CSI:Miami RT #12 - 'Road To Nowhere'

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How sad is it that everyone thinks that Scott and Lori are dead? How awesome is it that Speed and Katie are able to come together in their obvious time of need? I just hope that people won't pass out when Lori and Scott find their way back to civilization....

Awesome update!
Oooo... very interesting. I hope someone figures out that Scott and Lori are still alive and still there.

Why am I not surprised by Doris and Henry's reactions? I very strongly dislike them.

*huggles the kids* :D

Great updates! :D
Thanks for the reviews. :)


Kauai, forest, 2am

Lori: *sits up, leans against tree* ...*wipes face* ...*looks around* Scott...are you there?

Scott: *opens eyes* ...Yeah.

Lori: *nods*

Scott: *sits up* Are you okay? You sound...different.

Lori: I uh...no, I'm fine. I just can't sleep, that's all.

Scott: You want to talk about it?

Lori: No. Go back to sleep.

Scott: It's okay, I don't mind.

Lori: I just wanted to know if you were still there and that you hadn't been mauled by a wild animal or something. Blood attracts all sort of irritants.

Scott: Well I'm just fine, thank you for asking. Tell me what's bothering you.

Lori: What does it matter?

Scott: It matters to me.

Lori: *sigh*

Scott: Nightmare?

Lori: ...How did you know?

Scott: You wake up crying some nights.

Lori: *crosses arms* Not a heavy sleeper, are you.

Scott: No.

Lori: ...For the last week, I've been...having strange dreams.

Scott: Okay. You want to tell me about them?

Lori: Not really.

Scott: *slides closer* I'll tell you mine.

Lori: *looks at Scott* I doubt it was as messed up.

Scott: Ooh. I love a good competition.

Lori: You first.

Scott: I dreamed I was falling.

Lori: ...*blinks* That's it?

Scott: Yeah.

Lori: You have boring nightmares.

Scott: Your turn.

Lori: *runs hand through hair* Uh, let's see...um...I was...chained to a rusty bed.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: Naked.

Scott: *nods*

Lori: The temperature was hot...*closes eyes*...sticky. And the room smelled like urine and blood. *rubs wrists* My wrists were shredded by the chains.

Scott: You're sure this was a dream.

Lori: *opens eyes* What do you mean?

Scott: It just seems...specific. Like you were remembering something.

Lori: You mean like a memory.

Scott: Yeah.

Lori: That's ridiculous.

Scott: How many of these...dreams have you really had?

Lori: I'm finished talking about this. *stands, walks away*

Scott: Lori? *stands* Lori! *runs*

Near river

Lori: *walking*

Scott: *runs over* What the hell are you doing?

Lori: Get away from me.

Scott: Lori, this is a good thing. These are memories.

Lori: How the hell do you know?

Scott: Because I know you.

Lori: *stops, turns around* Really? Because I don't even know me! I have no idea what the HELL I'm supposed to be!

Scott: I can't imagine how difficult and scary this all is for you but I'm only trying to help.

Lori: You want to help, leave me the hell alone. Stop trying to fix me.

Scott: *scoffs, looks down at ground*

Lori: What.

Scott: Nothing, it's just...you've said that to me before.

Lori: Maybe we should split up.

Scott: *lifts head* Why?

Lori: You're driving me insane.

Scott: ...I...I fought my way out of a sinking tin can with wings, I swam what seemed like miles to an island in the middle of nowhere, spent 5 days wandering past debris and bodies only to find the woman I love without any recollection of me. So if you think this is a cake walk for me, you're sorely mistaken. I didn't choose to be here and I'm only trying to make the best of a bad situation.

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Scott: I want to go home. And I want my wife back. But those are two things I may never see again. So if you want to take off, fine. It couldn't make this any worse.

Lori: *turns around, walks away*

Scott: *shakes head*

Few feet away

Lori: *trips, stumbles off cliff* AH! SCOTT! *grabs onto ledge* SCOTT!

Scott: *slides over*

Dust and dirt falls down cliff

Lori: *lifts head*

Scott: *leans over cliff* Are you okay?

Lori: I'm hanging by the root of a tree! I'M NOT OKAY!

Scott: *reaches down* Grab my hand.

Lori: Are you insane? NO!

Scott: Alright. Hang there forever.

