CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Finch, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. Anni Grey

    Anni Grey Coroner

    Jun 22, 2005
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    I hate to say this about Anni and Speed...two of my FAVE characters here, but they are dense. Of course Katie did it on purpose. She just told you straight up she hated her life. That plus alcohol equals famously stupid stunts like taking a header off of the balcony. Sheeh, guys, get a clue.

    I love that Lori's letting go of her bad childhood. It shows so much growth, and for her to tell Scott to do the same means that she understands so much more than what some people have given her. She's awesome, she's survived the very worst to have the very best. Now...if we can just keep her there.:)

    Bob was totallly checking out Jagger... ;)

    Awesome update!
  2. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the review. :D


    Biscayne Park, house, tent, 9:39pm

    Tom: *places flashlight up to chin* And then...

    Tayla: *smiling*

    Steph: *hugs teddy*

    Tom: When the police traced the call...

    Dominick: *staring at Tom*

    Brook: *wide-eyed*

    Tom: They realized that the call was coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!

    Everyone: *staring at Tom*

    Tom: Alright so I suck at horror stories. You guys got a better one?

    Steph: Dommy can dislocate his shoulder. Now THAT'S a horror story.

    Tom: *smirks*

    Dominick: *yawns*

    Tayla: *pokes Dominick's cheek*

    Dominick: *waves Tayla's hand away*

    Tayla: *giggles*

    Dominick: *rolls over, covers head*

    Tayla: *climbs over Dominick, pushes Steph*

    Steph: Ow.

    Tayla: *lies down*

    Tom: *grabs Tayla by the collar* I think you'll sleep on this side of the tent.

    Tayla: *frowns, reaches for Dominick*

    Tom: Sit.

    Tayla: DOMMY! *starts to cry*

    Tom: He's tired, let him sleep.

    Tayla: *sniffs*

    Tom: You can have a juice and crackers but don't tell Mom.

    Tayla: *reaches for crackers*

    Tom: *kisses Tayla's head*

    Steph: I'm not tired.

    Tom: All you have to do is lie back and think about all the fun things you want to do.

    Steph: *lies down* Okay. *closes eyes* I wanna ride a pony.

    Tom: You have to do it in your head or it'll never come true.

    Steph: *furrows brow* That's wishing on a star.

    Tom: Uh, yeah well they don't have stars in Jersey. Too much smog.

    Steph: Have you ever wished for somethin'?

    Tom: Sure.

    Steph: What did you wish for?

    Tayla: *lies head on Tom's chest*

    Tom: *looks at Tayla* Let's just say that everything I've ever wished for...I now have.

    Steph: You don't have Momma.

    Tom: *lifts eyes*

    Steph: *yawns*

    Tom: *places Tayla onto ground*

    Tayla: *pulls blanket*

    Tom: *covers Steph* Time to go to sleep.

    Steph: Night, Tommy.

    Tom: Night, kiddo.

    Outside tent

    Tom: *steps out*

    Anni: Hi.

    Tom: AH!

    Anni: Shh.

    Tom: *sits on grass* What are you doing out here?

    Anni: Couldn't sleep.

    Tom: *zips up tent*

    Anni: I heard what Steph said in there.

    Tom: She said a lot of stuff.

    Anni: About Lori.

    Tom: What about her?

    Anni: Kids are receptive. She thinks you're unhappy without Lori.

    Tom: I'm not unhappy. She's just...she probably remembers when Lori and I were close. Y'know, she remembers that I took care things like Scott takes care of the family.

    Anni: *lowers head* ...I need to tell you something.

    Tom: What is it?

    Anni: You know that time I went out to that new coffee place.

    Tom: Yeah.

    Anni: I went with Scott.

    Tom: *stares at Anni*

    Anni: We had a...moment.

    Tom: What does that mean?

    Anni: You know what it means.

    Tom: How far did it go?

    Anni: I came home right away. It was a mistake.

    Tom: Why? Because it's Scott or because he's even younger than me?

    Anni: Oh Thomas. Stop that. You know it has nothing to do with age.

    Tom: Then what?

    Anni: *shrugs* I don't know. I'm just...comfortable with him. It's easy for us to be together. *blinks* In the same room, having a conversation. I mean, you understand how that is, you're the same way with Lori.

    Tom: You love him.

    Anni: *closes eyes* ...It's complicated.

    Tom: Then that's a yes.

    Anni: It doesn't matter. He doesn't feel the same way. Lori has this ability to hypnotize every man that catches her eye and nobody else has a chance.

    Tom: You want a chance?

    Anni: No. I-...No, I don't. Look, I thought you'd understand.

    Tom: I understand perfectly.

    Anni: Are you mad?

    Tom: No.

    Anni: Oh. Well then...goodnight. *stands*

    Tom: *grabs Anni's hand*

    Anni: *sigh*

    Tom: What can I do?

    Anni: What do you mean? *sits*

    Tom: Do you want me to...wear a tie? Smile more? Work all day long?

    Anni: *lifts brow* No.

    Tom: Obviously who I am isn't good enough. It's...never good enough.

    Anni: I thought you said you weren't mad.

    Tom: Not at you. Myself. You know the longest relationship I had was with Lori and it wasn't even a relationship. I was stupid enough to think she loved me and the whole time she was using me for my money and my body. I don't want that to happen again so just...tell me the truth, please. Do you want us to be together or not?

    Anni: Yes.

