CSI:Miami Road Trip- We've Travelled a Long Way

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Your leaving, awwww. Now who will I talk to on msn? My sister. I think not. lol. Update whenever you can, no rush.
oh no, oh no.... Geni is living, this is breakdown for my brains! :eek: :lol:
no no it's ok, you need some rest! :) take time, give a SPA procedure's to your brains and then come back with fresh ideas! ;) :lol:
Wow, for some reason or another, I haven't posted in a while, so it took me about 2 hours to catch up, but I love this story! It was so worth spending two hours on it lol
:lol: Aww well I'm glad it's worth spending two hours on. It's a lot of fun to write, even if a lot of it is a piece of crap on a stick. :p (Not really, but I never give myself that much credit)

Anyway so tomorrow morning I'm leaving on my own little 'road trip' to the mountains. I'll bring lots of pictures back. :lol: Hey maybe I'll find Brokeback Mountain..Oh wait, that's probably not in Jasper. Oh well it doesn't matter, I'll bring back lots of pretty pictures to show how much I've been doing...Or rather NOT doing.

UGH how can I not be here for 4 days? This is insane. What if there's new CSI:Miami news? What if it suddenly says 'Rory Cochrane to return to CSI:Miami' and I'm not here? What will this world come to? I'll freak out. *flails spastically* I'll have to turn off my computer for 4 days! This has to be breaking some sort of law against nature...Or..Not.

*sigh* Well I'll just have to watch a lot of Miami in the mountains. *kisses portable tv and dvd player* ...And then I'll go outside a couple of times to bring you guys back some pictures. :D
haha, well, have fun, and think up lots of good plots while your on vacation. I don't think that Tim is going to come back for a long time, so I think it's safe to say that he's not giong to be back but MAN would I love for him to come back.
Oh hey I can hope anyway. ;)

Goodbye To Everything That I Knew


[9 am]


Speed: *opens door* Why are you yelling?


Delko: *opens door* Is it Sniffles?


Speed: We're going to take a picture of it?

Horatio: It's fuzzy.

Speed: So's my face but you don't see Katie grabbing cameras left and right.

Horatio: *grabs camera* Oh...Pooh bear he's gone.

Delko: *takes camera* You woke us up for that? Get a life.

Speed: Go Eric.

Delko: The next time you decide you want to wake us all up, remember two things. The first thing is the time. If it's anytime before 10, do not wake us. The second thing is how loud your voice is. Keep it down or I'll pound my fist into your face.

Everyone: *blinks*

Speed: *nods* It is just....So cool that you said that.

Delko: I'm going back to bed. *leaves*

Horatio: So....No taking pictures of bears then.

Speed: *pats H on the back* It's best not. *leaves*

Horatio: ...What if it was trying to kill us?

Katie: Then shoot it and let us sleep. *leaves*

Horatio: What if it was inside eating all the mustard?

Missy: Then we'd have to buy more mustard, what is your problem?

Horatio: ...It was an animal...

Missy: Sure it was. *leaves*

Horatio: When did I become the stupid one?

Yes, H man. Please tell us when you became the stupid one. Its like....there's something wrong with his shades or something and its making him malfunction. lol. But yay Eric said something that didn't make him sound 3 years old. And that's very true I haven't been taking pictures of Mr. Stubble pants left and right. Update soon please.
Mr. Stubble pants. :lol: :lol:

And YAY Eric standing up to H. What a guy. *sigh*

-More updates....Hopefully soon.
haha, Mr Stubble Pants :lol: And yay! Eric is slightly cooler now! I agree with Katie, Horatio's shades must be broken. And nice to hear that you're going to Jasper Geni, I know how much you like it there. too bad you're not going to Cochrane :lol:
And don't worry, all the CSI:Miami news will still be here when you get back, like "Rory Cochrane to return to Miami: Sources say that Ann Donahue finally tracked down her brain" or "Ann Donahue reads Road Trip and decides to write show properly: Fans excited about this revalation" :lol:
:lol: Oh Carly, you crack me up. HECK YES ANN DONAHUE SHOULD TRACK DOWN HER BRAIN. :p

Shedding Every Color


Missy: *walks into Eric's room*

Delko: Isn't it customary to knock before entering one's room?

Missy: You seem grumpy.

Delko: Maybe Speed's rubbing off on me.

Missy: You're not going to become a man whore are you?

Delko: Oh no, I think he's got that covered all on his own.

Missy: So what's wrong?

Delko: *stands up* They think they're a hotter couple than we are!

Missy: We're a couple?

Delko: I think we should show them who's better.

Missy: ...We're better than them? I didn't even know we were together.

Delko: Let's show them.

Missy: Show them what?

Delko: I can be smart and you can obsess over Cheeze Its.

Missy: ...I don't like Cheeze Its.

Delko: Come on. *grabs Missy*

[Speed/Katie's room]

Delko: *knocks on door*

Speed: *opens door* What do you want?

Delko: ...*smirks* What were you doing in there?

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Come on I want to know.

Speed: We're reading the bible.

Delko: ....Naked?

Speed: I'm not naked.

Delko: Well I can't really tell, you have the door blocking half your body.

Speed: Eric go away.

Delko: Oooh were you showing Katie a good time?

Speed: I'll show you my fist in your face if you don't get lost.

Delko: Fine, I'm leaving.

Speed: *slams door*

Delko: *turns around* Okay we have to make love.

Missy: Excuse me?

Delko: They're doing it so we have to.

Missy: Eric I don't want to.

Delko: Come on, we'll show them who's better at it.

Missy: Are you kidding?

Delko: Fine, I'll get a woman's perspective first. *turns around, knocks on door*

Speed: *opens door* What.

Delko: Is Katie enjoying herself?

Speed: What are you d-...Are you taking notes?

Delko: Yeah.

Speed: Get lost.

Delko: Well what expression was on her face before you opened the door?

Speed: *frowns* Annoyance, now get lost.

Delko: So you are making sweet passionate love in there. *winks*

Speed: *sigh* Eric, I'm giving you three seconds to step away from the door or you'll lose a few teeth.

Delko: Fine, I'm leaving.

Speed: *slams door*

Delko: *turns around* Okay she looked annoyed.

Missy: That's probably because you keep knocking on the door. Leave them alone.

Delko: But we have to match them.

Missy: We're not even together!

Delko: We could be. *smiles*

Missy: Ugh. *leaves*

Delko: Come on I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.

Missy: You're mad because you want to be a hot couple, but Speed and Katie are taking away your...Delko Time?

Delko: Exactly and we have to rescue it. So hop in the sack and let's get underway.

Missy: *frowns*

Delko: Too soon?

Missy: Too soon.

Delko: Dang..Um...*turns around, knocks on door*

Speed: *opens door, glares*

Delko: ..Wrong time?

Speed: *narrows eyes*

Delko: ..Should I leave?

Speed: *slams door*

Delko: Dangit.

Oh man I can't stop laughing. AND HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE CHEEZE ITS!?! Whoa *clears throat* Sorry I got a little offensive there. lol. Delko trying to match me and Speed...ok that's just wrong. lol. Update soon please.
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