CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

Thanks for the review. :D


Miami, bar, 10pm, 2 weeks later

Tom: *drinks*

Girl: *walks over* Hey.

Tom: *looks at Girl*

Girl: *smiles* You want to buy me a drink?

Tom: Are you 21?

Girl: *smiling* Maybe, maybe not.

Tom: *lifts badge*

Girl: *smile fades* ...*walks away*

Tom: *places badge in pocket*

Bartender: You're makin' me lose a lot of money.

Tom: *smirks, fiddles with bottle* Maybe, but it keeps you off the radar. You'd lose a lot more than money if the PD's on your ass.

Bartender: Oh so you're looking out for me.

Tom: No. If you're gone, where am I going to drink?

Bartender: They got clubs all over Miami.

Tom: I'm not young anymore, Johnny. I'm just an...old loser.

Johnny: When you got to Miami, you were a cocky bastard. The fact that some woman actually married you is a miracle in itself.

Tom: Are you saying that to make me feel better?

Johnny: Anybody who can pull themself up out of the crap and have a family does not a loser make. You remember how excited you were when you met Anni?

Tom: *smirks* She was so...exotic. She still is. *rubs cheek* We have a beautiful child together.

Johnny: Then what are you doing here?

Tom: I don't know, I just keep thinking...is that all there is? Am I just supposed to settle and wait out the rest of my life?

Johnny: What were you hoping for? The same garbage you loved when you were 18?

Tom: I missed out on a lot. A lot of experiences and feelings. *lowers head* Maybe it's why I hold onto Lori so much; she showed me how to live again. *scratches head* I love her for that.

Johnny: But?

Tom: I'm losing her as a friend. She has her own thing going and I'm falling behind in every way. We don't really have anything in common anymore.

Johnny: You feel like you're aging and she isn't.

Tom: Her career's just begun. She and her husband are young and fertile...I can never have children again.

Johnny: But you do have children. Isn't that enough?

Tom: It should be but I can't help feeling...old and weathered.

Johnny: You shouldn't have been doin' all that heroin, then.

Tom: You're right.

Johnny: Do you miss it?

Tom: *lifts eyes*

Johnny: *wipes glass*

Tom: ...I don't have an answer to that. At this point, let's just say there's a Tom Carter, a Thomas Grey and they're both fighting with each other constantly.

Johnny: *nods*

Tom: *places money onto counter* I need to get home.

Johnny: Don't make any stops.

Tom: *stands, walks away*

Biscayne Park, house, midnight

Anni: *staring at television*

Tom: *walks in*

Anni: *looks at Tom* Where have you been? *stands* You said you'd be home by 9.

Tom: *drops keys, leans against couch* I was...at a couple...bars.

Anni: You're drunk?

Tom: *pinches fingers together*

Anni: Did you drive?

Tom: ...Is the car out front?

Anni: *stares at Tom*

Tom: I'm not tryin' to be a jackass.

Anni: *walks over to window, looks outside* There's a cab driving away.

Tom: Great.

Anni: *turns around* Don't you have work in 5 hours?

Tom: *looks at watch, squints*

Anni: *walks over, places hands on Tom's chest* You should get some rest.

Tom: *wraps arms around Anni's waist* You're exotic.

Anni: *nods slowly* ...Thank you?

Tom: *smiles, kisses Anni's cheek*

Anni: You're smashed.

Tom: We should have more babies. *starts to laugh*

Anni: *blinks*

Tom: *laughing* I'm sure Scotty won't have any problem helpin' us out.

Anni: *leans back* And why would Scott be helping us?

Tom: He's not old and broken. *scoffs* Hell, maybe you should have stayed with Speed.

Anni: *places hands on Tom's cheeks* I'm with you because I love you.

Tom: ...*starts to cry*

Anni: *wraps arms around Tom*

Tom: *crying, lies head on Anni's shoulder*

Anni: What's wrong?

Tom: *hugs Anni*

Anni: *pats Tom's back*

Tom: I'm sorry. *sniffs* I'm a bad husband.

Anni: No you're not.

Tom: Good husbands don't come home stupid-ass drunk.

Anni: Hey, we all need to let loose every now and again.

Tom: I don't.

Anni: Sure you do. *grabs Tom's hand* Let's get some rest.

