Troubles Of The Day, Took My Breath Away
[Strp club]
Speed: *cellphone rings* Wow...I thought I turned this off.
Delko: I guess you didn't.
Speed: *opens phone* Yeah, it's Speed.....Mhm...Okay thanks. *closes phone* Calleigh, woke up.
Delko: Are you going to go see her?
Speed: Yeah. *leaves*
Delko: Wow...Now I feel alone. *turns around* Now THIS is entertainment.
[Calleigh's room, Hospital]
Speed: *walks in* Hey.
Calleigh: *smiles* Hey.
Speed: Did the doctor tell you about th-
Calleigh: Yeah he did.
Speed: I'm sorry.
Calleigh: It's not your fault.
Speed: You know, it's too bad this isn't a case.
Calleigh: Why?
Speed: Because I can't get all un-emotional cop on you.
Calleigh: It's okay to have emotions Tim.
Speed: Yeah well, it doesn't make any of this easier.
Calleigh: Three. That's a lot to lose.
Speed: Gee, thanks for reminding me.
Calleigh: I heard you didn't want me to get the surgery.
Speed: I can't be responsible for your murder.
Calleigh: It's not murder. It wouldn't have been murder.
Speed: I was forced to chose between you and my child. And I chose you. What kind of a person am I?
Calleigh: *sigh* I would have done the same. Granted if it was you, there wouldn't have been a child involved but still.
Speed: Yeah I know. *looks down at holstered gun*
Calleigh: ....Tim?
Speed: *looks at Calleigh* What?
Calleigh: Nevermind.
Speed: Yeah um, I need to get back to the Hummerhome.
Calleigh: Okay.
Speed: Everyone else will probably visit you later. *leaves*
Calleigh: *sigh* Excellent.
Speed: *walks in*
Anni: You're back?
Speed: I need to talk to Horatio. Do you know where he is?
Carly: Why do you need to talk to him?
Speed: It's not important that you know. Now where is he?
Missy: He's getting Eric away from the strip club.
Speed: Great, thanks.
[Strip club]
Horatio: Eric, you've run out of money.
Delko: But the girls need more money.
Horatio: Don't worry about it, you've given them enough to put them through college.
Delko: They're very talented.
Speed: *walks up* H?
Horatio: Yeah Speed?
Speed: I need to talk to you.
Delko: Hey Ginger! Do that thing you just did! I have a 20 if you make it worth my while.
Horatio: *lifts brow* Eric, her name is Ivy.
Delko: Oh. Well she has red hair, I just assumed her name was Ginger.
Horatio: I have red hair.
Delko: But you're name is Horatio.
Speed: H, we need to talk.
Horatio: I'm coming. Eric, don't go back to the ATM...I don't even know why they put those in here. *walks away* Okay so Speed, what did you need to talk about?
Speed: I can't take this anymore.
Horatio: Oh don't worry, Eric will find his way back out the front door. He just might leave a trail of drool along the w-
Speed: Horatio I need your help.
Horatio: With what?
Speed: *puts gun on table*
Bartender: Hey you can't have those in here.
Horatio: *lifts badge*
Bartender: Oh, my bad.
Horatio: What's with the gun?
Speed: I don't think I sh-....I think you should take it.
Horatio: Why?
Speed: *frowns* I don't think I can do this.
Horatio: Speed, we talked about this.
Speed: It's not worth it.
Horatio: I know this wasn't the best way for th-
Speed: Do make me do it.
Horatio: I'm not going to make you do anything.
Speed: My child is dead for this?
Horatio: I guess it had to happen.
Speed: How many more times is this going to happen? How many times am I going to do this, and you're just going to sit by and watch it happen?
Horatio: It's my job.
Speed: So why me? Why does this have to happen to me?
Horatio: I don't know.
Speed: *grabs gun* Fine, I'll...See you around. *leaves*
Horatio: ...Alright. *stands up* Eric, Eric your tongue is not going to stick to the pole.
Delko: I thought it was a frozen pole.
Horatio: And you'd still want to stick your tongue to it?
Delko: What was that?
Horatio: Uh...Go back to the Hummerhome.
Delko: Why?
Horatio: It was a car backfire. Go back to the Hummerhome before you go broke.
Delko: Fine. *leaves*
Horatio: *runs out to back alley* Speed? Speed look at me.
Speed: *frowns* I h-...I c-...
Horatio: Okay, hold on partner. *opens phone, dials* I need an ambulance at 53rd and 7th ave. *closes phone* The stomach? That wasn't very poetic.
Speed: *glares*
Horatio: Alright, don't give me a glare. The ambulance is on the way.
[15 minutes later, Hummerhome]
Horatio: *walks in, takes off shades* Welcome back Calleigh.
Calleigh: Thanks. I just bounced back from a coma. I feel healthier than ever.
Katie: So where's Tim?
Horatio: Um....He's not coming with us.
Delko: Why?
Horatio: He killed himself in a back alley.
Katie: *blank stare*
Delko: Uh...Wow way to be blunt.
Horatio: The ambulance got there but by the time they arrived...
Calleigh: So he's dead.
Horatio: Unfortunately, yes.
Horatio: No.
Katie: DIE H-MAN! *gets up*
Delko: Whoa there. *grabs Katie*
Horatio: I'm sorry.
Anni: You don't seem so broken up about it.
Horatio: I'm crying a river inside. Now, let's get a move on. *turns key*
Katie: Wait a minute, we're not even going to go to the hospital? And how did he die? The ambulances are 15 feet away!
Horatio: I'm sorry.
Calleigh: I saw him looking at his gun earlier.
Delko: Man I just spoke to him on the stairwell....He seemed so broken up about everything.
Katie: And none of you did anything?
Delko: How was I supposed to know he was going to kill himself?
Horatio: Let's just go okay?
-Oh yes, I feel like Ann Donahue now. Don't we all want to acheive that at least once in our lives? And hopefully soon, I'll pull a Corey Miller.