CSI: New York Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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16 Not What It Looks Like icons


Rest are here...
allstar12 said:
Oh, Els Ive missed your icons.

*purrs* Thank you. :) I have recently found lots of great images that I'd like to make into icons I just haven't got around to doing it yet. :lol:
Elsie said:
I have recently found lots of great images that I'd like to make into icons I just haven't got around to doing it yet. :lol:

I could dust off my whip, if that'll get you moving :devil: :p
fallenthrough Loved the icons I have snagged a few from your last three posts.

Csi Kat Nice work I snagged the Mac one.

Elsie & Miss UndercoverLoved the ones from the Blink challenge.
Thanks Fruitbat, and allstar the whip has motivated me a little... :lol: 3 random Danny/Carmine icons, partly because he just looks so adorable in the Ellis Island video and partly because I am so bored:

Im gonna bring out the whip more often & pray that you're bored more often cause those are beauties :D

he just looks so adorable in the Ellis Island video

Too true :D

ETA: I credited you in my bio, is that cool..? Or would you like it my sig. instead?
Miss_Undercover, I love your Blink ones. I've snagged the Sept 11 one and will credit you when used! Thanks!
So many talented people around here! I'm impressed by you all.
csi kat..i love your icons especially the flack ones :devil:
elsie those are absolutely gorgeous of carmine/danny :)
heres my attempt at a flack one
Great icons everyone!!!

Per request of Mitzi962000 - I made her an animated Flack icon - which I will post here.

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