Poor Tom, he's so discontent at how his life has turned out, despite having a loving wife and a beautiful kid, he feels as if he's missing out on something. I can understand that; he's been used to a certain type of life for so long, it's second nature and now that he's getting older and things are changing, he's feeling blah about it. I can really understand that. I even understand how change is difficult to go through* myself , I can't stand it* but it's a part of life. Change or be left behind. I think he has some thinking to do, and some searching . If he doesn't like his life, he has the power to change it. But be careful in what you ask for...lol

How very ominious of me, right? ;)

Awesome update:D
Thanks for the review! :D

Hehe, yes, very ominous. :devil:


Miami, APL Financial, 8am next day


Prescilla: *walks by, stops* ...Does anybody hear that noise?

Frederick: Sounds like music.

Scott: *looks around*

Office; music blares

Bob: WELL YOU'RE A HOT MESS AND I'M FALLIN' FOR YOU! *grabs coat rack* AND I'M LIKE "HOT DAMN, LEMME MAKE YOU MY BOO"! *jumps onto desk*

Scott: *opens door*


Frederick: *steps in*


Prescilla: *lifts brow*

Bob: *strums on coat rack* IF YOU'RE DANCIN' UP ON TABLES YOU GO, YOU GO, YOU GOT IT GIRL! *spins around, drops coat rack*

Scott/Prescilla/Frederick: *stare at Bob*

Bob: *jumps off desk, turns off music*

Scott: *crosses arms*

Bob: What? It's hump day. It's cause for celebration. *smiles* Halfway to the weekend. WOO! *pumps fist*

Scott: *smirks*

Prescilla: Are you on drugs?

Bob: I had a Starbucks coffee this morning. Something called a 'grande'.

Frederick: And this, ladies and gentlemen is the fate of APL.

Bob: Hey. If you can't have a little fun at work, you'll be a heart patient before you reach retirement. *throws coat rack*

Frederick: *catches coat rack*

Bob: *straightens out tie* Now. Any clients in the lobby?

Prescilla: No sir.

Bob: Excellent. *smiles* A slow day. *looks at watch* Oh hey, is anyone recording the game tonight? I have to skip on over to Chicago tonight and I sold the private jet. *lifts head*

Frederick: Our team sucks.

Bob: That may be the case but I root for the underdog.

Prescilla: My husband could record it for you.

Bob: Oh excellent.

Prescilla: I should get back to work. *walks away*

Scott: Never stop dancing, Bob.

Bob: *salutes*

Scott: *walks away*

Bob: *tilts head*

Frederick: How did you get this job?

Bob: Hard work and colorful ties.

Frederick: Obviously. *walks away*

Levine's Fashion, 3pm

Lori: Okay, how about this one?

Bob: I'm tired of black. Do you have a suit in something brighter?

Lori: You know, I think a lighter blue might look good on you. *walks away*

Bob: *follows*

Lori: *rummages through suits* What's this for, anyway?

Bob: I have an important meeting in Chicago this evening.

Lori: Ooh. What about?

Bob: APL might be merging with LSF.

Lori: *blinks* Why? Why would you do that?

Bob: *smiles* Don't worry, Scott will still have a job if the transition goes through.

Tom: *steps into store*

Lori: You'd better not be moving to Chicago. That's like...where's Chicago?

Bob: *laughs* North-West from here. *wraps arm around Lori* I would never drag Scotty off to Chicago without telling you.

Lori: Good.

Tom: *narrows eyes*

Bob: This blue suit is excellent.

Lori: I'll ring it up for you.

Bob: You're a sweetheart. *kisses Lori's cheek*

Tom: *frowns*

Lori: *turns around, walks over to cash register*

Bob: *follows*

Tom: *crosses arms*

Lori: *glances at Tom*

Tom: *frown fades*

Lori: $129.97.

Bob: *pulls out credit card*

Lori: *grabs credit card*

Tom: *leans on counter*

Lori: *looks at Tom* Why do you smell weird?

Tom: New cologne.

Lori: I liked your other stuff.

Tom: Times change. You sure seem familiar with that concept.

Lori: *lifts brow*

Bob: *takes receipt, signs it*

Lori: *places suit into bag*

Tom: *places cigarette into mouth* You wear too many skirts. What happened to the ass-hugging jeans?

Lori: *takes cigarette from Tom's mouth* I don't want your smoke getting onto Riley's clothes. *tosses cigarette into trash*

Tom: *looks into trash*

Lori: *hands bag to Bob, smiles* I hope your meeting doesn't go well.

Bob: *smiles* I'll let you know. *walks away*

Tom: *looks back*

Lori: What do you want?

Tom: *looks at Lori* Just wanted to visit.

Lori: I don't really have time.

