CSI:Miami Road Trip- We've Travelled a Long Way

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YAY for Jasper! Awww, that place is so pretty..I wish we had a place like that here...
thats it, I'm going to Canada...when I get some money...which will probably be never :(

but YAY! Geni's back! I can't wait for the updates

ETA: HAHAHA, that was awesome!!!
Speed: Wood chippers.

Delko: ...Are those like baby woodpeckers?

Speed: *shakes head*
HAHA, poor Delko
and there was some Empire Records in there too ;) :D
the whole scene between Katie, Speed and Calleigh was hilarious too! :lol:

please update soon
"Obviously not the brain in your head." lol. Hilarious. And awww poor delkipoo with the nose bleeds reminds me of Dead Woman Walking. lol. And for a second there I thought I was going to turn into the teehee-ing machine again. lol. And I don't want Delko Time. Coupons? *shakes head* Update soon please!

Maybe I Would Be Better On My Own


[Coconut Grove]

Horatio: *takes off shades* Great...You'd think the people who live here are tired of seeing me.

Speed: *places hands in pockets* Well here we are again to disturb them.

Horatio: You'd think after drug houses, plane crashes, bomb necklaces, and slaughtered families, this place would be completely destroyed by now.

Speed: Maybe we should just keep a spare roll of crime scene tape here.

Horatio: In due time Speed, in due time.

Delko: *walks up* So where's this woodchipper?

Horatio: Peacock Park.

Delko: So let's get down there.

Horatio: We are there.

Delko: Oh...It doesn't look like a park.

Horatio: There's grass and trees. What more do you want?

Delko: ...A playground?

Speed: I think if they put in a playground that would add to the destruction.

Delko: Why? Because kids like to play?

Speed: No because pedofiles like to play.

Delko: In the playground? Why don't they just go to a gym?

Speed: *frowns*

Horatio: Okay here's the woodchipper.

Speed: Where's Calleigh?

Horatio: *stops walking* Why?

Speed: I was...Curious.

Horatio: *opens kit* She's at the lab.

Speed: *opens kit* Great.

Horatio: *swabs woodchipper* Okay let's find out if this is a crime scene.

Speed: *hands over bottles* Well I don't think trees bleed.

Horatio: *shakes bottle* ...It's a good thing humans do though.

Speed: It's positive?

Horatio: Human hemogloben was detected.

Speed: So someone threw in a person...Um...H we don't have a body.

Horatio: So hop in and find it. *puts on shades and walks away*

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: So what are you waitin' for man?

Speed: I'm waiting for you to get in there.

Delko: No way, it's going to cut me up into a babillion pieces.

Speed: It's been turned off.

Delko: So? These things turn on all the time by themselves. Why don't you go in?

Speed: Because I have seniority.

Delko: But Horatio told you to do it.

Speed: He said hop in, he didn't say which CSI has to hop in.

Delko: Why don't we both hop in?

Speed: Fine. On the count of three. One...Two...Three!

Delko: *jumps in*

Speed: Do you see anything?

Delko: *turns around* HEY! You were suppose to jump in.

Speed: I guess I was too slow. *hands over flashlight*

Delko: *grabs flashlight* If I get chopped up, it's going to be your fault.

Speed: Will you just take a look around already?

Delko: I am....So what's the deal with Calleigh?

Speed: Do you see anything?

Delko: Nah, not yet. So what's with you and Calleigh?

Speed: Nothing.

Delko: *smirks*

Speed: *frowns* I'm married.

Delko: Hey I didn't say anything.

Speed: You didn't have to.

Delko: Well you just seemed....

Speed: What?

Delko: *opens mouth*

Speed: *cell phone rings* Hold on. *opens phone* Yeah it's Speed...We just started processing it now...Okay thanks. *closes phone*

Delko: Who was that?

Speed: *looks inside woodchipper* Calleigh. Apparently the person who called it in saw what went down.

Delko: Who called it in?

Speed: The owner of the woodchipper.

Delko: Where is he now?

Speed: PD. They're questioning him there.

Delko: So what happened?

Speed: The vic is a woman, about 20 to 25 years of age, wearing a business suit. The guy said she 'fell in'.

Delko: *smiles* No one falls into a woodchipper.

Speed: Unless she had a little help.

........can I have a Delko Time coupon? lol jk jk LOVE IT! I missed you so much Geni!
Ooooo, DUN DUN DUN! suspenseful...haha, poor Delko again, he just doesn't seem to get it...
And whats going on with Speedy and Calleigh? he would do anything, would he?
anyways, please update soon
"Unless she had a little help." hilarious. God I missed Speed and his...sarcastic ways. lol. Great chapter. And hehe Speed pulling the old trick, count of three, senority thinger. lol. Update soon please!