    Tom: Great. Because I...I can't don't this anymore. I'm too old for this. I'm tired. I just want to take care of my children and be with my wife.

    Anni: So you don't want Lori.

    Tom: The hypnosis has been over for a while.

    Anni: *smirks*

    Tom: *wraps arms around Anni*

    Anni: *sigh*

    Apartment, 11:40pm

    Katie: *staggers down hallway* ...*grabs onto wall*

    Speed: *walks down hallway* What are you doing up? You're supposed to be resting.

    Katie: Thirsty. *holds side*

    Speed: I'll get you something to drink. Get back in the bedroom.


    Katie: *sits on bed*

    Speed: *hands over cup*

    Katie: *grabs cup, drinks*

    Speed: When's the last time you took some medication?

    Katie: ...I don't remember.

    Speed: *places hand on Katie's cheek* Looks like I got my answer.

    Katie: *lifts eyes* ...*smiles* You're here.

    Speed: That's right.

    Katie: *looks around* This isn't my house.

    Speed: You don't have a house, sweetie.

    Katie: Oh.

    Speed: ...Tell me about Holly.

    Katie: Holly...she was...*closes eyes* our baby.

    Speed: Yes. And she's not here anymore.

    Katie: Uh huh.

    Speed: I want you to tell me what happened.

    Katie: Allergies.

    Speed: Allergic reaction.

    Katie: ...She ate it.

    Speed: *blinks*

    Katie: I was making lunch. The pot boiled over so I...I left her for two minutes.

    Speed: And?

    Katie: ...I came back and she wasn't...breathing. I didn't know what to do. They don't...put that in the brochure.

    Speed: *nods*

    Katie: *leans forward*

    Speed: *grabs Katie's arm* What did you do next?

    Katie: *lies head on Speed's shoulder* I froze.

    Speed: Why didn't you call an ambulance?

    Katie: ...She was already gone.

    Speed: *sigh*

    Katie: I killed her. I killed her.

    Speed: *wraps arm around Katie* No, you didn't.

    Katie: *grabs Speed's shirt* It should have been me. Not her.

    Speed: *leans back* What about Lori? Was that an accident too? Or was Colton just that strapped for cash.

    Katie: ...What?

    Speed: Anni found the receipt. 50 grand. Does that ring a bell?

    Katie: *closes eyes* I don't know what you're talking 'bout.

    Speed: *grabs Katie's shoulders* You had her kidnapped.

    Katie: ...No, I don't...Lori's at home.

    Speed: *frowns*

    Katie: *lies on bed*

    Speed: *shakes head*

  3. Anni Grey

    Anni Grey Coroner

    Jun 22, 2005
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    You know, Tom is actually a great babysitter. I love the interaction betwen him and the kids. It's priceless to see a former addict realize the gifts that life could bring. It's friggin awesome.

    Boy, this was an update full of confessions. First, Anni who confessed to a kiss that led to nothing else, then Katie confesses to doing nothing while Holly succumbs to an allergic reaction. Unfortunately, she was too far gone to cop to having Lori taken. I think this all clears the air for the respective characters; Anni and Tom soldify that it's just them from now on, and Speed is getting some closure about his kid's death. This is a good thing:)

    Awesome update:D

    PS. Tom need not ever compare himself to Scotty- Tom's got it going on:)
  4. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the review. :D


    Miami, restaurant, 6 weeks later

    Bob: *butters bread* Remember when we used to party?

    Scott: *sips wine, nods*

    Bob: We used to be fun, Scotty. Two single, rich guys.

    Scott: *places glass on table* I don't recall you being rich when we had fun.

    Bob: Well, rich is really a state of mind.

    Scott: Right.

    Bob: Should I start dating again?

    Scott: *lifts eyes*

    Bob: Or maybe it's too soon.

    Scott: That depends on your outlook. Are you interested in a long-term relationship or something casual?

    Bob: Well, I'm a 42-year old 2-time loser. You tell me.

    Scott: Have you tried an online dating site?

    Bob: Have you?

    Scott: No, I prefer to meet women in mental institutions. At least you know what you're getting.

    Bob: *smiles*

    Scott: *smirks* Maybe it woud be best to hold off on something serious. Live for yourself.

    Bob: *nods*

    Gables Estates, house, 2:30pm

    Tom: *walks over, sits* You know, I recall you asking me here to fix your lawn mower, not to actually mow the lawn.

    Lori: *places laptop on lap* I'm too busy to mow the lawn. *smiles* I'm getting a degree.

    Tom: *looks at Lori* Like a real one? Not clown college?

    Lori: *elbows Tom in the arm*

    Tom: Ow.

    Lori: I'm going to get my fashion degree. *smiles* I could start my OWN business. *rubs hands together* I'll show Riley that she's not the only woman in this family who can become a high-profile business executive and make millions of Americans more fashion-forward.

    Tom: *staring at Lori*

    Lori: I can't wait to rise to the top and CRUSH my competition! *claps hands*

    Tom: I love you.

    Lori: *looks at Tom* What?

    Tom: I'm happy for you.

    Lori: *smiles* This is so exciting. *stomps feet on floor* I could actually be educated.

    Tom: What are you talking about? You're plenty educated.

    Lori: A GED won't get me my own employees, Thomas.

    Tom: ...I have a GED.

    Lori: And you did fine.

    Tom: So you want to grow up to be a bitch.

    Lori: Oh honey I'm already a bitch. I'm just going to be one with direction and really hot male models. Hey, you need a new job?