Lori: *frowns* Stop being a smartass.

Scott: *reaches for Lori's arm* Grab on.

Lori: I can't.

Scott: Why not?

Lori: I don't trust you. You'll drop me.

Scott: I'm not going to drop you. *grabs Lori* Climb.

Lori: *grabs onto rocks*

Rocks fall

Lori: *screams*

Scott: *yanks Lori up* Ugh!

Lori: *grabs onto ledge*

Scott: *pulls Lori onto grass*

Lori: *falls over onto Scott*

Scott: Oof.

Lori: *looks down at Scott*

Scott: You alright?

Lori: You ask that a lot.

Scott: *reaches up, brushes dirt from Lori's face*

Lori: *turns head away, rolls over*

Scott: *sits up*

Lori: *brushes dirt from knees*

Scott: You have a cut on your arm, let me see. *takes Lori's arm*

Lori: *shoves Scott* Stop it.

Scott: You're bleeding. It could get infected.

Lori: And what exactly are you going to do about it? Lick my wounds like a needy dog?

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Boy i'm glad i'm not Scott hes got his hands full with New Lori ! This isn't gonna be easy needless to say ! So whats going on with the two love birds Speed and Katie ! Have they gotten married again yet, and if not why ! I think they should ! They really do still love each other they can work things out somehow! She just needs to stop the madness and he needs to show her the way to!

Great update Geni!
LOL...Lori's not making it easy for Scotty. But there's nothing like a life in peril moment to jump start the bonding place... even if it lasted a milisecond. Still...it's a starting point!

Awesome update!
Thanks so much for the reviews! :)


Miami PD, 1 month later

Tom: *picks up phone* Thomas Grey, homicide...*opens folder, grabs pen* and this person went missing when? *writing* Okay, when was the last time you saw him and where?

Bob: *walks over*

Tom: *writing*

Bob: *looks around*

Tom: Alright, what I'm going to get you to do is come down to the station to fill out a formal statement so we can begin an investigation. I'm going to refer you to missing persons, they can get you all the information you need. *closes folder* Yeah, I understand you think he was murdered but if there isn't a body, there isn't a homicide, to be frank.

Bob: Excuse me, do you know Scott Finch?

Tom: *lifts head*

Bob: *stares at Tom*

Tom: *hangs up phone* And you are?

Bob: I used to work with him. I'm the vice president of APL Financial.

Tom: Have a seat.

Bob: *pulls out chair, sits*

Tom: What can I do for you?

Bob: APL provided further funding for the recovery of bodies related to the crash near Hawaii. We found them.

Tom: *stares at Bob* ...Scott and Lori.

Bob: Mhm. Alive.

Tom: *blinks* E-Excuse me?

Bob: We found them alive.

Tom: This had better not be some sick joke.

Bob: No joke. I'm flying to Honolulu this afternoon to meet with them after they get finished at the hospital.

Tom: *staring at Bob*

Bob: I'm here because there are camera crews swarming our offices downtown and there are more on the way to Hawaii and rest assured when they get home, there's going to be some issues there. Not to mention some of the victims' families have questions about what happened and we've already had to have them escorted off our property. I think it might be a good idea if there was a police presence nearby.

Tom: *nods* I'll speak to my superiors.

Bob: Thank you.

Tom: Are they okay?

Bob: As far as I know, they're...as good as can be expected after a few months in the forest.

Tom: *sighs, lowers head*

Bob: I promise I'll bring them home. Safe and sound.

Tom: ...Thank you.

Bob: *stands, walks away*

Tom: *smiles*

Honolulu, 1pm

Lori: GET OUT!

Reporter: We just want a few pictures for the Globe.

Lori: Isn't there security around this hospital? SOMEONE GET HIM OUT!

Reporter2: What's it like being only one of three survivors?

Lori: That's it. *pulls out IV, jumps off bed* Ass kicking time.

Scott: *walks over*

Lori: *throws tray* OUT! NOW!

Reporter: *backs up* Calm down, we just want an interview.

Scott: What's going on?

Reporter: *turns around* We'd like to get your side of the story, Scott.

Scott: It's Mister Finch and you'd better get the hell out of here before I start kicking ass.

Reporter: *looks at Reporter2*

Reporters leave

Lori: What's with everyone? I wasn't here 5 minutes before I had cameras and recorders down my throat.