To Where This Could Originate

[Peacock Park]

Delko: Hey I found something.

Speed: What is it?

Delko: A finger.

Speed: Just one?

Delko: This isn't Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Speed: It doesn't matter, they never have any chicken fingers left anyway.

Delko: You eat KFC?

Speed: No I starve myself to get this fine physique.

Delko: What physique?

Speed: Exactly. Hand over the finger.

Delko: *hands over finger*

Speed: *looks down* There's enough ridge detail to get prints.

Delko: *climbs out of woodchipper* Looks like a girl's finger.

Speed: Yeah, long, neatly manicured nail.

Delko: So are we going to run it through AFIS?

Speed: No we're going to throw away the only evidence we have.

Delko: Do you think the owner threw her in?

Speed: Whoever threw her in didn't want to leave any evidence.

Delko: You have a knack for not answering questions properly.

Speed: It's an aquired talent.

Delko: So what's with you and Calleigh?

Speed: *opens Hummer door* Nothing.

Delko: *gets in Hummer* She likes you.

Speed: Everyone likes me.

Delko: I don't like you.

Speed: You're not a woman.

Delko: So Calleigh likes you because she's a woman?

Speed: She can like whoever she wants. It doesn't mean we're going to hop in the sack.

Delko: You're not going to cheat on Katie?

Speed: Yes Eric, it's at the top of my list. Then I'll marry Calleigh and cheat on her with Katie.

Delko: You know, in some countries it's legal to marry two women.

Speed: Eric, I don't love Calleigh and I'm not going to cheat on anyone.

Delko: Oh...So you're not a man whore?

Speed: No.

Delko: ...Well that sucks the fun out of everything. You're not even suicidal?

Speed: No.

Delko: On drugs?

Speed: No.

Delko: Murdered anyone?

Speed: No.

Delko: Molested anyone?

Speed: Oh yeah Eric, watch out. You're next.

Delko: *screams*

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Delko: Don't say things like that.

Speed: Um...Eric.

Delko: I mean, I didn't get into this job to be molested.

Speed: Eric...

Delko: Some people might be dirty cops, but I liked to use dove soap. It gets dirt out of everything.

Speed: Uh...Eric...

Delko: Tide works too. But I'm kind of allergic to tide, which doesn't make sense because I use it on my clothes.

Speed: Eric...

Delko: That probably explains why I'm always so itchy.

Speed: Eric...

Delko: What?

Speed: Check it out.

Delko: *looks out window* So? He's wearing orange. You know it's legal to wear loud colors.

Speed: Fine, a guy walking around wearing a bright orange outfit that says DCJ on the back is totally alright. I say we get him a present.

Delko: DCJ? As in Dade County Jail?

Speed: *stops Hummer* Hey is that Ryan Wolfe?

Delko: I can't tell. They all look the same from behind.

Speed: *gets out of Hummer*

Delko: What are you doing?

Speed: *takes out gun* Stay here and keep you gun holstered.

Delko: I can't. The clippy thing broke. *gets out of Hummer*

Speed: HEY YOU!

Ryan: *turns around*


Ryan: *walks*

Speed: Stop where you are and get on your knees.

Ryan: *gets on knees*

Speed: Put your hands behind your head and don't move.

Ryan: I wasn't doing anything.

Speed: *walks up* Yeah you were just taking a stroll around South Miami.

Ryan: Maybe I was.

Speed: *gets out cuffs* What are you doing out here kid?

Ryan: Don't call me kid. I'm 29.

Speed: Oh yeah you're all growed up. *cuffs Wolfe*

Ryan: I didn't do anything I swear.

Speed: Then how did you get out here?

Ryan: They let me out.

Speed: Did they let you keep the clothes too?

Ryan: ...Yeah.

Speed: Get up and spread your legs.

Ryan: Hey whoa, I don't swing that way man.

Speed: *pushes Ryan into front of the Hummer* Do it.

Ryan: *spreads legs* I know my rights!

Speed: Good. Then you know you have the right to keep your trap shut.

Ryan: That's not how it goes.

Speed: I like to add a twist on things every now and then. *Reaches into Wolfe's pockets*

Ryan: There's nothing there.

Speed: *places contents on Hummer* 5 pounds of crack?

Delko: Uh...Speed?

Ryan: Yeah...It's for...Personal use.

Speed: What were you going to use it for? Insulation?

Delko: Uh..Speed?

Ryan: I don't have a house.

Delko: Tim!

Speed: *looks up* What?

Delko: The woodchipper's on fire.

Speed: What? Go put it out!

Delko: With what?

Speed: Call the fire department!

Delko: Why don't you?

Speed: ERIC!

Delko: Fine, Fine. *grabs cell phone*

Ryan: Haha looks like your evidence is gone.