    Tom: No.

    Lori: Damn. I guess I'll find a rack handler in the White Pages.

    Tom: ...So I'm not hot enough to be a model, huh.

    Lori: You're too old, sweetie. Models are young.

    Tom: *stares at Lori*

    Lori: You're attractive on a non-commercial level. Hm. *places hands on Tom's cheeks* Have you thought about Just For Men? Your side-burns are looking a tad on the grey side. Now, don't get me wrong, grey on a man can be hot but there's a limit. Don't let it get too far. You want to be a distinguished man.

    Tom: ...I love when you talk dirty.

    Lori: *runs fingers through Tom's hair* You could use some up here too.

    Tom: *closes eyes*

    Lori: And maybe over here. Wasn't your hair a tad darker than this before?

    Tom: *grabs Lori's hands* You're worse than heroin.

    Lori: *lifts brow* What?

    Tom: I will...take care of the hair.

    Lori: Excellent.

    Tom: And you must take care of that arrogance.

    Lori: *nods slowly* Right.

    Tom: I need to head out.

    Lori: Wait, why? You're supposed to help me with this degree stuff. I don't know how to work the website.

    Tom: It's not rocket science.

    Lori: It is to me. I know how to work e-mail and Craig's List. That's it.

    Tom: Alright. *pulls laptop closer* Once you have your profile set up, you need to browse your courses.

    Lori: How many do I have to take?

    Tom: That depends on the program and how much free time you have.

    Lori: *looks at Tom* I have 30 minutes a day, tops.

    Tom: Then you might want to re-think your schedule.

    Lori: Riley won't give me extra time off.

    Tom: Then maybe the best thing to do would be to ditch Riley in search of your dreams.

    Lori: *smiles* You're brilliant.

    Tom: It's just a suggestion.

    Lori: I'll call her up right away. *leans forward, grabs phone* AH!

    Tom: What? What's wrong?

    Lori: Oh it's nothing, I just...I pulled a muscle the other day when I was dressing a 4-year old for Riley's shoot. The kid was a nightmare and this was my gift at the end of the day. *slides laptop onto table* Ugh.

    Tom: Do you have a chiropractor?

    Lori: I barely have a doctor.

    Tom: *places hand on Lori's back* You should lie down.

    Lori: I wish I could. *winces*

    Tom: Do you have any medication at all? Aspirin?

    Lori: We don't keep much in the house.

    Tom: You know what, I'll go out and get you something. *lifts Lori into arms*

    Lori: Whoa, what are you doing?

    Tom: Taking you to bed.

    Lori: *places hand on Tom's chest* Uh, is this really the time?

    Tom: Wouldn't you rather rest somewhere more comforable?

    Lori: Oh. That's what you meant. Sure. Carry me away.

    Bedroom, 3:40pm

    Lori: *looks around*

    Tom: *walks in* I brought you some back stuff. I think it has a muscle relaxer.

    Lori: You're the best. *reaches out* Gimme.

    Tom: *sits on bed* ...I don't want to.

    Lori: What the hell for? I'm in pain. This is worse than child birth.

    Tom: Why don't you call in a masseuse.

    Lori: Because I'm after pain relief not Adonis in a towel.

    Tom: Homeopathic remedies are sometimes just as effective as medication. I know of some natural herbs that block pain receptors and can be worked into a massage.

    Lori: Then why didn't you bring the natural stuff?

    Tom: You know what, I think your garden might have some. *stands* I'll be right back. *runs*

    Lori: *frowns*

    20 minutes later

    Tom: *walks in* You really should think about planting some more of this stuff. I can't quite pronounce the name but I know what it looks like and what it does. I've crushed some of them and poured some olive oil on top.

    Lori: Congratulations. I'm not really in the mood for salad.

    Tom: At least try it. If it doesn't work, you can take the medication.

    Lori: Fine. *pulls off shirt* Massage. *crawls onto stomach* Chop chop.

    Tom: ...You want me to do it.

    Lori: I can't do it myself, Thomas.

    Tom: *nods* Okay. But this is strictly...p-professional.

    Lori: That's fine, just get rid of the pain.

    Tom: *sits on bed*

    40 minutes later

    Lori: ...You're awesome.

    Tom: *looks around* When exactly is um...hubby getting home?

    Lori: What time is it?

    Tom: *looks at watch* Almost quarter after 4.

    Lori: 15 minutes. Maybe sooner. *smiles* You might have a new career ahead of you.

    Tom: *stands* We're done. *throws towel onto Lori* Feel better?

    Lori: *lifts head* Uh...yes, but-

    Tom: I need to go home now.

    Lori: *sits up, wraps towel around chest* What's wrong with you? You're acting weird.

    Tom: I'm trying not to be a hypocrite.

    Lori: What do you mean?

    Tom: I'm glad you're feeling better, Lori.

    Lori: *stands* Scott doesn't mind that you're here.

    Tom: I think he would.

    Lori: You never used to care about that sort of stuff. What happened to living in the moment? Rebel without a cause? Tom Carter stuff.

    Tom: I'm old, remember?

    Lori: Nonsense, you were old when I first met you.

    Tom: ...Thank you.

    Lori: *wraps arms around Tom*

    Tom: *stares ahead*

    Lori: Thanks for taking care of me.

    Tom: *pats Lori on the back* I'll be taking that box with me. Probably not the best idea to leave them to Scott.

    Lori: *lifts head* What are you going to do with them?

