CSI: Miami - Spoilers Reference Guide

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In order to make it easier to find spoilers without having to wade through all the discussion in the Spoiler Lab, we're creating a separate thread for just the spoilers. You can still post spoilers in the Spoiler Lab, and speed_cochrane or I will copy to this thread to make them easier to find in the future. This will basically be replacing the Spoiler Reference Section currently at the beginning of the Spoiler Lab.

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That being said, please keep in mind that while you may have stumbled upon some fairly long-winded spoilers, not everyone wants to know all the details. (Eg: Who the killer is). A basic overview of the episode, interesting revelations and which characters are involved are the main points of interest.

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If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to PM speed_cochrane or myself.
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Spoiler References to date:

7.12 is titled "Head Case"

"Financial advisor, Marshall Conrad, his wife and daughter are murdered in their home and the only suspect, whom witnesses place fleeing the scene, has amnesia and can't remember what happened or if he was even there. To make matters worse they can't find the murder weapon which was used to commit the murders.

As the team investigates it turns out that Conrad was swindling his clients out of their money and hiding it away somewhere. They also discover that the Marshall's estranged son, Logan may have also had a motive b/c his father tucked him away in a military school, which he didn't like. He also wasn't his father's biggest fan."

(Courtesy of delkolover)

7.13 is titled "And They're Offed"

We find out the child (Billy) Ryan was dropping off at school in 'Power Trip' belongs to Ryan's Gamblers Anonymous sponser. Further information in the link above.

"The episode opens at the Horse track where the morning race is about to begin. Robert Branon, a race horse owner and enthusiast watches from his private suite. [...] His horse and another or neck and neck nearing the finish line, when suddenly a gun barrel is placed to the back of his and a single shot is fired. He doesn't get to see that his horse has lost the race."

"As the team investigates they discover someone drugged Branon's horse with cocaine in order to slow him and so he would lose. [...] Turns out the man who sold Branon the horse wanted him back, along with another who offered Branon a hefty sum to be his partner....of course being the ego driven business man that he was, Branon refused. Did it get him killed?"

Courtesy of delkolover

7.14 is titled "Smoke Gets In Your CSIs"

Alexx Woods is back in this episode.

The episode deals with black market organ surgery by a doctor supporting his drug addiction.

Calleigh and Ryan are investigating in the attic of a drug house where shots start to break out, setting the house on fire and exposing insulation. Ryan and Calleigh escape but it appears Calleigh has inhaled too much of the insulation, which puts her in the hospital.

Information courtesy of delkolover.

7.15 is titled "Presumed Guilty"

P.Diddy guest stars as Prosecutor Derek Stark.

"The episode opens with Calleigh on the stand testifying at the murder trial against Alfonso Reyes who is accused of murdering a woman at the country club where he worked. He claims that he did not strangle her but was trying in vain to revive her. He is being defended by Derek Stark (Diddy's character).

Reyes pushes his innocence and the team begins to question whether they have the right man when Stark refuses to let him testify and then does not file an appeal for Reyes.

The team further believes Reyes might be innocent when they find evidence that the murder victim was killed elsewhere and then driven back to the country club for Reyes to find....therefore making him look guilty."

More information:

"Diddy's character sounds like he is the typical shark lawyer. He manages to get Ryan off the case b/c he puts in a compaint that Ryan is harassing his client when all Ryan was doing was tailing the guy, so the team could get evidence. Ryan told the suspect to stay in the car but the guy flung the door open and tried to get out, pushing Ryan back. Seeing that as an act of aggression, Ryan kicks the door shut' catching the suspects leg in the process.

But considering Ryan's discipline history, IA puts him on administrative leave!" (Courtesy of delkolover)

7.16 is titled 'Sink or Swim'

P. Diddy' appears in this episode.

Character name change: Derek Stark (Diddy's character) is now Derek Powell.

Sofia Milos (Yelina Salas) appears in this episode.

We meet Eric's real father who holds a secret that will be revealed.

"The gist of the ep, besides Eric's situation, is Derek (Diddy) and his fiancee and friends are on his yacht when a speed boat pulls up, boards the yacht and tells everyone to hand over their valuables. In the melee of the piracy, Derek's fiancee is shot and killed. But killing the fiancee was not the only thing the pirates were after....they accessed Derek's laptop and downloaded the copy of Eric's birth certificate Derek had acquired for insurance should he need it. That is how Eric's birth certificate gets out.

Someone hired the pirates to attack the yacht and kill Derek's fiancee b/c they wanted him to the loss that they have felt."

Further information here (Courtesy of delkolover)

More information about "Sink or Swim" courtesy of texmex327.