Scott: I guess the crash was a big deal.

Lori: Where have you been?

Scott: Trying to get a hold of your parents.

Lori: I take it you weren't successful.

Scott: Nobody seems to be able to get me a telephone around here. At least not without an interview first.

Lori: *rubs forehead* This is ridiculous. Everything's so...out of control. It seems like we were better off in the forest.

Scott: I know what you mean.

Lori: I've been thinking this all out and...I'm going to be walking into a life I know nothing about. I don't know who my own parents are, I don't know my own children...

Scott: It's going to take some time.

Lori: *nods*

Scott: You're not alone in this, Lori. I'm here for you.

Lori: You haven't stopped being there since we m...et.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *lowers head* That's probably more true than I realize.

Scott: *smirks*

Lori: I should get back in the bed or the doctor will yell at me again..

Scott: Good idea.

Lori: *walks over to bed, sits*

Scott: You mind if I hang out? I'm not really up to being ambushed some more.

Lori: Go ahead.

Scott: *sits in chair*

Lori: *stares at television*

Scott: *scratches at beard*

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *frowning*

Lori: Hey Grisly Adams, you want to stop that? It's detracting from my healing process.

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *picks up remote, changes channel*

Well I see they have been found ! Yeah ! i guess Tom is relieved! This is gonna be good! I can't wait for Lori to start hearing all the info on who she was and what she was really like ! Shes gonna freak out ! And where the hell is Speed and Katie! They find their Kid tha's been Missing for months presumed dead and they are awol now ! Hmmm! Now where could those two possibley be!

Great update Geni!
Wow! At least they have been found. Now what remains to be seen is how Tom reacts to them coming home, and how he reactst to Lori's amnesnia. Interesting things ahead...

Awesome update
Hehe, Grisly Adams. :lol:

I'm liking the wanting to do some ass-kicking. :p

I'm so glad they were found! Although, I'm kind of curious who the third survivor was...

Great updates! :D
Thanks for the reviews! :D


Outside hospital, 6pm

Lori: *covering face* Ugh, get lost!

Reporter: What brought the plane down?

Reporter2: Was it foul play?

Reporter3: Do you have anything to say to the victims' families?

Scott: *pushes through people, takes Lori's arm*

Lori: *grabs Scott's chest*

Reporter4: How did you survive for so long?

Scott: *grabs van door*

Lori: What is this? APL? What the hell are you doing?

Scott: Good guys. Get in.

Lori: *jumps into van*

Scott: *gets into van, slides door shut*

Bob: Welcome back, guys.

Scott: *looks at Bob*

Bob: *smiles*

Scott: *grabs Bob, hugs him*

Bob: *wraps arms around Scott* It's good to see you, Scotty. Rather, it'll be nice to see you when you shave.

Scott: *laughs*

Bob: *lets go, looks at Lori* We'll get you guys back home soon enough.

Lori: *nods*

Bob: Right now, it might be best to sleep in some real beds tonight so I've reserved a room downtown. APL's providing everything, including the trip back.

Lori: And who exactly do you work for?

Bob: APL Financial. Scotty here used to be the CEO.

Lori: ...Uh huh.

Scott: Name change?

Bob: Roger thought we needed to appeal globally.

Scott: And Roger is-

Bob: The CEO? Yeah. Unfortunately.

Scott: Well thank God you're in there.

Bob: *smiles* Thanks.

Hotel, hallway

Bob: *opens door*

Reporters start running down hallway

Bob: Get in, get in.

Lori: *runs in*

Scott: *walks in*

Bob: *walks in, shuts door*

Lori: I'll be in the shower. *walks into bathroom, slams door*

Bob: *sits*

Scott: *walks over to bed, sits*

Bob: How is she?

Scott: Y-

Lori: SCOTT!

Scott: Excuse me.

Inside bathroom

Scott: *steps in* What is it?

Lori: How the hell do you work this thing?

Scott: *looks at shower*

Lori: Unless there's no such thing has hot water here.

Scott: I'll see if I can make it work properly. *grabs knobs*

Lori: *drops shirt, unzips jeans*

Scott: *glances at Lori*

Lori: *flips hair around, steps closer* Got it, yet?

