and one born daughter - it was a nice synchronicity.

i quite liked the ep overall, but it wasn't one of the best. i thought the scene with lindsey asking mac to be godfather was really lovely though. i'm a godmother so i totally relate the line about spoiling the baby :D
I think that this episode suffered coming straight after one that was so good and very emotional. It all seemed a little flat to me. The case was ok, rather predictable. When Mac was sympathising with the dead girls Mum, it was sad but I think it would have worked better not being so soon after him showing his emotional side last week. Too much at once.
The scene with Danny and 'twins' was funny, but the Lindsay scenes seemed a little stilted. That said I did like it at the end one the team came together. That is something they do very well on this show.
i agree - last week's was so strong in terms of emotional punch as well as story that this coming immediately after it seemed a little muted. i remember thinking at the time that if i'd seen this week's ep 2 weeks ago i'd have thought it was better :)
it's grounds for deception tonight, i believe, i'm really looking forward to it, i've read a bit about it (although amazingly avoided too many spoilers) and it sounds like a goodun :D
it does - i'm torn between being really excited that there's a new episode tonight and that the wait from last week is over, and not wanting the episodes to come around so fast as i don't want to run out!
I so want to be in next week as past few weeks been out so missed it. Happy I've seen them so its not a huge panic but still its like not fair. So far tho in next satuday to enjoy the finale