"Horatio's team investgates the murder of Derek Powell's fiancee NADINE WALCOTT, but their case is sidetracked when Delko, who has evidence against KEN TABER, their prime suspect, is thrown into jail by the INS for failing to address the issue of his forged birth certificate--and he gets no help from his natural father, ALEX SHAROVA..."

Press release for 'Sink or Swim'


Music Mogul Sean Combs ("A Raisin In the Sun") Returns as Defense Attorney Derek Powell, and Sophia Milos Returns as Yelina Salas

"Sink Or Swim" - When pirates take over a luxury yacht, Delko's future as a CSI is threatened just as his relationship with Calleigh moves to the next level, on CSI: MIAMI, Monday, March 2 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Horatio Caine............................. David Caruso
Calleigh Duquesne....................... Emily Procter
Eric Delko............................. Adam Rodriguez
Ryan Wolfe............................... Jonathan Togo
Det. Frank Tripp................................ Rex Linn
Natalia Boa Vista........................... Eva La Rue
Dr. Tara Price............... Megalyn Echikunwoke
Kyle Harmon............................. Even Ellingson

Derek Powell............................... Sean Combs
Yelina Salas................................... Sofia Milos
Paul Garland.................................. Scott Klace
Michael Travers............... Christopher Redman

Alexander Sharova................ Rade Sherbedgia
Nadine Alcott............................... Ella Thomas
Abby Dawson............................ Daneel Harris
Ken Taber.............................. Johnny Messner
Gregor Kasparov.......................... Mark Ivanir
Jack Ladner........................... Michael Rodrick
Judge Stets.................................. Karen Austin
Leonard........................................... . Ben Cain
I.C.E. Agent.......................... Francisco Vivana
Yacht Guest #1................................ Allen Haff
Yacht Guest #2.......................... Jason Graham


(Thanks vickyhiphuggers)

Promo for 'Sink or Swim' courtesy of squinn1201 and dmmuzicfan of YouTube.

TVGuide released a picture and article revolving around Eric and Calleigh's newfound relationship. You can find more about it here. Thanks delkolover and JoannaRose897.
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7.17 is titled "Divorce Party"

"The CSI crew investigates when a "divorce party" celebrating the recent divorce of ANGELA LARABY is marred by the sudden appearance of her ex-husband, RICK LARABY--dead..." (Courtesy of Florry86)

Further information located here, courtesy of delkolover.

Kyle appears to be in this episode.

New lab tech, Dave Benton appears in this episode. According to the spoilers, he's a bit of an alternative rocker type who turned to science.

Press Release for 'Divorce Party'


Elizabeth Berkley ("The L Word") Returns as Julia Winston

"Divorce Party" - The CSIs make a shocking discovery about their murder victim, while Horatio tries to save his son from Julia's erratic behavior, on CSI: MIAMI, Monday, March 9 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Horatio Caine............................. David Caruso
Calleigh Duquesne....................... Emily Procter
Eric Delko............................. Adam Rodriguez
Ryan Wolfe............................... Jonathan Togo
Det. Frank Tripp................................ Rex Linn
Natalia Boa Vista........................... Eva La Rue
Dr. Tara Price............... Megalyn Echikunwoke
Kyle Harmon............................. Evan Ellingson

Julia Winston......................... Elizabeth Berkley
Michael Travers......................... Chris Redman

Amy Lansing............................... Christa Miller
Heath Lansing.................. Andrew James Allen
Roger Lansing........................... Bruce Thomas
Katherine Faber........................... Kelly Rowan
Brianna Faber....................... Aimee Teegarden
Glenn Wagner................................ Peter Paige
Dave Benton............................... Wes Ramsey
Walter Pipkin............................ Cliff Weissman
Melia............................................. Jennie Ford

WRITTEN BY: Corey Evett & Matt Partney
DIRECTED BY: Karen Gaviola

(Thanks texmex327)
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Could scene-stealing CSI newcomer Laurence Fishburne be working double shifts already—and heading over to another CSI?

According to Kristin at E!Online...

"Sources reveal that in the foreseeable future, Fishburne's intriguing Dr. Raymond Langston may visit a more tropical climate, like, oh, balmy Miami. Will it really happen? Get the exclusive details...

David Caruso tells E! News, "I talked to [Fishburne] the other night, and he's said he's open to [a crossover]." Adds Caruso, "I've been on all three CSIs, and I take that as a badge of honor. The [crossovers] really work, so I hope we get to do one."

Fishburne's Dec. 11 debut gave CSI its highest ratings since the premiere this season, so his value to the franchise is clear."