Tom: Alright, I need some clothes.

Lori: No you don't.

Tom: How would you know?

Lori: You hate Riley's clothes.

Tom: I need a tie.

Lori: Go to Wal Mart.

Tom: You're refusing me serivce? That's not very hooker of you.

Lori: *frowns* Get out before you chase away the real clientel.

Tom: *laughs* Oh, so I'm not good enough to wear your precious pieces of fabric.

Lori: That's not what I said.

Tom: When did you come better than me?

Lori: I'm not selling something to you just because you want to have a chat.

Tom: Fine. We'll go to a movie or something later.

Lori: Can't. I have to pick Steph up from her dance class and Dom from daycare. Then I'm grocery shopping.

Tom: How about Saturday?

Lori: Steph has swimming, I have to take Scott's car to get detailed and Dom has a doctor's appointment.

Tom: Sunday?

Lori: Family day. We're taking the kids to the museum and then the park.

Tom: How about weekend?

Lori: Sorry, I'm busy then too.

Tom: You don't have a couple hours at some point this month.

Lori: The hours I do have are going to be spent sleeping and eating.

Tom: I bet you have plans to do something with that other guy.

Lori: Bob? Yeah, I'm helping him with another benefit.

Tom: I can be gay too.

Lori: *lifts brow*

Tom: Forget it, have fun doing your own thing.

Lori: *smiles* You're jealous.

Tom: I'm annoyed.

Lori: *places hands on Tom's chest* You need to get out more, sweetie. There's more to life than watching stupid action movies with yours truly. Find some guys to hang out with.

Tom: Uh, let's see...my only other friend is Scott and he's about as male as Stephanie.

Lori: *smirks* Time to move on, Tom.

Tom: *wraps arms around Lori, lifts her*

Lori: ACK!

Tom: *kisses Lori's cheek*

Lori: *scrunches nose*

Tom: *places Lori onto floor*

Lori: *straightens out skirt*

Tom: *turns around, walks away*

Lori: *stares at door*

OO Tom's kinda reverting a bit. Talk about midlife crisis in full mode. I suppose the chat with Anni did nothing to assure him of anything...Oh well, Tom's a big boy, he'll find his way- or he'll do something destructive and screw his life up. Either one, is his choice...

I can admit, I'm not a fan of his longing for another life (apparently tied to Lori's hip)...but hey, well all go through that at some point. Such is life.

Awesome update:D
Thanks for the review! :D


Movie theatre, 9pm

Katie: Wow, it's like my first date only I'm not paying this time. *smiles* Which movie are we seeing?

Tom: Uh, whatever you want.

Katie: I want to see a romance.

Tom: You don't like action movies?

Katie: Not really. Fire and bullets are too coarse for my taste. *smiles* I want to see 'Loveless in Love'.

Tom: Um...okay.

Katie: It's in 3D.

Tom: Why would they put a romance in 3D?

Katie: *jumps up and down* I'M SO EXCITED! *grabs Tom's arm* Let's go! Let's go!

Tom: *sigh*

Inside theatre

Tom: *sits* Here's your popcorn.

Katie: Oh no, that goes right to my thighs.

Tom: *blinks* You asked for it.

Katie: Yeah, because you're paying. I didn't say I'd eat it.

Tom: So you're wasting my money.

Katie: You can eat it.

Tom: I'm not hungry.

Katie: Maybe there's a homeless guy out back. *opens purse, grabs candy bar*

Tom: ...What is that?

Katie: Chocolate.

Tom: I thought you were worried about your thighs.

Katie: No no, chocolate is good.

Tom: I could have bought you some chocolate.

Katie: I like to bring my own snacks.

Tom: *frowns*

20 minutes later; movie starts

Katie: *crinkles wrapper*

Tom: *looks at Katie*

Katie: *picks at candy bar*

Tom: *frowns*

Katie: *throws peanuts onto floor*

Tom: *leans over* What the hell are you doing?

Katie: I don't like the peanuts.

Tom: Then why did you buy the candy bar?

Katie: I like the rest of it.

Tom: You could have gotten one without peanuts.

Katie: The size was good.

Tom: *rolls eyes*

30 minutes later

Katie: *gasp* Why'd she say that to him?

Tom: *shrugs*

Katie: *gasp* He just slapped her. BOO!

Tom: Hush.

Katie: *covers mouth*

Tom: *shakes head*

10 minutes later

Katie: Oooh they look great together. *pokes Tom* Don't you think they look great together?

Tom: Sure.