    Tom: Return them to the pharmacy, hopefully.

    Lori: *nods*

    Tom: *steps back* Good luck with the degree thing.

    Lori: Thanks.

    Tom: *walks away*

    Lori: *sigh*

  5. Anni Grey

    Anni Grey Coroner

    Jun 22, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Awkward....huh? And all of this in the name of being best buds...lol. Seriously, if she's like heroin, why keep subjecting yourself to it, Tom? Tempting yourself isn't the best way of getting over something....ah well. I chalk it up to him being a man and just not knowing better...

    It's good that Lori wants to rule the world... and get an education.

    Bob playing the field...or just staying by himself. Either way, he's awesome.

    Awesome update:)
  6. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the review. :D


    Miami PD, break room, 11am

    Katie: *opens Scrabble board*

    Speed: Aren't you supposed to be at home?

    Katie: I got bored lying around. Eric owes me a re-match.

    Delko: But I have to go to a sc-

    Katie: *yanks Eric down*

    Delko: *sits* Okay.

    Katie: *waves hand* Go away, Tim. We don't need a dictionary.

    Speed: Or you could just not cheat this time.

    Katie: Balderdash. I don't cheat.

    Speed: If I had a nickle...

    Katie: You should talk.

    Tom: *walks in* Has anyone seen th-

    Katie: TOM! SCRABBLE!

    Tom: *looks at Katie* Good for you.

    Katie: Come play.

    Tom: I don't want to.

    Speed: Afraid you'll lose?

    Tom: Are you playing?

    Speed: Maybe.

    Tom: Then so am I...maybe.

    Katie: *smiles* Excellent. Is Anni around?

    Tom: I think she's in the layout r-


    Anni: *runs in* What! What!

    Katie: Want to play Scrabble?

    Anni: *frowns* I thought it was an emergency.

    Katie: Sit. You're on my team.

    Anni: I hate being on your team. You cheat.

    Katie: Who here hasn't cheated a little?

    Everyone: *looks at Speed*

    Speed: Why are we all looking at me?

    20 minutes later

    Tom: *places tiles on board* Read 'em and weep.

    Speed: Stop adding an S to everything.

    Tom: It's getting us points, isn't it?

    Anni: ...What am I supposed to do with 4 Zs?

    Katie: You let me worry about that.

    Anni: Katie, there ARE no words that have 4 Zs.

    Katie: Sure there are. When you read comic strips and the characters are asleep, they have those 4 Zs above their heads.

    Anni: That's not a word, that's a sound effect.

    Katie: It's not a sound effect, it's a thought bubble.

    Anni: Why would a cartoon character 'think' about being asleep?

    Katie: Because that's the only way we'll know that the character is asleep and not dead.

    Anni: What do they put in their thought bubbles when they're dead?

    Katie: Dead people can't think.

    Anni: Some live ones can't either.

    Katie: *punches Anni's arm*

    Anni: *pinches Katie*

    Katie: OW! You know what? I'm taking this round. *shoves letters onto board*

    Anni: ...Shizzlenizzle.

    Speed: How did you get 12 letters?

    Katie: We win.

    Speed: Katie, that's not a word.

    Katie: Yes it is.

    Speed: Use it in a sentence.

    Katie: Shizzlenizzle is an awesome word. There.

    Speed: What does it mean?

    Katie: It's a...a...cult made up of...giant...tropical hobos named Lance.

    Speed: *frowns*

    Katie: Their united symbol is a rag on a stick.

    Anni: And what exactly do these tropical hobos do?

    Katie: Hobo things. Y'know, warn us of the End of Days and such. You have to give them at least 3 teeth and sacrifice a shopping cart to join.

    Tom: I don't get it. Why are all their names Lance?

    Speed: *looks at Tom* ...Giant tropical hobos who sacrifice shopping carts and THAT'S the part you get hung up on.

    Katie: They needed to appeal to the minority.

    Anni: Which are...

    Katie: N'Sync fans.

    Anni: Naturally.

    Tom: Where do they live?

    Speed: Stop encouraging her.

    Katie: Under a bridge. That's where they conduct their secret Shizzlenizzle meetings.

    Delko: Like the Freemasons.

    Katie: Exactly. They discuss hobo business and carry out hobo rule.

    Speed: *rubbing temples* It's 20 years ago. I'm getting flashbacks of mustard and toy dinosaurs.

    Katie: YAY! *hugs Speed's arm*

    Anni: Stop hogging him! *hugs Speed's other arm*

    Speed: Ha. Ha.

    Tom: I feel like I missed something.

    Katie: TEEHEE!

    Speed: The universe is about to implode.

    Anni: *lets go* I kind of like the current universe. I almost get my husband all to myself this time.

    Katie: I hate this universe. I don't have anyone. *kicks scrabble board*

    Speed: At least you have your charming personality.

    Katie: *smiles* Hey. You're right about that.

    Speed: *rolls eyes*

    Katie: Maybe I should start a cult. The Holy Saint Popsicle Sticks.

    Speed: Katie, you can't start a cult.

    Katie: Why not? If the white supremacists can do it, SO CAN I. *crosses arms*

    Speed: What would your cult even do?

    Katie: We'd have a treehouse and we wouldn't let you in. *sticks out tongue*

    Speed: That's not a cult, that's a club.

    Katie: The cult is for people who slept with you and had your baby.

    Anni: *smiles* Ooh so I'm in?

    Katie: Definitely.