Thanks to delkolover for the info.

Note: Though this reads more as hopeful speculation than a bona fide spoiler (are any of them really bona fide? :p) I thought it warranted placing here anyway as some may wish to refer back to it.
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7.18 is titled 'Flight Risk'

Originally titled 'Slayover'

02.26.2009 WHEN A FLIGHT ATTENDANT IS MURDERED, THE CSIs UNCOVER ALL THE DIRTY SECRETS OF AIRPLANE TRAVEL, ON "CSI: MIAMI," MONDAY, MARCH 16 "Flight Risk" - When a flight attendant is murdered, the CSIs uncover all the dirty secrets of airplane travel, on CSI: MIAMI, Monday, March 16 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.


Horatio Caine............................. David Caruso
Calleigh Duquesne....................... Emily Procter
Eric Delko............................. Adam Rodriguez
Ryan Wolfe............................... Jonathan Togo
Det. Frank Tripp................................ Rex Linn
Natalia Boa Vista........................... Eva La Rue
Dr. Tara Price............... Megalyn Echikunwoke


Kyle Harmon............................. Evan Ellingson
Maxine Valera................................... Boti Bliss
Michael Travers......................... Chris Redman
Dave Benton............................... Wes Ramsey


Suzanne Grady......................... Michelle Pierce
Grant Lawson............................... Tom Parker
Carolyn Morrow......................... Sarah Buxton
Aaron Nolan................................. Seth Gilliam
Jenna York............................ Jaimie Alexander
Marvin Duffy............................. Nathan Baesel
Louie Clayton.......................... Johnny Palermo
Russell Webb................ David Thomas Jenkins
Molly........................................ Kimberly Huie
Zach.............................. David Thomas Jenkins

Wes Ramsey who is playing Dave Benton who makes his first appearance in ep 717, has been in CSI Miami before....he played the killer back in season 1's episode entitled "Spring Break"

Thanks delkolover!

7.19 is titled 'Target Specific'

"Miami's wealthiest appear to be targeted in a series of stabbings and robberies, and evidence leads back to Russian mobster Ivan Sarnoff, who was last seen in prison, mocking Horatio.." (Courtesy of Florry86)

"[...]the pics we saw being snapped of the team at the end of 713 come into play in this ep when Ryan and Eric go through the photographers camera. At first the team has no idea what it means but they later discover that someone is after the team." (Courtesy of delkolover)

- Kyle is still working at the Morgue in this episode and he seems to enjoy it. (Info thanks to delkolover)

-Ryan gets beaten up at some point during the episode. (Thanks delkolover)
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7.20 is titled 'Wolfe In Sheep's Clothing'

"Wolfe faces a terrible dilemma when he's forced by an unknown assailant to cover up evidence in a murder/robbery, or else the kidnapped Billy Gantry will be killed...."

(Courtesy of CalleighEric)

-The reason Ryan was beaten up in 7.19 is revealed here--he is expected to cover up evidence for the unknown assailant that kidnapped Billy.

-Eric and Calleigh are seen sharing a bathroom at the beginning of the episode before they both get called to work.

(Thanks to delkolover for the info and C.H.E.A.R for the heads up)

You can find further info about the episode here.

CTV Promo, courtesy of Hollyyo and jellosotae67 of YouTube.

CBS Promo, courtesy of vickyhiphuggers and dmmuzicfan of Youtube.
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7.21 is titled 'Chip/Tuck'

The CSI team tries to find the murderer of a person thrown into an industrial sized wood chipper located on the property of a man whose wife has grown addicted to plastic surgeries. (Thanks HipHuggers#1Fan)

-Ron Saris is back, as well as Julia and Kyle.

-Ryan Wolfe's job appears safe as he's on the job in this episode.

You can find this and more information courtesy of delkolover.

-Rick Stetler (David Lee Smith) will appear in this episode.

Promo Pictures for 'Chip/Tuck'.

Press release:


Elizabeth Berkley ("The L Word") Returns as Julia Winston,

and Brooke Burns ("Miss Guided") Guest Stars

"Chip/Tuck" - A murder case involving extreme plastic surgery leads Horatio to Ron Saris, who is alive and seeking revenge on Julia, on CSI: MIAMI, Monday, April 13 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Horatio Caine............................. David Caruso
Calleigh Duquesne....................... Emily Procter
Eric Delko............................. Adam Rodriguez
Ryan Wolfe............................... Jonathan Togo
Det. Frank Tripp................................ Rex Linn
Natalia Boa Vista........................... Eva La Rue
Dr. Tara Price............... Megalyn Echikunwoke
Kyle Harmon............................. Evan Ellingson