Katie: Angry passion is the best kind of passion. *smiles*

Tom: *looks at Katie*

15 minutes later

Katie: How could he leave her like that? GO FIND YOUR MAN!

Tom: Shhh.

Katie: Oops.

Tom: *mumbles* Maybe I'll befriend Speed instead.

Katie: *points* She just found him! *bounces in chair* I wonder if they'll have lots of babies.

Tom: I hope Megatron shows up in the next 5 minutes.

Katie: What's a Megatron?

Tom: Nevermind.

30 minutes later

Katie: *smiles* Awww, look how sweet their children are. I hope they grow old together.

Tom: The kids?

Katie: The parents.

Tom: Oh.

Katie: *clasps hands together* What a sweet movie.

Tom: *scratches head* Do you want to go home now or what?

Katie: Let's get a burger.

Tom: *blinks* What?

Katie: I could go for a burger, couldn't you?

Tom: ...Yeah, actually.

Katie: Awesome. *jumps up, walks away*

Diner, 11:45pm

Katie: *dunks fries into ketchup* When Tim and I started dating, it was all about him. He decided where we'd go, he decided when we left and he decided when the date was over. Can you believe what a pig he was?

Tom: Let's get something straight. This isn't a date. I need a new friend and we get along.

Katie: Oh I know. But you're so different than Tim, I'm not used to controlling what we do.

Tom: Maybe he's just a leader instead of a follower.

Katie: He led with his fists, that's for sure.

Tom: *fiddles with straw* How many times did he hit you?

Katie: *lowers head* ...3 times.

Tom: That's it?

Katie: *lifts eyes* Once is enough.

Tom: Yes but you made it sound like this was a constant problem.

Katie: Fear was a big part of it. He intimidates people.

Tom: *nods*

Katie: Want to share a mikshake?

Tom: I don't share food.

Katie: Why?

Tom: Promotes the spread of disease.

Katie: ...I see how it is. *points finger* Just so you know, I was completely cleared and I don't have to keep taking the antibotics.

Tom: *stares at Katie*

Katie: Er, anyway. Since we're best of friends now, what do we do next?

Tom: I don't know.

Katie: Want to go to a strip club?

Tom: *smiles*

Strip club, 2am

Katie: Shake that thing! *throws money*

Tom: *drinks beer* This is way better than the movie.

Katie: How much you think until she takes off her top?

Tom: *looks at watch* Holy crap. We need to go.

Katie: Why?

Tom: I have work in the morning. So do you.

Katie: Live a little.

Tom: I could get fired.

Katie: *smiles* Exciting, isn't it.

Tom: *stares at Katie*

Katie: *smiling*

Tom: *smirks*

LOL... well, that was interesting:D. I'm sure that this is very theraputic for Tom,and he'll find himself through his new best friend. I'm happy for him...truly. LOL...I'm trying here...

Awesome update:D
Lol! Well looks like Katie has got her man! Sorta! lol! Somehow though I'm thinking this friendship is gonna end up hooking to the left somewhere and when it does someone is gonna be in some hot water somewhere! I hope Tom enjoys it while it last!
Thanks for the reviews, gals! :)


Miami Lab, Trace Lab, 10:30am

Speed: *looks at watch*

Tom: *walks in*

Speed: *lifts head*

Tom: *grabs labcoat*

Speed: You're late.

Tom: Sorry. *buttons up labcoat*

Speed: ...Sorry?

Tom: It won't happen again.

Speed: What's your excuse?

Tom: Had a late night.

Speed: With Anni?

Tom: No. *grabs folder*

Speed: ...Lori?

Tom: *opens folder* No.

Speed: Scott?

Tom: Does it matter who I was with?

Speed: It might to Anni.

Tom: I'm a big boy, I can do whatever the hell I want on my spare time.

Speed: Fair enough.

Tom: What am I processing?

Speed: A tox sample from Alexx. Eric might have done the paperwork.

Tom: Yeah, I can tell. It's not exactly legible. *squints, tilts paper*

Speed: Why do you smell fruity?

Tom: *shrugs* I was at a strip club.

Speed: I know that scent.

Tom: Yeah, I think it's apples. One of the strippers got a little too close for comfort so I didn't want to head home and face a marital freak-out.

Speed: Then maybe you shouldn't have been at a strip club.

Katie: *walks in* Are you ever going to come to A/V? I must have paged you 10 times.

Speed: I have it on silent.

Katie: ...That sort of defeats the purpose of a pager.