Scott: *staring at Lori*

Steam rushes past

Scott: AH! *pulls arm out*

Lori: Looks like you got the hot water working.

Scott: *wipes arm with towel* Apparently.

Lori: *smirks*

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: Get out of my way. *pushes Scott, jumps into shower* You can go back out now, I don't need you.

Scott: *nods* Glad I could help.

Living area

Bob: So what happened?

Scott: *sits on couch* ...I'm not exactly sure. It was pretty fast.

Bob: Must have been scary.

Scott: Just a typical day for me. What's in the bag?

Bob: *pulls bag over* Brought you some clothes and things. *lifts out dress shirts* I wasn't sure exactly what suited you so I brought a little of everything.

Scott: *grabs shirts* Thanks.

Bob: *pulls out colognes and gels* Everything a man needs and...*lifts electric razor* more. Complete with 15 attachments for the metrosexual in all of us.

Scott: *smiles* I appreciate it.

Bob: Got some things for your wife, too. I wasn't sure what her tastes were so I grabbed the latest fashions in her size.

Scott: I'm sure she'll love them.

2 hours later

Lori: *eating fruit*

Bob: Is there anyone you would like me to call? Family, friends...

Lori: No.

Bob: Maybe you would like to call them.

Lori: Not really.

Bob: *nods slowly*

Lori: Mm. These cherries are amazing. Try one. *shoves cherry into Bob's mouth*

Bob: *blinks*

Lori: They're really fresh, aren't they?

Bob: Um...*clears throat* yes, I'd say they are.

Lori: *grabs brochure, pops cherry into mouth*

Bob: *staring at Lori*

Lori: Wow, this place has a spa. I don't think I've ever been to a spa. *lifts head* Have I?

Bob: I-I wouldn't know.

Lori: *crosses legs* Might be fun. Oh a pool. You didn't bring me a swimsuit, did you?

Bob: I'm afraid I didn't.

Lori: Huh. Maybe I can sneak in after hours. *lifts head* Swimsuits just don't seem as natural.

Scott: *walks over*

Bob: SCOTTY! *stands* What took you so long, buddy? *slaps Scott on the back* Glad you're back, hey listen, I have to head downstairs to make a few calls so why don't you two visit for a while. *walks away, shuts door*

Scott: *looks back*

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *buttons up cuffs* What was all that about?

Lori: *staring at Scott*

Scott: *looks at Lori* How's the food?

Lori: Hot.

Scott: *lifts brow*

Lori: *blinks* Good. The food is good.

Scott: *sits* Great. *grabs fruit* I've been thinking about calling your parents but your father has a heart condition so I'm not sure it would be wise. Maybe Robert should inform them.

Lori: They live in Miami too?

Scott: Yeah.

Lori: What about your parents? You don't want to call them?

Scott: I have a feeling their biggest concern isn't my welfare.

Lori: Wow our children must be incredibly beautiful.

Scott: *lifts eyes*

Lori: ...I just said that outloud, didn't I.

Scott: *smiles* It's alright. I happen to agree.

Lori: *looks down at brochure* Ooh, free wi-fi.

Scott: You want to go grab dinner?

Lori: No.

Scott: ...Want to raid the minibar?

Lori: *lifts head*

Scott: There isn't much to do around here and I could use a drink after everything.

Lori: You read my mind.

2 hours later

Lori: *looks down at bottle* This is the best whiskey I've ever had.

Scott: *smiling* You don't remember the last best whiskey you ever had.

Lori: *laughs* That much is true. *leans against wall* You want to finish it off?

Scott: *grabs bottle, drops it*

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Scott: *leans closer, kisses Lori's cheek*

Lori: *closes eyes*

Bob: *walks in* What time do you both want to head out because I have the private jet coming in, in the morning but we don't have to race out of here if you need more t-....hello.

Scott: *looks at Bob, steps back*

Lori: *looks at Bob*

Bob: Did I interrupt something?

Scott: Yes.

Lori: No.

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: I-...I'm probably drunk so I don't know.

Bob: I can leave.

Scott: No it's alright. *sits on bed, rubs eyes* We were just getting reaquainted with civilization.

Bob: You mean the minibar.

Scott: What'd you say about the private jet?

Bob: Just wanted to know when you were hoping to leave tomorrow.

Scott: First thing in the morning.

