CSI:Miami Road Trip- We've Travelled a Long Way

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AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! SPEEDY CRIED! I win! Don't know why I win. But I do. lol. "Aaand I ruined it." Yeah, I think that's safe to say Delko. lol. Update soon please.

Troubles Of The Day, Took My Breath Away

[Strp club]

Speed: *cellphone rings* Wow...I thought I turned this off.

Delko: I guess you didn't.

Speed: *opens phone* Yeah, it's Speed.....Mhm...Okay thanks. *closes phone* Calleigh, woke up.

Delko: Are you going to go see her?

Speed: Yeah. *leaves*

Delko: Wow...Now I feel alone. *turns around* Now THIS is entertainment.

[Calleigh's room, Hospital]

Speed: *walks in* Hey.

Calleigh: *smiles* Hey.

Speed: Did the doctor tell you about th-

Calleigh: Yeah he did.

Speed: I'm sorry.

Calleigh: It's not your fault.

Speed: You know, it's too bad this isn't a case.

Calleigh: Why?

Speed: Because I can't get all un-emotional cop on you.

Calleigh: It's okay to have emotions Tim.

Speed: Yeah well, it doesn't make any of this easier.

Calleigh: Three. That's a lot to lose.

Speed: Gee, thanks for reminding me.

Calleigh: I heard you didn't want me to get the surgery.

Speed: I can't be responsible for your murder.

Calleigh: It's not murder. It wouldn't have been murder.

Speed: I was forced to chose between you and my child. And I chose you. What kind of a person am I?

Calleigh: *sigh* I would have done the same. Granted if it was you, there wouldn't have been a child involved but still.

Speed: Yeah I know. *looks down at holstered gun*

Calleigh: ....Tim?

Speed: *looks at Calleigh* What?

Calleigh: Nevermind.

Speed: Yeah um, I need to get back to the Hummerhome.

Calleigh: Okay.

Speed: Everyone else will probably visit you later. *leaves*

Calleigh: *sigh* Excellent.


Speed: *walks in*

Anni: You're back?

Speed: I need to talk to Horatio. Do you know where he is?

Carly: Why do you need to talk to him?

Speed: It's not important that you know. Now where is he?

Missy: He's getting Eric away from the strip club.

Speed: Great, thanks.

[Strip club]

Horatio: Eric, you've run out of money.

Delko: But the girls need more money.

Horatio: Don't worry about it, you've given them enough to put them through college.

Delko: They're very talented.

Speed: *walks up* H?

Horatio: Yeah Speed?

Speed: I need to talk to you.

Delko: Hey Ginger! Do that thing you just did! I have a 20 if you make it worth my while.

Horatio: *lifts brow* Eric, her name is Ivy.

Delko: Oh. Well she has red hair, I just assumed her name was Ginger.

Horatio: I have red hair.

Delko: But you're name is Horatio.

Speed: H, we need to talk.

Horatio: I'm coming. Eric, don't go back to the ATM...I don't even know why they put those in here. *walks away* Okay so Speed, what did you need to talk about?

Speed: I can't take this anymore.

Horatio: Oh don't worry, Eric will find his way back out the front door. He just might leave a trail of drool along the w-

Speed: Horatio I need your help.

Horatio: With what?

Speed: *puts gun on table*

Bartender: Hey you can't have those in here.

Horatio: *lifts badge*

Bartender: Oh, my bad.

Horatio: What's with the gun?

Speed: I don't think I sh-....I think you should take it.

Horatio: Why?

Speed: *frowns* I don't think I can do this.

Horatio: Speed, we talked about this.

Speed: It's not worth it.

Horatio: I know this wasn't the best way for th-

Speed: Do make me do it.

Horatio: I'm not going to make you do anything.

Speed: My child is dead for this?

Horatio: I guess it had to happen.

Speed: How many more times is this going to happen? How many times am I going to do this, and you're just going to sit by and watch it happen?

Horatio: It's my job.

Speed: So why me? Why does this have to happen to me?