Speed: Exactly.

Katie: *frowns* Look, if you don't want to work with me, I can talk to Horatio.

Speed: What do you have?

Katie: *hands over folder* Security cam picked up your suspect's ID. Another employee killed the banker.

Speed: Did you get a name off of it?

Katie: That would be your job, Mister CSI Expert.

Speed: *frowns* That's Mister Supervisor to you.

Katie: Night Shift Supervisor. Means you have no jurisdiction on Day Shift.

Speed: I do when Horatio switches with me.

Katie: *blinks*

Speed: Get back to work, Miss White.

Katie: *sticks out tongue, walks away*

Tom: She's going to report you.

Speed: Let her.

Gables Estates, house, backyard

Dominick: *lights match*

Steph: Dommy, what are you doing?

Dominick: Nothin'.

Steph: Get out of the treehouse. Momma wants you inside.

Dominick: *lights match*

Steph: *sniffs* What's that smell?

Dominick: *throws matches*

Wall of treehouse lights up in flames

Dominick: *smiles*

Steph: DOM!

Dominick: *leans over treehouse* What?

Steph: Get down!

Pieces of wood fall

Dominick: *ducks*

Steph: *screams*

Tree lights up in flames

Dominick: Oops.

Smoke plumes outward

Steph: MOMMA!

Dominick: *climbs onto treehouse roof*

Steph: MOMMA! *jumps up and down* MOMMA!

Wooden planks fall

Scott: *sprints across lawn, jumps onto tree*

Steph: *lifts head*

Scott: *climbs onto treehouse, grabs Dominick by the collar*

Dominick: ACK!

Scott: *jumps down, wraps Dominick in wet towel*

Treehouse collapses

Steph: *screams*

Scott: Steph, get inside!

Steph: *runs into house*

Scott: *places Dominick onto chair, runs*

Inside house

Steph: *coughs*

Lori: *runs downstairs* What's going on?

Steph: Dommy's being naughty.

Lori: *looks out window* ...Why is my tree on fire?


Scott: *pointing hose at tree*

Smoke billows; branches fall

Dominick: *coughing*

Scott: *shakes head*

Dominick: *looks down at shirt* ...*sticks finger through hole in shirt*

Scott: *drops hose, turns around*

Dominick: *lifts eyes*

Scott: *walks over to chair, sits* Do you hurt anywhere?

Dominick: My face.

Scott: *grabs Dominick's cheek, wipes it*

Dominick: *scrunches nose*

Scott: Boy, you are going to send me to an early grave.

Dominick: No more treehouse?

Scott: No more tree.

Lori: *walks over* I hope he's alive so I can kick his ass.

Scott: *lifts head*


Dominick: *frowns*

Scott: Lori, calm down.

Lori: NO. My little boy set himself on FIRE!

Scott: He set the treehouse on fire.

Lori: My father was right about him. He's not right in the head.

Dominick: *kicks Lori*

Lori: OW! *grabs Dominick by the hair* LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE-

Scott: *takes Lori's hand* I think he's learned his lesson for the moment. *looks at Dominick* You play with fire, what happens?

Dominick: *rubs head* Face gets burnt.

Lori: *sits, grabs Dominick's cheek* Where?

Scott: It's not that bad.

Lori: My little boy has no eyebrows! *hugs Dominick*

Dominick: *frowns*

Lori: I'm a horrible, horrible mother.

Scott: Dom's okay.

Lori: If you'd been at work, he'd be a shish kebab. *squishes tighter* He's never leaving my sight again. *kisses Dominick's forehead*

Dominick: Momma, stop. *pushes Lori*

Scott: Why don't we give him a once-over before we send him to his room without lunch.

Lori: *nods*

Scott: *removes towel from Dominick*

Dominick: *twists around, looks at back* I don't got a back on my shirt.

Lori: *covers mouth*

Scott: *lifts eyes* His back's okay, Lori.

Lori: I'm Dominick-proofing the house. *stands, walks away*

Dominick: *fiddles with shorts*

Scott: What are we not going to do next time?

Dominick: Play with matches.

Scott: Good answer. Get inside.

Dominick: *runs*

Scott: *sigh* ...*looks back at tree* Well, that's one way to landscape.

Inside house, kitchen

Steph: *hugs Dominick*

Dominick: *frowns* Go away, Stephie. *pushes Steph, walks away*

Steph: Momma, he coulda died.

Lori: Help me unravel this bubble-wrap.

