Thanks for the reviews!
Biscayne Park, house, 6am
Tom: Thanks for the ride back.
Speed: *nods*
Tom: *picks up Tayla*
Speed: She's getting bigger.
Tom: Yeah. She's looking more and more like her mother everyday. Thank God.
Speed: *smirks*
Tom: *wipes Tayla's cheek*
Brook: *runs downstairs* DADDY!
Speed: *looks at Brook*
Tom: Shh, you'll wake everyone.
Brook: *jumps onto couch* I'm hungry.
Tom: I'll get you some cereal. C'mon. *walks away*
Brook: *jumps off couch, falls over*
Speed: *blinks*
Brook: *stands, straightens out clothes*
Speed: *smirks*
Brook: *runs away*
Speed: *looks back*
Tom: *places bowl on table*
Brook: *climbs into chair*
Tom: *dumps cereal into bowl*
Brook: Daddy I want milk.
Tom: Right. *walks away*
Speed: *stares at Brook*
Brook: *lifts eyes*
Speed: Hey.
Brook: Hi.
Tom: *walks over, pours milk into bowl*
Brook: *picks up spoon*
Tom: *walks away*
Brook: Daddy's spinny.
Speed: That he is.
Brook: *smiles*
Anni: *walks over*
Speed: *looks at Anni*
Anni: ...It's 3 years ago.
Speed: Don't worry, I think Tom just went to change the baby.
Anni: *smiles* How was the steakout?
Speed: Unproductive. Tom kept pointing out all the hookers he slep-I'm sure someone will pick up where we left off.
Anni: *places hands on hips*
Speed: So um...how'd you sleep?
Anni: *steps over* Fine.
Speed: Good.
Anni: Did you eat on the way over here?
Speed: Yeah, why?
Anni: You've got sauce on your shirt.
Speed: *looks down*
Anni: *walks over to sink, grabs cloth* Come here.
Speed: *steps over*
Anni: *turns around, wipes shirt*
Speed: *lowers eyes*
Anni: I guess a bib wouldn't have been manly enough.
Speed: Not at all.
Anni: Hm. It's probably going to stain anyway.
Speed: At least it's not blood this time.
Anni: *smiles*
Speed: *looks at Brook*
Brook: *munches on cereal*
Anni: *smile fades* ...Katie's probably waiting for you.
Speed: Yeah.
Anni: You should...take her for a night sometime.
Speed: *lifts brow* Brook?
Anni: How 'bout it?
Speed: *lowers head* I don't think so. It'd just be uncomfortable for everyone.
Anni: *places hands on Speed's cheeks* Please take her.
Speed: *looks at Anni*
Anni: She's been driving me
Speed: *nods*
Tom: *walks over*
Anni: *turns around, smiles* Good news. Tim's taking Brook home.
Tom: What? Why?
Anni: Oh relax, he's going to bring her back.
Tom: *looks at Speed*
Speed: *crosses arms*
Tom: *nods*
Condo, 8am
Katie: Can you explain to me why there's a child in my house?
Speed: I thought you wanted kids.
Katie: Uh yeah, some of my own.
Brook: *climbs onto couch*
Speed: *whispers* Yeah well this one
is one of my own.
Katie: Scott's coming over to pick up some sheets.
Speed: Why?
Katie: He moved across town and they didn't provide the bedding.
Speed: He has money.
Katie: Lori locked him out, he's as poor as we are.
Doorbell rings
Katie: *walks away*
Brook: *tugs on Speed's shirt*
Speed: *looks down*
Brook: I want cartoons.
Speed: Sure. *walks around couch, grabs remote*
Brook: *sits*
Speed: *sits, flips on channel*
Brook: *stares at television*
Upstairs, hallway
Katie: *opens closet, grabs bedding* How does it feel to be like us normals?
Scott: ...I wasn't normal before?
Katie: Um...no. *turns around* And for pete's sake, boy. Get a haircut. *shoves bedding into Scott's chest*
Scott: *grabs bedding*
Katie: You look like a lion.
Scott: *smiles*
Katie: Oh don't give me that million dollar smile, I'm not buying it. You go get better.
Scott: Yes ma'am.
Katie: *slaps Scott on the back*
Scott: *walks away*
Katie: *narrows eyes*