    Anni & Katie high-five

    Speed: Now hold on a minute. You don't plan on sacrificing any of these children, right?

    Katie: *frowns, slaps Speed*

    Speed: Ow. It's a legitimate question.

    Tom: Can I join?

    Katie: Sure.

    Speed: Wait, he can't join. I haven't slept with him yet!

    Everyone: *stares at Speed*

    Speed: ...Why did I say 'yet'?

    Tom: Technically, I have one of your kids so I get to join the cult.

    Delko: *sigh* Nobody wants Delko in their cult. *stands, walks away*

    Katie: He was still here?

    Speed: How in the world do you expect to recruit new members?

    Katie: Easy. We throw anything with a uterus your way and let nature take it's course.

    Speed: Hilarious.

    Tom: *lifts hand* I have dibs on President!

    Katie: AH MAN!

    Anni: I GET TO BE QUEEN!

    Tom: You can't be Queen. There's a President. That means you have to be the First Lady.

    Anni: What the hell for?

    Tom: You're married to the President.

    Anni: But if I'm Queen, you can be King.

    Tom: Ooh, I like that.

    Katie: What do I get to be?

    Tom: The Jester.

    Katie: *frowns* I don't want to be the Jester. I want a cool title. *claps hands together* I call Princess!

    Tom: You can't be Princess.

    Katie: Why?

    Tom: I'm the King, Anni's the Queen so logically the Princess would be Tayla.

    Katie: What about Brook?

    Tom: She's like the Antichrist. Half Speedle and half Grey.

    Speed: Hey. My child is not the Antichrist. If anyone's the Antichrist, it's Dominick.

    Anni: Does this mean Scott's in the cult?

    Katie: YES!

    Tom: NO.

    Anni: Why?

    Tom: Scott's not allowed in my kingdom.

    Katie: Hey, this is my cult. I want him in.

    Tom: Too bad, you should have called a higher position than Jester.

    Katie: *leans back on couch, pouts*

    Anni: Why can't Scott join?

    Tom: He'll distract the Queen. Scott and his Antichrist child can stay with Speed.

    Anni: Fine. But if I happen to catch him as a prisoner of war, he can be the pool boy, right?

    Tom: You can't fit a pool in the treehouse.

    Anni: Pfft. Maybe not your treehouse.


  7. CSISDFlash

    CSISDFlash Pathologist

    Sep 16, 2008
    Likes Received:
    OMG ! LMAOROF! Only Katie could come up with such hilarity over a freakin scrabble game! Hobo cults where they're all named Lance! lol! and I guess they are lured in by Craig Ferguson with the offers of free chicken! lol! And poor Speed he always getts the shitty end of Katie's Hobo stick! Ah the story that is Road Trip!

    Great update Geni!
  8. Anni Grey

    Anni Grey Coroner

    Jun 22, 2005
    Likes Received:
    HAHAHHAHAH...I haven't laughed this hard in God knows when... Talk about a blast from the past. Both mustard and toy dinosaurs made it in. I'm still holding my side about it all. Tom has no idea. Funny how he just jumped right on in there though. Talks of Kingdoms and Antichrists...*Sigh* Hello , RT where have you been?

    Excellent update!
  9. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the reviews! :D Hee. I miss the old RT...THE CRAZIES AREN'T CRAZY! :p


    Miami Lab, Break Room, 2 weeks later

    Tom: *walks in, stops*

    Brook: *lifts head*

    Tom: *looks around* ...Why is my baby here and alone?

    Speed: *walks in* She's not alone.

    Brook: *jumps off couch, runs to Speed*

    Speed: Got your jello.

    Brook: YAY!

    Speed: *picks up Brook, places her onto counter*

    Brook: JELLO!

    Speed: Alright, you want the green or the red?

    Brook: BOTH!

    Speed: How about whipped cream?

    Brook: *smiles, nods*

    Speed: Okay. *pulls plate over*

    Tom: *sits on couch*

    Speed: *dumps jello onto plate*

    Brook: *reaches for plate*

    Speed: Just a minute.

    Tom: *looks over*

    Brook: *staring at plate*

    Speed: *pokes Brook on the nose with whipped cream*

    Brook: *smiles, giggles*

    Speed: *smirks*

    Brook: *wipes whipped cream from face*

    Tom: *frowns, looks at magazine*

    Speed: *lifts Brook into arms* Let's go over to the table to eat.

    Tom: *flips page*

    Speed: *walks over to couch, sits*

    Brook: *jumps onto couch*

    Speed: Here we are. *hands over plate*

    Brook: *digs into jello, shoves it into mouth*

    Speed: *brushes hair from Brook's face* Slow down or you'll choke.

    Tom: *lifts eyes*

    Brook: *squishes jello, giggles*

    Speed: *smiles*

    Tom: *looks back at magazine*

    Gables Estates, house, den

    Tayla: *munches hotdog*

    Dominick: *drinks juice*

    Lori: *walks over* You need any more juice?

    Dominick: *shakes head*

    Doorbell rings

    Lori: I'll be right back. *walks away*


    Lori: *opens door*

    Woman: Lori Finch?

    Lori: Yes.

    Woman: *lifts badge* Department of Child Services. My name is Shannon Greene, I was called by an individual who is concerned about the welfare of your two children...*looks at chart* Stephanie and Dominick Finch.

    Lori: *stares at Shannon*

    Shannon: *lifts head* May I come in?

    Lori: ...You may.

