CSI:Miami - Who's Your OTP??

My OTP is Calleigh/Cooper. I've just always liked their interactions with each other.

Other ships include Horatio/Natalia, Calleigh/Ryan, Calleigh/Jake, Ryan/Natalia, and Natalia/Calleigh.
Most people tend to swing towards the CaRWash way.

It's understandable; they have out of this world chemistry.

It's what almost anyone I talk to seems to prefer as well, and I think that's what TPTB will be leaning towards in the episodes to come.

Also, I think it's time Horatio got some long-lasting lovin' too. He's an older man and he needs someone there for him. Everytime he shacks up with someone they croak a few weeks later!

Horatio is turning into a tragic character and I don't think that is originally what TPTB intended.
OTP: Horatio/Calleigh all the way! :D :)

Other pairings: None really, DuCaine is my real mian focus, but I like the idead of Ryan/Valera and Natalia/Erics. Just so everyone's together!! :)

When I watched back episodes of S1, I was blown away by the amount of DuCaine that existed! :D They work so well together, they trust each other implicitly, and looks mean everything. One glance is enough for electricity! And their names are similar too... what does that tell you??!! :)

Horatio seriously needs someone, and his match is and always will be Calleigh to me!


Thanks guys. Great discussions.
Also, I think it's time Horatio got some long-lasting lovin' too. He's an older man and he needs someone there for him.
I guess the writers are just biding their time with this one! I have always been of the opinion that he and Yelina are destined to be together. There is still plenty of mileage left for H/Y. As Ann D said, theirs is a story that "you can get years out of." :)
Horatio and Yelina?

Sounds like a plan to me, but of course she'd have to either return as a main character or as a recouring character.

I have always favored the idea because of their background. Horatio helped to take care of her for a long time.

As totally right as it seems to hook the two of them up for good, it would be a stretch for CBS to get Sofia Milos back on full time. But you never know...I'm sure they could get her to make an appearance a few times.
Emer hey hon! Glad to see another DuCaine fan in here! :lol: They're quite fabulous aren't they...and I totally agree...I got to watch a CSI:Miami marathon yesterday and there were several TOTALLY DuCaine eps and it was SO obvious to me how much love was there! Yay! :D Gotta love them! ;)
No offense meant to any other Miami ship...I just adore DuCaine...that's all! :D :D
Kyle_E said:
Horatio and Yelina?

Sounds like a plan to me, but of course she'd have to either return as a main character or as a recurring character.

I have always favored the idea because of their background. Horatio helped to take care of her for a long time.
Yes, that's what is very significant and appealing for me too - the fact that there is a history there and their depth of feeling goes back a long way. Even though Yelina was more than capable of taking care of herself, H was always there for her and Ray Jnr.

I think that TPTB could still do their relationship justice even if Sofia Milos returns for guest appearances alone. Their scenes always say so much, so the audience doesn't need to be spoon fed a romance. Infact, that would work better, as I like the subtleties of their relationship. Less is more and all that. :)
Totally Calleigh and Ryan.
Don't know why, but I just love 'em.
Maybe because they're both hot and in love with each other... :p
OTP: Horatio and Yelina! :D It's the only 'real' relationship on the show for me.

Other pairings I like (in my imagination or fanfic, as let's face it, most 'shipping' is fantasy) are Ryan/Calleigh and Eric/Calleigh. :)
Can I just say that like, half the people who voted Calleigh/Ryan aren't posting in the thread? You all should, it's nice there! If you don't I will have to make sure you will. :devil:
i am totally Ryan and Calleigh AKA Carwash... there is something underlaying there, and its dying to break out. I loved it when Ryan was jelous of Peter Elliot and i dont think anyone can say that the sizzling look at the end of deviant was 'just good friends'. I also noticed it was calleigh he opened up to about the gun freezing incident. I just love Carwash !!! theres so much there...and thats why they are my OTP :D
I never got really got into shipping until Nikki recruited me for CarWash..yes I'm a victim too and now she's got me so deep into I even RP...wow.
I did pop into a couple slash threads here and there only because I had read some fics on another site and they were hott enough to get me to peek into them.
SO YAY for CarWash.