Horatio: I don't know.

Speed: *grabs gun* Fine, I'll...See you around. *leaves*

Horatio: ...Alright. *stands up* Eric, Eric your tongue is not going to stick to the pole.

Delko: I thought it was a frozen pole.

Horatio: And you'd still want to stick your tongue to it?


Delko: What was that?

Horatio: Uh...Go back to the Hummerhome.

Delko: Why?

Horatio: It was a car backfire. Go back to the Hummerhome before you go broke.

Delko: Fine. *leaves*

Horatio: *runs out to back alley* Speed? Speed look at me.

Speed: *frowns* I h-...I c-...

Horatio: Okay, hold on partner. *opens phone, dials* I need an ambulance at 53rd and 7th ave. *closes phone* The stomach? That wasn't very poetic.

Speed: *glares*

Horatio: Alright, don't give me a glare. The ambulance is on the way.

[15 minutes later, Hummerhome]

Horatio: *walks in, takes off shades* Welcome back Calleigh.

Calleigh: Thanks. I just bounced back from a coma. I feel healthier than ever.

Katie: So where's Tim?

Horatio: Um....He's not coming with us.

Delko: Why?

Horatio: He killed himself in a back alley.

Katie: *blank stare*

Delko: Uh...Wow way to be blunt.

Horatio: The ambulance got there but by the time they arrived...

Calleigh: So he's dead.

Horatio: Unfortunately, yes.


Horatio: No.

Katie: DIE H-MAN! *gets up*

Delko: Whoa there. *grabs Katie*

Horatio: I'm sorry.

Anni: You don't seem so broken up about it.

Horatio: I'm crying a river inside. Now, let's get a move on. *turns key*

Katie: Wait a minute, we're not even going to go to the hospital? And how did he die? The ambulances are 15 feet away!

Horatio: I'm sorry.


Calleigh: I saw him looking at his gun earlier.

Delko: Man I just spoke to him on the stairwell....He seemed so broken up about everything.

Katie: And none of you did anything?

Delko: How was I supposed to know he was going to kill himself?

Horatio: Let's just go okay?


-Oh yes, I feel like Ann Donahue now. Don't we all want to acheive that at least once in our lives? And hopefully soon, I'll pull a Corey Miller. ;)
WOAHHHHHHH :eek: I think thats all i'm capable of saying at the moment :( Not my Speedy...well, Katie's Speedy, but he's still mine! ;)
And as much as I know I shouldn't say this, I liked the bit where Katie asked Horatio if he'd applied pressure to the wound and he said no and Katie said "DIE H-MAN!". I think thats what all of the Speed fans were thinking during (and after) Lost Son...I still think that whenever I watch it ;)

*cries* this is so sad! please update soon
wouuww, what a suprise for me! :eek: Speed and dead...well it make's sence! :lol: sorry, just kidding around! ;)
Speed will be back ;) ... he will, right? :( *swallow*
Demon Speedle Baby, that was great! LOL!! :lol: :lol:
- I want one of those Miami Hummers
- Bless Eric yet again for his comments :lol:
- Poor Speed when he was sad and also noooo :eek: :(
- And Katie :(
I....I....this is worse then having a fever! I mean...I don't know what to say I'm speechless. Like...literally my niece just came in my room and I was like "Where the hell did you come?" and my dad was like "Watch your language." and I was like "Well Speed died again!" And Eric in the strip club didn't seem so suprising. And and and ugh!

walking around here,
waiting for new updates
were is our Lovely Geni ! :D :lol:

laalal...*dancing out of the room*
Me, being the Speed fan that I am, would you really expect me to kill him even if he's 'very much dead'? Have any of you ever heard of 'never say never'? ...Wow...I am Ann Donahue. :lol: *sigh* But hey I actually know what I'm doing with my 'creative freedom'...It's all part of the plan my dear....Talkcsi-ers... ;)

One Of Our Own...Again


Katie: Uh...Where are we going?

Horatio: Ohio.

Katie: That's random.

Horatio: Exactly.