    Shannon: *walks in*

    Lori: *turns around*


    Shannon: *writing*

    Lori: *walks over, crosses arms* May I ask who called?

    Shannon: No, you may not. Is this Stephanie?

    Lori: No, that's Tayla. I'm babysitting for a friend.

    Shannon: Your friend's name?

    Lori: Thomas Grey. You can contact him at Miami-Dade PD.

    Shannon: Where's Stephanie?

    Lori: She's at school.

    Shannon: Are you familiar with a...tree fire in your backyard on the afternoon of March 8th?

    Lori: Yes.

    Shannon: How did that happen?

    Lori: Dominick was playing with matches.

    Shannon: This is Dominick? *points with pen*

    Lori: Yes ma'am.

    Shannon: Was he injured?

    Lori: No.

    Shannon: Was there a hospital report?

    Lori: No, he wasn't injured.

    Shannon: So you didn't take him to a hospital.

    Lori: I know the difference between an injured child and a stupid child.

    Shannon: *lifts eyes*

    Lori: Kids do dumb things, no matter how closely you watch them.

    Shannon: And the incident of March 15th.

    Lori: Like I said.

    Shannon: He walked 7 miles.

    Lori: Yes he did.

    Shannon: Have you been taking any precautions to make sure that doesn't happen again?

    Lori: Yes ma'am. My husband installed child locks on all the doors and windows and Dominick is being treated for ADHD.

    Shannon: *nods, writing*

    Lori: *looks around*

    Shannon: May I see the rest of the house?

    Lori: Of course.

    Upstairs, bathroom

    Shannon: *opens medicine cabinet* Where's your husband?

    Lori: He's at work.

    Shannon: Do you work?

    Lori: Yes. I work from home.

    Shannon: *grabs mouthwash* ...Where do you keep your medication?

    Lori: My bedroom. The kids aren't allowed in there. And before you ask, the dish detergents and cleaning supplies are in the garage under lock and key.

    Shannon: You've been through this before.

    Lori: Yeah.

    Shannon: *writing*

    Lori: ...I-I do my best. I mean, I don't want to give excuses but...my kids are loved and they're happy.

    Shannon: Have your children ever been taken away?

    Lori: Wouldn't you have that in your files?

    Shannon: Humour me.

    Lori: My husband lost custody 2 years ago. Formally, he has unsupervised visitation at my convenience but he lives here.

    Shannon: Why did he lose custody?

    Lori: ...It's not his fault that Dom-

    Shannon: Answer the question.

    Lori: *sigh* He used to take anxiety medication and started to abuse it.

    Shannon: And he's clean now?

    Lori: Yes ma'am.

    Shannon: What about you?

    Lori: ...I'm also clean.

    Shannon: I'd like to administer a drug test.

    Lori: Sure.

    Hallway, 2pm

    Shannon: *staring at card*

    Lori: *leans against banister*

    Shannon: Negative.

    Lori: *nods*

    Shannon: I'd like to take a hair sample for further testing.

    Lori: Are you going to ask the same of my husband?

    Shannon: Yes.

    Lori: Great. He's at APL Financial. I'm sure he'll enjoy the harrassment and embarrassment in front of his co-workers.

    Shannon: I'm not concerned with his co-workers, I'm concerned about your children. I have to follow up on complaints.

    Lori: *nods*

    Shannon: I'll be in touch.

  10. Anni Grey

    Anni Grey Coroner

    Jun 22, 2005
    Likes Received:
    I wonder who called Child protective services? Granted, Dominick is a bit out there, but they are taking precautions. Since everyone is on the up and up, nothing should come out of this...If...

    LOL I think it's adorable that Tom is a bit jealous over Speed's interaction with Brook. It shows just how much he really loves her. Although, I wouldn't go overboard with it,lol.

    Awesome update:d
  11. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the review. :)


    Miami Lab, Trace Lab, 3pm

    Lori: *walks in* You son-of-a-bitch.

    Tom: *lifts head*

    Speed: *looks over*

    Lori: You told me you wouldn't call CPS!

    Tom: *blinks* Excuse me?

    Lori: Some freakin' lady came over asking about Dominick and how he got out. Nobody knew about that but YOU! and ME!

    Tom: And the entire interstate.

    Lori: *reaches across table, grabs Tom by the shirt* I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! I TRUSTED YOU!

    Speed: *stands, walks over* Lori, he didn't tell CPS.

    Lori: *looks at Speed* Yes he did.

    Speed: No. He told me all about Dom and-

    Lori: *looks at Tom* You told him?

    Tom: *closes one eye*

    Lori: *swings fist*

    Speed: *grabs Lori's arm* He told me he wasn't going to report anything and I believe him.

    Lori: *rips hand away* I would never intentionally put my children in danger, I'm not M-...please tell me she was not here when you two were having your stupid gay girl talk.

    Speed: *looks at Tom*

    Tom: *scratches head* ...She may have...been around.

    Lori: *grabs Tom by the ear*

    Tom: OW! OW! SHE WAS HERE!

    Lori: Do you have a problem with keeping your big fat fuzzy face SHUT?!

    Tom: I shaved today.

    Lori: UGH! *shoves Tom* You're a MORON! *walks away*

    Tom: *blinks*

    Speed: ...And you've asked her to marry you.

    Tom: I was high.

    Speed: *smirks*

    Apartment, 5pm

    Katie: *backs into wall*


    Katie: *lifts hands* I was just looking out for the kids.


    Katie: You think I want you to turn out like me?