Miami Lab, break room, 1pm

Speed: *staring at magazine*

Katie: *walks in*

Speed: *lifts eyes*

Katie: *sits on couch* Can I see that?

Speed: *hands over magazine*

Katie: *rolls up magazine, bonks Speed over the head*

Speed: Ow.

Katie: That's for being a dick to me.

Speed: When?

Katie: If you have to ask, that should tell you something.

Speed: May I have the magazine back?

Katie: *looks down at magazine* This is about hot celebrities.

Speed: *snatches magazine*

Katie: Are you dating?

Speed: No.

Katie: Oh. Well I AM! HA!

Speed: Really, I'm so fascinated.

Katie: He's tall and handsome and he has pretty eyes and a pretty smile and he's not a JERK.

Speed: I'm glad for you.

Katie: He is married though. *rubs chin* I'll have to work around that.

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Katie: *smiles* I can't wait for our second date.

Speed: ...You're dating a married man.

Katie: Yeah. *frowns* Don't give me that look; I was seeing you when you were married to Anni.

Speed: You were stalking me. There's a difference.

Katie: Well, whatever. This guy's better than you in every way. He's sweet, caring and he works out.

Speed: I work out.

Katie: Walking to your car is not working out.

Speed: *frowns*

LOL...I have to say...Dommy :guffaw: he's giving his mom and dad a run for their money. I hate to see what's coming up for him. God help Scotty and Lori when he's a teenager...YIKES.

-_- Katie and ...Tom. I'm trying to understand the need for Tom to seek out a friendship with someone he KNOWS has the hots for him. He's just asking for it. And...this slight revert he's doing... That's going to lead to ruin too. I mean, he's not Anni's slave or anything, but they are married. Unless he wants to be unmarried, I would think he'd head this off before it gets out of hand and Anni finds out.

I had to take a moment for this one. Had I reviewed right after reading...It probably wouldn't have been so...decent. LOL.

Awesome update though:D
Lol! Leave it to Dom to burn down the tree house & the tree! Next time its gonna be the actual house with People in it! Can we all say that Lori should have named him Damion Thorn instead of Dom! Lol! I think he may have 666 tattooed somewhere on his body, maybe Lori needs to check! lol!

I'm surprised that Speed didn't pick up the fruity scent on Katie when she came in the lab and figure out that she had been with Tom at the strip club! Well he is a CSI and a Damn good one! He'll figure it out sooner or later! Hes not gonna like this! Neither is Anni!

Great update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews! :)

:lol: About Dominick.


Biscayne Park, 9pm

Tom: *leans against tree*

Katie: *runs over* Did you see that cop? *laughs* He's probably still scratching his head.

Tom: *smiling* We are not doing that again.

Katie: OH shit, there he is! *grabs Tom, ducks behind tree*

Tom: Shh shh.

Katie: *places hand on Tom's chest* Is he coming?

Tom: *looks behind tree* ...Uh, yeah.

Katie: Quick, do something.

Tom: *looks at Katie* Do what?

Katie: *pushes Tom*

Tom: *stumbles out from tree*

Cop: *shines flashlight*

Tom: Evening, officer. *lifts badge* Have you seen two hooligans running down this path? Teenagers, I bet. They were throwing eggs at my unmarked car.

Cop: Yeah, they just hit mine too.

Tom: Maybe if we split up, we can find them. You head south, I'll head west. If we don't find them, they're probably long gone. If you file a report, I can pass it onto my partner. He works vandalism.

Cop: Great, what's his name?

Tom: Scott. Officer Scott.

Cop: Great. Let's do this. *walks away*

Tom: *salutes*

2 minutes later

Katie: *runs out from behind tree*

Tom: He's gone.

Katie: *smiles* You're a genius! I thought for sure he'd get us.

Tom: This is the last time I trust you with a package of eggs.

Katie: What'd you think was going to happen?

Tom: It's always a surprise with you.

Katie: *fiddles with Tom's shirt* What now?

Tom: It's late. I'll drive you home.

Katie: *sigh* I wish we could stay here all night. *lies head on Tom's chest*

Tom: C'mon. *grabs Katie's hand*

Coconut Grove, 10:30pm

Katie: *walks in*

Tom: *looks around* No wine bottles.

Katie: *spins around, smiles* I haven't had a drink in a week.

Tom: That's...wonderful.

Katie: *smiling* Want some coffee?

Tom: I need to get home.

Katie: *smile fades*

Tom: I think you're misunderstanding...our friendship. Because that's all it is. That's all it's ever been.