Bob: Great, I'll tell my guys. Should I uh...leave or...

Lori: No. I'm kind of tired so I'll see you boys in the morning. *climbs into bed, turns off light*

Bob: Okay then. *sits on couch*

Scott: *scratches head*

Last edited:
I love Bob, but why's he always gotta interrupt everything? :lol:

I'm glad the two of them were getting reacquainted. I hope they'll be happy. :D

Great update! :D
They were super close to getting reacquainted, and you really can't blame Bob, he's done everything that he could for them- he could've just maybe ...waited for a few more minutes perhaps...lol But you gotta love Bob!

Awesome update!
Damn it Bob! you worse than Frank ! Lol! Always walking in at the wrong time and the wrong place ! We maybe Lori will be attracted more to Scott now although she hasn't met Tom yet! Some how I wonder what she'll think of Speed and Katie! should be interesting to say the least!

great update!
Thanks for the reviews. :D


Miami, condo, 11am

Katie: *jumping up and down* THEYR'E COMING HOME!

Speed: *drinks tea*


Speed: *opens newspaper*

Katie: *looks at Speed, jumps off couch* ...Look a little less happy, why don't you.

Speed: *lifts eyes* I am happy.

Katie: If this is the happiest you get, we have a problem.

Speed: Scott's co-worker mentioned Lori suffered a head injury and that she doesn't remember her life.

Katie: Wow. How cliché.

Speed: The point is, she may not be the same.

Katie: And that's bad...how?

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: This is what we've wanted since she was 13. For her to be a normal human being without all the extra baggage. This is our chance to see what our daughter would have been had she stayed in Miami her whole life.

Speed: *stands* It's a little more complicated than that. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she's alive but...we're going to be strangers to her. Her children are going to be strangers and that's even worse.

Katie: It'll take time but I'm sure she'll come around.

Speed: What if she doesn't? What if she decides she wants to start a new life?

Katie: You really think she'd leave Scott and the kids? I don't know about that.

Speed: How would you feel if you were thrown into a marriage and kids without knowing anything about them?

Katie: Lori's not heartless.

Doorbell rings

Katie: YES! *runs to door, opens it* WELCOME HOME!

Scott: *smiles*

Katie: *tackles Scott, hugs him*

Scott: Oof.


Scott: It's good to see you too.

Katie: *lets go* WHERE'S MY BABY!

Scott: *takes Lori's hand*

Lori: *steps over*

Katie: LORI! *hugs Lori*

Lori: *stares blankly*

Katie: *squeezes tighter, starts to cry*

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *places hand on Katie's back* Why don't we go inside.

Katie: *lets go, sniffs* Yeah. *walks away*

Lori: *rolls eyes*

Scott: *grabs Lori's hand* Let's go.

Inside condo

Speed: *walks over, grabs Scott, hugs him*

Scott: *blinks*

Katie: Geez, it's almost like he missed you or something.

Lori: *looks around*

Katie: Wow. Lori, that's totally not your style.

Lori: *looks at Katie* Excuse me?

Katie: The wardrobe. Little preppy for you, isn't it?

Lori: *stares at Katie*

Katie: I mean it looks great on you but...I was expecting biker boots and leather.

Lori: Why would I be wearing that?

Katie: ...I guess Bob wasn't lying.

Speed: *lets go, slaps Scott on the back* Good to see you.

Scott: *smiles*

Speed: *looks at Lori* ...How are you?

Lori: *looks at Speed* Fine, thank you.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: She's polite, too.

Speed: Stop it.

Katie: What? I like the new Lori. OH have you seen Tom yet?

Lori: *lifts brow*

Katie: Oooh. You'll like him.

Scott: Why don't we concentrate on settling in, first. There's plenty of time to get reaquainted with everyone.

Speed: Would you like us to pick up the kids?

Scott: It's alright, I'll pick them up a little later. You didn't um, by any chance mention that we were...

Speed: No. We were actually still debating on how to tell them.

Scott: *nods*

Speed: We do have pictures if Lori would like to see them.

Scott: *looks at Lori* How about it?

Lori: No. I'd like to leave now.

Scott: *nods*

Katie: Why? You scared or something?

Speed: Katie...

Katie: No I want to know. You not interested in your life or something? You want to move onto bigger and better things?