    Lori: I will NEVER be you. I happen to have a heart and I actually love my children. None of my kids were accidents that I got stuck with and decided to GIVE AWAY!

    Katie: *lowers head*

    Lori: *shoves Katie against wall*

    Speed: *walks in*

    Lori: *grabs Katie's neck*

    Speed: Whoa, whoa! *runs over, takes Lori's arm* Let's take a breather.

    Lori: She's a manipulative bitch who wants to see everyone suffer so she doesn't have to feel like crap!

    Speed: *plunks Lori onto couch*

    Lori: *stands* She-

    Speed: *pushes Lori onto couch* Enough. Katie, come sit down.

    Katie: *walks over, sits*

    Speed: *sits in chair*

    Lori: What the hell is this? Some sort of family meeting?

    Katie: That's what it looks like.

    Lori: We've never had a family meeting.

    Speed: We're having one now.

    Lori: *leans back on couch, crosses arms* I'm not speaking to her.

    Speed: Katie, did you contact CPS?

    Katie: Yes.

    Speed: Why?

    Katie: Tom was too chicken.

    Speed: CPS is for crappy parents like us, not a good mother who lost track for a minute and made changes in her home to prevent another scare.

    Katie: So we're only going to follow the law when it suits us.

    Speed: Katie, your intentions are never for the greater good.

    Katie: Maybe I want to make a change. Right some of the wrongs.

    Lori: 30 years of wrongs won't be corrected by ruining everything I've worked for.

    Katie: *rubs forehead* Okay so I'm a bad mother. *looks at Speed* I was a bad wife. I'm a HORRIBLE FRIEND! I'm sorry that I can't seem to do anything right! Is that what you want to hear! I'M SORRY!

    Lori: Oh stop it. You'll pop a vein.

    Katie: *looks at Lori* Why is it you can you forgive your father but you can't forgive me?

    Lori: Dad doesn't call CPS. He doesn't flirt with my husband, he doesn't teach my kids how to steal from the supermarket, he doesn't ignore his drinking problem and he doesn't try to take the easy way out.

    Katie: *frowns*

    Lori: So you come back and talk to me when you've actually make an effort to change.

    Katie: I feel like I've had the exact same conversation with you.

    Lori: Good. Take notes. *stands, walks away*

    Door slams

    Speed: ...That went well.

    Katie: *sigh*


    Lori: *walks up to car*

    Tom: *runs over* Lori.

    Lori: *turns around*

    Tom: Good, you haven't left.

    Lori: You followed me?

    Tom: I wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have brought it up with your father.

    Lori: Remember when we used to speak with one another in confidence? Now you're somehow BFF with my dad.

    Tom: I thought we'd moved on.

    Lori: ...You promised you wouldn't say anything.

    Tom: I know.

    Lori: This is ridiculous. I've done lines of coke in front of Steph and I didn't lose her. But now that I'm clean and doing what I'm supposed to be doing, I lose sight of my boy for a MINUTE and they could take him away. They could take them both away.

    Tom: There's a difference between a mistake and neglect...I'm sure they know that.

    Lori: ...I can't lose them. *lies head on Tom's chest*

    Tom: *wraps arms around Lori*

  12. Anni Grey

    Anni Grey Coroner

    Jun 22, 2005
    Likes Received:
    I'm sure it's going to come to light that Lori is a very functional mother, and taking the kids is very unnecessary. As for Katie,...She wants everyone as miserable as she is, and will stoop to any level to make that happen. I don't buy, not for one minute, that she did that to protect Dominick. Katie needs to stop self medicating through meddling, and go see a professional therapist. She wants to change? Change starts within the self. She'd be good to know that.

    Note to Lori:

    Tom does need SOMEONE to talk to. Allow him that much...

    Excellent update!
  13. CSISDFlash

    CSISDFlash Pathologist

    Sep 16, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Well Katie, this is another fine mess you've gotten them into! Speed needs to just take her and have her committed by court order and get it over with. She will never stay unless she is made to stay and get better! I say lock the bitch up in the little padded white room and strap on the jacket and leave her there to think about it and dry out!

    Great update Geni!
  14. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the reviews! :D


    Miami, apartment, 9am next day

    Speed: *dumps gel onto hand*

    Katie: *walks in* You done with the shower?

    Speed: *looks at Katie* ...Remember when we talked about knocking?

    Katie: Yeah we skimmed over it 20 years ago. You're not gonna use all that gel, are ya? *grabs Speed's hand* You could lubricate my breaks with that.

    Speed: You don't have a car.

    Katie: I know. *winks*

    Speed: *frowns, pulls hand away* I'm going to work. You stay here. *wipes hand on towel*

    Katie: Hey, that's my towel.

    Speed: *grabs shirt, puts it on*

    Katie: How long will you be gone?

    Speed: Until 5.

    Katie: Can I come with?

    Speed: Horatio told you not to come back until he calls.

    Katie: But I can meet you for lunch.

    Speed: ...I guess.

    Katie: *smiles* Awesome. *looks into mirror, pulls out bun*

    Speed: *stares at Katie*

    Katie: I'll look okay, I swear. *grabs pill bottle* I'll even wear underwear this time.

    Speed: I appreciate that.

    Katie: *smiles*

    Speed: *buttons up shirt*

    Katie: *pops pill*

    Speed: How long do you need to keep taking those?

    Katie: *looks at bottle* The doctor says for another month unless things start to get better quicker.

    Speed: Is it getting any better?