Katie: So....We don't get to go to his funeral or anything?

Horatio: The body will be shipped back to Miami and since we're not heading that way, there's no point in going to the funeral.

Katie: The body?

Delko: Maybe we should get you some water or something.

Katie: No, no I'm fine. I'm just a little suspicious of Horatio here.

Horatio: Why?

Katie: He just...Offs himself and you don't say so much as a word until you get back here. You don't call for anyone but an ambulance, you don't go to the hospital and yet he magically 'died' before they got there.

Horatio: A stomach wound is very...Nasty.

Delko: Stomach wound?

Horatio: Yeah.

Delko: ...Um if he wanted to commit suicide there is no way he would be aiming for his stomach.

Katie: Thank you.

Horatio: It doesn't matter. He's dead, so we're moving on.

Calleigh: Why can't you let us see him?

Horatio: Because there were guts everywhere, and blood, and you guys really don't want to see that.

Calleigh: *frowns* We're CSIs.

Horatio: *drives faster* Well it looks like we lost him anyway. These things just happen so fast. Let's just drop it and accept it.

Katie: Fine. He's dead.

Horatio: There you go. See? That was easy.

Katie: Where are the Cheese Its?

Carly: The cupboard.

Katie: Good. *grabs bags*

Carly: What are you doing?

Katie: I'm eating.

Carly: Are you depressed?

Katie: No, you've seen me depressed. This is suspicious.

Carly: ..Of what?

Katie: H-man and his 'oh he's dead' crap. Do you really believe that?

Carly: Yes.

Katie: Do you always believe what H-man says?

Carly: He's usually right.

Katie: I know when he's keeping information from me, and this is one of those times.

Anni: Maybe you're just being a little too paranoid.

Katie: Why are none of you even sad?

Anni: Well he was a bit of a loose cannon.

Katie: So? You're happy he's dead?

Anni: Well now he's in a better place.

Katie: A better place like...Miami?

Anni: No. Like heaven.

Katie: Yeah right, with the things he's done, he's not in heaven.

Anni: See? Sense of humor can help.

Katie: I was being serious.

Anni: ...Oh.

Horatio: *cell phone rings* OKAY EVERYONE SHUT UP I'M GETTING A CALL! Caine...Uh...You're not suppose to be calling me, and, *whispers* this was fast....So you're heading there now?...Okay I'll talk to you soon. *closes phone*

Calleigh: *crosses arms*

Horatio: What?

Calleigh: Do not lie to me. Who was on the phone?

Horatio: *closes screen* ...My mom.

Calleigh: Your mom? Your mom was killed by your father.

Horatio: ...Oh yeah....My dad?

Calleigh: You killed your dad.

Horatio: My brother?

Calleigh: Your brother is in Brazil.

Horatio: ...Ray Jr.?

Calleigh: He's in Brazil.

Horatio: Yelina?

Calleigh: Why would she call you? I wouldn't even call you unless it was important.

Horatio: ...It was no one.

Calleigh: So...No one called your phone.

Horatio: Exactly.

Calleigh: And you were talking to no one.

Horatio: Yeah.

Calleigh: So you were talking to yourself.

Horatio: Yes.

Calleigh: And...You made your own phone ring even if it was in your pocket.

Horatio: I'm very talented.

Calleigh: Give me the phone. *grabs phone8

Horatio: NO!

Calleigh: *presses buttons* ...Okay so who's number is that?

Horatio: My mom's.

Calleigh: We already went over this.

Horatio: She can call from beyond the grave.

Calleigh: Gee, judging by this cell number, so can Speedle.

Horatio: I gave his phone to a hobo.

Calleigh: Horatio...

Horatio: He's dead.

Calleigh: Not according to your cell phone.

Horatio: You're seeing things.

Calleigh: I'm not seeing things.

Horatio: Drop it, he's dead.

Calleigh: Fine. *drops phone*

Horatio: I didn't tell you to drop the phone, I told you to drop the subject.

Calleigh: Same difference.

