Thanks for the reviews!

Hee. :adore:
Miami, Gables Estates, house, 10pm next day
Lori: *walks in*
Scott: *staring at book*
Lori: *drops suitcase*
Scott: *lifts head* Hey! *stands, runs over* How was Paris?
Lori: It was fine.
Scott: You sure? You look a little bummed out.
Lori: *wraps arms around Scott*
Scott: What happened?
Lori: Nothing.
Scott: *leans back* I don't believe you. What's with the scratch on your chest?
Lori: I got into a scuffle.
Scott: With whom?
Lori: Some co-workers. It's fine, nothing really happened.
Scott: You're sure you're okay.
Lori: *nods* Just a little hungry.
Lori: *opens fridge*
Scott: *steps over*
Lori: *looks around* ...Why do I smell fresh paint?
Scott: Uh...Dominick.
Lori: *looks at Scott* What did Dominick do?
Scott: He set the wall on fire.
Lori: *stares at Scott*
Scott: I put it out.
Lori: ...That kid needs some therapy. *pulls juice from fridge*
Scott: Guess what's coming up.
Lori: *walks over to counter* Uh...the next new moon.
Scott: Our anniversary.
Lori: Wonderful.
Scott: *places hands on Lori's shoulders* You and I are going to the Colorado Mountain Resort.
Lori: *turns around* What the hell is that?
Scott: Paradise. No kids, no parents, no jobs...just you and I alone for 7 whole days.
Lori: And I suppose we're VIP members.
Scott: Of course.
Lori: *nods*
Scott: Think of it as rehab minus dope sickness.
Lori: *smirks* It's becoming more attractive already.
Scott: *smiles*
Lori: *lies head on Scott's chest*
Scott: *wraps arms around Lori*
Lori: *sigh* Never let go.
Scott: *smirks*
Miami Lab, 5 days later
Speed: *looks through microscope*
Katie: *walks over* Have you read the tabloids?
Speed: I don't read tabloids. You want Calleigh.
Katie: *slams magazine onto table*
Speed: *lifts eyes* What's this?
Katie: The latest issue.
Speed: *picks up magazine* ...Former New York CEO's Wife In Lesbian Tryst.
Katie: Did you know Lori was a lesbian?
Speed: *opens magazine* Says here the pictures were taken during a fashion show in Paris.
Katie: Why would Lori allow naked pictures to be taken of her?
Speed: *lifts head* Riley and I need to have a chat. *takes off labcoat*
Katie: *turns around* What are you going to do?
Speed: *snaps off latex gloves, walks away*
Katie: Tim!
Levine's Fashion, 11am
Riley: *drinks coffee*
Speed: *walks in*
Riley: *looks over, smiles* Hey Tim.
Speed: Don't you 'hey Tim' me. Explain this. *throws magazine onto counter*
Riley: *looks at magazine* Seems like Lori got herself into some trouble.
Speed: No. This happened in Paris while she was supposed to be under your watch. I want to know how pictures like these got out and who sold them.
Riley: I have no control over what she does on her personal time.
Speed: These pictures are not of a tryst, they're of a struggle. And I'm betting good money you know who the other women are.
Riley: *picks up magazine* Might be some of my employees but I can't tell for sure.
Speed: Oh that's where I come in. *places picture on counter* One of them was wearing a VIP pass to the fashion show. I think that's the logo of your company.
Riley: *lifts eyes*
Speed: I want the rest of the pictures. Now.
Riley: What exactly do you hope to accomplish? The pictures are already out there.
Speed: I want the originals.
Riley: I'll talk to my girls.
Speed: That's not good enough.
Riley: You must be used to cleaning up Lori's messes.
Speed: This isn't Lori's mess, this is yours. So unless you'd like your employees to be charged with assault and unlawful restraint, I'd suggest you get your ass moving.
Riley: *picks up phone, dials*
Speed: *leans on counter*
Riley: Does she want to press charges?
Speed: Just get me the camera.
Riley: *frowns*
Miami Lab, reception
Tom: *steps off elevator*
Katie: TOM! *runs over, hugs Tom*
Tom: *falls into wall* Oof.
Tom: Hi Katie. *pushes Katie*
Katie: *jumps up and down* You missed SO much! When are you going to take Brook home?
Tom: This evening, hopefully.
Katie: Where's Anni?
Tom: She's still driving back with Tayla.
Katie: You have a nice tan. *walks around Tom* Get out in the sun? How was the Grand Canyon? Did you fall in? I bet Tayla had fun. OH! Did she fall in?
Tom: Nobody fell in.
Katie: Did you and Anni make up?
Tom: Why are you so interested?
Katie: This place has been BORING without you. I haven't heard one dirty joke in the last WEEK.
Tom: I guess I need to get caught up. Hey, is Horatio around?