Speed: *shoves Ryan inside Hummer* You have the right to an attorney. If you can not afford one, you can try buying a really good one with the crack I just found. If that doesn't work, one will be appointed to you by the courts. Of course it'll cost the city thousands of dollars to find someone to represent you, and even then it'll be a newbie lawyer who probably never heard the word 'aquit' before so good luck with that. *slams door*

Delko: I threw a fire blanket from the back of the Hummer inside. It put out the fire.

Speed: *walks over* Did we lose anything?

Delko: Just the blood evidence.

Speed: Well we still have the finger.

Delko: Who would set it on fire?

Speed: I think Wolfe was the distraction.

Delko: So the killer came back.

Speed: It looks that way. *cell phone rings* Hold on. *opens phone* Yeah, it's Speed....Uh yeah we know that....Well thanks for letting us know after the fact. *closes phone*

Delko: Who was that?

Speed: Calleigh. Two people escaped from Dade County Jail this morning and no one bothered to tell the police until 15 minutes ago.

Delko: Who escaped.

Speed: Ryan Wolfe and Trevor.

Delko: Trevor? Our Trevor?

Speed: *sigh* I hate politics.

Delko: Trevor's not a politician.

Speed: *frowns* Nevermind Eric.

NO! You can't have a Delko Time Coupon! He's mine! okay, I'll share. That was a great couple of first updates, Geni! Glad you have you back!
Oooo, Trevor and Ryan escaped?! :eek: well, Ryan didn't get very far..but Trevor is still on the loose!
and I love the banter between Speed and Eric...reminds me of the good ol' days that was season2 :D

please update soon
Great Wolfe and Trevor are out. And the blood evidence is gone. That can't be good. Update soon please. Aww poor Eric is allergic to tide...well its a small world. So am I!
lol, I love to share........not lol

Speed: Get up and spread your legs.

Ryan: Hey whoa, I don't swing that way man.

OMFG ROTFLMAO that was great!
:lol: Thanks for all the welcome backs. :) It's good to come back and update. I was going nuts up in the mountains.

Everything's The Same

[Jail cell, Dade County Jail]

Horatio: *walks in* Mister Wolfe.

Ryan: *looks up* Mister...Caine.

Horatio: It's Lieutenant.

Speed: *walks in, Places kit down*

Ryan: What do you need that for?

Speed: Where's Trevor?

Ryan: I don't know.

Speed: Fine, where was he going?

Ryan: I don't know.

Horatio: *takes off shades* You both planned this, and he destroyed evidence in a murder investigation.

Ryan: So?

Speed: So stand up.

Ryan: Why?

Speed: *takes out swab* Open up. I'm sure you're used to it.

Ryan: *opens mouth*

Speed: *swabs*

Horatio: When was Trevor placed here?

Ryan: A week ago. He was supposed to be transferred to a federal prison but they were over-crowded. My cell was empty so they put him here.

Speed: *grabs ALS*

Ryan: What are you doing?

Horatio: Mister Speedle is doing his job.

Ryan: Why are you using that?

Speed: *frowns*

Horatio: We found blood in the woodchipper and since Trevor was at the scene, we need to confirm who's DNA it was.

Ryan: His DNA wouldn't be in here.

Speed: *stares at Wolfe, turns on ALS*

Ryan: Come on man, you don't need that.

Horatio: *looks around* Hey Speed.

Speed: *looks up* Yeah H?

Horatio: *walks over to wall, takes picture off wall* It's a picture of a woman.

Speed: *stands up*

Ryan: Yeah he brought that in when he got here. He was ranting about how he was going to kill her and stuff. I figured since he was in jail, it wasn't going to happen.

Horatio: Well he's not in jail right now is he?

Ryan: ...No sir.

Speed: *looks down* Oh crap.

Horatio: *looks at Speed* Oh crap? That's not exactly a forensic term.

Speed: *drops ALS*

Horatio: Something wrong?

Speed: That's Sandra Mullins.

Horatio: The bait at the FBI office.

Speed: Yeah.

Ryan: Yeah he kept saying she put him away and he was going to get her.

Horatio: I want you to tell me how he got out.

Ryan: What do I get?

Horatio: I'll put in a good word for you to your parole officer.

Ryan: He wanted me to distract the guard and then he grabbed his gun and shot him with it. Then we both ran out and he pushed the girl in after he paid off the owner of the woodchipper. He told me to wait out on the street for the CSIs and then he'd come back and destroy the evidence.

Speed: *frowns* And you just followed him like a good little boy right?

Ryan: I didn't think he was actually going to do it.

Speed: *grabs gun*

Horatio: Tim, get back to the lab.

Speed: ...Sure. *leaves*

Horatio: Do you know where he went at all? Did he tell you anything?