Ahh cheeze its. Its a staple of life I tell you! And that whole "Your mother was kill by your father thing" just reminded be of the horrobleness that was season 4. lol. And hmm...that was fast wasn't it? WHAT'S GOING ON H MAN! Update soon please.
again something between H and Speed... ;) :lol:
last part was cool:
Horatio: Drop it, he's dead.

Calleigh: Fine. *drops phone*

Horatio: I didn't tell you to drop the phone, I told you to drop the subject.

Calleigh: Same difference.

LOL!! :lol: :lol:

Update SOON! :D

Where Are You Now

[2 days later, Washington, FBI headquarters]

Woman: *looks up* Can I help you sir?

Speed: *holds up paper* Have you seen him around?

Woman: He's dead.

Speed: No he's not, now tell me where he is.

Woman: I'm just the receptionist.

Speed: Then direct me to someone who can answer my questions.

Woman: You can't just walk into the FBI building and ask for people.

Speed: Then why is there a receptionist?

Woman: ...I'll call someone.

Speed: Thank you.

Woman: *on phone* I have someone here to see you....His name? I didn't ask....Uh...Okay. *lifts phone* What's your name?

Speed: James Bond.

Woman: ...What's your real name?

Speed: I don't look like a James Bond?

Woman: You're not brittish.

Speed: *frowns* Horatio Caine.

Woman: Your name is Horatio? What kind of a name is that?

Speed: My mother liked Hamlet.

Woman: Then why didn't she name you Hamlet?

Speed: ....Okay my name is Eric Delko.

Woman: Delko?

Speed: Well actually, Delekstorsky. My dad was Russian, my mom was Cuban.

Woman: You don't look Cuban.

Speed: ...I think that guy you were talking to is waiting.

Woman: It's a woman. *glares*

Speed: Yeah, whatever.

Woman: *goes back to phone* Okay I have an Eric Delko here for you....Mhm...Mhm...Okay thanks. *hangs up phone*

Speed: What did she say?

Woman: She said to go to her office.

Speed: Where's that?

Woman: Down the hall, to your left.

Speed: Thanks. *leaves*

[FBI director office]

Speed: *knocks on door*

[Woman with long black curly hair and dark green eyes, wearing a business outfit opens door]

Speed: I'm...Eric Delko.

Sandra: I'm Sandra Mullins. I'm the director for the FBI.

Speed: Great, just the person I needed to see.

Sandra: Come in.

Speed: *walks in*

Sandra: So, Eric Delko, what is your reason for being here?

Speed: Oh you can call me Eric.

Sandra: Okay, Eric. Why are you here?

Speed: Well I'm looking for this man.

Sandra: Trevor? He's dead.

Speed: Technically, yeah he is.

Sandra: So why are you here?

Speed: He's not dead and he's going to kill the guy's who tried to kill him.

Sandra: Those were my agents.

Speed: And I'm here to stop him from killing your agents.

Sandra: What are your credentials?

Speed: Uh....

Sandra: You just came in off the streets?

Speed: Actually I shot myself to get here.

Sandra: You...Shot yourself.

Speed: Don't worry, it happens all the time.

Sandra: Are you a police officer?

Speed: Why?

Sandra: You're wearing a badge.

Speed: Oh...Yeah I'm a cop.

Sandra: So let me get this straight. Trevor magically climbed out of the grave he was never in, and now he's trying to kill the agents I hired to kill him. And you're the police officer from Miami who's going to stop him.

Speed: Yeah but I can't do it alone.

Sandra: Why did you shoot yourself?

Speed: It's fun. Pain is like a drug to me.

Sandra: Funny.

Speed: Are you going to help me or not?

Sandra: ...*nods* Alright I'll help you.

Speed: Great.

Sandra: We're going to need to fly to Miami.

Speed: Okay.

Sandra: So mister Delko, it looks like we have an agreement.

Speed: It's Eric.

Sandra: ...Eric.

[4 hours later, Miami]

Sandra: We have our own lab posting here.

Speed: You do?

