:lol: FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE! ...Okay yeah I felt the need to shout that because it's my favorite kind of orange juice. DIE PULP!

...Must wear glasses now. My brain just fell apart.
You Set Me Free
[Miami, Makeup store]
Speed: *walks up to counter* Have you seen this guy lately?
Man: Yeah he came in here about 7 hours ago.
Sandra: Wow pretty good for the first store we tried.
Speed: Did he buy anything?
Man: Some makeup and some porn.
Speed: ...Excuse me?
Man: We have a porn shop attached to this place. He went in there after he bought the makeup.
Speed: You mind if we look around?
Man: Go ahead.
Speed: *walks away*
Sandra: Porn?
Speed: We're going to have to check it out.
Sandra: Oh yeah I want to go to the Glades and you get all hesitant but you want to run right into the porno store.
Speed: Will you get in here? *grabs Sandra*
[Porn store]
Sandra: This place is for low lifes.
Speed: Yeah say that louder, I don't think the drunk hobo down the street heard you.
Sandra: Hey look, movies.
Speed: So?
Sandra: I've been wanting to rent something for friday video nights.
Speed: What kind of people do you have over at your house?
Sandra: Hey Ashley Anders. She makes some great videos. Hey do you think I could buy 28 Lays Later?
Speed: *grabs video* Will you cut it out? We're on a case.
Sandra: OH HEY! Cookie Divine! *grabs movie* She's amazing. Have you seen her in action? It's breathtaking.
Speed: *grabs video* Stop browsing for all the porn and get on the same team as me.
Sandra: Do you have something against her?
Speed: Her name is not Cookie Divine. It's Sara Piper so give her a little more respect.
Sandra: Whoa you know her? *laughing* When did you date a porn star?
Speed: *grabs Sandra* Move it.
Speed: Have you seen this guy?
Man: Sure, he came in a while ago.
Sandra: Did he buy anything?
Man: No, he just looked around and then asked to use the phone.
Speed: Which phone?
Man: Yeah exactly, We don't have phone.
Speed: Where did he go after you told him you didn't have a phone?
Man: He went outside to that payphone.
Speed: Thanks....Sandra!
Sandra: *looks up*
Speed: I am not on the backs of any of those video tapes.
Sandra: ...*looks around* I was just making sure.
Speed: Let's go.
Speed: Okay, he came to this pay phone.
Sandra: Did he use it?
Speed: ...*blinks* No, he just stood here and waited for the seasons to change. What do you think?
Sandra: I'll make a few calls and we can get the records from this phone.
Speed: Good. *looks around* Hey, check it out.
Sandra: What?
Speed: Traffic cameras.
Sandra: What about them? We weren't speeding.
Speed: They have video surveillance.
Sandra: So?
Speed: So we can see which direction Trevor went if we get those tapes.
Sandra: Don't we need a warrant for that?
Speed: You're the FBI. Wave your badge around.
Sandra: You wave YOUR badge around.
Speed: Your badge means more than mine.
Sandra: So?
Speed: So use it to our advantage.
Sandra: Where do we even get the tapes from?
Speed: ....I don't know, Horatio usually does that.
Sandra: Who's Horatio?
Speed: *sigh* Nevermind, come on we'll go get the tapes.
Sandra: So how do you know Sara Piper?
Speed: *gets in Hummer* I went out for coffee with her a long time ago and she hates me.
Sandra: What did you to do her?
Speed: Nothing.
Sandra: She can't hate you for doing nothing.
Speed: Drop it.
Sandra: Fine....So how was it dating a porn star?
Speed: Do the words 'drop it' mean nothing to women?
Sandra: Do the words 'don't rape me' mean nothing to men?
Speed: ...I wouldn't know, I'm not a rapist.
Sandra: This is fun. I never get to talk to anyone at the FBI office.
Speed: The FBI don't have mouths?
Sandra: Oh they do, they're just paranoid about everything. I used to be like that.
Speed: What happened?
Sandra: You taught me to assume nothing.
Speed: *looks at Sandra*
Sandra: *smiles*
Speed: *looks at road* I'm glad you learned something.
Sandra: Me too.
Speed: *nods*
Sandra: Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?
Speed: *slams on breaks* LEARN TO DRIVE! Geez, sunday drivers on a friday. What is this world coming to?
Sandra: Tim?
Speed: Yeah.
Sandra: You didn't answer.
Speed: You want to have dinner with me?
Sandra: Well as business partners. We can go over the case, and eat at the same time.
Speed: It's not a date is it?
Sandra: Definetaly not a date. We're just two colleagues enjoying a meal together while going over some information regarding a federal case.
Speed: That, that sounds like a date.
Sandra: It's not like we're lighting candles and drinking champagne. It's a couple of burgers and beers.
Speed: *sigh* Fine.
Sandra: Great.