Lori: *looks at Katie*

Katie: I know you don't care and everything but we're your parents and we love you and so do a lot of people who thought you were dead. Don't expect everyone to just ignore you.

Speed: Katie, that's enough.

Katie: I'm sorry that your head's all messed up but you're being really selfish. Just like always. *walks upstairs*

Scott: Maybe we should go.

Speed: Call us if you need anything.

Scott: Will do.

Lori: *walks away*

Scott: Sorry about this.

Speed: Don't apologize, it's not your fault. It's no one's fault.

Scott: *nods, walks away*

Inside truck, road

Lori: *staring out window*

Scott: *turns wheel*

Lori: What did she mean when she said 'just like always'?

Scott: She was just upset, that's all. This whole thing's been hard on everyone.

Lori: It doesn't seem like I'm very well-liked.

Scott: You are. Most of the time.

Lori: *looks at Scott* Meaning what. I'm a selfish bitch the rest of the time?

Scott: You really don't seem any different to me.

Lori: I guess we'll find out once we get home. I'm sure my stuff will tell the whole story.

Gables Estates, street

Scott: *turns key*

Lori: *opens door, steps out*

Scott: *walks around truck*

Lori: *lifts head* ...This is not our house.

Scott: It is.

Lori: *laughs* No. No we don't live here. C'mon, stop messing around.

Scott: I'm not.

Lori: *staring at house* ...How many other families live here?

Scott: *smiles* Just us.

Lori: We're LOADED!

Scott: Want to go inside?

Lori: There's an inside?

Scott: *laughs*

Inside house, foyer

Lori: *looks around* Whoa. Do you work for the mob?

Scott: I used to work for an investment firm.

Lori: Used to?

Scott: I quit.

Lori: Why? *touches banister*

Scott: ...I was spending too much time away from our family. It was straining our marriage.

Lori: *looks up at ceiling* Is that a real diamond chandelier?

Scott: Why don't we go upstairs.

Lori: You could really get lost in here. OH WE HAVE A POOL! *runs*

Scott: *grabs Lori's arm*

Lori: Right. Upstairs. *walks upstairs*

Master bedroom

Scott: *steps in*

Lori: Wow. So this is where the magic happens.

Scott: *smirks*

Lori: *walks over to closet, opens it*

Scott: *sits on bed*

Lori: *steps in, pulls clothes across bar* ...Black, grey, dark blue...black, dark red, brown...*lifts brow* leather jacket? In Miami?

Scott: It's your favourite.

Lori: Uh huh. *pulls clothes across* Do I have anything that isn't morbidly dark? *opens drawers* ...*pulls out lingerie* Alright now I'm officially scared.

Scott: Don't worry, you don't wear that very often.

Lori: *turns around* I'm not going to find any fuzzy handcuffs or ball gags am I?

Scott: Not in that closet.

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Doorbell rings

Scott: I'll get it. *stands, walks away*

Lori: I'd better not find anything edible in here!


Scott: *opens door*

Bob: *walks in* You need to come to New York tomorrow.

Scott: *turns around* Why?

Bob: Press conference.

Scott: ...For...

Bob: Okay, let me draw it out for you. New APL building is the hottest thing in Manhattan right now and its owner, Scott Finch was thought to be dead. Lest we forget how many times you and planes have gone a few rounds. People have questions.

Scott: Good for them.

Bob: Rumor is you're cursed.

Scott: I don't believe in curses. *walks into kitchen*

Bob: *follows* It would make the employees feel better if you gave some face time.

Scott: All 15 000 of them?

Bob: You know what I'm getting at.

Scott: I'll think about it.

Bob: Thanks. How's your wife?

Lori: *walks over* Ready to see these kids of mine before I change my mind.

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: C'mon, haul ass. *walks away*

Bob: *looks back* ...She's perfect for you, Scotty. Vixen comes to mind.

Scott: Make yourself at home if you want, we'll be back soon. *walks away*

Bob: *nods* Good deal.

YAY! They made it back! I think Katie is the one being a bit selfish- she's not understanding that Lori's got amensia, that she won't know and what she doesn't know will make her uneasy. Katie needs to gain some understanding...

I do like how Lori's got this new perception...I especially liked that there's obviously another closet filled with the fun stuff...*sigh* the perils of a PG-13 board...

Awesome update!
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