Ryan: He said it was an FBI matter and that he was undercover as an inmate. He said if I cooperated, he'd get me out of here.

Horatio: Okay thank you.

Ryan: You're not going to ask me where he went?

Horatio: Do you know where he went?

Ryan: No but I-

Horatio: Then have a nice stay. *puts on shades, leaves*


[Layout Room]

Calleigh: *looks up* Hey Tim. *smiles*

Speed: *walks in* Hey are these the pictures from the crime scene?

Calleigh: Eric just finished taking them.

Speed: Did we haul in the woodchipper?

Calleigh: Eric's processing it right now. We confirmed the finger belongs to Sandra Mullins, and the blood belongs to Trevor.

Speed: So she fought him.

Calleigh: It looks that way. Did you get anything out of Wolfe?

Speed: Just a headache.

Calleigh: *laughs* Don't worry he gives everyone a headache.

Speed: *frowns* Woodchipper huh? Trevor's a standup guy.

Calleigh: It's brutal.

Speed: How did no one notice two guys wearing jail jumpsuits running around South Miami?

Calleigh: Who knows.

Speed: Okay...Hold on a second.

Calleigh: What?

Speed: The owner said she fell in?

Calleigh: Yeah.

Speed: How could she have fallen in if Wolfe said Trevor went over there to kill her?

Calleigh: Well Trevor paid him off. The owner wouldn't exactly tell the truth about it.

Speed: Right, okay I should have known that.

Calleigh: Are you okay?

Speed: I'm fine.

Calleigh: Is this going to be one of those cases where you're going to run rough shot over the evidence?

Speed: No. And you know what? I'm not perfect. I don't know everything. I didn't speak with the owner of the woodchipper. You did. And you were the one who phoned me AFTER I caught Wolfe to tell me they had escaped.

Calleigh: So this is my fault she's dead?

Speed: *sigh* No. Look, I'm sorry Cal, I didn't mean to bl-

Calleigh: It's fine Tim.

Speed: I'm going to go check out the woodchipper with Eric.

Calleigh: Call me if you need anything.

Horatio: *walks in* Calleigh, status on the case.

Calleigh: Based on the pictures, and the gravitational droplets on the woodchipper, Trevor was facing East, and the trail of dirt leads back out to the road.

Horatio: So he headed back North. Okay let me know if anything changes.

Calleigh: I'll page you.

[CSI garage, 15 minutes later]

Speed: Eric what have you got?

Delko: I called you 15 minutes ago.

Speed: I was leaving the layout room.

Delko: It doesn't take that long to get down here.

Speed: Can you just tell me why you paged me?

Delko: I found crack.

Speed: Oh Eric I don't need to know about your sexual orientation.

Delko: *laughs* No, cocaine.

Speed: Inside the woodchipper?

Delko: Yeah.

Speed: Alexx ran tox on the body parts. There weren't any drugs in the vic's system.

Delko: That's because she wasn't drugged.

Speed: It also explains why she was able to fight Trevor enough to make him bleed.

Delko: That's what I got to thinking.

Speed: *crosses arms* That's a miracle.

Delko: *smirks* You found drugs on Wolfe right?

Speed: Yeah 5 pounds.

Delko: ...Yeah...And?

Speed: And...What?

Delko: Aren't you suppose to be the smart one?

Speed: Can you just tell me already?

Delko: I think Wolfe and Trevor did this together. The drugs probably fell out of Ryan's pocket when they both tried to push her in.

Speed: So the drugs place Wolfe at the scene. He lied.

Delko: Exactly.

Speed: Well that's something, thanks.

Delko: Whoa, hey where are you going?

Speed: Um...Away?

Delko: I'm not finished.

Speed: Well you stopped talking. Usually when people are finished speaking, they just stop talking.

Delko: I found a strand of hair on the woodchipper.

Speed: Did you send it to DNA?

Delko: I just did.

Speed: Good.

Delko: Are you okay? Your eyes are all red.

Speed: Maybe I'm allergic to the soap in your clothes.

Delko: I always wear these clothes. Are you upset?

Speed: No.

Delko: *gets out of woodchipper* You seem kind of hot. Are you sure you're okay?

Speed: It's 80 degrees outside and I'm wearing black.

Delko: I'm wearing black.

Speed: I have a low tolerance for heat.

Delko: You've lived in Miami how long?

Speed: I have to get back upstairs did you have anything else?

Delko: No.

Speed: Okay, I'll check in later. *leaves*

Oh no! not my Ryan! :(
Delko: I found crack.

Speed: Oh Eric I don't need to know about your sexual orientation.
:lol: HAHA!! Speedy and Eric, *sigh* how I miss the banter in the show...
please update soon
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