Thanks for the reviews.
Gables Estates, house, kitchen, 9am
Katie: *lies head on table*
Lori: *places glass on table* Drink that. Scott says it helps.
Katie: I bet Scott thinks he knows everything.
Scott: I'd be nice but alas, I'm just a mere mortal. *sits*
Katie: If he talks again, I'm pounding his face in.
Speed: Katie, you have a problem.
Katie: *looks at Speed* No I don't. Just because you're an alcoholic and she's a crack head, doesn't mean I'm automatically doomed to your demons. It's simply that when I have one too many, I get boisterous.
Speed: You were dirty dancing in the middle of the floor and knocked over an expensive ice sculpture. In front of half the department and 40 other honorable guests.
Katie: So?
Speed: You weren't at a bachelorette party.
Katie: Alright so maybe I need to know my limits.
Speed: Well until you do, you're out of my house.
Katie: I pay half the rent.
Speed: Really? I haven't seen your supposed 'half' yet.
Katie: *frowns* Then I'm staying with Lori.
Lori: Nope.
Katie: *looks at Lori* You have an entire guest house.
Lori: For guests, not tenants.
Katie: Who's going to know?
Lori: Sorry, I don't want you here.
Katie: What about Scott?
Scott: I feel the same way as Lori.
Katie: Oh I see who wears the pants in this relationship.
Lori: Don't change the subject. Havin fun is one thing but it doesn't seem like you're having much fun anymore, it seems like...well, you need it. I don't know why but-
Katie: *laughs* You don't know why.
Lori: No.
Katie: *looks at Speed* Maybe you want to fill it in. *stands, walks away*
Speed: *lowers eyes*
Lori: You think I should talk to her?
Speed: I'll do it. *stands, walks upstairs*
Lori: *sigh*
Scott: *looks at Lori*
Lori: I'm glad you're my husband.
Scott: *stares at Lori*
Upstairs, bedroom
Katie: *grabs tissue from nightstand*
Speed: *steps in, shuts door*
Katie: I don't want to talk to you.
Speed: I think we need to.
Katie: *stands* Why? So I can tell you how much you've ruined my life? How I still love you even though I hate you at the same time? How I can't have a meaningful relationship with anyone because I'm afraid they'll all beat me? That every man is the same? Oh, not to mention I'm probably going to die alone because everyone thinks I'm a slut without brains. Where do you want me to start!
Speed: *stares at Katie*
Speed: ...I'm sorry.
Katie: NO YOU AREN'T! *slams fists into Speed's chest* I'M TIRED OF HEARING 'I'M SORRY' FROM YOU!
Speed: *falls back against wall*
Katie: YOU NEVER CARED ABOUT ANYONE BUT YOURSELF! ERGH! *punches Speed in the face*
Speed: *closes eyes*
Speed: *winces*
Lori: *walks in* Mom, stop.
Katie: NO!
Lori: *grabs Katie, pulls her back*
Speed: *looks at Katie*
Katie: *falls to floor, starts to cry*
Lori: *kneels, wraps arm around Katie*
Speed: *walks away*
Katie: *hugs Lori*
Lori: Oof.
Katie: *sniffs* ...You smell like peaches.
Lori: *rolls eyes*
Kitchen, 11am
Scott: *places cup on table*
Katie: *grabs cup, drinks tea*
Lori: So it's uh...finally over between you two, huh.
Katie: I guess.
Lori: It's for the better.
Katie: Yeah. I thought we could work it out but...I don't want to anymore.
Scott: *sits*
Katie: Hey Scott, do you know any good men?
Scott: Uh...depends what you mean by that.
Katie: Men like you.
Scott: I'm not perfect.
Katie: Do you constantly beat and belittle your wife?
Scott: No, but-
Katie: Then that's good enough for me.
Lori: To be fair, Dad did stop. And a lot of his problems stemmed from the alcoholism.
Katie: You're defending him?
Lori: I'm just saying...he didn't lay a hand on you until he started up with the drugs and alcohol.
Katie: I've considered that but it doesn't excuse him.
Lori: No, it doesn't.
Scott: OH!
Lori/Katie: *look at Scott*
Scott: THAT was the secret ingredient in that cake. Peaches!
Lori: What?
Scott: Oh, your shampoo reminded me.
Lori: ...You're still straight, right?
Scott: *smiles*