    Katie: Well, I wake up not being able to move so...no.

    Speed: *nods*

    Katie: Maybe I could go for a massage or something. Hey! I heard Tom gives a wicked massage.

    Speed: *lifts brow*

    Katie: See you at lunch. *walks away*

    Levine's Fashion, 10:40am

    Katie: You've got to help me, Anni. I need to win back Speed.

    Anni: Uh...I think that ship has sailed, sweetie.

    Katie: No it hasn't. I saw his bare chest this morning.

    Anni: What does that have to do with anything?

    Katie: You know how sensitive he is about those little curly hairs. *clasps hands together* Please?

    Anni: *sigh*

    Katie: YAY! *hugs Anni*

    Anni: *pats Katie's back*


    Katie: *staring into mirror* I don't like it.

    Anni: Katie, we've gone through 37 outfits. All of them look great on you.

    Katie: I look like Britney Spears had a baby with Lady Gaga.

    Anni: Okay so you need some makeup and...a bit of waxing but we can do all of that before your lunch.

    Katie: It's hopeless.

    Anni: No it's not. Come on. *wraps arm around Katie's shoulder*

    Salon, 12:30pm

    Katie: *staring in mirror*

    Anni: *smiling* You look HOT!

    Katie: *pulls at hair* Is this all mine?

    Anni: Some of it's fake but nobody will know the difference. You look at least 10 years younger.

    Katie: *presses forehead* I didn't know this place did Botox.

    Anni: Normally I wouldn't approve but you need the added boost. When's your lunch?

    Katie: *looks at watch* 15 minutes.

    Anni: Great, let's head out.

    Bleaker Street Café, 1pm

    Speed: *looks around*

    Katie: *walks over, staggers in heels* Hey.

    Speed: *turns around* ...*blinks* Hi.

    Katie: *smirks* I'm not late, am I?

    Speed: No. *lifts arm*

    Katie: *grabs Speed's arm*


    Katie: *sips water through straw*

    Speed: *staring at Katie*

    Katie: How's work? *wipes lip*

    Speed: Hot.

    Katie: *lifts eyes*

    Speed: It's hot outside. I was...at a scene.

    Katie: Anything interesting?

    Speed: Motel murder. Only evidence we have so far is an empty bottle of whiskey and a cracked laptop. The victim was into some sort of...virtual reality online dating or something.

    Katie: Yeah, VDI.

    Speed: Excuse me?

    Katie: Virtues Dating Inc. It's been integrated with 3D technology so you can meet your date in a restauraunt, a beach, even another planet in the comfort of your home. It's as real as an online relationship gets.

    Speed: The victim was only 14.

    Katie: *nods slowly* That certainly changes the angle of the case.

    Speed: Yeah.

    Katie: The key to finding your suspect might lie within that cracked laptop.

    Speed: *narrows eyes* Are you actually coherent today?

    Katie: *smiles* Computers make me all tingly.

    Speed: You're weird.


    Katie: *laughing*

    Speed: It must have taken him a week to get the superglue off his locker.

    Katie: *wipes eyes* Oh, poor Thomas. That man has been tortured enough without the lot of you.

    Speed: I'm sure one day he'll get to haze a new CSI.

    Katie: Tom's not new.

    Speed: Yeah but it's still fun.

    Katie: *laughs*

    Speed: *smirks*

    Katie: *picks up crouton* You need any help with your case?

    Speed: Uh, I'll speak to Horatio.

    Katie: I really need this, Tim.

    Speed: The last time you were at work, you were drunk. Horatio had to carry you out.

    Katie: *nods, looks down at table*

    Speed: Is this going to start up again?

    Katie: *lifts head* No.

    Speed: Why should I believe you?

    Katie: *leans back on booth* ...I wouldn't believe me.

    Speed: You can reinforce your goals by attending some classes.

    Katie: What, like AA?

    Speed: Yeah.

    Katie: What's sitting in a circle wearing a name tag going to do for me?

    Speed: You might be surprised.

    Katie: ...Did you do it?

    Speed: Mhm. Every week.

    Katie: Just tell me one thing. Do you love me? After everything I've done.

    Speed: ...You're the mother of my children. For that, I'll always love you.

    Katie: *scoffs, looks down at lap* ...I bet you tell Anni the same thing.

    Speed: *smirks*

    Katie: And Calleigh.

    Speed: Alright, I get it.

    Katie: *scratches head* Don't you ever get lonely?

    Speed: Sometimes. But every weekend I get to tuck in my little girl at night and when she smiles...I don't feel lonely anymore.

    Katie: *rolls eyes* Barf.

    Speed: I wish you remembered what it's like to be a mother.

    Katie: *fiddles with straw* Me too.

  15. Anni Grey

    Anni Grey Coroner

    Jun 22, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Well...it looks as if katie's looking to do some growing up, too bad she doesn't quite know how. I like that Anni * through some miracle* is still associating with her, even ttrying to help her, I even like that Speed was willing to have lunch with her. If she could just...take some of the advice that folks are STILL giving her. Here's a hint, I'd take Speed's word about recovering as the gospel truth being that he went through it. True, not everyone deals the same way, but he's got some good pointers- she neeeds help...SERIOUSLY.

    Swallow the pride and the childishness and she MIGHT could make a recovery that makes sense.

    Awesomee update!

    PS- The mere fact that Speed would rather tuck in his daughter than screw around is AWESOME. See...Katie needs to take note:D

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