Katie: *lowers eyes*

Tom: I'm sorry if that disappoints you, b-

Katie: How about the way you look at me?

Tom: I think you're seeing what you want to see.

Katie: But you're so nice to me.

Tom: Everyone deserves a little niceness.

Katie: *hugs Tom*

Tom: Oof.

Katie: I'm in love with you.

Tom: *looks at Katie*

Katie: *hugs tighter*

Tom: *steps back*

Katie: *lifts head*

Tom: Goodnight. *walks away*

Katie: *stares blankly*

Biscayne Park, house, bedroom, 12:40am

Tom: *walks out of bathroom*

Anni: How was your date?

Tom: ...Date?

Anni: With Katie.

Tom: *stares at Anni*

Anni: I saw you two across the street at the park.

Tom: It wasn't a date.

Anni: She was all over you.

Tom: *sits on bed* Well you're right about one thing; she just professed her undying love for me.

Anni: *frowns*

Tom: I left.

Anni: Good boy. *ruffles Tom's hair*

Tom: *smirks* She just doesn't get that there's only one woman in my life. *kisses Anni's cheek*

Anni: Lori?

Tom: *sigh* Anni...

Anni: *wraps arms around Tom*

Tom: *pushes Anni onto bed*

Anni: *smiles*

OMG! Lol! How juvenile was that! lol! Leave it to Katie to drag Tom out to Egg police cars in the middle of the night! Well at least Anni knows whats going on! Although Sometime I wonder if she still think that Tom and Lori are a thing! Well I can't wai to see what happens when Speed finds out about those two! I have a feeling he still love Katie but he just can't find a way to make it work with her!

Great update Geni!
As bad as I do not like Katie and her ways of..interacting with others, I hate to see her devestated. She's put so much into her feelings for Tom, now she has nothing. I believe hitting rock bottom would be the thing to bring her out of this alive. I think she can make it...

Tom and Anni...gave me a smile when I needed it. I'm glad that they are somewhat on the same page. Also glad that Tom and Anni are doing some reconnection...lol.

Awesome update.:D
Thanks for the review! :D


Gables Estates, house, 9am next day

Lori: *butters bread* Hey Scott?

Scott: *typing on laptop* Yeah.

Lori: Do you invest?

Scott: *lifts eyes*

Lori: You work for an investment firm, afterall.

Scott: We've gone over this.

Lori: Yeah but things change, priorities get rewired, marriages break down...

Scott: I will never invest.

Lori: Why?

Scott: I don't need to.

Lori: But I bet you have a banker who gets you all the tax breaks.

Scott: *smirks, sips coffee*

Lori: HA! *points* You're a sneaky bastard.

Scott: *places cup on table*

Lori: *slides chair closer* What are you working on?

Scott: Some employee benefit stuff.

Lori: Why?

Scott: I'm the Employee Advocate.

Lori: Oh. Why?

Scott: Bob thinks I'm diplomatic and sympathetic to the needs of the 'little guy'.

Lori: Are you?

Scott: *smiles* I'm one of them.

Lori: *pats Scott on the head*

Scott: *grabs Lori, pulls her over*

Lori: *screams*

Scott: *kisses Lori's cheek*

Lori: *smiles*

Scott: *tickles Lori*

Lori: *giggles*

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: *kisses Scott*

Scott: *shoves laptop, pushes Lori onto table*

Lori: *yanks Scott down*

Tom: *walks in* You guys need to keep an eye on your Demonic Spawn.

Scott: *lifts head*

Lori: *sits up, buttons shirt*

Tom: *pushes Dominick*

Dominick: *frowns*

Tom: Found him wandering the streets.

Lori: What were you doing in the neighborhood?

Tom: Wow. Dom goes on a hike and your friendly neighborhood homicide detective gets the flack.

Lori: *jumps off table* Thank you. *grabs Dominick* Where were you going? You were supposed to be cleaning your room with Steph.

Dominick: Stephie's a bitch. You're a bitch.

Tom/Scott: HEY!

Dominick: *lifts eyes*

Tom: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *looks at Tom*

Tom: ...You can field this one.

Scott: *looks at Dominick* Get upstairs.

Dominick: *runs*

Scott: *looks at Tom* How far did he get?

Tom: I was on my way to work; he was in the median.

Lori: How did he get out without us knowing?

Tom: I'm sure Scott's tongue down your throat was very distracting. And while I'm at it, why does your son not have eyebrows? Because I asked him and the story was very colorful.

Lori: *lowers head*

Scott: He was playing around and learned his lesson.