Katie: Yeah, he's grilling out back. We're having a lab barbeque.
Tom: Excellent. *walks away*
Katie: *follows* How come you always wear black?
Tom: I like black.
Katie: How come you don't wear white?
Tom: I don't like white.
Tom: Nah, just think of me as the bad cowboy. They always wear black.
Katie: My sister and I rooted for the Cowboys when we were younger.
Tom: I'm more of a Giants fan. *looks at Katie* Don't tell Scotty. *winks*
Katie: *smiles* Your secret is safe with me.
Tom: *rounds corner*
Katie: *following*
Tom: Are you going to do this all day?
Katie: Do what?
Tom: Follow me.
Katie: I'm going to the same place you are.
Tom: The men's room?
Katie: Yeah. You guys always have more toilet paper.
Men's room
Tom: *walks in*
Katie: *steps in*
Tom: *looks back* ...You're going to watch me pee, too?
Katie: Oh no no. I'll turn around and cover my eyes. *turns around, covers face*
Tom: I'll do this later, then. *walks away*
Katie: Wait for me! *runs*
Tom: *walking*
Katie: *follows*
Tom: *stops walking*
Katie: *stops*
Tom: Quit following me around like a puppy.
Katie: I'm not a puppy. I'm a woman.
Tom: Normally, I'd be flattered. But...I'm not. You really should get back to work.
Katie: But I'm just waiting on my software to analyze an old tape. It's going to take forever.
Tom: Help Speed process evidence.
Katie: Can't. He's out trying to get naked pictures of Lori.
Tom: *blinks* What?
Katie: Oh, you didn't read the tabloids. *grabs Tom's arm, runs*
Break room
Katie: *picks up magazine*
Tom: *grabs magazine*
Katie: She's in
great shape for someone who's had 2 kids.
Tom: When the hell did this happen?
Katie: What'd I tell you? You miss everything when you leave Miami.
Tom: *closes magazine* Does Lori know about this?
Katie: I don't know, I'm not talking to her.
Tom: Why?
Katie: She's a failure for a daughter. I'm going to buddy up with Riley and make for up lost time.
Tom: *nods slowly*
Katie: It's fine, she has Anni as her surrogate mother anyway. Although, wouldn't that make you her surrogate step father or something?
Tom: No.
Katie: Why?
Tom: Too many reasons I don't care to get into. Besides, I'm 'step fathering' enough of Speed's kids.
Katie: What a fantastically weird family dynamic.
Tom: Yeah. *walks away*
Katie: Wait! *runs*
Lab backyard
Horatio: How's the chili, Eric?
Delko: *coughs* A little spicy, H.
Horatio: Only a little? I need this to be 5-alarm by 2pm. I'm not letting Stetler win this year.
Delko: Have you considered maybe the reason he wins is because he injects evil into his chili?
Horatio: That's impossible. Or is it...
Tom: *walks over* H.
Horatio: Ah, Thomas. *lifts spoon* Taste this.
Tom: I don't eat chili.
Horatio: What? Why?
Tom: I get heartburn.
Horatio: Everyone gets heartburn with chili. It's supposed to do that.
Tom: Maybe next time. Listen, I just wanted to know if-
Katie: *runs over* TOM'S BACK! TOM'S BACK! TOM'S BACK!
Tom: *rolls eyes* I wanted to know if I could sign back on this week.
Horatio: I thought Speed was your supervisor.
Tom: He's in the field.
Horatio: Then consider yourself reinstated. Unless you don't try my chili.
Tom: *sigh* Fine. *grabs spoon, eats chili*
Horatio: And?
Tom: You're going to lose.
Horatio: Damn. What if I wave my shades and do a chili dance?
Delko: Is that legal?
Horatio: Dirty dancing's legal, isn't it?
Tom: Please don't dirty dance with the chili. Or Eric.
Delko: Nobody ever wants to dance with me.
Katie: I'LL DANCE WITH YOU! *waves hands, spins in circles* YOU SPIN MY HEAD RIGHT ROUND, RIGHT ROUND!
Delko: Ooh, I love Flo-Rida.
Katie: HA. What a clever name. Rappers these days are so cute with all their bling and fake teeth and arrest warrants.
Horatio: I know what this chili needs. A pile of one-liners. They make EVERYTHING hot, including yours truly. *looks down at chili* You're as hot...*puts on shades* As chili.
Shades drop into bubbling pot
Horatio: ...Damnit. Where are we at, Eric?
Delko: *pulls paper from pocket* Pair #1275.
Tom: Maybe you should get a pair that wrap around your neck with one of those little velvet cords.
Horatio: *looks at Tom* Old people wear those.
Tom: You're not far off.
Horatio: Yeah well you'll get old too.
Katie: It's okay, he'll just turn into Speed.
Tom: ...You don't have to get nasty.
Katie: *smiles*