Julia Winston......................... Elizabeth Berkley
Ron Saris...................................... Kim Coates
Michael Travers............... Christopher Redman
Dave Benton............................... Wes Ramsey
Rick Stetler............................ David Lee Smith

Dr. Ethan Reeger............................ Paul Keely
Lauren Reeger..................... Paulina Olyszynski
Dr. Sean Loftin............................. Kevin Rahm
Steven Corbett................. James Patrick Stuart
Elizabeth Corbett....................... Amelia Heinlie
Bonnie Galinetti.......................... Brooke Burns
Lucas Galinetti............................. Jake Thomas
Marika Dupont.......................... Marinda Kaha
Tyler Marr.................................... Steve Byers
Rita.............................................. Kate French
George.................................. Bernardo Badillo

WRITTEN BY: Brian Davidson
DIRECTED BY: Allison Liddi
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7.22 is titled 'Dead on Arrival'

"Reality TV turns all too real when Horatio investigates the case of Hayley Brooks, a contestant who almost wins the man of her dreams in the final episode of "The Marrying Kind," only to learn that there's an unscheduled elimination round -- called Murder One..." Thanks Florry86.

Further information located here, courtesty of delkolover.

Promo Pictures for 'Dead on Arrival'.


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7.23 is titled 'Collateral Damage'

"The ep opens on a restaurant buzzing with clientel. We find and follow a waitress Carol as she serves food to the Arrington family...very obviously enjoying themselves, laughing, enjoying a good meal for the patriarch, Neal's birthday.

When suddenly the glass front of the restaurant blows inward shattering glass flying everywhere. As the panic dies down slightly one of the Arrington family, Neal hears something hit the ground at his feet...it's a grenade!! Neal tries to warn those around him but it is too late...the grenade explodes causing destroying in it wake.

As the team investigates they learn Neal Arrington was a lobbyist for strict gun control and wanted to crack down on gun owners....his face was all over websites, described as "the enemy." It also seemed he was having an affair with one of his associates, Raquel Domingez...she was also killed in the blast.

So the question becomes, who wanted him dead more? his wife for cheating on him or those who love their guns more than life itself? And was he REALLY the target? Seems his son had his own secrets and enemies too."

-Ryan confronts Tara about her abuse of pain medication (last referenced to in 'Divorce Party').

-Kyle is in this episode

-New lab tech Dave Benton also appears.

This and more information here, courtesy of delkolover.

- A blast destroys a restaurant.

- A woman is set up to make her look like an unfit mother, causing her children to be taken away and Horatio is the only one who believes her.

- A grenade goes off in Autopsy, which makes Tara hurry to try and salvage her pills.

From EW and courtesty of texmex327:
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7.24 is titled 'Dissolved'

The team investigates a case where two people who were reported missing turn up in a barrel of waste dissolving chemicals, presumably used to dispose of them and the evidence. The question soon becomes, where they targeted? Or are there more dissolving bodies somewhere in Miami?

Ron Saris is in this episode, now apparently working as a Criminal Informant for the Miami-Dade Police Department.

Rick Stetler appears in this episode.

Tara gets herself into some serious trouble when Ryan finds pill bottles stolen from autopsy, in her locker.

This and more information, all thanks to delkolover!


Jasmine in Jackson, Tenn.: Is Khandi Alexander ever coming back to CSI: Miami? Miami star Emily Procter tells us that they're hoping Khandi can make a return appearance on the show: "We've got our fingers crossed. Khandi's got a new show, but there is a storyline [they are writing for] her for the beginning of next season, so we're crossing our fingers that she will be available. Her new show [Tremé] is on cable, and the schedule tends to be the opposite, so I think she might have time [to do CSI: Miami]."

Source:E!Online. Thanks vegaslights and hiphugger17 for the heads up.
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Nicole in Flint, Mich.: I want more CSI:Miami dish. Got any?
Eva LaRue says, "All of the Russian mob stuff that they've been building in the last few episodes is going to come to a head. They've seemed to be picking off one member of the team at a time and they're trying to kind of break everybody up so they can take them all down. So we're going to see how that plays out in the last three episodes.

Source: E!Online's Watch with Kristin.

Thanks carolinam91 for the heads-up.
7.25 is titled 'Seeing Red'.

There is acrimony among factions of the Russian mob and the CSI team, particularly Horatio, is eager to see the violence come to an end...

Thanks csifann1 and SpoilerTV.

More information here, courtesy of Audrey2419 and delkolover.

-Yelina appears in this episode.