Sandra: We're not going to use the County's crime lab. It's too...Yuck.

Speed: Yuck? I didn't know that was an approved FBI term.

Sandra: *walks into lab* Here's our lab.

Speed: This is Burger King.

Sandra: On the outside, yet. You haven't seen the basement.

Speed: There's a basement?

Sandra: *walks downstairs* Here is our crime lab.

Speed: *looks around* Whoa...I really have to quit my day job and work here.

Sandra: *sits at computer* So tell me Eric, why can I trust you?

Speed: You don't trust me?

Sandra: I had my men check in on you. You've been arrested for drug charges, and questioned in a murder investigation. It turns out you lost your badge, and you were questioned in being a leak to the lab.

Speed: Uh....Yeah questioned, but never charged with it.

Sandra: And you bought drugs for your now deceased colleague.

Speed: Deceased?

Sandra: Tim Speedle.

Speed: Oh yeah..Yeah he's dead. Those darn drugs.

Sandra: He died from a gunshot wound to the stomach.

Speed: ...Uh....That seems to happen to us CSIs a lot.

Sandra: Why do I get the feeling you're not telling me everything?

Speed: Because I don't need to tell you about my entire life. I came here to stop Trevor not to engage in speculation about me.

Sandra: Very well then. *turns back to computer* We GPS-ed Trevor a while ago.

Speed: How?

Sandra: Implant under the skin.

Speed: Have you tracked him down?

Sandra: He must be out of range or there's a disturbance.

Speed: Like if he's somewhere that blocks signals. Like a tunnel, or a radio tower.

Sandra: Exactly....So...You're married?

Speed: *looks down at ring* ...Yes.

Sandra: To a cop?

Speed: No she's not a cop.

Sandra: She must miss you, seeing as you faked your death and all.

Speed: Knowing her, she doesn't believe that for one second.

Sandra: She seems smart.

Speed: Yeah. Hey what's that signal there?

Sandra: Trevor's moving.

Speed: *gets out palm pilot* Okay, he's heading down Coral Gables.

Sandra: I've got my men posted out there.

Speed: Tell them to get back here.

Sandra: I don't remember you being the head of the FBI.

Speed: Do you want them to get killed?

Sandra: *grabs phone*

That's right Speedo, I don't believe it for one second. lol. Nice title by the way. And trevor's not dead. YAY! And Tim's trying to stop him from killing the people who tried to kill him. Well this should all blow over very nicely. lol. Update soon please.
* thinking and scraching chin* interesting,
very interesting...very very interesting,
very very very int- oh sorry my bad! :lol:
Update! update! :D

You're Everywhere To Me

[Burger King]

Sandra: Okay, let's break for lunch.

Speed: We're not going to go over there?

Sandra: I need to clean my gun before I go anywhere.

Speed: ...I see.

Sandra: Here's the lunch room.

Speed: This is bigger than the entire lab.

Sandra: *sits* Do you want anything to eat?

Speed: *sits* I'm not hungry.

Sandra: Well I can see that, coming from someone who shot himself in the stomach.

Speed: ..Yeah.

Sandra: My receptionist told me that your mom is Cuban and your dad is Russian?

Speed: Yeah.

Sandra: ...Well you look Irish.

Speed: I've always been bad at tanning.

Sandra: You have a New York accent.

Speed: I lived there for a while, and besides it's barely noticable.

Sandra: So the fact that your ID says Tim Speedle has nothing to do with it.

Speed: You stole my wallet?

Sandra: Borrowed. Now that I know my partner's real name, I can work with him.

Speed: That's a tricky game.

Sandra: You know, no one's ever actually offered to work with me in the field before.

Speed: Great, you're not going to pull the whole 'promise not to fall in love with me' garbage are you?

Sandra: Why? Are you concerned about that?

Speed: No.

Sandra: Good, then let's go.

Speed: Where?

Sandra: Coral Gables. I want to find Trevor, or did you forget why you were here, Speed. *leaves*

Speed: Wow...She's good. *leaves*

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