Tom: You mean you weren't watching him again.

Scott: *frowns*

Tom: Here's how this looks from the outside. You have a little boy who tells me he got burned after he set his treehouse on fire while he was inside and it took...how much time until that treehouse burned up along with the tree before something was done?

Lori: Y-

Tom: Let me finish. And now I find him 3 miles out during the morning commute. You're lucky it wasn't reported. Now, I'm not the biggest fan of CPS either so I'm not going to report you. This time.

Lori: *sits in chair*

Tom: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *stares at Tom*

Tom: You need to do something about him.

Scott: He has another doctor's appointment today.

Tom: Good.

Scott: You finished?

Tom: Oh yeah, you two can continue sucking face now. *salutes* See you later. *walks away*

Scott: *sits in chair*

Lori: ...I'm not drugging my child.

Scott: We wouldn't be drugging him, we'd be...helping him.

Lori: Just like the Colombians 'helped' themselves by controlling me.

Scott: *takes Lori's hand* This is very different. He has a diagnosis.

Lori: So? You were diagnosed with something and pumped full of drugs and look what happened. Dom just needs more discipline and structure.

Scott: Lori, you're a wonderful mother. You care about those kids more than your own life. Discipline and structure only go so far.

Lori: *sigh*

Scott: I think we should try it.

Lori: I hate you.

Scott: *kisses Lori's cheek*

Lori: *shoves Scott*

Upstairs, bedroom

Steph: Dom! STOP IT!

Dominick: *kicks Steph*

Steph: *screams*

Dominick: *punching Steph*

Scott: *runs in, grabs Dominick*

Dominick: *screams*

Scott: *lifts Dominick*

Dominick: *kicking, screaming*

Steph: *wipes cheek* Daddy, he's nuts.

Dominick: BITCH!

Scott: *pops Dominick in the mouth* Stop that.

Dominick: *frowns*

Scott: You okay, Steph?

Steph: Yup.

Scott: Finish cleaning. *walks away*

Steph: *picks up toys*

Kitchen, 2 weeks later

Dominick: *staring at table*

Lori: *bites nails*

Scott: *snaps fingers*

Dominick: *lifts eyes*

Scott: *nods*

Lori: Scott, stop it.

Scott: *lifts finger, moves it across Dominick's face*

Dominick: *follows finger*

Scott: *smiles* Hey look at that, he's paying attention and he isn't screaming.

Lori: *slaps Scott's arm* That's not funny.

Scott: *ruffles Dominick's hair* That's a good start.

Dominick: *picks up pencil*

Lori: He's going to stab you with it, watch out.

Scott: *pulls arm away*

Dominick: *stares at pencil, tilts head*

Scott: *whispers* He's not making stabbing motions.

Lori: And he's not doing that evil laugh thing.

Dominick: *drops pencil*

Scott: *grabs Lori's arm* What's he going to do?

Lori: I don't know.

Dominick: *starts to cry*

Lori: Ack! *runs over, hugs Dominick*

Dominick: *crying, hugs Lori*

Lori: *looks at Scott* Oh my H, he's actually hugging me.

Scott: *smirks*

Lori: But he's crying. *squishes Dominick* Scott, he doesn't like the crazy pills.

Scott: Would you stop it? They're not called 'crazy pills'.

Lori: *picks up Dominick*

Dominick: *wraps arms around Lori's neck*

Lori: Look what you did to him.

Scott: I didn't do anything.

Lori: You're not getting any for the next year.

Scott: So we're still going to be together for the next year.

Lori: We're not together. We're friends with benefits.

Scott: Can I have the ring I bought you, then?

Lori: No.

Scott: Why?

Lori: I need this in case you lose it and go on a shooting spree at the office. This is my insurance.

Scott: I'm not going to go on a shooting spree.

Lori: Knifing spree?

Scott: Since when am I the homicidal maniac? If I recall correctly, you were the one rolling around on the floor trying to stab your father to death.

Lori: I wasn't trying to stab him. I was trying to gut him.

Scott: That's the same thing.

Lori: Actually, it's very different. And it's okay, I was going to put him into a coma first.

Scott: ...And I'm psychotic.

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Lol! Well Now they have zombie Child lol! They just need to bust that ass a few times to straighten him out! Spare the rod and spoil the child and this is what you get! This is why Lori loves to try and hack everyone up.

Well maybe it will help maybe it want! Me! I would beat him with in a inch of his life and dare him to keep it up!

Great update geni!