TV Guide:

Any scoop on CSI: Miami’s season finale? - Kelly, San Antonio, TX
“It ends with a bang,” says Eva LaRue (Natalia). “Right now we have the Russian mafia that is sort of chipping away at the team and one of the team members has got a real issue and it's not the team member that you think. Eric (Adam Rodriguez) has got like this whole immigration situation going on, but the big issue is with one of the girls.”

Thanks vegaslights for the heads-up!

From csifann1:

I've just received a google alert:

Brian Austin Green Stars in CSI:Miami Season Finale

Brian Austin Green has landed a part in the finale of CSI: Miami, playing "Anthony," seemingly a carjacking victim but with ties to the case that could cast him in a different light, PEOPLE learns.

"Our casting director suggested [Green] to me for this role," executive producer Ann Donahue tells PEOPLE. "I thought he was perfect because he can play a tough guy and also have a leading man presence. So, we are thrilled to have him in our finale!"

The seventh-season finale of the CBS show airs in mid-May, and Green starts shooting his part this week. He can currently be seen on FOX's Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles as well.

From Wasabi_Power:

TVGuide scan

Monday, May 18
Horatio fights to save Yelina while Delko goes against Calleigh's pleas and helps his dangerous father with life-threatening consequences. Brian Austin Green guest stars as an alleged carjack victim.

From GregNickRyanFan:

just got my tv guide and there's a bit about the finale in it:

It says Eric will wind up on the run with his father, but we're not sure why. It's possible he's trying to help his dad or maybe his dad is forcing him to go with him. It's up in the air on which it is. It says Cal suspects he's in trouble and fears he's on the suspect's side and she is forced to take the most difficult shot of her life.

CBS Promo (Thanks delkolover and dmmuzicfan of YouTube)

CTV Promo (Thanks carolinam91 and jellosotae67 of YouTube)

Season Finale Extended Preview (Thanks texmex327)
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Some spoilers from the recent Corey Miller Interview:

CSI Files: What do you think of the new coroner, Dr. Tara Price (Megalyn Echikunwoke)? She's hiding a pretty major secret from the team with her apparent addiction to pain medication. Will she be found out this season? Will that affect her position as ME?

Miller: All I can say about that storyline is that her secret will eventually be discovered by one of the CSIs. How that plays out and what becomes of it I will have to leave to the viewer to discover in the next few weeks.

CSI Files: Can we expect a showdown between Horatio (David Caruso) and Ivan Sarnoff (Andrew Divoff) this season?

Miller: Most definitely. Everything comes to a head between the CSIs and the Russian Mob in the season finale. That episode is one of our most action-oriented ever. It moves like a runaway train.

CSI Files: Can you shed any light on the end of the season? What can fans expect from the final episodes of season seven?

Miller: We have some cool episodes coming up. My last episode, "Dead on Arrival," is just fun and games. But after that, we rocket towards the end of the season by pulling out all the stops. A bomb goes off in a crowded restaurant. Horatio's relationship with Julia Winston (Elizabeth Berkley) comes to a fork in the road, influenced by the increased presence of Ron Saris (Kim Coates). Delko is reunited with his father again, which increases tension between him and Calleigh. And the Russian Mob makes their final play in their quest to take over Miami, which incites World War III. No one will be disappointed.
'Extra' Scores 'CSI' Cameo for Kobe:

Kobe Bryant told Mario Lopez he'd love to have a walk-on cameo on "CSI: Miami" -- and "Extra" made it happen! We can report "CSI: Miami" has officially offered Bryant a guest role on the hit show next season!

Now that producers have given the okay, star David Caruso says he wants to come up with something interesting for Byrant's storyline. "Kobe, now that you're going to be on the show, you have to be open to red hair," he says. Another request from Caruso -- be shorter! He doesn't want to look "like a fool" standing next to him.

Emily Procter is excited, too! She tells "Extra" she hopes Bryant will join the medical team so he can "play doctor with her" on the show. As for Adam Rodriguez, he wants Bryant to unleash his "inner geek" and would love to see him in a lab coat.

Kobe told "Extra" earlier this week, "I can't act for anything, so I can just be walking around in the background... that's probably my favorite show."

Thanks das576 for the heads-up!
Originally from this thread:

nwolfson22 said:
From Spoiler TV Fall Premier Dates Announced

Monday, Sept. 21

10:00-11:00 PM CSI: MIAMI (8th Season Premiere, OAD 9/23/02)

Source: SpoilerTV.

NicknGrissom said:
Guesss who join the serious regular show is Eddie Cibrian. Don't worry, Eric Delko will be back, he is not going anywhere. Eddie Cibrian will be playing a cop.

Source: SpoilerTV.

Thanks for the information!
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